HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-11-11; City Council; 9007; Industrial tract rezone R-3 to M-1'I;"JHEREAS, the City Planning Coxmission has recormnended that certain lands in Industrid Tract be ;hanged from Zone R-3 to Zone 1E-l; and. !!TF33REAS, the City CounciI of the City of Carlsbad finds that public necessity and convenience require that such zone change be made; Therefore, prsuant to Grd-inance 110. 9005, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as followst SECTIOW 1. 'That all of Tndustrial Tract in the City of Carlsbad, acccrding to map thereof ?To. 1743, ALSO Lots 13, 14, 35, and 16 of Block ItF*, Carlsbad Townsite, according to map thereof No. 775, ALSO those portions of closed streets and alley adjoining saiC! Lots 13, 14, 15, and 16, AIS0 the 5ssterly half of the Atchison, 'Topeka & Santa Be Railmay right-of-way ad-joining said Industrial Tract and said closed portion of street and alley be and the same hereby is ohanged from. Zone 3-3 to Zone "1-1 and the sane shall be subject to all the privileges and restric- tions and uses prescribed in Zone EX-?. as set forth in Ord-inance No. 9005. S3CTICIT 2? The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby directed to cause this Ordinance to be published once in the Carlsbad Jqurnal, ne:vspaper published and of general circulation in the said City of Carl sba,d. a '777 ~ACTIUH 3. This Crdinance shall take effect and be in force OM' the thirty-first day from and after its final passage. PASS?D, ADO'ETXD UlD A?TRQVXD bv the City Council of the City of Carlsbad-, California, this 11th day of Eoverxber, 1952, by the following <> * ~ .. - e* .. .. .4 xkF3S: NAYS: None Yayor BlcClellan, Councilman Eda, Castorenrn and Council- mn Sutton, _GSENT: CounciIman Grober 'Thyor of the City of Carlsbad, California -2-