HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-11-11; City Council; 9006; Thum Lands Tracts 231/236 rezone E-2 to R-2ORDZKAXCE XO., 9006 \4iERTAS, the city Planning Conmission has recormended that certain lands in Thm Lands be changed from Zone E-2 to Zone R-2; and ?<,it ,,.ZRTAS, q the City Council of the City of Carlsbac? finds that public necessity and convenience require that such zone change be nade; Therefore, pursuant to Ordinance Xo. 9005, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain a.s follows: P-- G~CXTOIT 1. mat all of 'L'ract 231 and that portion of 'I'ract 236 of - Thum Lands in the City of Carlsbad according to map thereof Bo. 1681 described as follows: that portion of Tract 236 lying "'esterly of California State C;ighway XI SD-2-B. Township 12 South, Range 4 ;!iest, Also Lots 1 and 2 of Section 7, be and the same hereby is changed froa Zone 5-2 to Zone R-2 and the same shall be subjec€ to all the privileges and restrictions and uses pre- scribed. in Zone SXCTICN 2, I__ K-2 as set forth in Ordinance Yo, 9005. 1 The City Clerk of the City or" Carlsbad is hereby directed to cause this Grdinance to be published once in the Carlsbad Journal, a newapaper published and of general circulation in the said City of car 1 sbad. sx c ?' I ~ii nlv-r 3. This Ordiaance shall take effect and be in force on tine thirty-first day from and after its final passqe. PASSX:D, ADOPTTD AX3 APPRO'EZD by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, this 11th day of &member, 1952, by the following vote: . I. - Ams 2 Mayor UcClallan, Councilmn Ede, Castorena, and Councilnian Sutton XIyor of the City of Carlsbad, California ATTZST: n / ,