HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-12-02; City Council; 9010; Block #7 (S/half) rezone R-2 to R-4, L- * ... ,-- Therefore, pursumt to Ordinanc,. 7;o. 9005, t’-e City Council or tke City of Sarlsb5d d-oes ord-ain as QoLlo;ns:: ---I__ S’3:CTICY 1, That the Southerly hnlf of Block 97 In t%e City of Carlsbsd, 3,s per >Can theroof 40. 535, filed in the Of-?ice of t%e County Recol-der of San Diego County, Xay 2, 1888, be and t%e same hereby is cbanped from Zone R-2 to Zone R-4 and the same shalf. be sv-bject to all t3e privileges 2nd restrictions and- uses prescribed ir, Zone R-4 as set forth in Ordinance KO. 9005. The Citv Clerk of the City of CarlsSad is hereby directed. to cause this Ordinance to be published once in the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and of general circulation in the sald City of Carlsbad, __II- XXCTIOXu?, This Ord-inance shal.1 take effect and be iP; force on the thirty-first day fro71 a,i?d. a?ter its fina.1 passage. ?.ASS3D, ADOPTED K3 APPROT,ED By the City Council of the CitTr of Carlsbad, Szlifornia, this -2nd day of -----f December 1952, by the following vote: AYES: TJayor McCleUan, Councilman Castorena, Ede, Su t ton and Grober. NAYS : Nons sy:T;";' : None _------