HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-01-20; City Council; 2005; Volunteer Fire Dept formation, reg, organization & maintXEG’iSLATIOIV, ORGAKIZATION, AND ZiAINTENANCE OF THE VOLUNTEER 3’133 D.37AATXZN” OF TI73 CITY‘ OF CARLSBAD ....................... The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as f 0 11 OVJS : OF CARLSBAD. A, Recognition is hereby extend-ed to the existence OF the non- ppofit corporation entitled “Carlsbad Volunteer Fire Department”, organized pursuant to Part I, Division IX, of Title I of the Corpora- tion’s Code, to become the volunteer fire department of the City of Carlsbad, City of Carlsbad hereby accepts the transfer of title of the truck and- all equipment from the non-prof it Carlsbad Volunteer Fire Department to the City of Carlsbad; provided that, the City of Carisbad shall not at any fut-we date transfer title to this truck and equipment without obtaining the p-rior approval and consent of the Carlsbad Volunteer Fi re Department here inaTter created . Said volunteer corporation has expressed its willingness The a, The Volunteer Fire DepartaeEt of the City of Carlsbad is hereby created and shall be regulated, ruled and 2overned by the regu- lations hereinafter set forth* C. The Volunteer Tire Depar-kment of “im City of Carisbad shall continne yond the corporate limits of the City of Carlsbad; provided that, this extra-territorial service may be terrflinated when the City Council de- Lo serve that are8 !mown as 11 N orth Carlsbad, t’ which lies Se- termines th8.t it would be beneficial. to the City of Carlsbad in ob- taining an insurance reduction, the residents of the area of Morti? Carlsbad -vho have contributed to -’ Upon termination of this service, the purchase of eqv.ipmen’r, shall be eatitled. to a refund of monTes so contributed less depreciation on theeguiprient for the 3eriod- of time when fire Rzrotection was rendeTedr D, The Volunteer Tire Department of the City of Car1sba.d shall - 1- possess full discretion as to opzration, rmintenance, control and ad- ditions of new equipment, subject to the appropriation of funds for these pv-rposes by the city Council. E, On June 1 of each gear, %?E Chief spa11 submit a budget re- q uest to the City Comcil, SECOND: S'JPERVISIOE, It shall be the duty of the City Cou,n_ci_l to have cotnplete supervision over the fiPe department End require the Chief to make a complete annual report concerning the department in general, giving a descyiption of the condition of the department, imke suggestionar and recoimend+tions for ma jar improvenien'cs, and tell oi" the activities dui*ing the year, his capacity as head of the fire department. A. CEIXF, The Chief shall be -Lhe chief executive officer of the Fire Department and shall be invested with the following aw.thori- ties and dv-ties: 1. To have dii-ect control, management and direction or all officers and. men of the fi:e department and. the power to detail any of them to 517.ckL public service as he may see fib, looking to the best interest and efficiency of the department. 2. To carry out strictly the enforcement of the rules and regulations of the department and be able to suspend,or remove ?POL: service any officer or fireman for cause in such manner as Is pro-ild-eci in these regulations, 5* To exervise supreme commmd over tb departmant at fires and over all equ-ipment belonging to it, 4, To ea-use to be extinguished all fires ~NFtln the least possible danger to life and property and. prevent un- necessary damge by water at fires, 5, To see that the premises on which Pipes accur are eaase further damage to life and property, 6. To observe the general conditior, of the depart: ment and apparatus and make an annual report to the City Council. concerning the same, along with a comp lete report of the activfties of the department. T, To make a complete investigation of each fire, keeping a rec~m3 of ana determining the cause, mount of lass to building and contents, amount of insurance coverage and insurance paid, llwmber and description of each building destroyed, togetber with nanes of owners Eind OCCUpGotS B. ASSISTANT CHIEF. The bsistsnt Chief shall rank next to the Chief end shall have similar qualifications. He shall take complete charge in thk absence of that oWicer and be invested with the same authorities and duties while so actfng, krrangement shall be mde so that tb Assistant Chief will always be present in the absence of the Chief. In the presence of the Chief, It shall be his duty to a2d the Chief in every possiblet m-ner, to maintain strict discipline and in- sure efficient operation of the department. G. CUTAINS. The Capta.ins shall have equal authority and a rank next to the Assistant Chief, functions as are assfgned to them by the Chief, They shall perform such dutfes and E@RETARY. The Secretary shall b0 in eharge of the pre- paration of all re-coMa and documents as are requiped by the Chief. FIFTH: OPERATORS AllD DRIVERS. UICIyIIEl Opemtors in charge of pumping engines s'lrall act as &?fv0rs tkiereof and: A. Shall be held responsible for tb care and managerrient of' their apparatus, seeing that it is left clean, in good o'nuJer, and ready- for service at all times, B, Shall be responsible for getting the engine to the fire and properly maneuverfng and connecting same to hydrant for operation, C. Shall, when workiw3 the engine at fires and drills, exe& eise proper judgment as to pressure needed, takfng Snto consideration - 3* size and construction of b.rxitlding, the amownt of hose laid and heap- ing in mind tksat it is not advisable ta carry unnecessary pressure. Drivers of other? aukombile apparatus to wMch they ape as. signed shall be responsible for the cape and management of same and shall see that it is in conditloa for servfee at all tzms., &tors shall be started at such rsgalap perids as are desig- nated by the Chief and sha3.f nw until thomughly warm (fifteen to twenty mSmt0s). Use of ehoke shall be minix" and motors allowed to run at full idle for several mments before shtttng down. I A complete log book record be kept for each. piece Qf automo- bile apparatus and entries madbe of all operatlon, warm-ups, maintenance, etc. REPAIRS. Operato~s and drfvers shall infopm theip Chief of all necessary repairs needed 0'11 theif apparatus and shall do OF cause to be done without fuPther delay ala. of srtch necessary repairs, REZIEF OPERATORS DRIVERS. Tlaere shall be p~ovided, for each operator os? drber, a subordinate eo shall s0rve.in the ahsence of such regular operators arid drivers as 81~8 appointed. They shpS, be fully Instructed, trainee and SnforPmed and be thoroughly capable of taking charge of apparatus and perfornhg the necessary duties as my be required of tbm in the absence of the regular men. SIXTH: FXREMEEJ. In general, all f9mmn shall be traIfned to handle any and a11 of the ripe apparatus provlded; also to act in any deslred capacity io haEdling first-aid fire appliances cal engines or doing salvage Work. their power to get the fire under control, to r5emak at their posts OF hose, chemi- They shall do everything within duty unless excused by the cormanding offfcsP and to re%um with the apparatus from fires5 alarms, or clrflls, to the fire statkons, r All firemen, upon the sounding, of' the alarm, shall reporf, for duty immediately and with all possU3le speed as the Chief may designate. Offlcers of the Volm- two (2) year term by the members of tb Volunteer %w D8partmeIx.t; the resnlts of such election shall be confirmea by the City Comcfl and when so confirmed, shall - 4- constitute the official appointment of' said elected officers, The CiQ ComcLl shall have t'be prerogative to accept or reject the of- ficers elected, but in no event may the City Councfl initiate their own selection of officers without a prior election by the members of the Volunteer Fire Departmemt Appointment of' new men hto the fire department shall be made with the object off improving the operation, efficiency and general excellency of the man-power, In the selection of men, consideration shall be gfven to the follow2ng rules: 1, Age of applicants shall not be less than 21. years or not more than 35 years. 2, The azaxllrmm size of tb fire department shall be twenty (20) members, asd there sball be no recruitment in excess of this 3, %embers shall reside within the CiQ of Carlsbad, Appli- &$ >~c;..",'- cants shall have been 8 resident for at least bpsr-rl) geap, 4, All applicants shall express their consent and agree to attend at least one (1) meeting of the Volunteer Fire Department per month. ET@3!TB: OBEDSEWCE ABD CCHDUCT. - Strict discipline shall at all times be maint8.fned foF the purpose of contributing, as 8 neces- sary factor, to the smoothness of operation and efficiency of the department lh8n any mn is detailed to perform the duttes of a higher office than tbat which he officially holds, he shall be allowed all the privileges pertaining to that office and shall be obeyed and res pectsd ace ordingly. An7 officer Or member of the department who shall refuse oP voluntarily neglect to obey or execute any orders from tb officer in charge of any fire, or who shall violate or willfully neglect or refuse to be controlled, go"d or managed by any of the rules and regulations as are hereia provided or may be adopted from time to time, shall be subject to fine, suspension or expulsion from the department by the Chief, -5- NIEITH: DRILLS, The department shall be drilled and maintaketi to the end that fires shall be controlled immediately at their start so far as possible. Drills shall be in charge of' a competent offtcer fireman who shall. be responsible for the proper train5ng and drill- ing of men and the standardization of methods, FREQTJBBCY OF DRILLS, Department drills sbll be held at least once a month. CBARACTER OF DRILLS. Drills shall be conducted in the fashion and manner specified by the Chief, The handling of apparatus s'nall be thorough in every respect and elosely approximate actual fire eonditions, It shall embrace the making of hose connection wfth hydrants and engines, unloading and stretching hose without kinks, coupling and uncoupling, attaching play-plpes, carrying hose up ladders, over roofs, and t-ugh the in- tepior of buildings, reaching inaccessible and out-of-the-way places s including basenients, sub-basements, attics, 8tc. It is ?importan& that the mea become practiced in holding the play-pipes, also movfng and "ping hose lines while under pressum, Water shall be turned on For pract?iee drills at the discretion of the Chief, At times, when conditions ape favorable, a sufficient number of hose lines shall be laid to test the maxi^ working capacfty of the water system. Operators of engines shall be tborazghly acquainted or acqaaint themselves Sikh the opera- of their engines under fire duty and shall become proficient in observing the proper amount of' pressure to be carried at the pump under given conditions. relief valves am in perfect; working order and everything else about the engine is always in readiness for nozzle men to shut off streams at any time, so that they will be safeguard.06 as far;. as poss,ible from injury by uncontrollable hose streams They shall see that At the conclusion of pmctice drills and on o??der from the Chfef or other officer in charge, the department shall return eo the fire station vitk their apparatus and promptly place it in readiness to respond to a fim call. ly dried before being placed upon the apparatus ana, if possible, If hose has been wet it shall be thorough- * 6- replaced wfth spare hose hrhg ths drying process. Home drills shall be held frequently at the order of the Chief or anyone he may so designate to call house drills, for the purpose of familiarizing men with the names and use of eguipmsnt and apparatus, responding from club POOPS or quarters to apparatus for the purpose of starting engines and getMng under way an& inspecting tb condition of all equipment, SalPage appliances to be used in practice to the and that water dmage will be reduced to 8 mini" at fires, afam shall be subject to pun%shment by the Chief unless a valid ex- cuse for such non-attendance can be given, ELFXEBTZL: CARE OF EQUIPXEXT AB'D APPMATUS. Offleers charged -- with the cape OF equipment and apparatus shall see that regular tn- spections are made of such equipment and apparatus and shall make a monthly report to tIae Chief regarding $81328. TWELFTE: BUILDDG INSPECTIONS. The Chief, or any member he may designate, is hereby authorized, empowered and PeqUfr8d to in- spect from tiw to the a31 buildings and. premises where aecumlatlons of combustible aaterials or other hazardous condftfons are liable to exist, and to order such changes or removals as in his opinion are necessary for safety frm fire, principally fn tb8 business and indus- trial sections. For the puwose of inspection, he is hereby eqowersd to enter any and all buildingdand premises at any reasonable hour. Also, in the same districts for the purpose of facilitating fire fighting, building inspections shall be ma& by the department officer(s frPm the to the to determine tb arrangemmt of buildings with respect to one another, to familiarize themselves with the in- side of every building and its contents, to study ths best methods of aktackitng every building in case of fire and to note all new con- struction. Records shall be kept of all inspections, including notes and sketches. These records shall be mab a permanent pat of the records of the fire aepartment. THIRTEENTH: FIEiE DEPBRTKEHT RECORDS. The Chief Is hereby peq uired to keep, and shall devise forms or methods of' keeping, records of the following: Fires: 1. Date, time and location, 2, Probable origin or cause. 3. Method of extinguishment of fires. 4. Amount of property loss. 6. hoant of insurance carried on buildings an6 contents. 8. Description of buildings and contents damaged or destroyed and name of omer and occupante 9. Whether alarm originated as telephone or? box alamn. 10, Losses to exposures. Atten&": Complete records shall be kept of the attendance of every officer and fireman to fires, drills, schools and meetings+ Other Records : \ Other recordls shall consist of all records previously and hereafter specified and required in these rules and regulations except those indicated above under this headjylg. FOUXTEEMTH: GEMERBL RULES. The f iz?e departmen% shall be self- --n"w-a,-_------g.c- govesntng in regards to any pyovision not &rein specified, and may adopt ;=10s and regulatfom foi? its om se%+-goverfiments Persons not oonnscted with the dspartmelat shall not b3 perrrmitke4 to ride on the apparatus, Nallibers of the departmeat refming to obey orders of superior offieem shall be reported imedlately In wrftexrg to the Chief, Fail- are on the part of any officer to do so shall constitute a vfolatSon of this Pule. Bo member shall be under the ixlfluence of intoxicatfng liq uom, beverages, dpuge or compounds while on duty, nos? shall any of same Be kept in sta"' d.on9 0 Blerribers of the department shall at all tfmes be thoroughly familias with all o-i?CaPfiancss pertaining to the fire department and to - 8- f%re prevention. PmmM'FR: EFpCT OF - OIWIWANCE. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of %Us Ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. hereby declares that it woad have passed this Ordbance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irrespactive of the fact that any on0 OP more s0ctfons, subsec.i;lons, sentences, clauses or phrases be deolared unconstitutional, The legislatiye body SIXTEEXTH: EFFTCTIV'B DATE. This Ordina.nc8 shall take effect and be in fome on the thirty-ffmt day fron and aftex? its adoption, EfGI3TmMTR: PASSED, ADOPTEDr APPROVED and ordered published by the City Council of the City of C,rlsbad, CaliPopnia, this 20th day of JanuarL_ 1953, by the following vote, to-wit: !XES: HAYS : hiolne. Councilmen Sutton, Ede, Grober, &fayor ~JcClellan. &SENT: Councilman Castorena.