HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-12-22; City Council; 3008; Ord 3005 add/amend - One-way alleyORDINANCE HO. 3Q08 AN ORDINANCE ANENDING AND ADDING 733 ORDINANCE NO, 3005 The City Couxcil of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. SECTION 82 OF OBDINANCE NO, 3005 OF THE CITY OF CM3LSBA.D IS AMENDED. Sectio-a 82. of Ordiaame No, 3005 of the City of Carlsbad is hereby ameBded to read as follows: "SECTION 82, OKE-hJAY SZREETS AND ALLEYS. (a) fa aceordame with Sectioa 41 of this ordinaace axd whea properly sfglaposted, all traffic shall proceed o~ly i'EL a Northerly direction OM the most Northerly 100 feet of State Street (b) In accordance with Section 41 of this ordinance and when properly signposted, all traffic shall proceed only in a Northerly direction on the alley extending from Elm Avenue to Grand Avenue between State Street and the Santa Fe Right of Way.* SECTION 2, EFPECTIVX DATE, This ordinance is hereby declared to / be urgent and necessmy for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety and shall take effect and be in force forthwith from and after its passage and apppoval. of such urgency: The following is a statement There has been constructed a parking lot adjacent to said alley and such parking lot restricts two-way tpaffic in said alley; and unless immediately effective, accidents are liable to occur which would prejudice and jeopardize the public peace, health and safety, and therefore th2s ordinance is immediately required in order to provide for the protection and preservation of the public peace, health and safety . 41 SECTION 3, PUBLICATION. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad li is hereby directed to cause this ordinance to be publfshed once in the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and of general circulation in the said City of Ca.rlsbarZ, First; read at a regular meeting of the City Council of' said. City held on the 22nd day of Decelnber, 1953, and adopted and ordered published at said meeting of said Council held on the 22nd day of' December, 1953, by the following vote, to-vit: AYES: NAYS : None. BBSENT: Councilmen Castorena and Chase. Councilmen Ede, Sutton, Nayor E4eClellaa, Mayor of the City of Carlsbad, California ATTEST : -2-