HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-08-05; City Council; 1005; City Council admin procedure establishedI .v s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~ ... , . ORDIPJAXCE NO, 1005 The Clty Council 02 the City of Carlsbad does ordain as f 0lloT"Js : (a) Tine of regular meetings, The City CouncZl shall hold regular meetings each Tuesday at 7:OO o~clochc p,m, (b) Effect of Holiday, Should any Tuesday of any month fall uporz a legal holiday, then the regular meeting of the Council fallj-ng on such legal holiday shall be held on the first business day thereafter, at the hour of 7:OO o'clock pa, of said day, (c) Place of Xeetings. All meet$ngs of this Council shall be held at the Oilers' Room at the Twin Inns, Cmlsbad, CalifornS-e-. (d) Duty to Attend, It shall be tie duty of the members of the Council to attend all regu1a.P and special meetings OF the Council and to remain at such. meetings until the sane ape adjowneq tmless excused by the Mqor or Nayor pro-tem. (e) Notice to Absent IiIenbers: Fine. Xn case a quonumn shall not be present at any meeting and important business remains to be transacted or disposed of, any two members of the Council may catxse a witten noti.ce to be served personally upon each of the sther members of the Council directing their igmedlate attendance, Irhereupon the members of the Council receiving such witten notice shall be required to attend upon said meeting inxediately, except in the case of' sickness or death in their immediate family; and in :ase any member shall refuse or neglect to attend sv-cb meeting, he :hall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 I 30 31 32 . a I 2 * (f) Service of Notice, Said notice of attendance shall be served upon said absent members by the Chief of Police, or the police offj-cer in attendance at said meeting. (g> Persistent Refusal to Attend: Rcaoval. Any member of tl Council vho refuses to attend consecutive meetings of said Council over a period exceeding sixty (60) days when neither sick nor unavoidably absen-t; from the City at the time said meetings were held, shall be deemed to have forfeited his title to the office of councilman, and the remaining members of the Council, 0% the majority thereof, may by resolu-tion passed by the affirma- tive vote of a majority of the rezaining nembers of the Council, cause an action to be brought in the Suserior Court of the County of San Diego, for his removal, and. to have hEs office declmed vacant, in the manner provided by law. Said resolution shall set forth the grounds constituting the cau.se for such. removal; and 8 certified copy thereof shall be presented to the Grand Jury of the County of San Diegol State of California, by the Clerk of the Council, (h) Special Meetings: Wotice: Attendance. All notices of special meetings must be delivered to the members OS the Council in the time, form and manner prov5-ded by laws; and the failure of any member of the Council to observe said notices and attend said meetings sh& be punishable as hereinabove provided, andl his attendance thereat may be enforced in the manner povid-ed for his non-attendance at other meetings. (f) Ru-les of Ordere The proceedings of Ghe Council shall be governed under "Robert s Rules of Opder" on all matters pertaining to parliamentary law; but no ordinance, resollition, proceediEg or other action of the Council shall be invalidated OP the legalTtg thereof otherwise affected by the failure or omission to obseme or follow said rules. -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 - 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 . 0 4 (j) Conduct of Councilmen, The members of the Couvlcll shall remain s'eated while particrpating in discussions and at d-2. t~-es during any mee$ing; and shall address thelr remarks to the Hayor and other Ytzeabers of the CowrcS1, and not to the citizens who may happen to be in attendance, (k) Citizens Addressing Council, Any cdtizenmay arise and address the Council on any buslness specially concerning him, or affecting his interests; but preference will be given to those who have fSrst presented matters in the form of a written communica- tion, or who have personally notirted the Xayor of their desire to speak, (I) Order of Business. The followfng shzll constitute the order of busriness to be folloved in conducting the regular meet- ings of Council. : 1, Roll call. 2. Readtng of minutes of ppevious meeting. 3. Receiving written communications, 4. ~eceiving oral communications, Se Reports of officers or specid committees, 6, Unfinished business. 7. New Business. 8, Paylng bills, (m) &uspending Order of Business, The regular order of business may be suspended by a raajor3tg vote of the members presenl for the accommodation of non-residents vho may have business before the Council, or for my other purpose* (n) Disgosltion of Business: Reference. All business brought before the Council shall be proxiptly attended to; provided, that upon the request of any member of the Council, the same shall be referred to the proper official for investigation End report am recommendation in reference thereto before any action shall be taken thereon by the Council as a whole, -3- ', 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 (0) First ana Second Reading of Ordinances. Ordinances mag be given their f2rst reading upon their introduction by reading the title only, unless a full reasng is requested by a majority of the members pesene, The second reading upon final passage of the ordinance shall be a full reading of the ordl -, rance . (p) Minutes of Proceedings: Iilamer of Keeping. The ninutes of the Clomcil or journal of their proceedings required. to be kept by the Clerk shall be neatly typewritten in a special loose-leaf journal book with each of the different klnds of business trans- acted set off in paragraphs with proper subheads. keep the Hinute Book and the original copies of all ordinances in a fireproof vault or metal cabinets to be provZded by the CouncSl for that pu- wose. The Clerk shall (9) Disruption of Tfieeting: Penalty: Enforcement. Any =em- ber of the Council OT other person using vulgar, profane, loud or boisterous language at s-ny meeting, or otherwise interrupting the proceedings of the Council, vrho refuses to be seated or keep cuiet when ordered so to d-o by the Kayor, or Rayor Fro-ten, shd. 1, upon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. It shall be the duty of tne Chief of Police, when requested by the Mayo? or la yo^ pro-%em, to see that a police officer is in attendance at all meetings of' the Council, whose duty it shall be to preserve order at such meetrings and u$on opder of the IIaJroF or Mayor 9ro-ten to eject any such member of the Council or o-t;h.er person from the Council Charber. pro-tea shall ayoint 2-n Audithg Coimittee of at least tv~o nembers, who sha.11 examine an.d a?prove all bllls :in writing before the saxe xay be paid., (b) Vacancv, __L Should a vacancy ex5-s-t on said comilttee, froa any cazse, the Eqor or Nayor pro-%em slia.11 appoint a successor to %ill s~xc'n vacancy. .* 1 -4- C' I 1 4 .7 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 -4' ' 22 23 24 25 26 . 27 28 29 30 31 32 <* , \L b * (c) Removal. Yne Nayor, or Xa-gT0-r pro-ten, shall have the au-thopity to remove any meLiber of the Anditins Com-ittee at any tine; and it sliall be his dxtg to remove any member of swh cam- mittee v~ho neglects or refuses to perfom tne duties imposed upon him as a meraber of such ccrmnittee, and to appoint a successor to fill the vacancy occasioned by such removal, SECTION 3 e GENERALLY B (a) ,l?remimw on Bonds. Uherever bonds are required by officers of the City, the 3remiuras on smh bonds, when given by surety companies, shall be ?aid by the City. (b) Amounts of OffFcTal Bonds, The official bonds of the __I officezw of this City for the faithful discharge of Yneir respective du'cies shall be and =e he.i.eby fixed at the folloving sums : C'ity Treasurer - $25,000~00 City Clerk - $ 5,000*00 ,.: Chief of Tolice - $ 2,000+00. (c) Office Hours: Records. The office for the conduct of the bus:iness of the City CleFk, City 'freasix-er and Gity Building Inspector and Fubllc Xorks Dlrector shall be located 5.n the Recreatibn RQOEI of the California State Division of Forestry 7ire Station, located on Iiighway 101 Ln Carlsbad, California, or su-ch other place as Yce City Couacfl by resolution :my es-bablish, said resolution to be passed at least two (2) weeks in advance of any change and to be published once in a legal nevspper of general Zirculskion in the City of Carlsbad; said office shall be kept ope1 for the transaction of official business between i&e hours of 3:OO orclock a,=, and 5:OO o'clock p.i-n., Satupdays, Sundays, and Legal holidays excluded, -5- ', 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2E 2E 27 2E 2: 3( 3: 3: (a) Comiission Created. Under md pursuan'c to an Act of the Legislatu-re of the State of California, known as "TIE PLUTTIWG KT," agproved June 17, 1929, a Planning Commission for the City )f Carlsbad is hereby created an8 establfshed. (b } T6embershipt The Flaming Comiission shall consist of seven (7) meBbers; five (5) =embers thereof to be appointed by the %a.;ror with the approval of the Covnci,l, one of T:tnom shall be a nember of the Council., and tvo (2) ex-officio menbers, to-vift: Tine City Building Inspector an6 the Public YJo-rks Director, OT KheT-2 designated deyixties or renresen-batives, to be selected by the Council, (c) rowers md. Dn-i;ies. The Plazning Co"Lss5on shell have all the powers and dutles 9rovided by said Plaming Act and s7xch o-kher ;?overs and duties as xaay be conferred upon Plam?.Tng Com- missions by any and all lams of the State of CalLTornia, (a} I-Iolidam The first day of January, the tvelfth day of FebruaTy, the twenty-second day of Febmary, the tMx-4ieth day of Hay, the fom-th day of Jv.ly, the fkst Nonday in September, and t'ne henty-f%.fth day of 3ecem5er in every year, and every day apFointed by tine President of tine United. States for a pblic fast 01- thanksgiving, am hereby declared to be holidays; and upon each of the aforesaid days, a11 mu&ici:?al offtees of this City shll be closed and all ZiLnicipal work of every Mind suspended, except :in cases of exergency; provided, "c'nc7_t the povisions of -tW section shall not aply to tbe Police o-r Fire Departmen%;. (b) Pay. Every einployee on a mont3ly salp.py shall recelve full nay uyon each of the holidays provided in (a) above. -6- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 4 * * I Lng a regular ~aontllly salary and wh enployees of this City receiv- 'nave been in the service of the City for a peprod of less than six (6) months shall be con- sideyled as probationary emploTees and the first sfx (6) months of su-ch service shall be considered a ;probationary Feriod, at the end of which said probationary period such employees shall be given wedit for seven (7) Bays acc-c"ated vacation tLme. (d) Permanent aqlogees. upon completion of six (6) mon-i;bst satlsfactory service, an employee shall be considered a permanent employee and as such shall accnmulate vacation time at Yne rate of one and one-fourth (l-l/4.) days per month fop each month of' service 1.173 to a ma;uinm of thlrty (30) days4 (e) Part-time BmloTees. \There emplqpent is on a part-time basis, vacation time will be pro-rated on the basis of ac-tual time worked (f) Fixing of Bate of Va.cation, The dates of any vacations shall be fixed by tize Cfty Cf'erk, (gs) Sick leave: Generally. Every employee who has been In Yne service of the City for a period of six months OP more shall be considered a pexnanent employee and shall be entitled to sick or a.cc_ident leave v.5th pay at tht3 rate of one day for each calen- dar month of service, (h) Actua.1 Disability necess-spy. Sick or accident leave shall. not be considered as a -privflege which an eaployee may use at his d-iscretion, but s!_?all be allowed only in Vne case of actual sickness or disability, or Yne imposition of q.uaran'cine readation mking it impossible for the enployee to pepor-b for wopkr (5.) Accmnu-lation .of Sick Leave. Unused sick or accident leave may be acclavnulated at the rate OF one da3 for each calendar month of service to a total not to exceed one hundred tifenty (120) work days., -7- 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 { j 1 Notice and Proof of Sickness. In order to receive com- ?ensation while absent on sick lezve, Yle employee sliall notify 2xi.s imrediate superior or the City Clmk prior to, or within four (4) hom-s after, the t2me set for Yhe beginning of his daily duties, %ken absence is for nore than one day, the employee shall, at the discretion of the City Clepk, file a physlclan's certifi- cate OF a personal affidavit with the CSty Clerk staking the cause of h5s absenc'e, (k) Deduction of Inswance Compensation. Yihepe an employee receives any conpensation for his injuries Prom the State Conpen- sation Xnsuzance Furid, the amount he receives from the City will be decreased by the amount so received. (1) Adding to Vacation Time. Sick or acc%dent leave shall not be added to vacation tirne for the pui-pose of granting or extending a vacation period, (si) Part-time Employees. \'here the emplopent is on a part- time basrs, sick or accZdent leave will be pro-rated on Yne basis of Yne actual time worked. SECTION 6. FISCAL XATTERS. (a> pay Eo11 Certification, yae remar pay roll of all Y officers and employees of the City, includj-ng such tempormy employees as may be hired for specific purposes by the City Clerk under general authoriza%ion of the CouulcZ1, shall, before payment, be duly certrfied: 1, By the a2propriate deypartment head {that -the labor wzs actually perf'oimed by the employee at the rate of pay specified); 2, By Yne City Clerk ('chat; the employment vas duly authorized); and, that such employment and payment coaforin to the bu-dgek ordinance or other au-thorization of the Council; ad shall therenpon be payable as pi-ovided by law; bvk all such 1 payrfiert'cs shall in due course be examined and approved by the I Auditing Committee of the Council., -8- ‘ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 (b) Bills Other Than Pay zioll, A2.I other demands, bills, and claims against the G5ty arising out of contract, including bills for labor, raaterial, and supplies furnished, shall, before payment, be audited and appr-oved by the said Auditing CommLttee, ‘and payment thereof authorized by the Council, as provided by law and ordinance; provided, ’chat where contracts duly executed by th Ctty call for specific payments on specified dates, such pay- ments shall become payable on such dates after proper certifica- tion by approprfate city offictals, as above set forth, and au3- ject to final audZt by Yne said Audiking Coinnittee and approval by %he Council, (e) Certeficate Fom. All such demands, bPlls and claims against the City ar9sing out of contract, exceFt the pay roll, shall set forth a brief description of the articles fixmished or work or labor perfomed, together with the dates Ynereof, and have attached thereto or thereon a Certificate in substantially the following form: “I hereby ceptify that the foregoing claim is correct and just md that payment therefor has not been received. Claimmt If All su-ch claivns shall be filed vith the City Clerk. (a) Time Limit for DaGlage Claim. Xo claim for darcnages against the City shall ever be allowed or paid unless there has been first; filed with the City Clerk and presented to the Council a claim therefor within six (6) monYns after the occurrence from which the damages arose. All such claims for daaages shall be first verified by Yne claimant; before an officer authorized to adminisker oakhs. (e) fiscal year, md at such other tilnes as by resolution the CouncS1 may direct, an inventory shall be made of such personal property and equipment belonging to t7ne City as is of a permaneat nature Time and Scope of Inventopy. At least once in each and classified as capital investxent, 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 !- 29 30 31 SECTION 7.. Tais Ordinance is hereby declared to be su? ezergency measure, necessary for the Zaned5.a-t;e foxnation of governmental llzachinery to prc/vlde fop the pres&?vation of puBlic peace? health and safeky, and shall take effect immediately. The following is a statement 8 of the facta showing -its emergency: That the City of Carlsbad was duly incorporated on the 16th day of July, 1952, and that according 60 'che provisions of Title 4 of the Government-Code of t'ne State of California, certain admfnistrative rules are required for %he operatfons of an incor- yrated city. That to conform to the above-s.i;ated requirements, it is necessary that the Ordinance shall .t;&e effect imvnediatelg. SECTION 8, SBVEBABILITY. If any provLsion of YIPS Ordinance, or the applicatlon thereof, to any person or circmstmces, is held %valid, its invalidlty shall not affect other provisions or applications of Ylis Ordinance, which can be given effect wFthou'c the invalid provision or qq&kation; and to this end the povisions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable, . SECTION 9. NOTICE, The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad shall be and is directed ko cause this Ordinance to be published once in the Caplsbad Journal, a newspaper published and of general circelation in the sa3.d City of C'arlsbad, Passed, adopted, approved. and o~dered publlshed by the City Cou.nci.1 of the City 02 Gmlsbad, California, this 5% day of AugusZ;, 195.2, by tne following vote, to-wit: - 10 - ! I I 1( 11 12 12 14 ' 18 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Ayes: Nays: kne, Sutton, Ede, Gastorena, Grober and Eayor EcClell Ab sent : Hone Hayor of the Cjity of Carlsbad, California ATTEST : e - 11 -