HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-08-05; City Council; 5005; Public health benefit regulate & establish standards.? =- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ORDIIJANCE HO, 5005 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AHD ESTABLISHING STANDARDS FOR TIE3 BEESFIT OF TEE PUJBLIC KEALTH IN'THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ---00000--0 The City Council of the City of C'Brlsbad does ordain as follotvs : SECTION 1. ADOPTIOH OF $AN DIEGO COUETY OAYDINAXCES PERTADTI'NG TO PUBLIC KEALTH. San Diego County Ordinances No, 161 (New Series), 821 (new Series), 40 (Wew Series), -299, Q.5, 4.47 (TTes Series), and 302 are hereby adopted by reference, copies of said Ordinances are on file in the office of the City Clerk for inspectron, and the same are hereby made a part hereof as if fully set out In this Ordinbce, subject to such alterztions and additions as hereinaf- ter may be set forth, SECTIOM 2, DEFIBITIONS Wherever the words "Health Depa.rtment" shall appear they shall mean City Clerk of .the City of Carlsbad, except in County of Sm Diego Ordinance no, 40 (New Series) the words ''Kealth Department" shall mean Health Officer, takerever the words "Gomty of San Diego" an6 the words *'Unincorporated territory of the County of San Diego" shall appear they shall mean City of Carlsbad. Wherever the words "Boazrd of Supervisors'' avid the vaords __ "Board of Health" shall appear they-shall mean City Council of the City of' Carlsbad, Nherever t'ne word "County" shall appear it shall mean City of Zarlsbad. Wherever the words "County Surveyor and Road Comnissioner" shall appear they shall mean Buildlng Inspeceor. - c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 If 1E 1'; 1E l! 2( 2: 2: 2' 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 T CI 'I c 1- -ECTION 3. AUTHORITY OF CITY CLZRK, The City Clerk of the City f Carlsbad shall be authorized, and he Is hereby empolzered, to eceive all fees for and issue all permits herein provided. ECTION k. AFPOIWlWE" OF KEALTH OFFICER. The duly authorized nd appointed Health Officer of the County of San Diego is hereby ppointed, au-thorized, and empowered to perform all fu.nctions equired herein of the Health Officer of the City of Carlsbad, lECTION 5. EFFSCTIVE DATE. This Ordinance is hereby declared to le an emergency measure necessary for the preservation of the tublic peace, hezlth and safety, and shall take "effect iri"d2ately 'lie folloning is a statement of tlne facts showing its urgency: WHEREAS, the City of Cmlsbad has just becom incorporated on ;he 16th day of July, 1952, md that up to and including that date ill the provis-ions covered- by this Ordlnmce have been regulated )y the ppovisions of San Diego County Ordinances, and that upon incorpor&ion of the City of Carlsbad the force and effect, of all ;hese County Ordinances did- cease. TTmFORE, it is necessary that this Oi-.dinance take effect Lstxediately in order that regulations pertaining to public health nay be immediately established for the protection of the public pace, health and safety, SECTION 6. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad shall be and he is hereby directed to cause this Ordinance to be published once ir the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and of generd. circulation in the City of Carlsbad, Passed, Adopted, Approved and Ordered Published by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Caljfornia, this 5th day of August, 1952, by the foflowfng vote, to-wit: -2- 6 7 -8 9 10 11 12 ~ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Ayes : Sutton, Ede, Castorena, Grober and Nayor MeCZellan. Nays : None. Absent: None. C. D. McCLZLLAH %'lagor of the City of Carlsbad, California ATTEST : -Sari -Diego' Depaftment of c, Civic Cente@$hiego I, Caliefornia I- AN ORDINANCE RXGUZATING RESTAURANTS, HOTEL KITCHENS, LUNCH COUNTERS, CAFES, CAFETE- RIS, SODA FOUNTAINS, FRUIT STANDS, BAKERIES, GROCERIES,CANDY FACTORIES, ICE CWl PARLORS, WINERIES, LIQUOR ESTABLISHMENTS, FISH MARKETS, VEHICLES, AND OTHER ESTAB- LIS€MFBTS IN TIlE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, CALIFQRNIA, WHERE FOOD OR BEVERAGES ARE PRE- PARED FOR SALE, SOD, DISTRIBIITEI), OR DISPLAYED FOR SALE, AND PROVIDING FOR THE REG%- LATION OF ALL PERSONS HANDLING FOOD OR ENGAGED IN THE PREPARATION OF FOOD FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 301, PASBED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THE FIRST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1924. APPLI- CATION FOR PERWIIT PERMIT AND ANNUAL INSPECT- ION F'EE Sm 65a THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE: COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Xt shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation owning, controlling, leasing, acting as agent for, conducting, operating or managing any restaurant, cafe, cafeteria, lunch counter, soda fountain, ice cream parlor, soft drink stand, fruit stand, grocery, bakery, confee;?. tionary, delicatessen store, cannery, bottle water establishment, candy factory, packing plant, concession, temporary or permanent, winery,liquor establishment, fish market, vehicle, or oaer place in the County of San Diego, California, where food or beverages, are prepared for sale, soid, distributed, or dispjayed for salep or for any person, firm or corporation, to sell, or offer for sale, or to cause or permit to be sold or offered for sale, or to give away, or to cause or permit to be given away any food or drink therein or therefrom without first applying for and receiving from the Health Department of the County of San Diego a permit therefor, in the manner hereinafter provided, or without.complying with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 1. SECTION 2. Every hrson, firm or corporation applying for a permit shall file with the Health Department of the County of San Diego a mitten application which shall state the name and address of the applicant, a de*- scription of the property or vehicle, or other foed distributing place, wherein or whereon it is proposed tocconduct the establishment for prepara- tion, sale or distribution of food or beverages, also the character of busi- ness which is proposed to be conducted, and such other information as the Board of Health of the County of San Diego by regulation may requiree Every applicant for such permit shall at the time of making such application depbs$t.apith iinarpay to the Clerk, authorized by the Board of Health to receive such applications, the annual inspection fee hereinafter in this ordinance e8tablfsbed. Upon the filing of the application, accompanied by the fee hereinafter provided, it shall be the duty of the Health Officer of the County of San Diego to investigate the information contained in the application, and the sanitary conditions in and about the place wherein or whereon it is proposed to conduct the establishment, and whether said place oonforms to the requirements of the ordinances of the County of San Diego, and with the rules and regulations of the Board of Health of the County of San Diego; unless it shall appear to the satisfaction @3f the said Health Officer that such place conforms to the requirements of this ordZ- name and with the requirements of the General Health Laws, and with the Regulations of the State Board of Health, and the Pure Food, Liquor and Drug Act of 1907, (Stats. 1907, p. 208, as amended), The Sanitary Bakery Law., (Stats. 1921, p. 1191, as amended), An Act Relating to Cold Storage, (Stats. 1913, p# 769, as amended), Section 383 of the Penal Code of the State of California and the Health and Safety Code (Stats. 1939, Chapter 60, as amended), the application shall be denied. %he provisions of said laws and any amendments thereto are hereby adopted as a part of this ordinance* SECTION 3. -1- - .1 be subject to revocation or suspension by said Board of GRANTING Health upon a showing satisfactory to said Board of Health of the viola- AND tion by the holder of such permit, his employee, servant, or agent, or REVOCATION any other person acting with Ws consent or under his authority, of ar~r OF PERMITS provision of this ordinance or any law of the State bf California, or any rule of the Board of Health of said County of San Diego, regulating estab- lishments for which 8 permit is issued under the provisions of this ordinance. under the provisions of this ordinance shall at the time of making appli- cation for the permit pay the fLnnual inspection fee of Five Dollars ($5 .OO> to the Clerk or employee authorised by the Board of Health to receive such fees, of thisc?ordinance shall be paid into the County Treasury and placed in the Health Fund. - A permit, for which applichtion is made, under the provisions of this ordinance, may be granted at any the during the year, but all per- mits granted hereunder shall expire on the 31st day of December of the year in which the same are granted. PWIT NOT tion to noth her, and shall be deemed invalid upon removal from a place or TWSFER~ location other than that specified in the mitten application and in the ABLE permit as originally issued. .-t?dUTWN 5. Every person, firm or corporation applying for a permit ANNUAL INSPECTION FEE All moneys received as inspection fees under the provisions A permit shall not be transferrabli from one person, firm OF corpora- Every permit issued shall be kept posted in a conspicuous place in the establishment for which the permit is issued under the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 6. No permit shall be issued to any establishment scoring less inin the score card approved and adopted by pesolution by the Board of Health of the County of San Diego. All establishments shall maintain a score of not less than 80%. If upon inspection, any establish- SCORE 80% ment shall fail to meet with this standard, due written notice shall be served upon the person, firm, corporation, or manager owning, controlling, operating or maintaining the establishment that such corrections as are necessary shall be made within thirty (30) days, at which time a reinspec- tion shall be made, deemed sufficient cause for the suspension or revocation of-ibhe:,permit. Failure toc.ooinply with said written notice shall be SECTION 7. General. Regulations for Bakeries, Restaurants, Cafes) Lunch Counters, Cafeterias, Soda Fountains, Ice Cream Parlors, Soft Drink Stands, Groceries, and Other Establishments Preparing, Serving or Distri- buting Food or Beverages for Human Consupption. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to sell, expose or offer for sale, or to cause or permit to be sold, exposed or PROTECTION offered for safe in the County of San Diego any article of food prepared OF FOOD . for human consumption, including crackers, rolls, buns, biscuits,muffins, F~~ bread, cake, cookies, pies, candies; cooked, smoked and/or pickled meat; c~m~- and/or fish; cooked, dried or pickled vegetables, and/or fruit, salad, TION butter, or cheese, or any article of fodd intended for human consumption, which article of food is smoked, cobked, dried or otherwise prepared and intended for human consumption vdthout further cooking, washing or other preparation, unless such article or articles of food we covered or enclosed by glass or with some other substance or material in sueh a manner as to prevent the handling of any such article or articles :'*'A b SAlj-65b -2- 4th. e of food by an*rson or persons other than th rson or persons selling, offering or exposing any such article or articles for sale; and to prevent any such articleijor articles of food from coming in contact with any deleterious, unvholesme or unhealthy substance or commodities; provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to uncovering food in the process of preparation or display for immediate consumption on the premises where steam tables or other service bbles app,noved by the Eoard of Health are in use and properly pro$ec-;ed from unwholesome or unheal5hy contamination as hereinafter provided in this ordinance. LIST OF EMPLOYEES CawlMuNI- CABLE DISEASE APPLICA- TION FOR KEALTH CATE CERTIFI- GSTION 8. All omers, proprietors, or managers shall keep accurate and complete lists of all persons employed indicating sex and color and duties performed by each employee, and shall furnish a copy of the sane to the Health Offi3er of the County of San Diego which copy must be kept constantly revised up to date by said owner, propFletor br mancger, and in constant agreement with all changes of personnel of employees. any person to work nor shall any person work, in any eating house, who is affected iVith any communicable disease. It shal1,be the duty of all omers, proprietors, or managers to re- port to the Health Officer any person afflicted with, or reasonablz m- pected of being afflicted with venereal disease, smallpox, dephtherla, scarlet fever, yellow fever, dysentery, measles, mumps, German measles, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, chicken-pox or any other infectious or con- tagious disease, whereupon it shall be the duty of the Health Officer to examine or cause to be examined any such person afflicted with or reason- ably suspected of being afflicted with the above mentioned diseases and said'person shall no longer be permitted to work in any establishment where food is handled, prepased, sold or distributed. SECTION 9. No person, proprietor, or manager shall require or permit SECTION 10. The Board of Health, by resolu'bion, whenever in their discretion it shall appear necessary for the preservation of public health and for the prevention of the spread of disease may require that each and every person engaged or intending to engage in the business of food hand- ling, shall, on or before the 30th day of June of each year, file with the Health Officer or with the clerk of said Health Departmat of the County of San Diego, an application for a certificate of Health. L? examination fee of One Dollar ($1.00) shall be paid at the time of the examination of each persm examined, to the clerk or employee of the Health Department of said County designated to receive fees, provided, however, that the Health Officer shall at his discretion, authorize the examination of appli- cants without charge, upon a showing by said applicant that he is unable to pay the examination fee herein provided. All moneys received as examination fees under the provisions of this ordinance shall be paid into the County Treasury and placed in the General Fund. SECTION 11. Examination to determine the physical condition of per- sons engaged in, or intending to engage in the production, preparation, handling or distribution of food in any establishment regulated by this ordinance, and for which establishment a permit has been issued, shall be made by a qualified person, licensed by the State of California as a physician and surgeon, and designated by the Director of Health to make such examinations. Such exqpinations my be made by such designated physi- cians at places other than the office of the Health Department with the consent of the Health Officer; the fee for such examination to be such as may be agreed upon between the applicant and the examiners. W-65~ F43- LIGHT, T ION VENTILA- FLOORS, WALLS CEILINGS DRAIN* BOARDS TOILET AND WASH ROW SAN-65d e e The peramaking any exmination provide& in this section shah within twenty-four (24) hours after completion of said examination, file a report with the Health Office upon fohns approved by the Board of Health showing: 1. Date of Examination 2. Name of Employee Examined 3. Physical Condition 4. Presence of Infectious or Contagious Disease 5. Any other Information Required by the Board of Health, by Regulation. All examinations shall include a clinical and laboratory, oral and throat examination and a temperature test, and a specimen of the blood of each person examined, adequate to permit the making of a Widal Blood Test and a Wasserman Blood Test, shall be submitted to the County Hygenic Labor- Q,M~, menever there is reasonable fpounds'.bo.'auspect the presence of tuberculosis, gonorrhea, syphilis, tmhoid or diphtheria or other communi- cable disease, a special examination shall be made, and such specimens as may be necessary shall be submitted to the County Hygenic Laboratory for diagnosis. SECTION 12. Every establishment where food is handled, prepared, sold or distributed shall be properly lighted, drained, ventilated, and adequate plumbing and sanitary drainage installed in accordance with the regulations of the Board of Health and ordinances of the County of San Diego, except as hereinafter provided. The floors shall be of good, non-absorbent material, and shall be kept in a clean sanitary condition at all times. arid shall be kept painted with oil paint or other approved finishing mate- rial and maintakned in a clean, and sanitary condition. proximity of sinks, mixers, stoves, ranges, or other equipment where water, grease, or other matter likely to be splashed on the walls shall be con- structed with tile, or other approved material of sufficient height thor- oughly to protect said walls, providing that the back of stoves may be flashed with metal. SECTION 13. ; FLOORS, WALLS AND CEILINGS, The walls and ceilings shall be smooth, sound and cleanable, The walls in the SECTION q. All drainboards:; shall be made or constructed of metal, tile, or tile substitutes. The use of wooden drainboards, or wooden drain- boards covered with metal is prohibited. SECTION 15. Every establishment shall be equipped with a water flush toilet, sink, and running water, which shall be so located as to be conven- ient to the room or rooms used for food handling purposes. All toilets shall be adjacent to lavatories or wash roomsp which shall at all times be supplied with soap and towels. of cement, tile laid in cement or other nodabsorbent material. or other opening from a toilet room shall open directly into a kitchen, dining room, or other place where fcads are served, cooked or prepared. When such an opening occurs an anteroom ventilated to the outer air with a solid door shall be provided between such lavatory, kitchen, and/or food establishment. The floors of such toilet rooms shall be No door No owner, proprietor, or manager of any establishment shall provide or expose any towelling or similar article, except individual paper towels, for use of the public generally in any place under his control, or permit any cloth towel or similar article to be provided or exposed unless such towel has been laundered after each separate use. -4- dP e SECTION 1) The owner9 operator or manag place shall take every precaution to keep the premises free and rid of rats, mice, roaches, ants or other vermin or pests. Whenever it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Health Officer that any premises or establishment engaged in the handling or preparation RODENT OR of food for sale or distribution, is infested with rodents, vermin or VERMIN pests, a written notice shall be given to the persons, firm or corporation, INFESTA- owning, controlling, leasing or acting as agents for, or managing the es- TION tablishment that said infestation with rodents, vermin or pests consiitutes a public nuisance and endangers public health, peace and safety, and that such infestation shall be abated within 30 days from the date of receiving written notice. Failure to comply with said written notice in thirty days shall constitute a violation of the provisions of this ordinance, and the Health Officer shall suspend the permit and close such establishment until said nuisance has been abated. f every food handling . PROTECTION OF FOOD SECTION 17, All foods and/or beverages in the process of prepara- tion, distribution or display must be securely protected from flies, dust, dirt and other foreign, injurious contamination. SECTION 18, All uniforms, clothing, aprons worn by persons employed CLOTHING, in serving or handling or preparing food for human consumption shall be UAIIFOM made of washable ?material and shall be kept clean at all times, ANIMALS SECTION 19. No dogs, cats or other animals shall be harbored or per- No person or persons shall be permitted to live or sleep SLEEPING IN $STABLISH- cafe, cafeteria, ice cream parlor, soft drink stand, fruit stand, grocery, NPENTS PROHIBITED displayed. mitted in ariy establishment where food is prepared for sale or distribution. or store clothing, bedding and/or articles used for living or sleeping pur- poses in the kitchen, dining room, or any other room of a restaurant, or other food distributing place where food is prepared, served or - SECTION 20. menever change of clothing is required, suitable lockersand locker rooms shall be provided for employees. shall provide or use on the floors, my sawdusty or similar material, except that butcher shops may use sawdust on floors in 8 cooler or behind SECTION 21. No owner, proprietor, or manager of any establishment USE OF SAWDUST PROHIBITED a counter. SECTION 22. No person, firm or corporation, shall be allowed to sell, RECOGNIZED distribute, offer for sale, vend or to give away any manufactured or pre- INSPECTION pared food product in”tthe County of San Diego, unless it is the product of SERVICE an establishment that is regularly inspected by said Health Officer of the County of San Diego, or another Health Department Inspection Service that is recogniaed and approved by the Board of Health of the County of San Diego. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation conducting, having charge of, or control of, any hotel, restaurant, saloon, soda fountain,theatre, public ball;. public or private school, church, hospital, club, office building, park playground, lavatory or wash room, barber shop, or any other public place, building, room or conveyance, to provide or expose for common use, or permit to be so provided or exposed or to allow to be used in comon any cup, glass or other receptable used SECTION 23. CWON DRINKING CUP for drinking purposes. SAN-65e -5- II ill), *. SECTION @ No cask., water cooler or othe eceptacle shall be used for storing or supplying drinking water to the public or to employees un- water therefrom or contaminating the same. provided With a faucet or other suitable device for drawing the water. tainers in which fruits, vegetables and other products are delivered or accumulate on the premises. mined by the Health Officer, WATER CONTAINERS less it is covered and protected so as to prevent persons from dipping the FOR DRINKING All such containers shall be SECTION 25. All surplus boxes, crater, lug boxes, and similar con- SURPLUS CONTAINERS received shall be kept in orderly condition, and shall not be allowed to BOXES, Each container shall be kept in a clean and CRATES,ETC.sanitarry condition and removed from premises daily, or at intervals deter- SECTION 26. The use of newspapers for wrapping fruits, vegetables, or other food products, shall not be permissible unless such fruits, vegetables, or other food be first wrapped in clean wrapping paper. DECKDUOUS the rays of the sun, shall be kept at all times well inside of the building FRUITS proper, and elevated not less than 18" above the floor level. WRAPPING PAPER SECTION 27. Deciduous fruits, or other foods subject to damage by SSTION 28. Sufficient metal garbage cans, with fly-tight covers, shall be provided for all garbage, vegetable trimmings, trash or other refuse. loading and tight fitting covers shall at all times be kept in place. Where there is an excess of vegetable trimmings or other waste material subject to decomposition, a screen room shall be constructed of screen wire of not less than U+It mesh to the inch and shall be fly-tight. All such excess waste material shall be kept in said screen room until removal from the premises. tion or decomposition shall be removed each day except Sunday, or legal Holidays when such establishments are closed to the public. A sufficient number of cans shall be available to prevent over- WAGE CANS All garbage or food waste products subject to fermenta- SECTION 29. "3JLATIONS FOR PROTECTION AGAINST FOOD POISONING FRCM CONTAMINATED CREAM CUSTARD FILLINGS. Regulation I. All cormnercially prepared custards or cream fillings of pastries shall be made under conditions of cleanliness involving all stages of its manufacture. Regulation 2. Only efficiently pasteurized Grade "At1 milk or cream shall be used. Regwlation 3, The temperature and time of heating the mix shall be as a minimum, the equivalent of a temperature of 140° F. for a period of one hour; provided, however, that other temperatures and times may be used when specifically approved by the Health Officer. Regulation 4. Upon completion of the.%ooking of the custardt it shall immediately be transferred into previously sterilized containers, properly covered, and chilled without delay to a temperature of 50' F. Regulation 5. Gttt3tards must be kept in cooling room until used in making pastries. Regulation 6. The filling apparatus shall be cleaned with hot water and sterilized brushes or with a jet of live steam under pressure. Regulation 7. Before use, filling apparatus shall be sterilized by either boiling for ten minutes, or steaming in a steam sterilizer for 1 hour. SAN-65f -6- CANOPIES FOR RANGES HOT AND COLD WATER DISHES GIAS8XS 8 IMPLE- MENTS CONFISCA- TION OF UTENSILS HEAD DRESS CONTAIN - ERs FOR STUMGE OF FOODS ar@!~.eM shall be displayed Regdatioa. No pastries containing cre in windows or showcases, except those that are chilled to a maximum of 50'F. * Regulation 9. Pastriesscontaining custard filling shall not be sold from wagons from dom to door except such wagons are equipped with 8 re- ; frigerated compartment maintaining a maximum texpp6ma-e of 500 F. ,provldcd however, that pastries may be delivered from manufacturers to retail deal- ers or consumers by special trip with no stop between without continuous refrigeration when it is possible to complete such delivery within four '(4) hours time. SECTION 30. REGULATIONS FOR RESTAURANTS, LUNCH COUNTERS, CAFETERIAS, CONFECTIONERIES, HOTEL KITCHESS, AND BAKERIES. It shall be unlawful for any person9 firm or corporation,to operate any establishnent wi;ohout complying with the general provisions of this ordinance, and with the regulations in the subsections of this section hereinafter provided. Subsection 1, All stoves, ranges, candy kett,les, doughnut kettles, ovens and hot plates shall be equipped with a metal canopy of a siae at least four inches longer than the entire cooking surface of said cooking device, on all sides. by a separate ventilating flue of not less than six inches in diameter, for an ordinary stove, or as much largBr as the Health Department may deem necessaxy for effective operation. Such canopy shall be ventilated to the outside air Subsection 2. WATER: Every restaurant, cafe, soda fountain, cafe- teria, eating house or hotel kitchen, must have an adequate supply of running hot and cold water available at all times. metal or approved impervious material. All sinks shall be of Subsection 3. All dishes, glasses, silver and other utensils used by customers, shall be thoroughly washed and rinsed, and all drinking glasses shall be sterilized after each separate use, in compliance with rules and regulations of the dtate Board of Health of the County of San Diego. Individual paper drinking cups and plates must be used whenever facilities for sterilieation of glasses do not neet the requirements of the regulations of the Board of Health. All dishes, glasses, drinking glasses, or other utensils, or articles used for table service or used by customers or for the public generally, shall be kept in first class condition and repair. Dishes, glasses, drink- ing glasses or other utensils becnming cracked, chipped or damaged shall not be used, and may be confiscated at any time when in the opinion of the Health Officer such procedure is necessary to protect public health and safety . Subsection 4. paration of foods, shall wear a suitable cap or head dress to prevent the falling of hair into such foods. Each person engaged in the practice or cooking,. or pre- Subsection 5. No tin can, lard stand, or other such container shall be used for the purpose of cooking, preparing, or storing of food stuffs. All canned gocbds shall be transferred hmediately upon opening from the original container to one of glass, crookery, agateware, glass ware, or other approved receptacle, intended for that purpose. The Health Offioer shall condemn and/or destroy all food held in storage contrary to the pro- visions of this section. FOR FOOD SUPPLIES SCREENS MILK SAN-65h 0 PROTECTION Subsecti ai . All flour, meal, sugar or used in the making or preparation of food, in a bakery,restaurant, cafe, lunch counter, or similar place of business, shall be kept raised above the surface of the floor to allow cleaning of the floor beneath such ingre- dients, and offer ample protection against rodents, roaches and other vermin. Subsection 7, All food displayed for sale in cafeterias, shall be kept protected, behind either glass, or other suitable material, so as to prevent handling or contamination of said food by the public shall be inaccessible to any one except employees of the establishment. Subsection 8. All kitchens of hotels, restaurvts, lunch counters, cafeterias, candy factories, soda fountains, ice cream parlors, or other places where food is prepared or kept, shall have mire screens at all out- side openings, for the purpose of excluding flies and other insects. screen doors must be self-closing, and outside doors @hall open outwards only, fram dust, dirt and flies, less than l,!+'l mesh, All In addition to the screens so provided, all foods shall be protected All screening used in such places shall be no When served by any hotel, boarding house, regtaurant, saloon, lunch counter or place of public entertainment, market milk and goat% milk shall be served in the original bottle, the cap of which shall not be removed, except in the presence of the consumer or patron. This provision does not apply to market cream. SECTION 31. REGULATIONS FOR SODA FOUNTAINS, CONFECTIONARIES, BARS AND OTHER ESTABLISHNIENTS WHERE SOFT DRINKS AND/OR OTHER BEVERAGES ARE SOLD OR DISPENSED. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation twoperate any soda fountain, confectionary, bar or other establishments where soft drinks and/or other beverages are sold or dispensed without complying with the general provisions of this ordinance and with the regulations of the subsection in this eecttiPon hereinafter provided. Subsection 1, All establishments ishall be equipped with hot or cold running water. Subsection 2. An approved sink shall be installed with not less than two or more compartments equipped with the proper and approved method$: of washing and sterilizing all glassware used by consumer. Subsection 3. All straws shall be placed in suitable containers or protected from contamination. Subsection 4. Malted Milk shall be defined as a mixture of Grade "A" - Baw or pasteurized milk, containing not less than 3.3% of milk fat, with malted milk and flavoring substancesP and ice cream containing not less than 10% milk fat, or shall contain ice milk containing not less than 4% milk fat; and a11 ice cream or ice milk shall conform to the provisiQns of the Agricultural Code. Subsection 5. It shall be unlawful to prepare, serve, sell or distri- 4ute in any establishment any malted milk unless Grade "A? Raw or Paafeurid whole milk is used in the preparation of the mixtwle and the milk has been poured fram the original standard bottle fron which the cap has been re- moved in the presence of the customer or patron, and the contents of said bottle shall contain no more than the individual requirements of the -8- 4 2 BC. customer at t he of serving; and/or a stand d milk bottle may be used providing that the maxi" content does not exceed one quart and that said milk bottle shall have attached a metal top which has been designed to cover the pouring lip and approved by the Director of Health; said top to be sterilized as soon as said bottle is empty; provided that any estab- lishment serving malted milk, malted skim milk, milk shakes or other milk drinks may hold the milk in a special container having a capacity of not more than two gallons and approved by the Director of Health. Said con- tainer shall be constructed of stainless steel or similar metal with de- $achable valve and surrounded by a suitable jacket so constructed as to contain ice or other means for refrigeration whereby the temperature may be held at 500 F. or below until it reaches the consumer, and the entire apparatus shall be sterili5ed before being refilled in a manner approved by the Director pf Health. Subsection 6. Malted SkimMilk shall be defined as a mixture of skim milk with malted milk and flavoring substance and ice cream or ice milk cnntaining not less than 4% milk fat. All skim milk used in any estab- lishment where skim malted milk is prepared, served or distributed shall have met the required standards of Grade "A" Pasteurized milk and shall be pasteurized and bottled in standard milk bottles in an approved pasteur- izing and bottling plant and whenever used for the preparation of Malted Skim Milk mixture, it shall be poured from the original, standard milk bottle, as provided in previous subsection 4 of this ordinance. Subsection 7. Milk Shakes &Other Milk Drinks, served or prepared with the addition of flavoring substances or other ingredients added there- to, shall be prepared from whole milk or skim milk whioh has met the re- quired standards of Grade "A" and shall be poured from the original stan- dard milk bottle, as provided in previous subsection 4 of this ordinance. - m-7 Subsection 8. The establishment shall display a sign in legible lettering at least four (4) inches high, which shall state that Malted Skim Mitk or Malted Milk is served. exceed the mini" standard for Grade "A" Pasteuriwd Milk. T& bacterial count of skim milk shall not SECTION 32. uREGULATIONS FOR FRUIT STANDS AND/OR OPEN WTS, All deciduous fruits on display in any fruit stand or vegetables intended for human consumption in the raw state without cooking or kept uncovered or unprotected shall be so displayed or kept eo as to have con- stantly in motion over said fruit or vegetables a current of air from an electric fan. whenever said fruit stand or open market.is not screened or protected as provided in this Ordinance or enclosed as to protect all of said fruit and/or vegetables from flies and other contamination. is exposed it shall be kept within ten (10) feet of a fan of not less than twelve (12) inches in diameter, or within fifteen (15) feet from a fan of sixteen (16) inches in diameter. No food or food product, fruit or vegetable shall be displayed out- side of the building or property line or owany sidewalk, public street, or highway in any fruit stand and/or open market. ELECTRIC FANS Said fan shall be kept constantly in operation at all times Whenever such food SECTION 33, REGULATIONS FOR AUTCMOBILES, VEHICLES, AND OTHER VENDING DEVICES. It shall be unlawful for any person, firu or corporation to maintaiil, conduct, manage, or operate any automobile, truck, trailer, vagm, cart, vehicle, or other device used for the sale, peddling or vending of fruits SAN- 6 5 i -9- a: , poultry, bread, pies, vegetables, meameat food products, fish, sea cakes or other bakery product6 or prepared foods, without complying with the provisions of this ordinance and the regulations established in this section as hereinafter provided; every applicant applying for a permit shall designate in writing all articles of food or food products which said applicant proposes to sell or vend. faction of the Health Officer that said automobile, truck, wagon, cart, trailer, vehicle, or other device, will at all times be maintained in a clean, wholesome and sanitary condition, and that any or all articles of food or food products shall reach the consumer in a clean, wholesome condi- tion not injurious to health, such permit shall be denied. All permits issued under the provisions of this section shall be valid only for the sale or handling of food products designed in writing on the permit. 0 Unless it shall appear to the satis- DISPLAY OF PERMIT Subsection 1. The permit granted under the provisions of this ordinance shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the inside of the vehicle for which the permit has been granted. Subsection 2. All implements, tools and receptables shall be kept in a clean? healthful and sanitary condition at all times. Subsection 3. Sufficient metal containers With fly*tight covers shall be provided for all vegetable trimmings, tops, and other refuse and shall be emptied and washed daily. Subsection 4. A fly-tight, dust-proof compartment shall be provided for all berries, peaches, plums, figs, apricots, prunes, grapes or other soft fruits or perishable foods, and no such food shall be permitted to be exposed to dust, dirt, flies, or other foreign or injurious contwination. FRUITS Subsection 5. Fresh meats, fish, poultry, or the flesh of any other MEATS, FISH animal, or sea food, shall be kept in a refpigerated compartmen$. partment shall be so refrigerated that the temperature of said compartment shall not exceed 50° F. Subsection 6. Said com- at any time. No fish, poultry or other animal shall be cleaned nor POULTRY shall the entrails of such fish, poultry, or other animal be removed in any such vehicle. Subsection 7. The ice-box, refrigerator, or other compartment used REFRIGER- for icing or refrigerating food products shall be lined on the inside, with ATORS metal or tile, with all corners, cracks and crevices either soldered or cemented. CHOPPING BLOCKS Subsection 8. A chopping block shall be provided for all wagons peddl- ing or vending meats, and shall be removed and cleaned with clean water and soap, as often as it becomes necessary. Subsection 9. dust, dirt, and flies, The scales, balances, or other weighing devices of the SCALES meat, fish, or poultry vehicle, shall be so placed as to protect them from Subsection lo. No automobile,truck, trailer, wagon, cart, or other AUTOS, vehicle or container used in the sale or distribution of fruit, vegetables, TRUCKS, meat, fish, poultry or any other food product, shall at any time be allowed TRAILERS to stop on a vacant lot, highway, or street for the purpose of displaying, selling, offering for sale,or gi.sr;tzig away, such food products. HONEY AND All fruit juices, soft drinks, honey and/or other bever- BEVERAGES ages, or foods, shall be bottled in a regularly inspected plant, and shall SECTION 34* SAN-65 j -10- a- * k-mmed from one container to ther except in said not be poured a_ - -.-_ -- -- ----- --_- plant. SECTION 35. WINERIES AND CIDER MILLS All wineries, or cider mills, where wine or cider is in the process of preparation, shall have cement floors properly drained, and a sink properly installed and provided with running water. All bottles, jugs or receptables used for bottling wine or cider shall be thoroughly washed and sterilized. All bottles, jugs or other containers shall be supplied with new corks or stoppers. All pulp shall be disposed of by a method approved by the Health Department. All wineries and cider mills shall be equipped with a water flush toilet in accordance with County Ordinance regulating same, and be con- veniently located, SECTION 36. FLEGULATIONS FOR THE SALE OF FRUITS, VEGETABLES, AND FARM PRODUCE BY BONAFIDE FARMERS. It is herewith prcvided that all farmers or ranchers may dispose of all fruits, vegetables, and farm produce actually produced on their ranches. farms,or property, and that a permit will be issued therefor without charge providing that each and every provision of this ordinance is complied ~5th regulating the type of produce to be sold or distributed, and that the sale and distribution of said produce or food shall not be disposed of on any public street or highway in the County of San Diego. SECTION 37. DEFINITIONS: Health Officer: c- For the purpose of this act, the term nHealth Officer'' when applied is to include the Director of Health, Health Officer, or any regularly appointed inspector or employee of the Board of Health of the County of San Diego, Establishment: For the purpose of this act, the term "Establishment*' shall include all types of businesses engaged in the sale, distribution, preparation or handling of food, including vehicles, trucks, delivery wagons, and/or vending machines. SECTION 38. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordbmce shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollare ($10.00) , nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), or by im- prisonment in the county jail of the County of San Diego for a period of not less than five (5) days, nor more than six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment; provided, however that in isolated or rural districts where running water, electricity or other modern conveniences are not avail- able, a special permit may be issued if in the opinion of the Health Officer it be deemed advisable, and consistent with the preservation of public ' - health and safety. may affect public health and safety. All special permits shall be revokable for cause which SECTION 39. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force at the expiration of thirty days from and after its passage, and before the expira- SAN-65k -11- e tion of fifteedays the same shall be publishe th the names of the members voting for and against fhe sane, for at least one week in 8 daily newspaper of general circulation published in the said County of San Diego. phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconsti- tutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the ordinance. Diego hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase hereofp irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared unconsitutional. SECTION 40. That if any section, subsection) sentence, clause, or The Board of Supervisors of the County of San SECTION 41. Ordinance No. 301 of the County of San Diego passed, approved and adopted on the 1st day of December, 1924, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 31st day of July 1939. - T. LEROY RICNARDS, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego, State of California , The above Ordinance was adopted by the following vote: 'SUPWISOR Walter Bellon voting tfAyef' SUPERVISOR T LeRichards voting"Aye" SUPERVISOR J67m P. Faddis voting ttAyet! SUPERVISOR Harry C . Warner voting flAyet! SUPERVISOR W. T. Hart voting I'Ayelt ATTEST my hand and the seal of the Board of Supervisors this 31st day of July, 1939. J. B. MC LEES, (Seal) County Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors BY L. O'KENNEDY, DEPUTY .% I U .- E \. - -* j,: ," AN ORDINANCE To PROTECT AND PRESERVE PTJBLIC HEALTH AND DEPIbTING THE DUTIES OF THE HEALTH CFF'ICEFt AND OTHER PErRsONS. The Bard of Supervisors of the County of San Diego do ordain as follows: Section 1. It ahall be the duty of the health officer, under the direction and control of the Board of Supsrvisors, to enforce all laws, ordinances and regulations relating to the causes of sickness, nuisances and sources of filth existing within said county. let fever, and yellow for smallpox shall be provided by the direction of the Board of supervisors, and such as may be necessary supplied to the various druggists in the county outside of the incorporated cities; also to those in incorporated cities or towns where special health ordinances do not exist. Section 2. Placards df the various colors, green for diphtheria, red for scar- < Section 3. It shaU be the duty of any and all physicians treating or having charge of any case or asas of oontagious or fn€ectious disease within the County of San Diego, and under the jurisdiction of said Sern Diego County health officer, to placard the house where said contagion or infection exists, obtaining the placards from sai4 drqgglsts, free of charge, and otherwise enforce a strict quarantine to the extent of "izing the aontagion or infection, and rqwt the sane forthwith to the county hdth officer on postal cards supplied for said purpose; plaoards tS rewin on said houses fromtea to thirty days at the discretion of the health officer. Should any physician be called to treat, or come in contact with, or have howledge of any case or cases of d%pox, tsrphus, or yellow fevers, or leprosy Within the borders of Ssn Diego County, he sldl enforce the strictest quarantine possible, and c-cate kg7 the surest end quickest means (telephone if possible) with the aounty halth offbe?, vhorae duty it shall be and who Shall have full power in the interest of %he m"&ty at large to rBpK)vB any such ptatients if such removal can be accomplish& with& danger to life, to pest house or other plaoes of safety, and otherwise enfaroe 8-h qwwamtfne measures as fie map deai wise and expedient in the intW9St of the $enWd. Balth Of the COXKWtl%t~, Section 4. SwUon 5. No person or persons, except the physician, clergyman or undertaker, and those bavlng written permit fronr the hdlth officer, shall enter or depart from any house, where smallpox, cholera, or any other dangerow, contagious or infectious disease, exists, or WNle the corpse of any person who shall have died of such disease remains wian the house, or withia ten days tihereafter, or until said building and its contents rrhall have been disinfected or ottwwise disposed of to the satisfaction of the health officer, Section 6. No person shall, without a psrmit from the health officer, carry or remove from OW bullding or place to another, or from any railroad depot to any house, or through ally publfc street or highway, any person si& of cOIltag$erUa disease, nor shall any artiole of olothing or bsdding,or any othw article, by vMch tha @:eraas sf disease might spread, bs r:8mbv8d from said premises, or from one place to &%r until thoroughly d;tsf&ectsd, to the satitsfaction of the health officer, ad, if, in the judgment of the hdth officer, it is nmessary to dsstror said clothing or bedd- ing or other article, in order to prevent the spread of said disease, then the same shall be destroyed by him or under his directionsr. Any person attending upon or other- wise coming in contact with any contagious or infectious disease in such wanner or to such extent 8s to render him or her liable to contract said dis@ase or to comcato said d;i~aeases to others, shall not go into any public placs m assembly, or mingle with ot;her yperrsom rzot affected with such infectious or contagious disease. ahd, if, in the judgmnt of the hslth officer, it is neaessary that auch pason so exposed ba quarantined then 8 quarantine Of said person shall be established as provided in Section 8, and shall. be 0onIAriwd until the danger of co"unicatiw such contagious or infectious disease shall have passed. And it shall be unlawful for said person Sc quarantined to leave the quarantined premises without the written consent of the health officer, Any person smploySa by the health officer, and authorized in writing SAN 2% . ._. -1- * IC i E fihd by the County Clerk, confining persons to thsir dwellings or places of abode, is hersby authorized to wear as a badgs of authority a badge or star bearing the words Qxaantine Officsr" and it shall be unlawful to resist or obstruct or interfere with such person in the dischargs of his duties, to enforce -action 6 or Sect,on 8, of this ordinance, by Szction 7. It shall be the duty of every householdar in this county to report, in tlriting to th3 h&.th officer, immediately, the name of every person boarding at his or hap house whom he or she shall have reason to believe to be sick with scarlet fmer, diphtheris, cholera, smallpox or other dangarous, contagious or infectious disease, and any deaths occurring at his or her house from said dissase. Section 8. Whenever a cass of smallpox or cholera shall exist in a house or tenement, and it-shall be dsemed inexpediwt to ramove the person or psrsons so afflicted to the proper hospital, it shall be the duty of the health offher to re- quire all such persons to be kspt clossly confined in their rsspective dwellings or place of abode, and shall immzdiately cause to be constructed in a conspicuous place in front of such dwelling or place of abode a yellow flag or other suitable notice, setting forth th9 fact; and it shaU be unlawful for the occupants thereof or any other person, to remov3 such flag or notice as long as in the opinion of the health officer the same ought to remain on said premises. It shall be the duty of the health officer or any public officer, when necessary, to secure the public health, to enter upon the premises, or in the houss or other place of any person to discover or inspect any nuisance that may there &.st, to inspect drains, vaults, cellars, cess pools, watsr closets, privies, or sewers, or the ;ftsrds of such premises, to examin3 into their condition, and when satis- fied that apartments used for lodging and other purposes are improperly constructed or liable from overcrowding or filth to bwosne daqprous to the public health, or to aisseminats contagious or infhctious disease, or are not provided with privies, water closets or with sewers, drains or cesspools tapped, they or any of them shall serve a writtan notice upon the owner or other person in charge of such premisss, to remove the nuisance therein named, and if such owner or othgr person in charge, neglect to obey such notice, the health offfcer shall forthwith rsport the same to the Board of Supervisors, of the County, who shall at once require the District Attorney of said county to take the necessary steps to have thcj same abated as ti public nuisance. Section 9. Section 10. Whenever e. nuisance, endangering, in the opinion of the health officar the public health, shall be ascertained to exist on any premises, or in any house or othsr place in any city, town or township, the health officer shall notify in writing any person or persons owning or having control of, or acting as agent for, such premises, house, reasonable time, to be stated'in such notice. or other place, to abats or remove such nuisance within a Section U. Upon the neglect or refusal of any omw, occupant or agent, or othsr person having control of such house, or other place to comply with such notice the health officer may abats such nuisance, and the m3r, agent, or occupant, or other person having control of such house, or place, in addition to the pc?nalty by this ordinance, shall be liabls to the County of Ssn Diggo for the cost of such abats- ment, to be racovered in a civil action in any court of compc3tent jurisdiction. Ssction 12. No privy vault, privy, cesspool, or water closet shall bs allomd by the owner or other psrson in charge of the prsmises upon which the same may bs situa- ted, to become foul or offensive; and when, in opinion of the health offic3r any such privy, vault, or closet or cssspool shU. need cleaning or disinfscting, it shall be the duty of said h5alth officer to notie such OW~W or other person having control to aht3 the same disinfscting or cleaning, as in the judgment of said officer my be necsssary, or in cas2 of a defective or offensive cesspool tha owner shall cause a new one to be constructed, if the same is deemed necessary by the health officer. Section 13. No butcher*s offal or garbage, nor any dead animals nor any d2s- eased, putrid or offensivg animal or vegetable matter shall. be allowed to be placed or remain upon the pramisss of any person or omparation or to be depositsd or ramain upon strest, alley, park, vacant lot, or Public Highway or road, in comon USE or within a quarter of a mils of such road or highway, or any other place, or in any standing or running water, or excavation, and the same are hereby dsclared to be 8 public nuisance. SAN 28b -2- + . .- <. c Section U. No person, firm, company or corporation shall cause or permit any horses, cattle, sheep, swin9, poultry or any kind of live stock or domestic animals to pollute the waters or tributaries of such waters used or intended for drinking purposes by the inhabitants of any part of this county, No person shall bathe or wash clothes in any spring, strsarp, river, lake, rsservoir, well, flume, or other waters which are usad or intended for drinking purposes by the inhabitants of this county. It shall be the duty of sach special health officer in this county, in addition to the reports already provided for to report not later than the Thursday preceding the first Momlay in each month, to the county health officer on blanks pro- vided for such purpose, the conditions from a sanitary standpoint within his district, the general health of the codty, the number of births, deaths and of contagious diseasss reported to him. It shall be thz duty of all physicians practicing in this county, to report on postal cards provided for such purposes, to the haalth officer in whose district ths same may occur,all births at which he my attend, all deaths for which hs is entitled to sign dmth cartificates, and the number'of cases of contagious diseasos , Section 15, Section 16. Section 17. Section 18. No person, firm or corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, shall irrigate in any mannsr with sewage any strawberries, celery, lattuce, radishes, tomatoss or onions. Section 19. It shall be unlawful for any person to bury the carcass of any dead animal in such a way that there shall be lgss than thrse feet of soil above such car- cass , Section 20. No parson shall disinter or remove from the place of burial in the county of San Diego, the dead body of any human being without obtaining from the county health officer, or the Board of Supervisors, a psrmit therefor. No person, firm or corporation shall move into or across the County of San Diego, or any part thereof, any cas@ of infectious or contagious diszase with- out the written consent of the county health officer. Section 21. Section 22. Each physician in the &uty of San Diego, shall report to the health officer of said county, evwy patient he shall have under his care or attention who is afflictsd with Asiatic cholera, diphtheria, scarlet fever, smallpox, or danger- ous, contagious or infectious disaase as soon as he hhall become satisfied of the nature of the dfsaasa and shall report to th0 same officer every case of death from such disease, inmediately after it shall have oocurred. Ssction 23. It is unlawful for any person to resist or attampt to rssist the entrance of the h9alth officer, into any railsoad car, stags, vehicle, building, room, lot or other place in said county, in performncs of his duty, or to refuse to obey any lawful order of ths hqalth officer when made in performance of his duties or with- in ths pow3rs conferred by this ordinance or by law. provisions of this ordinance are hsrsby rspealzd. Section a. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with any of the Section 25. Any person violating any of the provisions ofthis ordinance shall be guilty of a misdsneanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fins of not to exceed thr9e hundred dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail of San Diego county for not exceeding six months, or by both such fins and imprisonment. Section 26. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after Sep- tsmber 25th, 1906, and prior to the expiration of fifteen days from the passage hws- of shall be published for at bast one wesk in the San Diego Union and Daily Bee, a newspapar printed and published in the county of' San Diego, State of California, to- gether with the names of the members of the Board of Supervisors voting for and against same. SAN 28c ,* d* CL P PASSED AEJD ADOPTEB this 7th day of Septsmber, 1906. E I . - JOHN GRIFFIN Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of San Diego county, Californiii THE ABOVE ORDINANCE was adopted by ths following vots: Supervisor John Griffin Supervisor H. M. Chwry Supervisor J, N, Cassidy Supervisor Jas. Foster Supervisor Wm Justice Voting Yes Voting Yes Voting Yes Voting Yes Voting Yes ATTEST my hand and the seal of the Board of Supervisors this 7th day of Saptembar, 1906. FRANK A. SALMONS Clerk of the Board of Supervisors By: HERBERT N. UE, Deputy. SAN 28d 9 NO. 447 (NEW SERIES *. 4.3 * f’”& ,3 c, - .. AM ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCENEXT OF THE STATE HOUSING ACT, PRUVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF PERELTTS Or? OCCUPANCY FOR, AND I#SPECTION OF APARTMENT HOUSES AND ROTSLS IM THE COUNTY OF SAX DTEGO, AHD FIXING THE FEE T‘HZREFOR. I* THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF SAM DIEGO DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOW: 6 r SECTION 1. The (County Surveyor and Road Commissioner in addition to his other duties, is hereby designated as the officer to enforce, and is charged with the enforcement of the provisions of the State Housing Act, Division 1.3, Part 1, Health and Safety Code., per- taining to the regulating the erection, construction, alteration and rnaint enance of buildings in the &incorporate of San Diego> ,r ,/c c L.-c^ * ‘b ‘, i SECTION 2, The Health Officer of the County of San Diego, in addition to his other duties, is hereby designated as the officer to enforce, and is charged with the enforcement of the provisions of the State Housing Act pertaining to sanitation, ventilation, use. or occupancy of apartment houses and hotels within the un territory of the County of San Diego.’, It shall be the duty of said Health Officer to , . SECTION 3. inspect all hotels and apartment houses as often as request therefor shall be made, or whenever said Health officer shall deem it necessary, and in any event as often as once in each year, SECTION 4. It shall be unlawful to occupy, or to permit to be occupied, any apartment house or hotel as such premises are defined in that certain act of the Legislature of the State of California, known as the State Housing Act, now or hereafter erected, constructed, re- constructed, altered, converted or moved, as the case may be, or any portion thereof, for human habitation until the issuance of a permit by the Health Officer for the County of San Diego therefor. ,* SECTION 5. Every applicant for such permit shall file with the Health Department of the County of San Diego a written application which shall. state the name and address of the applicant, a description of the property wherein or whereon it is proposed to conduct such hotel. or apartment house, and suck other information as the 3oard of Health of the County of San Diego by regulation may require. Every applicant - -1- J A with and pay to the Clerk designated by the board of Health to receive such applications the annual inspection fee hereinafter in this ordinance established, SECTION 6. Upon the filing of such application, accompanied by the fee herein required, it shall be the duty of the Health Officer of the County of San Diego to investigate the matter set forth in such application, and the Sanitary conditions in and about the place wherein or whereon it is proposed to conduct the business mentioned in the application, and whether said place conforms to the requirements of the ordinances of the County of San Diego, and with the rules and regulations of the Board of Health of the County of San Diego: and unless it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Health Officer that such place conforms to the reauirements of this ordinance, and is a proper and suitable place for such business, such application shall be denied. it shall be subject to revocation or suspension by said Health Depart- ment upon a showing satisfactory to said Health Department of the violatian bv the holder of such permit, his employee, servant or agent, A permit shall be granted only on the express condition that or any other person act;ing with his consent, or under his authority of any provision of any ordinance of the County of San Diego, or any law of the State of California, or any rule of the Board of Health of said County of San Diego, Fertaining to establishments subject to regulation and enforcement ofthe provisions of the SCate Housing Act, Health and Safety Code. SECTION 7. Every person, firm or corporation applying for a permit under the provision of this ordinance shall at the time of making application for such permit pay an inspection fee of , to the Clerk or employee of the Health Department of ignated to receive such fees. All moneys received as inspection fees under the provisions of this ordinance shall be paid into ,the County Treasury and placed in the Health Fund. which application is made, under the provisions of this ordinance, may be granted at any time during the year but all permits granted hereunder shall expire on the 31st day.of December of the year in which the same are granted; provided that application for permits after October first shall receive inspections without chsrge and a temporary permit issued A permit for -2- e fl D ' t 1 without fee which shall expire on December 3lst. to any person shall not be transferable to any other person or from one location to another location. All permits issued SECTION 8. For the purpose of this ordinance, the words ."hotel" and "apartment housett unless otherwise herein specified, shall be as designated ad defined by the State Housing Act of the State of California. - SECTION 9. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10,00), nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), or by imprisonment in the County Jail of the County of San Diego for / a period of not Less than five (5) days, nor more than six (6) months or by both such fine and imprisonment. Every person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each day during which any portion of which such violation continues, and shall be punish'able therefore, as herein provided. SECTION 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force at the expiration of thirty days from and after its passage, and before the expiration of fifteen days the same shall be published once with the names of the members voting for and against the same, in the San Diego Union, a newspaper of general circulation published in the said County of San Diego. SECTION 11, A11 ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, Definitions: Whenever in this ordinance the word Health Officer appears, it shall be construed to mean- the health officer or any sanitary inspector regularly employed by the Health Department of the County of Sari Diego, Whenever in this ordinance the word 'person' is used, it shall be construed to mean any person, firm, association or corporation. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of December, 1945, DAVID W. BIRD Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego, State of California, The above Ordinance was adopted by the following vote: Supervisor DeGraff Austin, voting "Aye ." Supervisor David W. Bird, voting '?Aye, rr Supervisor James A. Robbins, voting "Aye." Supervisor Dan Rossi, voting "Aye .Ir Supervisor Dean E. Howell, voting '?Aye J ATTEST my hand and the seal of the Board of Supervisors this 10th day of December, 1945. J. BO MC LEES, County Clerk and ex officio Clerk of the Board of Supervi sors ( SEAL ) 12/18 BY M. PIASLAND, DEPUTY ORDINANCE NO. 821 (New Series) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCES NOS. 299, 302, 151 (NEW SERIES) , 161 (NEW S'ERIES),, 224 (NEW SERIES), 447 (NEW SERIES) and 633 (NEW SERIES) RELATING TO FEES. The Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego do ordain as follows: SECTION 6. Section 7 of Ordinance No, 447 (New Series) is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 7. Every person, firm or corporation applying for a permit under the provision of this ordinance shall at the time of making application for such permit pay an inspection fee of ten dollars ($10,00), to the Clerk or employee of the Health Department of said County designated to receive such fees. A11 moneys received as inspection fees under the provisions of this ordinance shall be paid into the County Treasury and placed in the General Fund. k permit for which application is made, under the pro- visions of this ordinance, may be granted at any time during the year but all permits granted hereunder shall expire on the 3lst day of December of the year in which the same are granted; provided that application for per- mits after October first shall receive inspections without charge and a temporary permit issued without fee which shall expire on December 3lst. person shall not be transferable to any other person or from one location to another location. A11 permits issued to any SECTION 9. the expiration of thirty (30) days from and after its passage, and before the expiration of fifteen days after its passage it shall be published once, with the names of the members voting for and against the same, in the San Dfego Union, a newspaper of general circulation published in the County of San Diego. This Ordinance shal.1 take effect and be in force at PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of February, 1949. DEAN El HOtlSELL, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego, State of California. The above Ordinance was adopted by the following vote: Supervisor DeGraff Austin voting "Aye. Supervisor David W. Bird voting ffAye.ll Supervisor James A. Robbins voting IIAye. It Supervisor Dan Rossi voting "Aye. If Supervisor Dean E. Howell voting "Aye. It ATTEST my hand and the seal of the Eoard of Supervisors this 7th day of February, 1949. T. H. SEXTON, (Seal) County Clerk and ex-officio By J. MILLER, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. Deputy 2/16 I, c a? 3 ! (r ; ’. ,. cp