HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-02-16; City Council; 8020; Signs, billboards, canopies, awnings & street clocksSEXTICS 1. Short Title. ThLs ordenance shall hereafter be
known and cited as the LfSLg-i Regulationsft.
S3CTION 2, (a) Defin5tZons, As used in thXs ordznance tmless
the context otherwsse Sndicates:
(1) The term rfSi,gna shall mean end hclude every szp, bzll-
bawd, ground sfgn, wall sjgn, roof szgn, SllumSnated sign, project-
ing sign, temporary sZp, marquee, awning, ezmopy, and street clock,
and shall Znclude any annotmcement, declsration, demmstrztion,
dzsplay Sllustration or Inslgnla used 20 advertise or promote the
fnterests of any person when the sanie is placed out of dtoors Sn vjew
of the general publ9c.
(2> ?Illurainated Si.gn" shsll mam ~ny sSp whSch has cheractiers,
le'cters, figures, designs or outline Illuminated by electrlc lights
or luminous tubes 2s 2 part of the sjgn proper.
(3) ?'Fscir\,gSt or frSurPacefl shall mesn the surface of %he sPp
upon, against, or through wMch the message 3s displayed or
illustrated on the sf@.
(4) ltIncombustfble Me.'c;erlaln shall nem any maZerizl wMch
w91'L not Sgnjte at or below a te-Lnperature of 1200° Pahrenhett am3 ..
will not contbue to bum or glow 6% that temperature.
(5) "Other Advertisjng Structure" as used 3.n thts ordhance
shall mean any marquee, cmopy, awing or stree'c clock as further
deflned herein.
(6) "Person" shall mean and hclude any person, flrm, partner-
shsp, association, corporati.on, company or organization of any kind,
('7) gfS%ructural Trfmf' shall man %he moldtng, battens, cappSngs,
naillng strips, lat;%$cSng, snd plntforms whTch ere attached to %he
sign structure .
(8) ?Erectn shall mean to buSld, construct, attach, hang, plzce,
suspend, or afflx, and shzll also include the paEntlng of wall slgns,
- SBCTION 3, Permzts Requrired. It shall be ~~la~~ful for any
person to erect, repair, alter, relocate or wa5ntaTn withSn the
City *of Carlsbad any sign or other ad-vertSsTng 8s defined
in thls ordinance, wrthoutr i'irst obtaSning 2n e e3"t from
the Bullding Inspector and making payrnent of the fee requ5red by
Section 7 hereof. $11 5llminated signs shall, 9n additSon,. be
subject to the prorisions of the ElecfrSczl Code and the pe~?n?%S; fees
requtred thereunder . -
SECTION 4, Appllcatfon for Erectfon PzermPt, 4pplPcation for
erection perm"ss shall be made upon blacks provld-ed by "ce Buildlng
Inspector, and shall contain or have a%tached thereto the followSng
tnf ormat5on:
(1) "xe, eddress and telephone number of the applfcmt.
(2) Locat5on of buildzng, s-tructu.re, or lot to mrhlch OF upon
wwzh *he sign or other advertising structure is to be attached or
I erected.
(3) Position of the sign or other advertesing structure in
relatron to nearby buZld5zlgs or structures .
(4) Two blueprln-bs or ink: drawjngs or" the plans and specifTca-
tlons 2nd method of constructEon and attachment to the biLLldfng or
in the ground,
(5) Copy or" stress sheets snd calculations showing the structure
is des5gned for dead load and wind pressure Sn any dzrection fn the
arnount requjred by this and all other laws ad Ordtnances of the Cfty,
(6) Name of person, fLrm, corporztion or assoc-lation erecting
struc ture.
(7) Written consent of the owner of the bu%ld?-~g, structure or
land to which or on which the structure 5s to be erected.
Any electrrcal permit reSju.Xred and issued for sald sign,
Statement as to whether or not the sign will encroach
upon or overhang publrc property.
(10) Such other 5nformatPon 8s the Bullding Inspector shall
require ko show full coxnpliance with this and- a11 other laws and
ordlnances of the City,
The applicetion for a permit for erectLon of a sign or other acivertis-
Lng structc.re In whzch electrical w5r5ng and connecttons are $0 be
used shall be subrnitted to the BLildTng Inspector.
Inspector shall exa-snine the plans and specifScations respect5ng
all Wring and connectlons to determsne if the s8me complPes with
the Ordinance 8010 of the City of Carlsbad and. he shall slpprove sald
permit 52 the satd plms end speclf'ic&itions cornply wit41 said Ordjnance
or disapprove the application if non-cofipljance with said code zs
found. ThXs seld action of the Building Inspeetor aha11 be taken
prior to submissLon or" the applicbtSon to the BU.:,Slding Inspector for
final approval or dzsapproval of the erectLon perm5.t. $ppl5csn%
shall pay for en. electrical permtt in addit2on to Vie perElt fee
here jnaf ter provf ded.
The Biiglding
SZCTXN 6. Permit Issued if Appljcgtion Pn Order. It shall
be the duty of the BuildLng mspector, upon the fFlrng of an
applicstSon fo~ m erectLon pera5.t to exsmlne sach plans and specifi-
cations and- okher dzta zad the prerxlses upo;., wkich St is proposed to
erect the si&% CP o-ther advertising skructure, and 3f Z.t shall. appear
that 'she proposed structure is 2n coinpliance a3th, all %he reqb.irements
of thPs ordlnznce and: complfies with the zon9ng laws arid all. other
laws and ordjnances 02 the Ci%y of Zsrlsbad, he shall then lssue the
erec-tlon permit. If the work authorized under an erectPon pern9t
bas not 'been completed wlthtn s5.x (6) months after date 0% Zssu8nce,
the said permit s ha1 1 become null and vo5d.
SECTIQX 7, Permit Zees. Every applfcar,t, before be5ng
granted a permlt hereunder shdl pay to the CZty Clz~k the follom-
ing annual perxdt fee for each such stgn or other zd.vertls5n.g
strz;lcture regulsted by th5s ordlnance:
igns requ.ir5ng a permi% other thsn
temporary signs . e . . . e . . . . , Five (5)' cents per sq, ft,
(2) Teraporary signs--each shty (60) sq,
ft. or fraction thereof, . . ... em . , e , . One ($1.) dollzr
(4) l&arquee--ee.ch ten (IO) Sq. ft. or frazt5on.
thereof of display surface. . . . . e . e a One ($1) dollar
(5) Street or wall clocks . . . . . . .. .. e
(6) Signs thst encroach upon or overhang
TWO?: ($2) dollars
pub3-S~ property shall py, Pn zddit5on
to other fees berein pr cribed.....,. Ffve ($5) dollers
In no event shall the mh5mu.n e be less than one ($1) dollar.
SZCTIOM 8. PermSt Bevocable at hy Tfrne, Bll rjghts and
prtvileges zcquired under tke provisLons ," this ordinsnce
axendirient thereto, sre mere lzcerses revocable at my t5ne by the
Bullding Inspector, and all such permSts shall con'iaLn this
provSsi on
SXTION 9, Unsafe mb -iinlawr"ul 9i@s, If tine S~lldSng Inspector
shall fhd "that; acy siPp or other afivertising structure regulated
hereSn is unsafe or fnsecure, or is 8 menace to the public, or has
been constructed or erected or Is beZng ma?ntnlned in vLolation of
the provisions of tMs ordinsnce, he shzLl give written notice to
%he pemittee thereof. If the persnittee fa5ls to re.:ove or after
the structure so 8s to colnp1y wlth the stancizrds hereln set forth
en (10) d-sgs after siich notice, such s5gn OT other advertjs-
c'cure nay be reaoved or gltered to comply by the ..
Inspector 8% the expense of' the per"ttee os, owner of tne
. ;. 0 .*
upon whjch 2% is located. The BuPlding Inspector shall refuse to
issue E per25.t to my permfttee cr owner wlzo refuses $0 pey costs
so assessed.
advertising structure whScli is an ~medi,nte perf1 to persons or
property to Se removed surn?ler.ily end without notlce,
The B~ild5ng Inspector may c~ulse my sign or other
SECTION 10. Number, 3ate 2nd Voltage to be on ?de, Every
sign or other advertjsing struchre hereafter erected shall have
patnted Zn a conspicuous place thereon, in letters got less than L
one inch in height, the d8te of erection, tke pernilt nurrlber and
the voltage of any electrical apparatus used 5n connectlon thererivi-th.
SECTION 11, PaLnting RequSred Every Two Yezrs. The omer of‘
any sSgn as defhed and regE.lzted by th5s ord9nzmce shall be requfred
to have properly patnted at least once every two years all parts and
suppor%s of tne said sisq, mless the sane are galvanized or
otherwtse trested to prevent rust.
S1;;CTIOEJ 12, HSnd Presscire and Dead Load 3equ.Lrements.
All signs and other advertising s*Lrwt;,res shall be desjgned ~nd
constru;cted to withstand 8 whd pressure of not less then forty (43)
p0und.s per squsre foot of area; and shall be constructed to recelve
dead loads as requzred in the Buflding Code or other ordtnances of
L the City of Carlsbad,
SCTIQY 13. Reaoval of Certein S9g11s. hy sign now or
hereafter exlsting whzch EO longer adverS;ises a bona fLde buslness
conducted, or a product sold, shall be taken down and removed by
the owner, agent, or person havPng the beneficial use of the
building or structure upon which such sign may be found tvlth’jn
ter, (10) dsys Zfter written notificstion from the BuLld?’ng Inspector,
and, upon faLlure to comply w‘sth such notLee withTn the time
specified in such order, the Sufldlng Inspector is hereby authorized
to cause removal of such sign, and any exsense incident thereto
shall be paLd by the owner of the build2ng or structure to which
such sign is attached.
. ', ..
SECTIOK 14, Exemptions. The provfslons and. reguletions of
this ordinance shall not apply to the follotljbg sips, provSc?ed,
hosever, said signs shall be subject to the provtslons of
SectLon 9: i
(1) Real estate signs not exceed;lr_g eight (8) square feet
2x1 area tvhich abver22se the sale, rental or lease of the premises
upon which said si@s me located only.
(2) Professtonal name pla3ees not exceeding one (1) square
foot in area.
ips paPn'ced on tihe exterior surface or" a bullding or
structwe, provt,ded, however, tf said sfgns have rajsed borders,
letters, chzrecters, decorations or lightlng appliances, they,
shall be subJect to the provisions of Section 22 and all applicable
provislons of thts ord.Snance,
(4) Bulletin boards not over ejght (8) square feet; In area
for public, chzritable or religfous LnstZtutions when the same
8re located oil the premjses of said Znstitctions,
(i (5) Slgcs denottng the archLtect, engineer or contractor
when placed u.pon work under constructZon, and not exceeding
sixteen (16) square feet Ln 8rea.
(6) 3ccupational sS@s denotlng only the naae 2nd profession
of an occupant in a cormercizf buildlng, public institutional
bu-ilding or dwelling house, and not exceeding two (2) square
feet .Sn area,
(7) Memor5al sim-s or tablets, names of butldlngs 2nd date
of erecti,on when cut jnto zrrg masonry surface or when constructed
of bronze or other incorfibus2ible materzzls.
(8) TraTfic or other municlpal sjgns, legs1 notLces:, railroad
crosshg slgns, dsnger, aid such temporary, emergency or non-adver-
may be approve the GS-tY COunC~l*
. &+m%-*& dP&&% * -*"&&j@.&,& . 0bstru.c: %ions DooTs, WindovJs or FSre Escapes.
No sign shell be erected, reloceted ormintained so 8s to prevent
free fngress to or egress froin any door, wIndow UP fire escs.per
30 sjgn of any klnd shall be attached to a stand plpe or flre
SECTICE 16. S5p-s ~ot to CmstLtu.te TraffSc Eazard.
No sign or other advertising s'cructure as regulzted '5y 'chts ordi-
nance shall be erecked E% the intersection of any streets in such
a nzanner as $0 obstruct free and clear vLsion; or zt any locetfon
where, by resson of the position, shape or color, it mag Tnterfere
With, obstruct the v2ew of or be confused with any akthorized
traffic stp, signal or devlce; or wUch makes use of the words
irSTOPjt, flLOOKf', ~%31VE=Il~", r'D~C%R*i, or any other 'tiford, phrase,
symbol or character Sn such mznner ES to Snterfere wlth, mjslead
or confuse traffic.
SZCTIOX 17. Face of Slgn Shall Be Snooth. All signs or
other advert5sing s'cru.ctures wkich are cojnstructed on street llnes,
or w1t;hin ftve (5) feet thereof, shzll have 8 snooth sarfnce and
no nails, tacks or wires shall be pemritted to protrude therefrom,
except electrical reflectors and devices wl?Lch may extendl. over the
top znd in front of the advert3-sfng structures.
SECTIQIT 18. Goose Neck Reflectors. Goose neck reflectctrs
and Lights shall be pers;ltted OE gror;nd s%gxs, roof si,g?ns, and
wall slgns, provided., however, $he reflectors shall be provided
wjth proper glass lenses concentratfng the fllumdnation upon
the €reg of %he sLgn so zs to prevent glare upon the strset or
sdjacent property.
SECTION 19, Spotlights and FloodlLghts Proh%3%-ted.
- it shall be unlawful for any person to rnaisltain any sip whjch
extends over publtc property which ;is tvho'lly 011 partLally
illumingted by floodlZghts 02 spotlights.
SECTION 20. Obscene Matter ProhZbfted. If; shall be unlawful
for sny person to d5splay upon any sign or other advertzshg
structure any obscene, indeceEt or i-snmoral matter.
SECTIOE 21, (e) DeSTnPtfon. Ground sTgn as regulated by
thLs ordjnance shall Include any sLgn supported by uprlghts or
braces placed upon the ground, and not attached to ar,y buildPng,
(b ) Construction
(1) Materials ReqGTred, ill gromd s5gns for whlch a
permlt is required: under this ordinance, shsl.1 have
a surfzce or facing of incon3ustLble mzterlal;
provided, however, thst corn-ous tible structural
trim may be used thereon.
(2) Letters, eb., to Be Secured, All letkers, f'igurt?s,
characters or representations In cut-out OF
irregzlar for-ro, maintatned in con junctSon wi,th,
at'ceched to, or superimposed upon any s5.p shall
be sz'fely 2nd securely built or attached to the
sLgn structure end shall comply with all requirements
in SectSon 17.
(e) Locztjon
,(1) Height Liznltatlon, It shall be unlawful to erect
any ground s3.s whose total heighk %s greater than
twenty (20) feet above the level of the street upon
wUch the slp fzces, or above the EdjoLnZng ground
level, Lf suck ground level 5s above %%e street level,
(2) Space Between Sign and Ground End Other SLgns end
Strsctures, Ground. sips shall have aci open spsce
not less thm two (2) feet between the base line
of satd sign and the gmnd level. ThPs open space
raqr be filled Ln mith z platform or decorstlve
lattjce x3rk m,ihZch does 20% close off more thzn
une-hzlf of zny square foot 02 SLL;~~? open s
NO ground- s5-p shell 'de neiirer than (2) feet to
any other s?.8n, build2fib or struc'are,
(3) Sebback L9ne. No ground sjgn slx-11 be L~STSP ';he
streeii %ban the bat?ildfng llne rstebl:shed by ln~,
(4) 804; to Mislead, Interfere Xith, or Confuse TrefEc.
611 ground- siss shall conform to the provisions
of SectLon 16,
.. 0
(d) ErectLon.
(1) '5racLng, Bnchorzge ~c6. Supports. A11 gro-xnd stg~s
shell be secrazely built, constructed asci erected
~pon posts ~nd standards s~nk at least tbzee (3)
feet below 'she naturzt, surface cf the Gronnd, aind
shell. be supported ar,d Sreced by tkntmrs, OT mete1
rods 5n the resr thereof, ex-&ndtng Zrom the top
along the ground, from the posts or standerGs upon
which the sme 5s erected, S~c'n s9ps my also **
be set in concrefx at e deptih prescrl'kd by the
BaTlding Inspector.
(2) Supports, etc., 'so Se Creosoted. All pos';s, anchors
and. bracLng of wood shall be treated 'to protect them
frma moisture .by creosotlng or other approved
znetliocis when they rest upon or enter Tntd the
ground .
Premlses to Be Kep-t mee of Ycueds, etc. All ground s5g-r-s
and the preaises surrounding the SZ~G shall be Falnt;afned
by the omep thereof in E Clem, snnt-tary, and. Snoffensive
cond5tfon, and free siid clear of all o'onoxfaus substences,
mbblcrh and wee&,
thss ord..jna-r,ce shall Lnelu.de all flat signs of sol9d face construc-
attached to the exterior front,'rear, or s9de wall of any bulldbg,
or other structure.
(b 1 C on s true t 2. on.
(1) ifiwterfals Requered. All wall s5p-s for ivl?;ich E
permit 5s requ',red under th5.s ordhance, shall have
a surface or facbg of lnconbustible materiel;
provjded, however, thzt coinbu.st;lble structural
0 0
(e) Location.
(1) LirnitatLon OR Placemerit and Area, ?io wall
sign shall cover wholly or pertially my wall
opening, nor proiect beyond the ends or top
of %he well to whlch jt is attached, and. any
one wall sign shsll not exceed an ere2 of
five hundred (500) square feet.
(2) Projection Above Sldeilralk and Set-back LTne.
hy sign over Qjne fnch thick shall not be
pemftted to extend -snore then six (6) Snches
'aeyond the bullding line, and shall not be
attsched to a wall at a height 02 less 'chsn
ten (10) feet above the sidewalk or grounc?,
(3) Obstructrons to Door, 'u"dir?_dovss, or Fire Zscapes,
No wall sLg, sh~ll be erecked, reloczted or
mafntsined so 8s to prevent free ingress to or
egress from any dooT, wlndow or fire escape,
(d) ErectLon.
(1) Sugports and Attachment. All wall sikxs shall
be safely end securely attached to the bullding
wall by means of netal anchors, bolts, or
expansSon screws of not less than 3/8 jnch In
djame.t;er embeddeC in said wall. at leas% f5ve
inches; provided, however, thet such signs
;nay rest jn, or be bolted to strong, heavy
metal brackets or szddles set not over SIX feet
apart, each of wUch shzll be securely Tixed to
the nall es hereznbefore provfded, In no case
shall any wall sign be secured with wTre, strlps
of wood or nsPls,
(2) lidind. Pressure and Dead Loa6 Requjrements, All
wall sPgns shall conform to the requirements
of Section 12.
- 10 -
thSs >ordjnmce shall mem any sign erected., constructed End mai,n-
ta’sned wholly upon or over the roof of my building wjth the
princfpal support on the roof structure.
(b ) Cons tructlon,
-, (1) Materials Reqzired. avery roof s9@, LncludSng
the uprLght supports and braces thereof, shall.
be cons%ructed entjrely of incorabustible materrals;
provSded, however, that combustible structural
tr5m may be used thereon.
Loc 2 tP on 0
(1) Hejght and &rea LLmZtatSons. No roof sfgn shall
have a surface or fac-jng exceedSng three hundred
(SOU) square feet, nor hzve its h9ghest point
extended nope than twenty (20) feet z.bove the roof
(2) Set-Sack from Roof Ecige. ?To roof sew shall be
erected or maintained with tihe face thereof nearer
than fLve (5) feet to the outs9de wall toward whSch
the slgn feces.
(3) Space Between Sjgn and Roof. All roof signs shall
have a space at least fjve (5) feet Ln he9g;ht
between the base of the sfgn and the roof level,
ajnd have at least five (5) feet clearance between
the vert5.cal supports thereof,
(4) ProhibSted ObstructSons. Mo roof szgn shell be
placed on the roof of any bufldbg OF structure fn
such manner as to prevent free passF~ge from one
part of satd roof to my other part thereof or
jnterfere with openLngs In said roof and shall
,comply with Section 3.5 hereof
- 11 -
. . a. , .,
*- 1 0
(d) Ere@%ion.
(1) BrzcSng, khchorage aid SLpports. Every roof slgn
shall be thoroughly secured to %he building by
iron or other metal anch.ors, bblts, supports, rods
or braces,
not constructed entirely of fireproof i-a2,terlzly
the beering plates of said sLgi shall besr d5rectly
"Jben erected upon bulldings which me
upon masonry walls and fntermediate steel colulms
Sn tkte bujlding, No roof sign shsll be sLippor-l;ed
or anchored to the wooden franework of a build9ng,
(2) Xtnd Pressure, and Ikad Load Requ.irernents.
All roof signs shsll conform to the requjrements
of Section 12, or' thjs ordinznoe,
SZCTION 24, (a) Definitions,
(1) ProjectTng sle as regula'ced by this ordingnee
shall lnclude any slg-n whLch 9s attzcked to a
bullding or other strmture and extends beyond
the lfne of the said bn5ldLng or structure or
bpyond the surface of thcot portton of the buPldZng
OP structure -to ahich ;Pt is a-ttac'ned. All project-
fng sL@s snsll be 5.1-lumlnated signs, as defined
by this ordznance.
RorSzont;&l projectlng sim irteans any si@ wh%ch is (2)
greater 9n wi.6.S;h than in height.
(3) VertScsl projecting sjgn means any "gn which is
greater 5.n hePght than Ln width,
i (b) ConstructZon.
(1) Every projecting sip, including the frsmes, braces
2nd s~ppor-bs thereof, shell be spprovedl by the
Suile..ing Inspector as 5n complTa.nce with the
w 12 -
I. . .." , e
SuildTng Code of the City of Carlsbad and by
the Building Inspector as in complPance with
the El.ec'cr3.cal Code of the City of Carlsbad,
shell be cmstructed of %ncombustible materfals,
ail6 shall be two fzced. *I
(2) No glnss of any type except neon tubing shall be
used in the construction CT trlrzl of my projecting
(3) MovaBle Parts to be Secured. $ny movzble part of
a projecting s-ign such as the cover of a service
opening shll be securely fsstened by chains or
hlnges .
(4) Area LimktatSons. keep% by specPal permisslon
of the Ci-ty Council project5ng sjgns shell. be
1imit;ed fn zree BS 9ollows:
a. Eorizontai projecting sfgns f9ftg (50) squ2,i.e
feet esch side.
b. Verticzl projectrng signs one hilndred (100)
square feet each sLde.
(5) TMc2mess L5mLt2ti.m. The aSstance measured
between the princtpal f8ces of my projecting sign
shall not exceed ezghteen (18) Laches.
(e) Locat~on.
(1) ProjectLon Over Public Property, It shcr2-1 be
ur,lzvffd, for my person to erect, repair, alter,
re1oca';e OF malntzLn whthln the Cltg of Carlsbad
any sign or other advertjslng structure khgt
Every projecting segn snsll be placed zt least
teen (10) feet above the publ'sc sjdewa1k.o~ other
pubX9.c ~jile.~ over which it Ps erected, and a
distence of not peater than two (2) feet i'rrorc
the face or" the wall to ivklch it is attached,
measuririg from the poi,nt of the sPgn nearest thereto;
nor shall any sfgn or part thereof extend nearer
the curb lfne than om foot. 2very projectzng
sign erected- over public drZveways, alleyways,
and- throughfares shall be placed not less than
fi-f'tees?i (15) feet above the level of the same.
(2) Obstructions and Trafflc Hazards, Every projecting
s9gn shall be erected 'in full colnpliance wi%h
Sect'so-ns 15 and 16 of this ordZnar,ce,
(d) 3;rectiorz.
(1) Brecing, Anchorage ad Supports Projecting signs
exceedtng sjxteen (2.6) square feet in area or
thZrty-fkve (35) 2cunds in we9ght s:isll not be
attached to nor supported by fraae bulldings r,or
tihe wooden Przneivork of a bullding,
shall be attached to masonry walls with galvanized
Said signs
expacs2on bolts at feast 3/8 Lnch %n Ciismeter or
shall be fixed Pn the wall by mems of bolts
extznding through the wall, shell contain proper
size mztal washer or plzte on the inside of the
well, ~nd shall comply with SectLon 12 hereof.
(2) Anchopage iiurith WZre, et@. , Prohibited. Mo pro2ect-
jng slgn shsll be secured with wSre, s';rips 02
wood or a~ils, nor she11 any projecting sign be
nung or secured to any other sign:
SIXZION 25. (a) Definitiions. Temgorary signs as regulated
by this ordfnance shall include any sig, banner, pennant, valance,
*. e*- .*
or ad-vertising d.lsplay con tructed of cloth, canves, lPght fabric,
cardbomd, wsll bozrd or other li_ght msterials, w3th or wLthout
frames, intended to be d2splayed for 2 short period of time only.
(b) Construction.
(1) MaterLals and &rea Limitations, Mo temporary sign
of combustible xaterial shell exceed four (4) feet
Zn one of 5ts dZmensions or one hundred (100) square
feet in area, and provzded such signs in excess of
sjxty (60) square feet shall be made of rZgZd
materials, that is, of well board, or other light
materials wjth frazes.
(2) Weight LLmZtation. Every temporary slgn vre9gh5ng
Sn excess of fifty (50) pounds riust be approved by
the Bu5.ld.Sng Inspeckor $9 conforming to the safety
requirements of the BuSldLng Code of the Cicty of
(c) LocetLon,
(I) Projection from '$all and Over Public Property.
No temporary sign shr.11 extend over c~r into any
street, alley, sLdewalk, 02 other pub1I.c thorough-
fare a djstance greater than four (4) inches from
the %all upoa which %t 3.s erected, and s3all not
be placed or project over any wsll openlng,
(2) Obstruction to Doors, Windows and FEre Escapes,
No temporary sign shall be erected, SO as to
prevent free lngress to or egress from any door,
wjndow or fire escape, nor shall such sS-g;n be
attached to my stand pipe or fjre escape,
(d) Erection.
(1) Anchorage and Scipport. Every teraporary sign shall
be attached to the wall ~9th w2re or steel cables,
and no strlngs, ropes 0% wood slats for anchorage
or support purposes shall be permjkted.
- 15 -
0 e
Duration of Permits. Permits for temporary signs shall
authorize the erection of ssld signs a,rld thelr matntenande
for a period not exceeding thlrty (30) days.
Advertising Permit'ced. The advertisement contained on
any temporary sign shall pertain only to the busLness,
industry or pursu9t ccnducted
on which such si,@ is erected
shall not apply t;o signs OF a
on or wtthin the premises
or maintained. This provlsion
CSVSC, polSt5cal or religious
SECTION 26 . (a } Def In?. tj ons
include any structure made of cloth or znetal w2th.a
ahrl awning as regulated by thls ordinmce shall
over 8 thorougbf'are, when the same 1s so erected as
to permit its Sehg raised to 8 pos.itSon flat zgalnst
the bujldiag when not 9n use.
Canopy. b canopty 8s regulsted by this ordenance
shall Lnclude any s-tructure, other than an awning,
mede of cloth or metal w Nth metal frames attached to
a bu9lding, projecting over e thoroughfare, and carr9eC
Sy a frame supported bx the ground OF sidewalk,
(b) Construction,
(3.) Materials, AwnTngs, Awnings may be ccmstructed of
cloth or metal, provided, however, 811 f'remes and
supports shall be of metal.
(2) NaterLals, Canopies. Canopjes may be constructed
of cloth or netrl hood, provjded, however, all frzmes
an6 supports shall be of metzl,
(e) ~ocs.ti,on.
(1) EePght above SPdewalk, Awnings. $11 awnings shall be
constructed and ereeteG so that the lowest poPtPon
- 16 -
thereof shall be not less than eight (8) feet
above the level of the skcewalk or public thorough-
fare *
(2) IieLght Above Sidewalk, Cznopjes. A11 canoptes ‘
shall be constructed znd erected so thet the
lowest portion thereof shelf be not less then
mine (9) feet above tihe level of the szdewalk
or publSc thoroughZare,
(3) Set-sack from Curb LS-ne, AwnSngs and Cmxopies,
$10 awnSng or canopy shall be permStted to extena
beyo-nd a pojnt twelve (12).Snches jnslde the curb
wjdth of awnSngs, provided, however, full co-rtplfance
wfth Sectton 12 5s requked, No eznopy shall be
pernit’ced to exceed eight (8) feet in aldth,
(d) Erectf,on,
(I) . Awnings, Support. Every a%”ng shall be securely
Posts s’ctzched to and supported by the bulld-jng.
or columns beyond %he buil&:jng line shc2.1 ~ot be
permitted for awnjngs, No awing shall be aktached
to She wood jambs, frames, OF other wood raernbers
of a buildLng (frame bulldlngs excepted) when such
buslding is less than ten (10) feet from public
(2) Ca-nopj.es, Support, Tine frai;.leWork of all ca.noples
shrll be approved by the Buildhg Impeetor 8s jn
complimce with the SuZldlng Code of the csty of
Carlsbsd. $11 frzmes si-._Ci supports shall be of
rnetal and designed to withstand- a whd pressure
8s provjded in SectLon 12 of th’ss ordJnmcee
J e
(e) AdvertSs2ng. No advertising shall be placed on any
awning or czmopy, except thila'c the name of the GWI~P
and %he buslness, industry, or prsuit conducted nfthin
the premSses msy be paln'ced Ln B space not exceedsng
e5ght (8) Inches 2x1 IzeSgnt on the front arid &de
portions thereof.
(f) Peri-nSts and Inspect5.on. Pernits for a.vmings end csnopies
shall be requiree 2s provided in Secteon 3,
(g) Awn$ngs to Be Rollec;. Every swning &hall be rolled or
folded ageLnst the bullding wall. except when se~ving
as a protactfon froii SUE, ratn, snow or other 9ncleznenS;
we Ei thG-T .
SGCTION 27. (2) DefS2Ltio.n. Street clock %s re@sted by
this ordlnavlce shall nean z.ny timepiece erected upon a stacdard
upon the sidewplk, or on the exterior 02 any.bullding or structure
for the cmvenfence of %Le 2ublj.c and plsced and ma'sntained by some
person for %he purpose of advertising thei~. place of buszness.
(b ) c 012 s tr uc 35 on a
All street clocks as herein deflned shall $e
cons trt;.c te d of
tine frmes, braces sild suLpports thereof
omb u s tible ma teri B I, iE cluding
{Z) Reg;c,lz.tPo;? of Sjze of Dial, %e dtal of such
clocks shall be no& more khan fort3 (40) Sr?clIes
in diarne.t;er.
(3) Requiremects on Glass. Any glass form5.ng 8 part
of 2 clock or the. sign thereon sinall be safety
(4) Movable Parts $0 3e Secumd, hy movable pzpt of
a streek clock, tkia'c Ls, cover or servfce operntng
shall be securely fastened by metal hjnges,
(c 1 LocstT on.
(1) Clocks Erected ol; Jslls. Clocks supported on the
corner of a~y building or structure et the inter-
sectLon of two streets, sh211 not be less than
- 38 -
fffteen (15) feet or more thsn twenty (20)
feet above the sidewalk, and shc711 not project
from the Face or wall or" mufld5ng or stTuctUre, jn
di r E c ti on , more f5ve feet.
(2) Clocks Erected on Sidewalk. Every clock erected
on the sidewalk shall be supported upan a post
Of ornamental design, the total he i @it Of
shell be not th 8n fifteen feet,
uhi ch
be not more than 3wenty (20) Snches from the outer
edge of the curb, and shall be at lepst tventy (20)
feet from t%e poht of intersection of the lines of
any street, measured parallel with %ne street,
(1) Clocks Zrected on Walls. All clocks erected on the
exterlor of any building OP structure shell com2ly
with the reqcireaemts set forth in Sectlon 22
regulating xall s5tl;ns, or Section 24 regulating
projecting slgns in all respects concerning erect:on,
w3.j che ve r a pp L I e s
(2) XZnd Pressure and Dead Load RequLrements. 811 street
clocks whether erected on exterlor walls or on the
sidewalk shall comply mLth the requirements of
SectLon 12 of thSs ordjnance.
Lrml tat ion 0X-l PermSts Clocks Sdewalkx
erec%ing 8 street clock on any publlc
s 5 de iv alk shall
obte.5-n the specgal tzrr5.tten permissfon of the Cbty Cou-ccil
3-n addition to all other perm5ts requ.iplel! hereunder. e
permitted to erect more t'h.2~2 one street cluck es herezn
defgned for any place of bushess, at any one location.
bdvertfsjng Permitted. 0x11~ the j?_a.me of the owner,
proprietor or manager of the piace of bcsiness erecting
and maintaining such clock shall be permitted as ad-vertfs-
ing matter on sald clock,
I (h] Ittst Keep Accurate Time. Such clock shall keep accurate
tine, and ff thjs ccndiitZon 5s not complied with, the I ,
I clock shall be promptly repaired or removed.
SECTION 28. Nonconforming Sfgns, Every sign or other
advertisfng structure 9n ex-jstence on adoption of thTs ordlnance
which vLolates or does not cmform to the provislons hereof, shall
be removed, or altered, or replaced so as to conform with the
provjsions of this ordinance within two (2) years,
ifvienever any person, ftrrfl, corporation or business tnstalls wethou$
chnrge s5gn or sfgns en or upon the premlses of my busfness in the
CZty of Carlsbad, %he person so donztfng the afgn shall allot
one-half (1/2) of 6he surfzce of the sign to zdvertjsing jts own
product with tk;e remafning half (1/2) to the perQon upon whose
place of business the sign 1s plzced,
SZCTION 30, Revocstion of Permits, The BuLldSng Inspector
fs hereby auhhorized md empowered to revoke any permjt jssued by
hjm upon failure of the holder thereof to comply with any provision
of thts ordlrza-nce.
SBCTIBN 31, Penalties. Any person vzoleting any of the
provlstons of tihis ordinance shall be deemed guilty of' a mfsdemeanor
and upon convictzon thereol" shall be flned not exceeGing 300 dollars
or by imprisonment Tn tine jail provided by the City of Carlsbad
not exceeding 90 days, or by both such fSne end tmpr5sonment.
Bvery day such violat5on is coimitted, or permitted to continue,
shall constLtute a separate offense an6 shall be punjshable as
such hereunder *
SZCTION 32, ¶bLlity. If arty sectlon, subsection,
sentence, clause, phrase or portLon of thfs ordlnence Ls for
any re8son held invalZd or unccnstituti.ona1 by any court 09'
coizrpetent jurtsdiction, such portion sliflall be deemed a separate,
distrinct and Sndependent provision and such holding shzLl n
affect the vaJldTty of the remaining porttons thereof .
SE'JTIQN 33, Ordinances Repealed. Seetiion 4506 of the
untform Building Code adopted by reference in Ordinance 9005
02 the City of Carlsbad and/or parts of ordinances in conflict
herewith are hereby repealed.
SZCTION 34. The Clts Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby
dLrected to cause thLs Ord-inance to be publtshed- once in the
CarJabad Journal, 8 newspaper published and of general circuletion
in said. C9ty of Carlsbzd.
First r ead at a regular meeting of tine CSty Councrl of
aald City held on the 2nd day of February, 1954, and finally
adopted and ordered publlshed at sald regrilsr meeting of said
Council held on the 16thday of Februa.rg , 1954, by the
following vote :
NAYS: Norze,
&BSENT: None
Coxmilmen Suttoz, Chase, Castopena, Ede, Mayor IiicCLellano