HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-04-10; City Council; 9025; Land subdivision streets dedication regs & maps approvalORDIIWJCE HO. 90 25 OBDIN&!lCE P;flOVIDING €EGXJLATIOI\TS FOB THE SUBDIVISION The City Council of the City of Car1sba.d does ordain as follows: SECTION I, Pursuant to the authorization contained in the Planning Act of the State of California avld to the authorization contained in the Subdivision Map Act of the State 6f California, Knis Ordinance is adopted supplemental thereto, and in furtherance thereof, and is to be constmed and enforced in connection and in conformity therewith, SECTIOM 11, Whenever any subdivision of land, as defined in the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, shall hereafter be laid out within, or partly within, the incorgorated limits of the City of Carlsbad, the subdivider thereof, or his agent, shall submit both 8 ten- tative and a. final map thereof to the City Planning Conmission of" said City. Said- naps and all mocedure relating thereto shall in 8-11 respects be in full compliance with all provisions of sa56 act, and any amendments thereto, and wit3 the regulations hereinafter contained in this Ordinance , All lands offered to the City for streets, highways, alleys, or other nublic use, where no aDprov81 of the City Planning commissfon has been secured, shall be referred to the City Planning Commission for a report axCi recommendation before being accepted, by the City Council, SECTION In, RXGULATIONS, A. Major Street Plan. The subdivision of land, or the dedication of land, for streets, highways, alleys or other public use shall conform to the major street plan avid master plan as hereafter recommended, approved and adopted by the City of Carlsbad, I V 68 .@ . . €3. Relation to Adjoininotreet System& Unless othemise recommended by the Planning Commission, new subdivipions shall make p?rovisions for the continuation of the principal existing streets in any adjoining or adjacent subdivision insofar as they may be necessary for public requirements, In general, such streets shall be of a width as grea$ 8.8 that of the streets so continued or projected. The center lines of such streets sha.11 continue with the center lines of existing streets. In general, the streets shall extend to the boundary of the subdi- vision to Dr0vid.e the proper access to the adjoining property, and provide for propel" ccnxection with the highway system for contiguous and adjacent land.. C, Streets, Alley and Parking. 1, Widths of ma-jor streets between curbs sha.11 be not less than forty (40) feet. The width of any other street between curbs shz.11 be not less than thirty-six (36) feet. KLl streets shall have not less that sixty (60) feet right of way-, except that dead end streets not ex- ceeding three hundred (300) feet in length from the last point of' lateral s3reet access may have a fifty (50) foot rfght of way, 2. Whenever there exists alree.dy a dedicated and recorded one-half street OF alley on an adjoinlng subd-ivision, the other half must be d-edicated on the FroDosed map or plat of the new subdivision to make the street or alley comulete. 3. Alleys not less than twenty (20) feet wide shall be pro- vided in the rear of all lots in the 3-3, B-4, C-1, and C-2 Zones. 4. In Zones C-1, C-2, 14-l and M-2, off street parking area shall be required as specifiell in the Carlsbad Zoning Ord-inance or as required by the Planning Commission. 5. Alleys mag be required at the rear of residence lots and shal2. be not less than twenty (20) feet wide. -2- . D. e degrees Street azd- Alley Intersections. 1. Intersections of streets sha.11 be an angle of ninety (SO) i7 or as close to such an angle as practicable. lermination of' streets at intersections shall be clearly defined. 2. Block corners shall be cut off or rounded, in conforinity with standards heretofore or hereafter adopted by the Planning Commission. E. Curve RadSi. 1. Center line radii or" major and secondary streets shall be, in general, not less 'ch-an five hundred (500) feet. 2. Center line radii of' major azd secondary streets fn rouzh and broken area shall be not less than two hundred (200) feet, 3. Center line radii of' local streets shall be not less tlian one hundred (100) fee'c. 4. Reverse or compound curves on major and secondary streets shall be separated by a tangent sufficient to provide safety of traves, F. Block, 1, Unless otherwise recommended by the Pla.nning Comnissfon, streets shall be Flatted a distance apart to allow for a block width sufficient for two tiers of Lots. The side of any block must not exceed. 750 feet in length, unless otherwise recornmended by the Planning Commis- sion based upon topographical or other reasons. . G, Lots, 1. All lots shall front on a public street. 2. The side line of lots shsll be apyoxlnately at right a?.gles or radial to the street u~on which the lots face, 3. A11 resident3a.l lots shall be of the width reconmend-ed by the Planning Commission but in no case shall they have a wldth of less than flfty (50) feet, except those lots loca.ted at the end of a dead-end street may hme a minimum width at the front line of the lot of not less than twenty (20) feet, provided the average width of such lot is not less than fifty (50) feet. -3- 4. The minimum mea. of each residential lot shall. be governed by the zoning ordinances of the City of Carlsbad, now or hereafter adopted. 5. A11 residential lots shall have a depth of not less than 100 feet, unless a.p-proved by the -planning commission because of bpo- graphical reasons . 6. A11 business lots shall have a width of not less than 25 feet an6 a depth of not less than 70 feet. 7, The lots in every block shall be nwnbeped in l'!. Lots must not be cut by a city boundary line order commencing with the numeral 8. numerical City boun- dary lines may be lot lines or center lines of streets or a.lleys. €3 . Dead-end Streets . It, Idhere dead--end streets are aF.sroved- by reason of the topograyhy or other reason, the radius of the st-eet line of the turning a-rea at the end of such street shall. be not less than 50 feet, and the radius of the curb line s'na2-1 be not less than 4.0 feet. I. Susgens ions of Xovis ions or Sequirements .* 1, The susgension of any requirement of this Section may be granted by the Cfty Council in a particular case. Application for such susgension must show that there are s?ecial circumstances or conditions affecting the -property In question; also, that such sumension is neces- sary for the preservation and- enjoyment of a substantial Tro2epty right of the apDlicant; also, that such suspension, if granted, will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare am? inju.rLous to other pro-qerty in the immediate vicinity. A. Map information. The tentative map or preliminary p1a.n shall contain the following information: 1. The name or title under which the pro-oased subdivision is to be recorded. -4- , . 2. The naae and address of %he record owner or subdivid-er. 3. The location, width, aygroxinate gmdes aid- radii of proposed and existing streets, alleys, highways and ways included in the plat; axso, similar facts regardirig the property contiguous or adjacent. &. The location of all existing features affecting the sub divisivx, such 8s railroads, buildings, trees over 4 imhes in diameter, easements, ditches , water courses, 2nd other natural features, 5. The location and- size of the nearest available public sewers, water mains and public sup;sly existing: or plamed; also, the method of sewage disposal proposed, 6. Approximate dimensions of lots, aPgrosima.te radii of cwves, and- approx5mzte location of bu-ild-ing setback lines, 7. ?.$%ere, in the opinion of the City Planning Commission, a topographical map of the area is required, the subdivider must furnish such map, with contou-r lines of not more than five foot ir?tervais. 8. Date, north point, and scale. Map shall be dwlam to show clearPly all information to a scale of not less than 100 feet to one inch, 9. Map shall be 18 inches by 26 inches in dlmensiosn, or multiples thereof. (Tae following in2 0rma.t ion shall be filed with the tentative ma9. ) 10, A surf Ic3.ent legal description to dtefine the boundaries of the proposed tract. 11. A written statement or a zonlng map ind-Seating the pro- pmed use of -the various pzrcels, 12. Proposed- im3rovementx. -5- . 04P B. Procedure f.or the FLling of a Tentative MaD. 1, Proprty owners or subdividers desj-rlng to record pla.ts of subdlvisions shall submit six copies of the tentatitre may to the City Planning Corzlmission. 2. The subdlvider shall be issued- a recei??; by the City Plsnning Commission when the tentative map is submitted, 3. The City Planning ConmissSon shlall refer one co-py of the tentative map to each the Public Works Directoy and. the Fire Chief. The pul3i.c Works Directos? and the Fire Chief shall be zllowed fifteen days in which to submit their (his) written reports and- recommendations to the City Plsmninp; Comaission. b, The Public Morks DSrector sh&Il exanine the plat a.s to its comTliance with the laws and ordinapces of the City of Carlsbad, and the Major Street Plan, @ any, and other official plans of the City, the existing street systems, and pod- engineering practice. 5. The Public Works Director's written recomendation shall set forth the size and type of Lmprovement Eecessary for sanltation, public use and sa.fe'r;y to be constructed- by the subdivider before accep- tance of the final map. 6, The Fire Chief shall set forth in writing reconmendation concerning fire hy&ants 2nd other fire protection installations. 7. After receiving written recommendations from the Public Works Director and the Fire Chief, the City Planning Comissiort shall, within fl-fteen d-z.ys, submit 8. cqoy of the tentative mng to the City Council, together with. the Cornmission's recomendations attached thereto. 8, The Council shail a-anrove or disa7j73rove the tentative map by passage of a resolution. approval shntl. state the natu.re and chzracter of the ingrovenents that will be required to be msde by the subdivider, based upon the recornmenda- tions of the PfEnning Conmission, tle Public Works Directoor, and the Fire Chi.ef, oz? as cZetermined ?qr the Council; provided, however, thet In every case the resolution shz.11 require the minimum improvements requ-ired by Section VI1 o f this Ordiname. If the ma9 is ap-?roved, a resolution of -6- 9, Bo woPk sha.11 be done by the subdivider on any land offered or to be offered for ded-ication until the City Council shall have adopted a resolution determining the nature and. character of the iniprovenents -bo be required. SECTION V, EBGLNEmIXG ABD SURVEY, A. Each subdivision shall, abject to the approval of the tenta- kive map thereof and prior to the filing of the final mp with the Planning Conmis sion, be sw.rvegedi accurately, in accordance with the tentatZve map and all alterations and changes requipedi by the Planning Commission or City Councfl, except, however, in cases where the map is exclusiveig a reversion to acreage, such survey shall not be re- quired e €3. The procedure and pracfifce of all survey work done upon such subdjvision shall conform to the accepted standards of the eq5ineering profess ion, J Ce Monuments e After all improvements are constructed and, grading completed, permanent monuments shall. be set at the boundary corners of each subdivision and along the boundary lines at intervals of not more tkan 1,000 feet, and at ail block comers, also be set at the intemection of the center lines, wlth the top of the Permanent monuments shall rnonument not less khan 18 inches below the surface of the groundr Such monurrtents shall consist; of concrete posts or iron pipes, For the pur- pose of this Ordinance, permanent monuments shall be not less substan”ca1 than the following: I. A cylinder of reinforced conci?ete, 6 inches in diameter, -not less than 2 feet in length, with the center point -marked by a copper disk firmly set in the top; or 2, An iron pipe, centered with lead, with a 2-inch outside diameter, not less than 2 fee% in length, shall be S~OWE upon such final nap. alley property lines, at corners and angles of the exterior boundarles of the subdivision shall be not less substantial than steel pipe 3/4 imhes in diameter, centered with lead or cement plug and tack, not less than 18 inches in length, and driven Xonuments at all angles and points of curves of the street and - 7- s ea? at least 18 inches into the ,gro~nd. Lot corners sh-311 be marked with a 2-inch Cedar or Redwood- stake 12 inches long, centered with it copper tack, driven at least 10 inches Into the gpound., or by a one-half inch steel rod or Fipe, 12 inches long, driven at least 10 inches into the groirnd. in the office of' the Public f4Torks Director, Copy of the orlginal field notes of mch sr72vey shall be filed SXZZON VI. XT\~-AI, MAP. Withirz one year after tlie approval of a tentative ns.p by the Plamning Comyission and- the Citv C~unclk, the sub- divider shall submit to the Planning Conzm,ixsion a final m3.p aad fovvl copies thereof. on tracing clot,lz of good quality, 18 inches by 26 inches in slze, drawn to a scale of 100 feet to one Inch, with a. one-Inch ruled margin, The flnal map shad1 he dzam with waterproof India ink, A. Inforza'cion on Final ITav. definitely xhou the f ollovring infomaption: The final map shall accurately and 1. The boundaries of" the property subdivided and the boundaries of all proposed streets, alleys, and wa.ys, with their widths, names a.nd grade s e 2, All easegents and lot lines and the nunber of 53x3- lo%s and blocks, with fljyres to show %heir dimensions. 3. All- dimenslons, both linear 8.112 aqgular, necessary for locating lots, tracts, or parcels of ground, alleys, and easelneats and bound-arks of the subdivhcion, and connections OF ties to all adjoiv-ing xubdiv is ions. b. 5. 138-sis of bearing shorn on the final ma.p, The necessary functions for 8-11 ctrvillinear lines a.nd streets, and the radii for all rounded corners. 6, subdiv is Lon. The description and location of all nonuments set in the 7. Nme of subdivision, location a-ad extent of the ppoperty subdivld-ed-, arrow d.esigmtinS true north., scale of piat, and. the naQe of the engineer platting the tract. 1 8. AFproval of street names shall be secured from the city -8- 00 Planning Commission before printing the same on the ma-?. 9. The traverse of the exterior bomdaries of the tract and tke bound-a.~ies of each block in the tract shall be submitted wsjth the final map to the Public Yorks Director, 10. -41-1 linear dimensions shall be egressed in feet azd hun6red-ths of a foot, B. Certificate on Fin& RaD, The followicy certificates shall anyear on the title sheet of the final map: I, f)edlcation Certificate: The title sheet of the final map shall contain a Certificate offering for dedication for Fublic use a11 streets, h.ighwa.ys, parks or other Fublic places shotm on the map, 2. Sv.rveyor*s or Zngineer’s Ceytificate: On every such map or plat there shall be endorsed a Certificate signed and sealed by the Zhgineer maklrg the survey shown on such mep OF plat certifying that he actually made the survey, gerformea the work slio~m, an& set the stakes, monuments and marks indicated thereon, and specifying the size s.nd kinds of stakes, monuments end merks set, and all stakes, monments and mmks found-, together ~5th the date that such field work vms Cone by him, and containing such other information as may be requ.iredl by the Subdivision N3.y act, 3, No such map o-r Flat shall be accepted by the City Council unless it kea-rs the Certificate of the Public 3orks Director a.nd 8n authorized representative or’ the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, certifying substantially 2s folloric~s : have exaqined- eech lot shown on the annexea map as to its value for residential or commem9.al purgoses and we fl2d- the said subdlvision su-itable for such purposes. “We, the und-ersigned, hereby certify that we Dated this day of 7 s9-* Sa.id final ~a.p shall also bear the Certif5eate of the Public Yorks Direc- tor conta-ining the date required to be set forth in said Public Works Dtrector’s certificate by the Subdivision i4ap -kt of tbe State, -9- 4. No such map OY plat shall be accepted by the City Council unless it bears a certificate of the ,City Treasurer certifying substan- tially as f ollowrs: tlSTATE OF CAZIFCaEIA: COmvTY OF SA% D33:GO: sx I, City !?yeasurer of the City 02 Sarlsbad, California, hereby certify that there are no liens for un-pa-id. City taxes or unpid bonds issued under an8 Inprovemei?_t Act OF Improvement Eond Act of the State of alifornia, showing on the books of this offfce, except taxes not yet pa.ya.b!-e, against the tracts or subd-ivixions, or any part thepeof, shown on the acnexed nap and d-escribed- in the cavbion thereof. IN WITN3:SS I-fBERZOF, I have b.ereun-i;o set my hand this day of 3 3-9 . CITY TREASUEERU ard. a certificate of the Courrty Aud-itor, containing the requirements of an Auditor's Certificate, as provided by Section 14 of' the Subd-ivision M2.p Act of the State, 5. Certificate of Title Com-oany: No such map or plat shall be accepted by the Clty Council unless it bears the Certificate of a. Title Insurance CompaEy authorized to do business in the State of giving the names of all parties whose coulsent is necessary to pass a clear title, excewt th2t if the Droperty is registered. under the Land Zegj-stra- tion Act, Bnovm as the i'orrens System, the Certificate of Vie Zegistrar of the County of San Diego, certif'ving the same facts sha.11 be accepted in lieu thereof. Such Certificate of the Title Company or Registrar shall be substantially the fOllOl^ring form: It The hereby certifies that on the at the hour Of PI, were all the ovmers and persons interested in and- W~OS~ consent I'JZS necessary to pass a. clear title to the land em- braced within th.e Subdivision to be ho~m. 8s as shown on this Nap and as psrticularly described 8s follows : . -Y 19 day of - 10 - IN WITNESS WHE€EOF, the sa.id has caused this instrument to be executed under its comorate name apd seal, by its proper officers thereurnto duly authorized, the day 2nd year above written. Attest : and a certificate signed and ackzowledged by all parties having a record title interest in the lend subdivided, containing the data. required by Section 13 of the Subdivision 14a.p Act of the State. 6. Acknowledgements : All such signatures of QWTEPS and others, whether ind-ividua.ls or corporations, must be properly@ signed and acknow- ledged in Jnd-ia Ink before a Iiota.ry Public, In a11 other particulsrs seid- maps shall conform with the requirements of the Subdivision 1;la.p Act of the State of California. No such map or plat shall be a.ccepted by the City Council unless it shall first have been aFTroved by the Public iilorks 3irector, the City Attorney, and the Plaxmirg Commission, which approval and recommendation shall be signed by the Chairman and Secretary of sald Commission. All ma& gre- sented to the City Cmncll for approval shall Tro-ride proper certificates for the City %erk to certify the aFi3proval of the City Council and the acceptance on behalf of the public of all ded-ications sh-oim thereon. C. Procedure on Approval of Final WaDd 1, The final map and four copies thereof shall be submitted to the City Planning Comm%ssion, 2, One copy of the final 9a.p and the legal descrio$ion thereof The shall be referred to the City Attorney for examination and a.-p-proval, City Attorney shall examine the copy for sufficiency of affidavits, legal descriptions, 2nd other checkings, In order to insure compliance with applicable 9rovj.sions of law, 3. Two copies 02 the final n8-p shall be referred to the Public Works Director for examination and approval, The ?ublic Works Director L . .a? shall examine the map for correctness of survey data and make the neces- sary field inspection. for correctness of nathematical data and computations and- setting of monuments, The Public Vorks Director shall check the map 4, The Planning Commission shall exmine the map for compli- ance with the tentative map an6 a-?prove the chazlges the:?eof, satisfied upon a study of the fnep a.nd 2. field inspection that the subd-i- vision complies with the provislons of this Ordinance and the State law, it shall approve the map 2.726- forward the same to the City Council within een days with its recomaendatlon for adoption, znii the City Council may If it is approve OP reject the sane at its next regular meeting. SECT10 N VI1 . A, ITQXOVEi~lZNTS X3QUIEED. Before aupoval of the final map, the sub6ivider shall improve all Land dediicated for streets, highways, and other -ou-blic ~mps in the ma-nner avtd to the extent as set forth and required in the Sesolution of' the City Coumil provided for in Section IV-B-8 of this Brdinznce, In addition to such other iagrovements as the City ccuncil may declare in such resolution, the subdivider shall in all- instances be required to: I, Grade and surface the streets. 2. Provid-e convenient access to each of the lots of the subdivision. 3. Install a water s~.-o~ly system and fire hydrant$ facilities conforming to standard practices recognized. by the American Vater Works Association and- meeting the minimum requirements of the Board- of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific. r-l ihe water supgly m.y be obtained later from the City if mains are installed. sion for an ad-equate supply of water. The subdivfder shall make provi- lit, Construct sidewalks, curbs and gutters , except that sille- walks shall not be required in R-1, B-1A and E Zones. 5, Install street naae signs specified by the City Council, .. - 12 - 1' 00 6. Install sanitary sewer system or 9rovj.de for such other method of sewage disposal as recome-nded- and aqroved by the Public Works Director. 7. No final map shzll be accepted by the City Council unless and until the above imgrovements have been ma6e or an agreement has been mad-e as provided in the sub-section rrB1l of this Sec-bion. B. In the event the improvements of all land dedicated for streets, highways, or other public ways required by the aesolution referred to in sub-section ''Atr of this Section hEve no% been made, iurstalle8, md com- pleted at the time the final map is wresented to the City Council for acceptance, no such mq sha!_L be accepted by the City Council unless the subdivider, prior to or simultaneously wit'? the -mesentation thereof to the City Council, shall have complied with an6 performed the following reuuLrements , to-wit: 1. The sub6lvld.er shall file ~31th the City Clerk d-etailed plans ard specifications, bearing the aDFrovs.1 of the Public Works Di- rector, for all of "tfie improvements required- to ke made or installed by the Tiesolution of the City Council referred to in sub-section rrArr of this Section, together with the detailed estimates made or z?p-oroved by the ?ublic Works Director of the cost of such iaprovements and an estim8te of the time reasonably necessary to complete the same; and. 2, Tlae subdivider shall enter into an agreernent with the CLty of Carlsbad, a-oproved- as to form and legality by the City Attorney, that he will make, install, an& complete all the improvements not already in- stalled- and- completeed, requ-lred by the Resolution of the City Council, and shz3-1 accompany the same by a surety bond in a penal sum equal to the es'cima'ced cost of the improvements; and eke subd-ivld-er shall also post a surety bond, Fssued by 8- relia'ole surety company, the form and legal.ity of tvhich shall be a-mroved- by the City Attorney, for the benefit of Laborers and- materialmen upon such work and improvements. - 13 - 08 ,I. r .. . 3. The tine for the gerformance of said cor_tra-c+, sha.11 be the Feriod est9mated by the Public Sdorks 2irector as reasonably zecessary to com9lete the improvements, subject to the right of the City Council. to lessen or extend- the same, as public expediency may denmd, 4, All. invrovements sha.11 be done under the supervision of the Public Xorks Director or his authorized representa-bLve and the sub- divider shall be require3 to ~8.y the cost of imgection of such improve- ments, SXCTION VIII. RSCOSIXNG, Whenever such mag or plat shal-l have been acce-pted by the City Council, the City Clerk shall file the szme in the office of the County Becord-er of San Diego Countyyt California. A negztive shall then be wdle from the record-ed ceLgin.al of said map or Dlat, which negatlve shall thereupon be filed in the office of the Public ?Jork.s Director of' sai4 City of Ca~lsbad-, The Public :forks !Xrec+,or shall thereafter make prints from said- negative for use in the offices of the Public kTorks Illrector, the City "i'reasuref, the City Plmning Commission, and the City Clerk. S3CTIOW IX, FEES. A. Checking. Upon $he forwarding of tkie final map to the Public :qorks Directo?, the subd-ivider shall pay to the City Clerk a fee of Twenty-five (<<25.00) Dolla.rs, plus Two ($2.00) Dollars for each lot or ?arcel of such subdkvisj-on shown thereon smd. Iglnp ibiithin the City of Car 1 s'aad- e 5, $ecording. U3on the filing of the final map wf-t'n the City Council, said subdivider shall deposit with %he city Clerk a. sum s%ffi- cient to cover -the cost of filing "Le map and making -t;lne nega-tive and -~rints, as above mentioneti in Section VIIL. SECTfOTJ X. If any section, subsectfon, sentence, clause, phrase or provision of this Grd+irm.l?_ce is, for any reason, held to be invalld-, - 1r-t - .5.- c such d-ecision shall not affect the validity of" the remaining portion, Tl?e City Co%ncil hereby decl-.art:s tkat h?d, Tt Ino~m. of the invalidity o? aq su.ch sectlon, subsection, serterxe , clause, -ohrase or portion thereof, at +,he time of the pssszge of this Ordinance, it would- hsve passed- the reminder thereof without- such in.valid portion. SSC?ION XI. Y?is Ord-inance shall take effect a.n8 be in force on the thirty-first day from ad- after Lts pa-ssage. SSCTION XII. That the Cfty Clerk of the City of Carls'oad be, art4 he is hereby directed, to cause this Crdinzlnce to be nublished owe in the Cerl-sbad Journal, a newsaaper pu3lished- 2n4 of general crircu-fat ion in said. City of Czrlsbad. s~eTIOili XIII. It is unlawful for any 3erson to offer to sell, to contrmt to sell, or to sell any sv-bdfvision or any part thereof uzztil 3. fizal mag or record of survey ma? $hereof i-n. fxll compliance with the pxmisionx of this Grdinance has been duly recorded or filed in the office of the County Recoraer of Sa-n Diego County; and- no conve2ra.nce of' any part of 3. subd-ivision shall be made by lot or block number, initial, or other designation, u-nless an4 until i, final- map hiis been recorded, SECTION XIV; Any offer to sell, contract to sell, or sale contrary to the Provisions of this Ordinance is a mlsaemeznor and any -.neTson, firm or corporztion upon conviction thereof shall be qm3.shabJ-e by a. fine of not less than Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars am3 not more than 3ive 1 Xundred (C;500,00) Dollars, or by imprisonment for a Teriod- of not more "can six (6) months, or by both SIX'/, fine 2n4 Imprisonment, In addition tBereto, the City of Carlsbad or any person, flrm Oi" corporation intereseed in the transactioil mag file a suit in the %perkor Court to restm-.in or enjoin amy attempted sele in violation of this Crdj_na.nce. - 15 - PASSED, AD@BT3D, APPXNiX) LQID OZDBBXD PLBLISHXD by the City CouncLl. of the City of Ca.rlsbad, California, this 10th day of April -9 1953, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES : NUS : None e ms- hivl. 7-7. Councilman Grober. Councilmen Sutton, Ede, Castorena, Mayor idcClellan. PIayor of the City of Carlsbad, California - 16 -