HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-06-02; City Council; 9026; Street width change in new subdivisionsORDINANCE NO. 9G AM ORDINANCE AMENDING OEDINANCE WO 9025 BY CEANGING REQUIRED STEiEET WIDTH IN m\fi.r smcIvIsIoNs . The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as follows: SECTION 1+ ORDINANCE NO. 9025 AIENDED. Section 111, C-l of Ordinance No. 9025 is hereby amended to read as follows: be not less than forty (40) feet. iiPld.ths of major streets between curbs shall The width of any other street between curbs shall be not less thm thirty-six (36) feet. A11 streets shall have not less than sixty (60) feet right of way, except that dead-end streets not exceeding three-hundred (300) feet in length froi the last point of lateral street SCCBSS and streets which the Planning Commission finds will not become major streets, may have a fifty (50) foot right of way* SECTION 2, ADISENCUX TO OREINANCE NO, 9025, Thls Ordinance shall be considere6 8s an addendum. to and a supplement to Ordfnance Wo. 9025 of the City of Garlsbad. SECTION 3, EFFECTIVE: DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the tinirtg-first day from and after its final passage. SECTION 4, The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is here- by directed to cause this Ordinance to be published once in the CarPsbad Journal, a newspaper published and of general clrcv.lation in said City of Carlsbad, \ First read. at 8 regular meeting of the City Council of said , ~ i City held on the - 19thday of &y , 1953, and finally adopted and ordered published at E regular meeting of said. Council held on the - 2nd day of June, 1953, by the following vote: Ams : Councilmen Grober Sutton, Castarena, Mayor McClellal?. 2- NAYS : None ABSENT : Councilman me. ATTEST : of the City of Carlsbad., Californiz.