HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-07-07; City Council; 6020; Trailer parks, trailer coaches & camp cars regs & penaltiesOiDlNliraCE NO. 6,020 AN OEDINANCZ REGULATIMG TEE CONSTRUCTZON, PIAINTENANCE, SANITATION AND CGKDUCT OF TRAILER PARKS AND TMILIB ' COACHES AND/OR CATQ C-US IN THE CITY OF ClI.KLSBAD, CALIFOIXNIA, LClTXON TEiEI1EOF. JLND FBOVIDING FOR PEXAETIES FOB 'ZHE VIO- The City Council. of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as follows: , SECTION I, DEFINITION. A, For the purpose of this Ordinance, certain words and. phrases are I defined as follows, and certain provisions shall be construed as herefn set forth, unless it shall be apparent from the context that they have a different meaning, B, Words used in the, singular include 'the plural, axid the p9wal the singular. Words used In the present tense include the futwe. I,* i (1) 'Trailer Coachtt as used in this part means any camp car, trailer or other vehicle with or without motive power designed and cons,tructed to travel on he public thoroughfares in accordance with the provision of the California Motor Vehicle CoEie, and designed or used for human habttation. "Trailern also means ff trailer coach. '' (2) "Au-to and trailer park1* as used in this part means any are8 or %Fact of land where space is occupied or rented or held out for rent to one or more users or owners of trailer coaches, or where free - n parking is pemnitted owners or users of trailer coaches for the pur- pose of securing their trade, Wherever the term "trailer parkn is useci in this Ordinance it shall also mean "auto arid trailer park." (3) 'Trailer siten as used in this part means any portion of an auto and trailer park designed for the use or occupancy of one trailer coach or camping party, (4) "ApprovedH when used in connection with any material, ap- pliaoce- or construction means meeting the requirements and approval of the Building Department of the City of Carlsbad, .* e' * (5) "Building" as used in this part means public toilets, public baths, laundry rooms or other structures am3 includes a compartment containing a toilet or bath, or both, constructed for the exclusive use of an occupant of a trailer site, (6) "Liquefied petroleum gastt means petroleum hydro-carbons or mixtures thereof in liquid or gaseous state hming a vapor pressure in excess of 26 p.s,i. at a temperature of 100 degrees F. the symbol "LPGI' is used it shall mean liquefied petroleum gas. Whenever (7) In an auto or trailer park, "nuisance" incluaes any of the following: a. Any public nuisance known at common law or in equity jurispruclence. b. Whatever is dangerous to human life or is detrimental to health. c. d. Insufficient ventilation or illumination of any room Overcrowding of any room or trailer with occupants, or trailer. e. Inadequate or insanitary sewage or plumbing f acilities. f, Whatever renders air, food or drink unwholesome or detrimental to the health of human beings, (8) "Building DepaPtment" is the Building bpartment or the Building Inspector of the City of Carlsbad, SECTION 11. COMPLIANCE REQUXE1ED. All auto and trailer parks within the City of Carlsbad shall conform to the electrical, fire, health, build- ing and plumblng ordlnances of the City of Carlsbad, as mended, except as hereinafter specified. SECTION 111, EKFOBCEMENT; It shall be the duty of the Building Department to enforce all of the provisions of this Ordinance and for the purpose of securing enforcement thereof, the Building Inspector, or any of his duly authorized representatives, are hereby empowered to enter private property to determine if a trailer park exists and is further -2- empowered to enter upon the ppemises of any auto and trailer park now operating or which may hereafter be operated within the City of Carlsbad to inspect the same and all accommodations connected therewith. SECTION IV, PERTIIT REQDIBED. A. No trailer park hereafter established shall be Located within the City of Carlsbad until the locatioh thereof is approved by the Plan- ning Commission of said City in the following manner: The person desiring to locate ar_d operate an auto and trailer park in said City of Carlsbaa under the provlsIorms of this Ordinance shall file an application in duplicate therefor with the Bla-nning Commission. Said e application shall be accompanied by: (1) A description of the grounds upon which the auto and trailer park is to be constructed, in quadruplicate; and a plot plan showing the trnj-ler sites and locations of any builaings , in quadruplicate. Plsns and specifications of the proposed construction, in (2) quadruplicate (3) A clescription of the water supply, ground drainage and method, of sewage disposal, in quadruplicate. B, Said application is to include a true legal description of the property upon which it is proposed to locate such trailer park, and the application shall be accompanied by a filing fee of Twenty-five ($25,00) Dollars, plus One ($1,00) Dollar for each trailer site. C, Upon receipt of such application, the Planning Commission shall fix a time an6 place for the holding of a public hearbg thereon, Kotice of such hearing shall be given by at least one publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad. Such notice shall state the time when the petition will be heard by the Planning Commission, which hearing shall be not less than ten (LO) days from the date of publication. At the time of the hearing on said application the said- Planning Commission may hear anyone appearing for the purpose of approving or objecting to the granting of the application, and at the conclusion of said hearing -3 - m 4. -= . .I r' ** 8 may, by a majorlty vote of its members, either approve or disapprove the application, Any person wishing to appeal the action of the Plan- ning Commission shall so notify the Commission in writing of such action within ten (10) days after the Commission's approval or rejection of the application. The Planning Commission, within fifteen (15) days after receipt of notice of appeal, shall communicate Its findings and recom- rnendations regarding said application to the City Council, The City Council shall thereupon publicly hear and finally and conclusively 'de- terrnlne whether or not such application shall be granted, giving such notice of hearing upon said application as it d.eems proper, Upon granting of approval by either the Commission or the City Council, the Building Department shall be so notlfied in wpiting and shall then issue a building permit after receipt of application, plans ana specifications as requlre8 herein. SECTION V. HONEY .TO CITY TBEASUBER, All monies received by the Building Inspector or City Clerk as inspection fees or permit fees under any provision of this Ordinance shall be paid. to the City Treasurer f~r deposit in the General -Fund of the City of Carlsbad, SECTION VI, EXPIRBTION OF BUZLDING PEBlliI'T. All. permits as required in this Ordinance for construction or reconstruction of an auto and- trafler park shall automatically expire within three (3) months from the date of issuance thereof in those czses where the construction or reconstruction has not been started within said perLod-; Provided, however, that the Build-ing Department may extend the expiration date of said permit for a reasonable time, SECTION BII, OCCUPAECY PuXPIIT, Upon the completion of any such trailer park and prior to the use thereof, the owner or operator of such trailer park shall make application to the Building Department of the City of Carlsbad for a permit to occupy or use the trailer park. The applica- tlon to occupy shall be in writing upon a fom provided by said Department -4- e 'I '> r. 1 with respect to the opekation of the trailep park, Said application shall be filed with the Department not less than ten (10) days nor more than twenty (20) days before the trailer park is made ready for use, The Building Department shall thereupon make a final inspection of the trailer park referred to in said application, and if it is found to be in conformity with the requirements of this and, all other ordinances of the City of Carfsbad and the laws of the State of California, said Department shall issue to the owner or operator thereof a written perm%% to occupy, which permit shall at all times be posted at a conspicuous place on said premises. SECTION VIZI, OPEEATION PERP.IITS, RENFdUS. The Building Department shall, upon the issuance of the original occupancy permit, issue a. permit to operate or maintain a trailer park. The permit to operate shall explre at the end of the calendar year and may be renewed upon written applica- tion accompnied by an inspection fee of Ten ($lO,OO> 130lla.r~ paid. to the Building Desartnent, which permit shall at all times be posted a.t a con- spicuous place on the premises, SECTION IX. SUSPZNSION ARD REVOCATION, Whenever it is found that a?j trailer park is not being conducted in conformity with the provisions of this Ordinance or the laws of the State of California, the permit to operate the same shall be subject eo revocation or suspension by the City Council in the following mamer, to-wit: A, Upon failing to comply with any provision of this Ordinance after recelving a notice in writing from the Building Department setting forth the violations, a notice shall be served by the Builcking Department on the pemon holding said pepmit thereby ordering him to appear before the City Council at a day and hour therein speciflea, Service of the notice .to appear shall be made on the violator five (5) days or more preceedlng the hearing. Said notice shall fwther require him to show cau.se at said time and place why said permit should not be revoked OP suspended, . -5- c -. B. The notice to appear shall Be sent by registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to the person or pepsons owning or operating saia trailer park as such persons' names and addresses appear on the 1astqualfZed assessment roll, or as otherwise known to the Building Department. spicuously upon the premises of the trailer park alleged to be in viola- tion of this or any other ordinance of the City of Cmlsbad or the laws of the State of California, upon giving notice to appear as aforesaid shall file an affidavit thereof A copy of said notice to appear shall also be posted. con- The representative of the Building Department with the Clerk of said City certifying to the time and the manner in which such notice was given, receipt of such notices 'by registered mail, operator to receive notice shall not affect in any manner the va-lldity of There shall also be filed the-rew.ith any T'ne failure of aqy owner or any proceedings taken hereurmaer. At the time and place mentioned in said notice to appear, the person holding said permit shall appear in person and may %e represented by counsel, an6 shall introduce SUC~ evidence as he may desire, and the Building Department shall eonfront said permit holder with such charges that said Department may have against him. After said hearing the City Council. may, at its discretion, revoke or suspend the permit, shall be considered a violation of this Ordinance, Continued operation after notice of suspension or revocation SZCTION X. T-RA?!JSFZR OF PERPIIT. A permit to operate or maintain a trailer park may be transferable upon tkre written application of the new owner or operator of the trailer park to the &x91ding Department, Wi'bhin ten (10) clays following its receipt of application for transfer, the Building Depa.rtnent shall inspect the trailer park, and if found. to be in compliance with this Ordinance, shall issue a permit to operate. If found to be in violation of any part of this Ordinance, the ow-er of the trailer park shall correct the violation within thirty (30) days after receiving written notice of the violation, -6- SECTION XI, COMPLIANCE WITH THfS ORDIHANCE, No person shall park any trailer on any street or other public place for more than twenty-four (24) hours, except for the purpose of making emergency repairs, shall occupy any trailer on any public street or other public place or park or occupy any trailer on any tract of land, occupied or unoccupied, or es- tablish, operate or maintain any trailer park except as provided in this Ordinance , No person SZCTIOBT XII. PAEKING OM PRIVATE PROPELL No trailer shall be parked on any premises other than a* licensed trailer park, and no person shall occupy any trailer parked on a.qr premises other than a licensed trailer . park; Excepting, however, that: A, &ny trailer owned by the owner or occupant of any- premises may be parked on such premises owned or occupied by such person, and a trailer owned by a guest of such owner or occupant; of any premises may be parked on sald premises and occupied by said guest; provided, hoxever, that alto- gether any and all such parkings and. occupancies on any such property by any guest shall not exceed a total of fifteen (15) days in any calenaar year. The owner or occupant of i%put such premises, immediately after the entry on such. premises of any trailer owned by a guest, shall report to the Building Department the date of such entry, the registration Elumber of such trailer, and immediately after the departure of such trailer shall report the date of such departure. Any failure of such owner or occupant of any such premises to mahe any such report shall constitute prlma facie evidence of the existence of such parkipg and occupancy for a period fifteen (15) days in such calendar year; . B. Any trailer occupied by the owner of a parcel of land upon which a permanent dwelling is being constructed as living quarters for such . occupant may be so occupied for a period not to exceed nfnety (90) days , ’ upon obtaining a permit from the Building Department; said ninety (90) day period may be extended at the discretion of the Building Department. -7- e 0 SECTION XIII, PABKING IE YAEIDS, No trailer parked on any premises other than a licensed trailer park sha.11 be parked within the required. front, side, or rear yards or other required unoccupied spaces of a lot ?in the Zoning District where such trailer is parked, SECTION XIV, GZMERAI; RZSTRICTIOXS, It shal.1 be unlawful for any person in an auto and trailer park to use or cause or permit to be used for occupancy: A, Any trailer coach from which any tire or wheel has been removed, except when said tire or wheel has been removed for the purpose of making temporary repairs or placing it in dead storage, B, Any trailer coach to which are attached any rigid water or gas or sewer pipes; provided, however, that metal tubing not to exceed one- half (1/2) inch inside dfameter may be used for water and gas. C, Any trailer coach which is permanently attached with underpinnitng or foundatlon to tine ground. D. Any trailer coach which does not conform the Californla State Hotor Vehicle Code governing public highways , E. Any trailer coach which does not carry a RNY to the requirements of tlne use of trailers on current yearly license issued by the State of' California orvkdre1g-n state motor vebicle depart- ment * F, G, Any trailer coach in an fnsanitayy condition, Any trailer coach which is structurally unsound and does not protect its inhabitants against the elements. H. Any trailer coach to which there is attached or to which there is established less tha.n six feet adjacent thereto any room or rooms or lean-to; provided, however, that an approved awning entirely open on two sides may be allowed and except as otherwise provided herein. SECTION XV. REETING PBOHLBITZD. It shall be unlawful for any person to rent or hold out for rent any trailer coach in an auto and trailer park, -8- '- e SECTION XVL, T,"TJTS PROHIBI!iXB. %'a tents in t-k for the PUPpOSeS 0% liVlP@ OP occupancy permits fa7 tents may be issued I' .. d) may be erectect 02 occupied sxesping, except; that temporary for youth camping under adult supervision, All bulldings used for living or sleeping puzposes shall be eraeked in accordance with tb City Build- ixig Code and the State Housing Act, SECTION XVII. liFB.A$, MARKING. A, Each trailer site in an auto and trailer park shall not be less than twelve hundred (1200) square feet in area, The coTnem of sald area shall be clearly and distinctly marked, ,' Each trailer site skrall be numbered or otherwise marked for identification ~U~~OSBS, B. No tpaibr coach shall be located closer than SIX (6) fsek from any building or another trailer coach; provfded, however, that this does not apply to a cornparemevlt containing solely a private toilet or bath, OP bot'n, constyucted for the csxcfu&be use of an occu-pan-I; Oj? E;. tra.5ler site designed for the occvLpz.ncy of on8 traflsr coach. C, Each trailer coach and each building shall not be located closer than five (5) feet frorn a lot linel D. Each trailer Sit8 shall front upm a driveway of not less than twenty (20) fag% in width, A11 driveways shall haveiclear d unobs'cruc'c- ed access to a. public thoroughfare, Each %-railer shall be papked on each si'ce with the hitch fronting toward thS.8 driveway. E. An auto and traLley pa& shall not accommodate any krailer coach when thire are no available traLLer sftes within the pa&, A. There shall be not less than tivo (2) water closets in a segar- ate coqart;men.t; for each sex fop the first ten (10) tra'ilcr sites OP f-ractional part thereof, not provided with a private waS,eT closet on . each site, a sepapate corcpartrnant for every ten (10) addttiond trailer sl'ces or There shall be one addi'c-ional water closet for each sex In fr;act;ional part thereof 3. Toilet facilities shall not be fartkier than tao hundred (200) feet from each tra91er site, -. 9- C, Each toilet shall be for the exclusive use of the occupants of the trailer sites in the auto and trailer park. D, Every water closet compartment in aw building in an auto and trailer park shall be at least thirty (30) inches in clear width. , E. The public toilet shall be maintained readfly accessible to all tenants at all tines. P. In every auto ais tinctly marked "For ly marked- "Por Women. '' and trailer park water closets for men shall be Men" and water closets for women shall be distinct- In addition, the location of water closets shsll be plainly indicated by signs, G. The floor or" every wa.ter closet coanpartment shall be constructed and shall be maintained in a waterproof condition by the use of concrete or other approved waterproof material. The waterproof material shall be applied. upward. on the interior walls of the water closet compartment to a height of not less than twelve (12) inches above the floor. SECTICN XIX, USE OF TOILETS IN TBAIIZRS, It is unSawful to use, or permit the use of, any toilet fn any trailer coach locatea, parked or camped within an auk0 and trailer park unless such toilet and trailer park meet the requfrements of Title 8, ArtLcle 3, Chapter 9, of the California. Abinistratrtve Code as set forth therein, The permitted use of toilet SECTTON XX, BATHIKG FACILITIES. A, fn every auto and trailer park, shower baths or other bathing facilities with hot end cold running mter shall be installed for each sex in separate cornparbents for every ten (10) trailep sites, or fractional part thereof, not provided with private bathing facili'ckes on each site, Every compaftment shall. be provided with a self-closing doar or otherwise equipped with a waterproofed draw curtain. facilities provided herein shall not be farther than two hundred (200) feet from any trailer site. Bathing facilities shall be accessible at all times. Shower baths or other bathing 0 Be The floor of every shower bath compartment shall be constructed and shall be maintained in a waterproof condition by the use of concrete or other approved waterproof material. SXCTION XX, TOILET &!Ti) SHOWEX BUIWINGS, Etrepy water closet com- partment or compartment containing Bathing facilities shall be: A. Kept clean. B. Kept free from obnoxious odors, flies, mosquitoes and- other insects. C, Provided with one or more windows having an aggregate area. of However, if the room contains more not Less than six (6) square feet, than one water closet, bath or urinal, the tOt3.l window area shall be equfvalent to three (3) square feet for each water closet, bath or urinal, but need not exceed one-fourth of the superficisl floor area of the room. openable. Fifty (50%) per cent of the required. winc?ow area shall be D. E. Windows shall be protected with fly-tight screening. There shall be constructed in every trailer park a laundry compartment with not less than two (2) laundry trays supplied with hot and cold water, F, The floors an6 at least twelve (12) inches of the walls above the floor shall be constructed of approved wzterproof masonry compositlon, Each laundry compartment shall hsve Rindow area equal to at least G. one-eighth of the floor area, but in no case sh~J.1 it be less thavavfine (9) square feet, Fifty (50%) per cent of the window area shall be openable. H. In every auto and trailer park there shall be set aside a spce convenient to the laundry facilities for the occupants of the trailer sites to dry clothes. I, There shall be installed in every auto and trailer park one or more slop sinks, which shall be located at each public utility building. J, There shall be not less than two (2) lavatories for each sex installed in every building in an a.uto and trailer park containing public toilets, SECTION XKTZ. A, There shall be in every auto and- trailer park an adequate supply of pure water for 211 the requirements of the trailer park. water shall be obtainable .&$ water faucets installed at such trailer The site. Water distribution and pipe sizes shall be designed in accordance wlth National Zureau of Stanaards SPIS 79. Each tr@.iler shall be considered as five (5) fixture units, .. B, No dripping vessels or cups for common use are permissible in any auto and trailer pa.rk. C, &inking fountains shall be ma.intained in a sanitary condition, am3 shall be of a type approved. by the enforcement agency. containing private toilet an6 bath facilities for exclusive use of occu- pants on each trailer site shall be constructed- in accordance with the construction requirements of public utility buildings. SECTION XXZV. GAEBAGE DISPOSAL. A. In every auto an3 trailer park one or more metal garbage can with tight-9Lttin.g covers , appropriately labeled, shall be provided for every S~X, or fractional part thereof, trailer coaches or trailer sites within the park, 13. All gapbage, waste, and rubbish In every auto and trailer park shall be burned, buried or removed. from the premises and dlsposedl of SECTION XXVA It shall be unlawful to permit; any waste water or material. from sinks or other plumbing fixtures in a. public toilet or bath building or in a trafler coach to be deposited upon the surface of the ground, and all such fixtures must be connected to a sewer system, covered cesspool or septic tank, deskgning sewage disposal systems, each trailer coach shall be consM-ered For elkte purposes of 4 as six (6) fixture units. / $‘ - 12 - - .. m SECTION x)IvX, A. IUINTEJJAKCE -UTD SAPJITATfGM . The area or tract of land upon which an auto and trailer park is situated and each trailer site shall be: (1) Well &rained 2nd graded to the elevation of tkre abutting streets . 11 waLkways and driveways and areas other than land- ‘2P scaped shall be covered or treated with a water-repellent material, (3) Kept free from dust. (4) Kept clean and free from the accumulation of refuse, garbage, rubbish or debris. €3, The trailer site ar?d the space directly beneath each trailer coach shall be kept clean and free from refuse, rubbish or other impedf- ment s. SECTION XxVIX. LIQWFIZD PETROL3 GASES. The location, iFsta.lla- tion, marking, filling, maintenance and use of WG tanks and- associated equipment shzll be in accordance with the industrial safety oraers of the Califorvlfa State Division of Industrial Safety as affects LPG. SECTIGN XXVIII. BDi3ITIONAJL ELECTRICAL E32QUf3WiETu’TS. In addit ion to the requirements of Ordinance No. 8010 of the City of Carlsbad, all au.to and trailer and. trailer parks shall install and previae electrical and distributLon system as follows: A. Each trailer site shall be provided with an appliance outlet ,l ,, --- receptacle, rated at not less than twenty (20) aqperes, installed on a separate brarich circuit of not maller than number 12 A.W.G. wire, a.nd pro- tected by a non-adjus table, noE-tzmperable over-current protective fievice ra.ted at not more than fifteen (3.5) amperes. 13 113 B. Each such appliance outlet shall %e located so that not to ex- ceed twenty-five (25) feet of flexible type ‘sW cord need be used to connect a. trailer to such outlet. C, All electrical equipment, conductors and- devices shall be in- stalled in rlgid metal conduit of an approved type and design for the particular location and use, except as follows: - 13 - -.., , . e R' T (1) Exposed. wires fo~ neter loops which are protected from accidental contact and mechanical. injury and are accessible only to authorized persons. (2) Eulti-concluctor cables of a type listed or approved for direct burial in the earth or ground; provie-ed, that a.ll such cables located. less than one (I) foot below ground. level shall be protected by suitable kick pipes; all splices 2nd con- nections to such cables shall be made in boxes or fittings ap- proved for that purpose and location. D. For the purpose of determining the conductor size for service, feed, sub-feed and branch circuits, each traller site shall be computed as requiring not less than fifteen (15) amperes at 120 volts; pyovided, however, that 120/240-voLt single phase systems may be used for more than one trailer site. E, A11 metal pa-yts of all trailers located kn an auto ana trailer park and connected to an electrPcal a2pliance outlet shall be effectively grounded; such ground-ing condu.ctor shall be permanently connected to a continuous water supply system ana of a size not less than that required by the California. State Electrical Safety orders. F, No trailer shall be connected to an electrical appliance outlet unless the electrical wiring in and- about said trailer is in good condi- tion and of a type which conforms to accepted standards of safety. G. All work and materia.3.s used in any of the electrical installations provided for in this Section shall conform to the requirements set forth In the Electrica~l Safety Orders, Division of Industrial Safety, Department of IncXustrial EieLatZons, State of California, and the Rules and Regulations of the Public Service Department of this Ciw, SECTION XXh* ARTIFICIAL LZGHT, Ln every auto and trailer park there shall be installed and kept burning from sunset to sunrise suffi- cient artificial light to aaequately illuminate every build-ing containing public toilets and public showers, and trailer park grounds. - 14 - SECTION XXX. WGISTBY. Every person who owns or operates an auto and trailer park shall keep a register in which shall be entered: A, The name and address of each guest who is the owner or operator of an automobile, and the name ar^d address of each member of his party for which accommodations me affoyllea or for which space 2s revlted and the identification space of the trailer site the guest occupies, B, The make, type and license number of the automobile and trailer, an6 the State in which such vehicle or vehicles are registered and the year of registration. SZCTXON xxxl, DOGS XfiPIBLS. A. Dogs and anlmals shall not be permitted to run at large in any axto and trailer park, 3, Poultry and bzrnyard animals shall not be permitted in any auto SECTION XXXII APPLICATION OF OBDfNAi\SCE IT$ EXISTING T2AILZB FiB.KS. No provision of this Ordinarice shsll be construed to require a. structural addition, structural alteration or a structural change in or on an exist- ing building where such is not required_ by law prior to the effective llate of this Ordinance, SXCTIOE XXXTfP. C.mTAXER RZQU”1D. It is unlawful for any person to operate, occupy or maintain, or cause or permit to be operated, occupied or ma.intzine6, any auto and- trailer pmk unless there is a. caretaker in - the trailer pmk at all times. !The caretaker shall enforce within the . park all provisions of this Ordinance governing the operation, occupancy and maintenance of auto and trailer parks. SECTION XXXIV. VIOL4iTIONS. FIBZS, It shzll be the duty of every person, firm or corporation owning, leasing, renting or operatlrzg a trailer park in the C3.Q of Carlsbad to comply with all the provisions of this Ordinance and any such. person, firm or corporation violating any of the - 15 - provisions thereof or disregarding any order of the enforcement agencies or findings of the City Council with respect to said trailer pmk, or con- tributing in any way to the violation of this Ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof may be punished by a fine not exceeding Three Hun&ed (#300.00) Dollars or by imprisonment in the fail provided by the City of Carlsbad for a period not exceeding six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Every person, firm or corporation violating or contributing in any way to the violation of provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed of a separate Of- fense for each day awing which such violation continues, a.nd may be punishable therefor as herein provided. A11 ordinances or parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, SECTION XXXV, SEIT~ABILICPY. If any section, sub-section, sentence clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be unconsti- tutional, such decisfons shzill not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each section, sub-section,, cla.use and phrase thereof, irrespective of the Fact that any one or more sectiogs, sub-sections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declmed urmconstitutional. SECTIOPS XXVI, BFFECTXVE DATE, This Ordinance is hereby declared to be urgent and necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, he.alth and safety and shall take effect and be in force forthwith from and zfter its passage and approval, The following is a statement of such urgency: That the public health is jeopardized by the continuing parking of trailers and carpping of persons in meas that ao not possess a6equate sani- tary facilities, not only the citizens and beach of the City of Carlsbad but also serves to jeopardize the health of the individuals who camp in. these areas that do not possess adequate sariitmy facilities, and that therefore this Ordinance 4s reqviyed for the purpose of preserving the public peace, health and That such continued pa&king md camping will jeopardize safety. - 16 - 4. . SECTION WII,. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby directed to cause this Ordinance to be published once in the Carlsbd Journal, a Fewspaper published and of general circulation in safd City of Carlsbad. Read at a regular meeting of the City Council of said City held I on the 7th day of July, 1953, and adopted at said meeting and ordered published by the following vote: 8 AYES: Councilmen Ede, Sutton, Chase, Caster ena, fvlayor &Clf311an. BAYS : gone e ABSENT: %one. Hayor of the City of CarlsSad, California ATTEST: I - 17 -