HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-12-07; Planning Commission; Resolution 7175 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE AND COMMUNITY DESIGN ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN FROM PLANNED INDUSTRIAL TO LOCAL SHOPPING CENTER AND R-23 RESIDENTIAL AND RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT (178(I)) AND LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN AMENDMENT (LFMP 17(A)) ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND EL FUERTE STREET, NORTH OF GATEWAY ROAD, AND EAST OF COLT PLACE AND LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST QUADRANT OF THE CITY WITHIN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 17. CASE NAME: UPTOWN BRESSI CASE NO: GPA 14-04/MP 178(I)/LFMP 87-17(A) WHEREAS, SP Acquisition, LLC, “Developer,” has filed a verified application with the City of Carlsbad regarding property owned by HCP LS Carlsbad, LLC, “Owner,” described as Lots 29 through 32 of Carlsbad Tract Map CT 02-15 Bressi Ranch, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof No. 14960, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, February 4, 2005 (“the Property”); and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for a General Plan Amendment, Master Plan Amendment and Local Facilities Management Plan as shown on Exhibits “GPA 14-04” dated December 7, 2016, attached hereto, and MP 178(I) and LFMP 87-17(A) Amendment (dated March, 2016) on file in the Carlsbad Planning Division, UPTOWN BRESSI - GPA 14-04/MP 178(I)/LFMP 87-17(A), as provided in Government Code Section 65350 et. seq. and Section 21.52.150, Section 21.38.050 and Section 21.90.125 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed Master Plan – MP 178(I) is set forth and attached in the draft City Council Ordinance, Exhibit “X” dated, December 7, 2016, and attached hereto as BRESSI RANCH MASTER PLAN– MP 178(I); and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on December 7, 2016, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 7175 PC RESO NO. 7175 -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the General Plan Amendment, Master Plan Amendment and Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission RECOMMENDS APPROVAL of UPTOWN BRESSI – GPA 14-04/MP 178(I)/LFMP 87-17(A), based on the following findings: Findings: 1. The Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad does hereby find: a. it has reviewed, analyzed and considered Final EIR 15-01, the environmental impacts therein identified for this project; the CEQA Findings; the Statement; and the Program prior to RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the project; b. the Final EIR 15-01, the CEQA Findings, the Program and the Statement have been prepared in accordance with requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, the State EIR Guidelines and the Environmental Review Procedures of the City of Carlsbad; and c. they reflect the independent judgment of the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission. General Plan Amendment 2. The Planning Commission finds that the project, as conditioned herein, is in conformance with the Elements of the City’s General Plan and Bressi Ranch Master Plan, based on the facts set forth in the staff report dated December 7, 2016 including, but not limited to the following: The project will develop an infill site that is currently designated for planned industrial uses. The project would introduce new land uses to replace the existing planned industrial use with residential (R-23) and commercial (C-L) uses, and implements and establishes consistency with the requirements and policies of the Land Use and Community Design and Housing Elements. The project would expand the City’s affordable housing stock to assist the City in meeting its Regional Housing Needs Assessment and provide a variety of commercial goods and services to the community. The site is compatible with the adjacent and existing commercial, industrial, and residential uses to the south, east and west are similar and existing uses found to be consistent with each within the Bressi Ranch Master Plan. The circulation system for the proposed project would connect to the existing circulation system developed in conjunction with the Master Plan development. The main commercial entry to the project site is at the intersection of Gateway Road and Finnila Place, which also accesses the Bressi Ranch Village Center, will be signalized. The existing Bressi Ranch Master Plan preserves approximately 191 acres (33 percent) of the Master Plan area in open space. None of these open space areas PC RESO NO. 7175 -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 overlap with the project site, which is currently proposed for planned industrial development. In accordance with the adopted HMP, the project would not alter the existing preservation strategy for the Bressi Ranch Master Plan, which already permanently preserves and protects a majority of the sensitive habitats in the Master Plan development. 3. The project is consistent with the adopted Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan for the McClellan- Palomar Airport (ALUCP), dated March 4, 2010, in that an avigation easement has been previously recorded on the property. The project is compatible with the projected noise levels of the ALUCP; and, based on the noise/land use compatibility matrix of the ALUCP, the proposed land use is compatible with the airport in that on November 23, 2015, the ALUC determined that the proposed project is consistent with the McClellan-Palomar ALUCP as the project site is outside the 60 dBA noise contour, the proposed residential and commercial uses are compatible uses in Safety Zone 6, the project is compliant with airspace protection surfaces, and the avigation easement serves as notification to future residents of aircraft overflight. City Council Policy No. 43 – Excess Dwelling Unit Bank 4. That the location and density of the site to be allocated excess dwelling units per City Council Policy 43 is compatible with existing adjacent residential neighborhoods and nearby existing and proposed commercial uses in that the site is within close proximity to neighborhood services (shopping, employment, parks, schools, etc.); is not located in areas that contain significant natural or manmade hazards; and is adjacent to or near properties with similar densities. 5. That the location and density of the site to be allocated excess dwelling units is compatible with existing adjacent residential neighborhoods and nearby existing and proposed commercial uses in that the site is within close proximity to neighborhood services (shopping, employment, parks, schools, etc.); is not located in areas that contain significant natural or manmade hazards; and is adjacent to or near properties with similar densities. Master Plan Amendment 6. That all necessary public facilities can be provided concurrent with need and adequate provisions have been provided to implement those portions of the Capital Improvement Program applicable to the subject property, in that all necessary infrastructure required to support the buildout of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan has been identified in the Bressi Ranch Master Plan and the LFMZ 17 plan and will be provided concurrently with the buildout of the project. The project Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment includes an analysis of public facilities needed to support the project and the project has been conditioned to provide the necessary improvements concurrent with development. 7. That the residential portions of the planned community will constitute an environment of sustained desirability and stability, and that it will be in harmony with or provide compatible variety to the character of the surrounding area, and that the sites proposed for public facilities, such as schools, playgrounds, and parks, are adequate to serve the anticipated population and appear acceptable to the public authorities having jurisdiction thereof, in that the new Planning Area 16 within the Bressi Ranch Master Plan will provide additional housing in the form of a high density land use that adds to the diversity of housing types within the Plan in close proximity to commercial services, employment areas and major transportation corridor (Palomar Airport Road) and is compatible with the existing commercial, office, hotel and high density affordable housing. PC RESO NO. 7175 -4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8. That the proposed commercial uses will be appropriate in area, location, and overall design to the purpose intended, that the design and development standards are such as to create an environment of sustained desirability and stability, and that such development will meet performance standards established by Title 21, in that the commercial component of the project is adjacent to existing commercial development and is centrally located with pedestrian paths to serve the Bressi Ranch and surrounding communities, and that the project meets the development standards. 9. That the streets and thoroughfares proposed are suitable and adequate to carry the anticipated traffic thereon, in that all required roadway improvements are per the recommendations of the traffic impact analysis report prepared by Urban Systems Associates, the Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 17, EIR 15-01, and as established by the General Plan. 10. That any proposed commercial development can be justified economically at the location proposed and will provide adequate commercial facilities of the types needed at such location proposed, in that an extensive commercial study was prepared and the Uptown Bressi site was identified as a desirable location for commercial services to satisfy the needs of the greater Carlsbad residents. There is sufficient desire for additional restaurants and food options based on Sales Tax Capture and Gap Analysis reports for the City of Carlsbad in these commercial categories. The retail vacancy rate city wide remains very low (3%) which supports greater demand for retail space and indicates a need for options in the primary and secondary market areas. 11. That appropriate measures are proposed to mitigate any adverse environmental impact as noted in the adopted Environmental Impact Report for the project as listed in the Candidate Findings of Fact and Mitigation Monitoring and reporting program. Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment 12. That the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 17 is consistent with Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (Growth Management), and with the Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan, in that it contains all matters required by Section 21.90.110 and thereby ensures implementation of and consistency with the General Plan and protects the public health, safety, and welfare by ensuring that public facilities and improvements will be installed to serve new development prior to or concurrently with need. Under the proposed project, the Zone 17 LFMP would be amended to allow an additional 125 units for a total of 748 units and 91,164 square feet of commercial for a non-residential (commercial and industrial) total of 2,519,514 square feet. The project site is located in the southeast quadrant of the City. According to the City’s Housing Element (2013-2021), the southeast quadrant of the City has 661 remaining future housing units. These units are in addition to units allocated to vacant residentially designated land use properties. Therefore, the proposed project’s 125 residential units do not exceed the southeast quadrant’s remaining future unit limits established by the Growth Management Plan and Proposition E. There are adequate units in the Excess Dwelling Unit Bank (352) for the allocation of 125 dwelling units for the land use change from Planned Industrial to R-23. 13. The Planning Commission has reviewed each of the exactions imposed on the Developer contained in this resolution, and hereby finds, in this case, that the exactions are imposed to mitigate impacts caused by or reasonably related to the project, and the extent and the degree of the exaction is in rough proportionality to the impact caused by the project. PC RESO NO. 7175 -5- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Conditions: 1. If any of the following conditions fail to occur, or if they are, by their terms, to be implemented and maintained over time, if any of such conditions fail to be so implemented and maintained according to their terms, the City shall have the right to revoke or modify all approvals herein granted; deny or further condition issuance of all future building permits; deny, revoke, or further condition all certificates of occupancy issued under the authority of approvals herein granted; record a notice of violation on the property title; institute and prosecute litigation to compel their compliance with said conditions or seek damages for their violation. No vested rights are gained by Developer or a successor in interest by the City’s approval of this General Plan Amendment, Master Plan Amendment and Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment. 2. Staff is authorized and directed to make, or require the Developer to make, all corrections and modifications to the General Plan Amendment, Master Plan Amendment and Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment documents, as necessary, to make them internally consistent and in conformity with the final action on the project. Development shall occur substantially as shown on the approved Exhibits. Any proposed development different from this approval shall require an amendment to this approval. 3. Developer shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local laws and regulations in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 4. If any condition for construction of any public improvements or facilities, or the payment of any fees in-lieu thereof, imposed by this approval or imposed by law on this project are challenged, this approval shall be suspended as provided in Government Code Section 66020. If any such condition is determined to be invalid, this approval shall be invalid unless the City Council determines that the project without the condition complies with all requirements of law. 5. Developer shall implement, or cause the implementation of, the Uptown Bressi Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. 6. Developer/Operator shall and does hereby agree to indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless the City of Carlsbad, its Council members, officers, employees, agents, and representatives, from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, demands, claims and costs, including court costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the City arising, directly or indirectly, from (a) City’s approval and issuance of this General Plan Amendment, Master Plan Amendment and Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment, (b) City’s approval or issuance of any permit or action, whether discretionary or nondiscretionary, in connection with the use contemplated herein, and (c) Developer/Operator’s installation and operation of the facility permitted hereby, including without limitation, any and all liabilities arising from the emission by the facility of electromagnetic fields or other energy waves or emissions. This obligation survives until all legal proceedings have been concluded and continues even if the City’s approval is not validated. 7. This project shall comply with all conditions and mitigation measures which are required as part of the Zone 17 Local Facilities Management Plan and any amendments made to that Plan prior to the issuance of building permits. 8. This approval is granted subject to certification of EIR 15-01 and is subject to all conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 7174 incorporated herein by reference. PC RESO NO. 7175 -6- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9. Approval is granted for an amendment to Local Facilities Management Plan - Zone 17 as contained in the Plan titled Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 17, dated July 2016, on file in the Planning Division, and incorporated herein by reference. The amended Zone 17 Local Facilities Management Plan, dated July 2016 shall replace in its entirety the Zone 17 LFMP dated July 9, 2002. 10. Prior to the issuance of any permits for the project, the applicant shall submit to the City Planner a digital copy in a format acceptable to the City (Word format) and a PDF of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan Amendment - MP 178(I) and Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 17(A), in addition to 5 bound copies of each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIBERTYPLLEIGHTON CR VILLAGEGREENDRGATEWAYRDCOLT PLPALOMARAIRPORTRD E L F U ERTEST LIBERTYPLLEIGHTON CR VILLAGEGREENDRGATEWAYRDCOLT PLPALOMARAIRPORTRD E L F UERTEST GPA 14-04 Uptown Bressi December 7, 2016Exhibit "GPA 14-04" EXISTING PROPOSED PI PI PI PI R-23 PI OSL PI LR-15 L PI PI PI R-23 PI OSL PI R-15 L R-23 From:To:A. 213-262-06-00 PI R-23/LB. 213-262-07-00 PI R-23C. 213-262-08-00 PI R-23/LD. 213-262-09-00 PI L Related Case File No(s): EIR 15-01 / LFMP 87-17(A) / MP 178(I) / CT 14-09 / PUD 14-10 / SDP 14-13 / SDP 16-06 / CUP 14-09 / CUP 16-01General Plan Land Use Designation ChangesProperty Exhibit “X” December 7, 2016 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE BRESSI RANCH MASTER PLAN, MP 178(I) FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND EL FUERTE STREET, NORTH OF GATEWAY ROAD, AND EAST OF COLT PLACE AND LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST QUADRANT OF THE CITY WITHIN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 17. CASE NAME: UPTOWN BRESSI CASE NO.: MP 178(I) The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Bressi Ranch Master Plan MP 178 on July 23, 2002 by adopting Ordinance No. NS-635; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has reviewed and considered a Master Plan Amendment (MP 178(I)) for the Uptown Bressi project; and WHEREAS, after procedures in accordance with the requirements of law, the City Council has determined that the public interest indicates that said Master Plan Amendment MP 178(I) be approved. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad ordains as follows that: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Master Plan Amendment MP 178(I) dated July, 2016 incorporated herein by reference, is approved. The Master Plan shall constitute the development plan for the property and all development within the plan area shall conform to the plan. 3. That Master Plan Amendment (MP 178(I)) reorganizes and amends the Bressi Ranch Master Plan, as shown on the attached “Exhibit MP 178(I)”. Removal of text is presented in a strikethrough type format, while new additional text is shown in underline type format. 4. That the findings and conditions of the Planning Commission in Planning Commission Resolution No. 7175 shall also constitute the findings and conditions of the City Council. ORDINANCE NO. _______ -2- EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and the city clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause the full text of the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance prepared by the City Attorney to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the day of , 2016, and thereafter. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the day of , 2016, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk