HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-01-06; City Council; 9009; Zone R-1A property established & regulatedThe City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as follows: SE CTI ON1, The Zone R-PA is hereby created. SECTICE 2. USYS PYPJ2TTTPE -by of the uses permitted in Zone R-1 as defined in Ordinance Bo. 9005 shall be permitted in Zone R-1A. SRCTIOR 3. The building height shall be limited to two (2) stories or 35 feet. SECTIOB 4. BUICI,DII?G ---__-- SITE AFEA EEQ,UT€?ED, The minin1uE kuilding site area for each one-family d-welling ~ball ’be 10,000 square feet and a mini- mm frontage of 75 feet fronting on a dedicated street, except that any lot having an area less than 10,000 saiiare feet under one ownership at the time t?is Crdinance becomes effective, where the owner thereof then owns no adjoining land, may be used as a building site for one dwelling by the owner of euch lot or his successors in interest, provided that all: other regulations of the district as prescribed by Ordinance No, 9005 are observed. SECTION 5. FROST -- YARD REQUIRED. Txcept 2,s otherwise proviged in Ordinaxce Eo. ?CO5, no b~%ildin~ shall be erected closer than 50 feet to the center line fronts, SECTIONL of the street or highway upon which the building site ---- SITlE YmDS PS&UQ?ED. Except as provid-ed in Ordinance Bo. 9005, each side yard shall be no+, less than 10 feet wide. # c SXCTION_Z_L ZEN? Y@, REO;I_TIRTQS Except as pr.ovided in Ordinance WO. 9005, the depth of t’ne rear yard sha.11 be not less than 40 feet. f SECTION 8. ADD3XDUid TO QRIIEJAT\TCE BO, 9005, This Ordinance shall be considered as a sv.ppleimmt and alidsn6um to Ord-inance Xoo 9005, SECTIOI: 9, PERALTIYS. Any persm viola'chg any +or" the provisions - of 'chis Ordinance shall. be guilty of a misdemaanor and upon convic- tion thereof shall. be punished. by ixprisonment in the ja9l provided by the Cit2j- for not exceeG5ng three nonths, 07" 7337 a fine of not to exceed Three Xundred ($300,00) Dollam, or by both sxch fine and. in?-" prisonment. SECTIOB 10, 37FECT OF QRDIXANCE. If any sec-bion, subsection, sentence, clsuse or phrase of this O~dinance is for any reason held. to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of tk remaining portions of this Crd-inaace. The legislative body hereby declares thst it would have passed thls Ord-h-ance and each see- tion, subsection, seatence, clause and phmse thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or sore sections, subsections, seuter-ces, clauses or phrases be declared .cri?Lconstitutional. SECTIOB 11, and be in force passage . SZCTION 125 rec-ted to cause The City 'Jlerk of bhe City of Carisbad is hereby di- this Ordinance to be -published once 5n the Carlxbad T uournal, a newspaper published and of general circulation In said. City of CarZs'onci, PASSED, ~?3i30PTD kNE AP'CROVED by the Cibj Council of the City of Carisbad, California, this 6th day of January, 1953, by the following vote , to-w2.t : AYES: NAYS: None. ABSEXT : Eone Comcilmm Suttoil, Grober, Ede, Castorena, hyor lJcClellan.