HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-01-19; City Council; 9032; Carlsbad Lands tract 117/Carlsbad Towsite tracts 114/120 rezone R-1 to R-2e IIIE5XEM, the City Planning Commission has recommended that a portion of Tract 117, CarLskd Lands, a Fortior, of Tract 1x5, Carlsbad Townsite, of Blocks 66 ad 67, Carlsbsld Towmite, a portion of Subdivision of Tracts 114 and 120, Carlsbad Lands, and a, portion of Tract 1x3, Carlsbad Lands, be changed from Zone R-l t o Zone R-2 ; and S~HZE,EAS, the City Coanc2l of the City of Carlsbad finds that gu'olic necessity asld convenience recpire that such zone changes be made: Waf TIIIGEFOB, pwrsuant to Ordinance Tto. 9005, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as follows: SZiCTI0iT 1. That, those lands described as: All the following descriked property In the City of Carlsbad, count:^ of Sac. Diego, State of California: Parcel 1: Lmds according to 14~ thereof 110. 1661 lying Southeasterly UT the Southeasterly line of Grand Avenue and the Northeas- terly prolongation thereof, as Grxad Aveme is shown on record Ma, XO. 22-45 of Schell ti Sites Addition to the City of Carls'oad and Southvesterlg of Calif omia Highway XI-SI)-2-Cbd. shom on Division of Highways 3ight of Way kp, Sheet 1.0. 29. ?arcel 2: to Ka,? thereof No. 775, lying Southwesterly of said California. Highway XI -SD-Z-C'xX. Parcel 3: according to b,~ theyeof No. 535. Parcel 4: Carlsbad hds, according to 'Ma? thereof ITo. 1744, Lying Sonthwesterly of said California liighway XI-SD-2-Cbd. to I%,:? thereof 130~ 1661, lying Southwesterly of said Califernia IIighway flI-SD-2-Cbd. , described in City of Carls3ad Ordinances 30s. 9015 and 9028, All that portio3 of Tract 117 of Carlsbad All of Tract 115 o: Carlsbad Townsite according All of :Blocks 66 and 67 of Carlsbad- Tomsite, All oI" Su3division of Tracts 114 and. 120 of l?a,rcel 5: All of Tract 113, Carlsbad Lands, according 3XCXPYIXG ZROM KLL FIB ABOVX B!CELS those portions, if any, be arrd the same hereby are chartged from Zone a-1 to Zone R-2, and the same shall be su'oject to all the privileges and restrictions and uses prescribed in Zone 2-2 as set forth in Ordinance No. 9005 of the City of Carls'oad. SXCTION 2. This Ordinance shall ta,ke effect and be in force on the thirty-first day from and after its final passage. SECTIOn 3, this Ordinance to be published once in the Carlsbad Jouraa1, a newspaper published and of general circulation in said Rty of Carlsbad. The CitjT Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby directed to cause First read at a regular meeting of the City Council of said City held on the day of January, 1954, and finally adoTted and ordered publ5s4.ied at a 5th regular meeting of said council held on the 19th following vote: day of January, 1954, by the AYij s : NAYS: Nene. Mayor of the City of Carlsbad, California ATTXS'P: "I