HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-05-05; City Council; 9022; Ord 9005 adopt by ref (county Ord 371) - Retail businessesIjmEWAS, Ordinance 1\50. 9005- of the City of Carlsbad adopted by
reference Ordinance No, 371 (H,S,) of the Cou.~t;y of San Diego; ana
WEi3FIAS, the City Council or" the City of Carlxbad. deems it neces-
sary to make certzrin chznges Ylerein;
' N0:nT T3EIBFOE.3, The City Cou.-ncfl of the City of Csrlsbad does ordain
as follotlrs:
SECTION L, Section 11-(a)-2 of Ordinance NO. 371 (f3.S.) of the
County of" San Diego adopted by reference in Or?iinance No, 9005 of the
City of Czlsbad is hereby amended to read as follows:
"Ayly retail business , including. offices, b6-nZrs2 theatres, studios, hotels, beauty parlors, poolrooms, jot3 printing, photogra@y galleries, Ciressmaking, millinerry, 'shoe re- pair, upholstering or tailor shop, 'barber shop, waertakiEg parlor, automobile service stations, parking' lot or garage, business college, lodge hall, utility office, exchange or substation.
SECTION 2& This OrdinarLee is hereby d-eclzred to be an emergency
measure necessary f"or the imlnaediate preservation of the public peace,
health and safety, aul_ca. sh~ll take effect inmeAiately,
is a. statement of Yule facts xhov~ing its urgency:
The followix'g
In order to conform the fu2;u-c.e planning of the City of Car1sba.d
to good planniiy; practices, and to inmediately preclude any utilization
of tlie unaesirable portion of the Section hereby amended, it is necessary
that this Ordinance be declazed. an eniergency ordLnaJut_ce to take effect
ivxnediately .
SXCTION 3, The City Clerk of the City of Carisbad is hereby directed
%o cause this Ordinance to be published- once in the CarLsbad Journal, a.
newspaper pu'ijlished and of' general clrcu-lation in said City of Carlsbad,
PASSXD, AIXIPTED AID APPROVEXI and oraered pblished by the City
Councfl of the City of Carlsbad, California, this 5th day of May, 1933,
by the following vote, to-wit:
AXES: Councilmen Grober, Castorma, Acting Mayor Ede.
NAYS: None,
ABSENT: Cmncflman Sutton, gayor NcClellan
- $1 ay or- of the City of Carlsbad, California