HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-01-20; City Council; 7016; Intent to vacate Ocean ST portion @ W/Oak AV & set hearingI To VACATS A POEPIOB OF OCEAIg STEBET AT THE WESTERLY EMD OF OAK AgEEJUE. AB'D ESTBBLISHIBG A TXHE AID PLACE OF HEABIHG, SECTIOB 1% PROCZDURE EN ACCORDANCE WITH THE S9IfIEET VACATIOI ACT OF 19bl." The procredure for the vacation of a portion of Ocean Street at the Westesly End of Oak Aveme in the City of Carlsbad shall be and is hereby ordered to be in confomanee with Street Vacation Act * of 1941.n SZCTIOI 2, IBTB3€TION 3Y3 VACATE, It is hereby declared to be the %&&eartion of the City Councfl ts vacate a portion of Ocean Street at the Westerly end of Oak Avenue in the City of CaPlsbad, the details of said vacatfon being Ig0x.e specifically set forth in a Rap and plan on file in the office of the CSty Clerk, said sap being made, a part of this Ordinance as if fully set out herein. 4 SECTIOI 3, Tm AND PLACE OF HEAJZEG, The City COUnCiI. Qf tb City of Carlsbad hereby establishes the date far hewing all persona interested in or objecting to the vacation 8s herein set forth at 7:3O o'clock p.m. os Harch 3, 1933, at Its regular meeting plaee in the City Hall, Carlsbad, Califomla, SECTION 4, MOTICE QF I"T&%DED 'ISBCQTIOW O€DEXBD POSTED. Thf3 City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to post three notices of street vacation not IRQP~ than 3OO feet apart in places along that poption of' Ocean Street at the Westerly end of Oak Avenue. SECTION 5, The City Clerk is brew ordered and directed to cause this Ordinance to be published once in the Carlsbad Journal, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad, SECTION 6, This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force on I the thirty-fipst day from and after its final passage. I PASSED, ADOPTED awD DPBOW3D by the City Council Qf the City of Carlsbad, California, this 20th day of January 9 1933, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: MAYS : None. Councilmen Sutton, Ede, Grober, Mayor &l&lellan, ABSEMT: Councilman Castorena. C. D. HcCLELUR Hayor of' the City of Carlsbad, Calif omia