HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-08-05; City Council; 9005; Land class./districts, property uses, maps & violation enforcement1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3c 31 34 o+ ORDIW-~CE NO, 9005 AN URDIIqAkrCE ESTABLISHING LAED CLASSIFTCilTIONS &!?D DISTRICTS 6 '! VJITHIN TEE CITY OF CARLSBAD, REGULATING THE USES OF' PROPERTY, ' ORDZRIIIG NAPS OF SAID CITY, DBFINING TEE TERHS USED IN SAID ORDINAIVCE, PROVIDIMG FOR THZ AD~TSTXENT, ENFORCIBEITT AND vrou" TFIEREOP AWD PT3SCRXEXMG PENALTIES FOR ITS VIOLATION. The City Counci7_ of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as f OllOtTS : Section ~lt SAX DIEGO COU" 03DINAHCES BO, 371 (New Series) The provisions of ayld Do. 49 (New Series), AWPTED BY EIEmRmCE. San Diego County Ordinances Xo. 371 (Bew Series) and No, 14-9 (New Seracs) as amended to the date of July 16, 1952, that relate to the City of Carlsbad are hereby adopted by reference, a. mpy of said Ordinances are on Tile in the office of the City Clerk for inspection, and. the same are hereby made a part hereof a.s if fully set out In this Ordinance, subject to such alterations and addi- tZons as hereinafter may be set forth, Section Zr DE?LCWITIONS. Tfierever the words "Board of Supervisors" shall appear they shall mean City Council. t'herever the woyds "County of San DBego" shall appear they shall mean City of Carlsbed. Xherever the words "Clerk of the Bo,wd of' Supervisors" sliall appear they I shall mean Building Inspector. ;'dherever the words "Sheriff of San Urlego County" shall appear they shall mean the Building Inspector. Vlerever the words "County Jafl of San Diego County" shall appear they shall mean the Sal1 providled by the City of Carlsbad. %herever the words "District Attorney of San Diego County" shall appear they slzaLI mean CZtg-Attorney of. %lie City of Carlsbai Kherever the srords "CounQ TresLsv.ry" shall appew they shall mean City Treas-my+ - t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 3.8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 * Section 3. DELE2ION OF SECTION 3 OF SAT1 DIEGO COUXTY ORDINANCE EO. 371. (Hew Series). Section 3 of San Diego ~omty Ordinance No, 371 (Hevr Series) is hereby deleted, Section It, AEEJDING SECTION 18 OF SAIT DIEGO COURTY O3DINAXCE NO. 371. (New Series), Ordinance Xo, 371 (New Series) is hereby amended to read as Section 18 of San Diego County f 01 1 0v:s : Subsequent -io the application for a building permit pur- sum-% to City of Carlsbad Oydinance No, 8005, and prior to issu- ance rS said peymit, the applicat3.011 shall be refereed to a deputy of Yne Planning Co-mxission OF the Planning Comiission, who shall inspect the application to determine conforrrzance with exlsting zoning regnlations; if the aFplication conforms to the existing zoning regulations, the pcrmit may be issued by the bulldlng official. If there exists a non-conf'o?m&nce with exfstiing zoning regulations, tine application shall be rerepred to Yne Planning ComrZissiorL. The building offrcial is hereby apointed as a deputy of the Planning Commission. SectZion 5. D3LETIOW OF SECTIUX 20 of SAX DIEGO COu-fifTY ORDflTiZlv'CE 1.10, 371 (New Series). Section 20 of San Diego Coun-by Ordinance got 371 (New Series) is hereby deleted, (New Series), AS AXXITD3D. Tne Zoning Classification of the folloving described 1-m-d w3.thin the Tncorporated me3. of Carlsbad is hereby changed from E-2, Snall FaTms DLstrict, to E-1, Large Lot 3esid.ence DlstrTct: Beg;inrG..ng at +,he intersection of the Uesterly line of Lot 1, Zancho Af~ua Redionda, F4ap No. 823, wiVl the center ZTne of Xonroe Street, County Road Survey No, 975; thence North 26 degrees 11 minukes East 807.48 feet along %Ice Mesterly line of sald Lot L -2- t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Y to the Bort'lwesterly corner of said lot; thence South 89 degrees 4.2 _.ninv.tes 10 seconds 3ast S!jl.'j'l feet along the Rortkerly lEne of said Lot 3;; Ylence SouCn 19 degrees 1~6 m2nui;es 15 seconds East 356& feet; thence Xorth 70 degrees 13 minutes &s seconds East 80 feet; thence South 9 degrees 53 minutes 15 seconds East 3k8428 feet to intersection with Worthwesterly line of Czrlsbad Eighlands Hap Mo. 2647; Ynence along the boundary of' said Nap No. 2647 South 58 degrees 3.4 minutes 25 seconds %est to zngle point therein; thence South 26 d-egrees 11 mSnutes ?,$lest 612.12 feet to center line of ?,%onroe Street 8s shonn on sald Subdivision Map No, 2&7; thence No:?tnwesterly along the center line 02 Xlonroe Street to the intersection of the center line of Road. Survey ?To. 975; thence Xortheasterly and 'North- westerly along the center line of' Road Survey 30. 975 r to 2oint of beginning. (3b.i~ Series), AS &BP1DXDa The Zonlng Glassifica-tion of -t;'ne fol- lov~ing described land wi-t'ni_n the incorporated mea. of Car1s'oa.d 9s I-rereby changed from C-l, Local Business District, to 2-4, Aparrtment District: All that portion of the land sZtuated with?-n Tract One Eundred of Carlsbad Lands, accoTding to f&ap Ynerroof No. 1661, filed in the office of the County Recorder of Xan Hego County, l&wch 1, 1915, within Block Xighteeen of Caplsbad, according to Aaended Nap thereof' 1Jor 775, filed in the office of the County R@copder of Sa %%ego County, Fehrumy 15, l89l!,, together wCPJiti? the Northeasterly Ealf of Garfield Street adjoinrng said Block 18, as closed to public use, all in t2n-e Couan"cy of.San Dfego, State -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 . of California, lying llor%hwesterly and Eesterly of a line described as follows: SegSinning at the Southwesterly corner of said Tract 100, wlnich is also the 1Torthv:esterly copner of Tract ZOO, T2rum Lands, Map 1681, on file in the office of the County Recorder; thence along the Southwesterly boundary of said Trac-t; 100, North 30 degrees 40 min- utes ?$lest 68.0 feet to Y’ne true point of beginning; thence North 55 degrees 27 minutes East to the Wester- ly line of the California State Kf&way, as said highwq Is described in Deed from W, T, Hart and Sarah E* Hart to the State of California, dated April 11, 193!!-, recopded June 8, 1934, in Book 297, Page 308 of Official. Iiecords; thence Northerly along said Testerly Highway line to the Northwesterly line of said Block 18 of Carlsbad. Section 8, AKZHDLNG SAX DEGO comm O~IX~CE NO, 49 (Ilfew Series), AS ANBIDED~ ing descrrbed land within the incorporated area of Carlsbad is hereby changed from E-2, Small Fmns District, to the R-1, Laage Lot Residence District: The Zoning Classification of the follow All those portions of Lot 21 of Pattersonts Addition, according to Hap thereof No. 565, fZled in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, Septem- ber 22, 1888, and of Tract 121, Carlsbad Lands in said County and State according eo Ida-p thereof No, 1661 filed in the office of the County Recorder of Sa Diego County Harch 1, 1951, lying Zasterlg of a line which is parallel wlth and distant 150 feet Easterly at r5gh.t angles from the Easterly line of HZg_tlland Ikive as shown on the said Naps, -4- , *- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 . ,. . * ,* I Section 9* 04 PiiEPARATfOM OF &?A€' TO DISISLAY XXISTIMG ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS. The City Clerk is hereby direcked to prepare a map showing all the existing ,onfng classifications set forth by this Ordinance, Section 10. IXTERPRETATION. Wothing set for%h in this Ordinance shall be-construed as inposing any zoning classifica- ti,ons in areas that have not previously been zoned under San Diego County Ordinance Wo, 371 (New Series), as mended, and San Diego County Ordinance No. 49 (Mew Series), as amended. ANENDIMG SECTION 26 OF SAX DIEGO COUNTY Section 11. OI?DIMAIJCE EO, 371 (New Serres), AS AHENDZD. Diego County (3rd-inance No, 371 (new Series) is hereby wended to read as follows: Section 26 of Sayl ThSs Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure necessary for tkte ixzxediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, and shall. take effect i;r;raediately. ?YE€EWAs, the City of Garlsbad has just become incorporated on the 16th day of July, 1952, and that up to and including this date all zoning regulations within the above Ordinances were governed by ti?e County of San Diego, and that upon incoqoration the force and effect of these OrdZnances have temqinated, TIEEREFORE, it is necessary that this Ordinance t&e effect immediately in order tbat zoning regulations shall be in force and effect to protec-f; the public peace, health and safety. Section 12, The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad be and he is hereby directed to cause thZs Ordinance to be published once in Yne Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad. - k I. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 * ,. Passed, adopted, approved and ordered published by ehe City Council of Yne City of Carlsbad, Californ5,a, this 5th day of August, 1952, by the followtng vote, to-wit: c. B. m-- PnCcmLLm Nayor of the City of Carlsbad, Calif omia ATTEST: P -6-