HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-04-21; City Council; 9017; Thum Lands & Bellavista rezone E-2 to R-1A...ORDINANCE NO, 9017 AN ORDINAWE OF THE CITY OF CAILSAAD CHANGING ZONE OF CERTAIN POBTIONS OF THUM LANDS AND CERTAIN PORTIONS OF BELLA VISTA FRO14 ZOPE 3-2 TO ZONE: 3-1A. 'YHEBEAS, the City Planning Commission has recommend-ed that certain portions of Thum Lands and certain portions of Bella Vista be changed from Zone E-2 to Zone R-U; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the city of Car1sba.d finds that public necessity and convenience require that such zone change be made ; TEERBFORE, pursuant to Ordinance Mo. 9009, the City Council the City of Carlsbad does ordain as follows: SECTIOhr I, That: All those portions of Tracts 236, 237 and 238 of "rn Lands according to Map thereof 1681, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Uiego County on December 9, 1915, lying easterly of California State Highway XI-SD-2B; all of '.t"cts 240, 241 and 242 of said Thum Lands; all of Besubdi- vision of Portions of Tracts 238 and 243 of Thum Lands, according to Map thereof 2103, filed in'the office of the Recorder of San Diego County on April 3, 1928; all of the remainder of Tract 243, Thwi Lands, not included- within the Beaubdivision of Thum Lands, according to Map thereof 2103; ali of those portions of' Tracts 2.45, 246 and 247 of Thum Lands, according to Map thereof 1681, lying westerly of a line parallel with and distant 150 feet ea-sterly'from the' easterly line of Highland Drive; all of Blocks A, B, C,'D, E, and F, of Bella Vista, according to Map thereof 2152, filed in the office of the Recorder of San'Diego County'on Harch 7, 1929; all that portion of Block G, Bella Vista, lying westerly of a. line parallel with and distknk 150 feet easterly from Highlznd Drive and Hillside Drive, Of be and the same hereby are changed f~om Zone E-2 to Zone B-U, and the sam shall be subject to all the privileges and restrictions and uses prescribed in Zone E-LA as set forth in Ordinance &To, 9009. SECTION 2, The City Clerk of the City of' Carlsbad is hereby directed to cause this Ordinance to be published once in the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and of general circula.tion in the mid SECTION 3, This Orainance shall take effect and.be in force on the thirty-first da.y from and after its final passage, PASSED, ADOPTED AND -APPROVZD by the city CouncS1 of the City of Cmlsbad, California, this 21st day of ApI% , 1953, ". by the f'0llO~kng vote, to-wit: AYES : @o'~;~r~ilaen S,tton, Ede, cas torma, Grober, laym M&lellan. NAYS: Wane, ABSENT: Bone, Bayor of' the City of' Carlsbad, California ATTSST: -2-