HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-08-12; City Council; 1006; Planning Commission created7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 * w ' -?,' i *- c d, The C%ty Council of Viae City of Carisbad does ordain as follovs: ' SKIP AED TY?XS. Eie Tlanning Conmiss5on sha1-1 comist of nine (9) cieFilDers; six (6) menbers to be a?cointeci by the Sifayor rrith %he p9,roval. of the Coixnc51, md t?x?ee (3) ex-off%c?-o rzeabers, to-wit: The CZty 3uLlding Inspector, Z?e Pi~31ic '3orlrs Xrector, and one gerilber to be selected. fCrorrr tile Clty CoumLl, Of the sTx (6) menbers of the ComG.ssion first apofnted 'neTeundeT, -!mo shall be apornted for Yne terms of one yew, bwo for the temm of two years, olze for the -berm cf three years, and one fox* %':?e tom of four yews. The5.y successors shall be a?point ad for tems of four years. than by exCirat3ion of tep2, it shall be f'illed by appoPntnent for If' a vacancy shall occw othemise the xnexpfred portion of the tem. mmbers siiall corresnond to the?-? yespecttve officla.1 tenweso A11 members shall be entitled to one vote, The %ems of ex-officZo Section 3. BSFJC2 FROM T333TINGS. If a mexber of the Plan- njng Com.iss?on shall be absent fram three successive regular xeetiwrgs of said. ComxLssion, wlt'noxt cause, ?ne offlcc of such me-r?Lber-shall be deened to Se vacant, and the tem of sinch nember ipso facto termLnatcd and -the Secretary of the P1an~ring Comlissior shall imnedia-telg infom Yne City Co;uncil of such temina%ion, U 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2E Z€ 2'; 22 2s 3( of the fact that any one op? more oYner sectlons, subsections, sen- tences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional 3: 3: 111. . Section 11. FZGULAE? TiEEYTING. A regular meetimg; as 9rovrid-ed for by law OF by -rule of the Plamsng Coia~4ssion or any regularly ztdvertTfsed pu-bl2c heai?irrg shall be deemed a regular meetLng, Sec.t5on 5. ORGA'E\TIZATIOK. The ComZssion shall elect its 3haiman from aaong i_ts appointed menbers for a tern of one year, znd, subject to other snrovisions of lav, may enploy a secretary for the yu-rposes of recoyding minutes of khafr neetiqp and other su.ch bu-siness as cones before said Co:mission, and may cre3-b and. Fill such other offices as it may determine. shall hold at least one reg-da-r Zeeting Ln each month. adogt rules for transactLon of business and shall keep a record 3f the resolutSoils, transactions, flcdings and determinations, ?jly\_ich recoi?d shall be a public recorde The Commission I It shall Section 6, D?Tt'IZ:S. Said City FlamLng Commission shall perform the dutles a3d. shall have all the rights, Fowers and privileges specified and provided for by Ordinances of this CZty or by State lzw, Sectfon Te 3EPEAL OF S31CTION 4 OF OR3IHANCE NO. lOO5, SectLon b. of Ordtnance 30. 1005 5s hereby repealed, Section 8, S23VvSF~ILITY OF PROVISZORS, If any section, sub- sec"Yon, sentence, clause or 9hrase of -bMs Ordinance ris, for any reason, held So be invalid of m-constii;utLonal, such invalldlty or u-nco-nstitutionafity shall not affect the valtdity OF constitu- tionality of the renaining portions of this OrdLnaulce; it 'oeS_ng hereby expTessly declaped that this Ordinance, and each SectLon, subsectlon, senteme, clause mcl phrase hereof, tlrould have been prepared, yroposed, sdopted, approved and. rattfied irrespective -2-