HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-09-02; City Council; 1010; Assessment & tax collection transfer to County Assessor & Tax Collector-1 'I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ORDINANCE NO, 1010 follows : AN ORDINANCE TRAHSFERRTPJG TIC3 DUTIES OF ASSESSImNT ,\ AND TAX COLLZC'hON -TO T€Z3 COr3NTY OF SAN DDGO ASSESSOR AND TAX COLZECTOR, The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordafn as SECTION 1, TRUTSFER OF DUTIES OF ASSESS'NEXT AJD TAX COLLEC- TION TO-THE COUXTY OF SAN DiEGO ASSESSOR AND TAX GOLLECTOR. the duties of assessment and tax collection shall be and hereby are transferred 60 and shall be perfomnsd by the County of San.Diego Assessop and the County of San Diego Tax Collector, respectively. That SECTION 2, FILING OF CERTIFIED COPIES, The City Clerk is ,, hereby directed and ordered to file a certified true.copy of thfs Ordinance with the County of San DSego Auditor on the effective dat of this Ordinance, SECTIOM 3. PAYIJEEJT OF TO CITY. All taxes so levied and collected by the County of San Diego shall be paid by warrant of the County Auditor to the City Treasurer of the City of Carlsbad, subject to Section 4 hereof. SECTION ,4. CO-~TY AUDITOR AUTEORIZED TO DEDUCT EXPENSES, The County of San Diego Auditor is hereby authorized to %educt the cost of collection of said taxes, the moum'c of the cost of collec- tion to be determined by the Board of Supervisors; however, in no event shall the cost of collection exceed one per cent (1%) for collecting the first $25,000.00 of taxes, and not nore than one- quarter per cent (l/4.%) for all taxes collected over $25,000.00* SECTION 5. DUTIES Ai\nt POWERS TRANSmSD TO CITY CLERK. All duties and powers authorized by general statutes of the State of California or by ordinances of this City that would have vested in the office of City Assessor, other than the assessing of pro- perty within the City, shzll.be transferred to and shall be performed by, the City Clerk. SECTION 6. DUTIES AND POWERS WVSF” TO CHIEF OF POLICE. &1 duties and po~ers authorized by general statutes of the State of California. or by ordinances of this City that would have vested. fn the office of City Tax Collector, other than the collection of taxes, shall be transferred to and shall be performed by the Chief of Police. SEefION 7. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after the 31st day of its adoption, SECTION 8, The City Clerk shell certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be pub- lished by one insertion in tjne Carlsbad J.ourn&, a newspaper published and of general circulation within the said City and hereby aesignated for that purpose. PASSED, ADOPTED, ASPROVED Ah9 ORDERED PUBLISHED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, this 2nd day of September, 1952, by the following vote, to-wrwit: AYES: Councilmen Sutton, Ede, Grober, Castorena, ana Xayor XticClellan UAYS: Hone ABSENT: Bone,