HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-02-03; City Council; 9014; Thum Lands tracts 236/237 portion rezone E-2 to R-1AWHEREAS, the City Planning Connmlission has reoommended that a certain portion of' Tract 236 of Thm Lands and 8 certab portion of Tract 237 of 9%- bnd.8 be changed from Zone 33-2 to 20- 8-lA; and WHEZBM, the City Council of the Cfty of Carlsbad finds that public necessity and convenfence require that such zone -8 be made; mom, pursuant to ofiimce ~o, BO&, tb City council of J the City of Carlsbad does ordain as follows: SECTION a, That : That portion of Tract 236 of Thm Lands in the County of Sarm Diego, State of California, accopding to Hap thereof No, 1683. filed In the office of the Recorder of San Diego County December 9, 1915, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the center line OT Hagnolia ~Vf3m8, distant thereon South 61 degrees 21 nn%nu%es Weat 446.86 feet from its intersection with the center lira of Adam Street; thence South 28 &epees 39 minutes East 627.47 feet; thence ltBorth 61 degrees 21 minutes East 238.86 feet; thence South 28 degrees 39 minutes East 497.41 feet tu a point on the center line of Tamasaok Avenue; then- South 61 degrees 21. minutes west along the center line of Taaarack Avenue to the Easterly line of California State Highway XI S.B. 243; thence Northerly along the saia Gaster- ly line to the cell3tep line of Hagnolia Avenue; thence North 61 degpe88 21 minutes East to the point of beginning, All that portion of Tract 237 of Thm Lands, acoordlng to Map thereof No. 1682. filed in the office of the Couaty Rt"%P of San Diego County DeceIPber 9, 1915, desmibed as follows: Beghnlng at the intersection of the center liMS of Tamarack Avenue and Adam Street; thence South 61 deg~eea 21 minutes West along the center line of Tamarack Avenue .) ., jlj.31 feet mope or less to the Easterly lbe of California State Eighway XI S,D, 2.B; thence Southerly along sad Easterly lkne to intepsection with a line which is parallel with and bistant 405.80 feet at right angles fr0~ the said center line of Taaarack Avenue; thence North 61 degrees 2l a%nutes East along said parallel line to the center line of h%3m8 Street; thence lorth 28 degrees 39 lainUtes West 405.80 feet to .t;he point Qf beginning, be and the same hereby are ch-d from Zone E-2 to Zsm B-U, and the same shall be subject to all the privileges and restrictions and uses presrcPibed fn Zone 31-11 as set forth in Ordinance go, 9WS. SECTIOB 2.c Tke City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby directed to cause this Ordinarzce to be publi.shed once in the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper pablisked and of general circulation 2n the said City Qf Carlsbad, SECTION 3i Tfifs Ordimme shall take effect and be in force 52a the thirty-first tlay from and after its fin&?. passage, e, D. Hcc- Hayor of the City of Carlsbad, California ATTEST: EDwaaD 0. MRH, C -2-