HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-02-03; City Council; 9013; Thum Lands portion rezone E-2 to R-1A- - z . ~ ..:'. WI-BREAS, the City Planning Comr+&ss9on has recommended. that a certain portiori of Lot 240 of Thun Lands be changed fmm Zone EY.2 to Zone R-IA; and WXEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad finds that public necessity and convenlmce require that such zone change be mad e; THEREFORE, pursuant to Ordinance No, 9009, the City Council of the City of CarLsbac3 does ordab. as follows: SECT103 1, That -khat portion of Lot 240 of Thum La.yld.s described as : Beginning at a concrete Irzonnment at the point of inter- sectfon of thd center line of Highland Street and. the center Zim of Chestnut Avenue, -mnntng thence along said centes line of Chestnut Avena6 South 61 d-ogrees 21 minutes Vest a distance of 443 fee% to a point; thence South 28 degrees 39 minutes East a dlstance of 340 feet to a point; theice North 61 degrees 21 minutes Xas% a distance of 203 feet to a point; thence Xorth 28 degrees 39 minutes Eest a distance of 137 feet to 2 polnt;; thence Forth 61 degrees 21 nim-tes East a distance of 240 feet to tbe center line of Highland Street; thence ITort'n 28> degrees 39 ?xLnutes West along said center line of Iligh- land Streek to the point of beginning, be, and. the saw hereby is changed from Zone E-2 to Zoyle R-1A a-id the sane shall be subject to all the privileges and restrictions and uses prescribed in Zone R-1A as set fort-;h in 9rdfnmcc Eo. 9009 of the Clty of Carlsbad, ~~CTIO:: 2 . The City Clerk oC the City of Caylsbad is hereby dipect.ed to cause this Ordinz-ce to be pgblishecJ once in the Carlsbat". Journal, a new:ispa.per publ'ished and of gensral circulation in %%e said _I c I‘* .- ‘I I City of Carlsbad. SECTION 3, This OTdinavlce shzll take et’fect and be in force on the thirty-Tirst day from ~nd after its fir.al passage. PBSSED, A30’PTE XD RP303E3 by the CLty Council OF the Sity of Carlsbzd, Califoiulia, th’nis 3rd d.ay 03 February, 2.953, by the following vote, to-wit : ATTEST :