HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-02-16; City Council; 9031; Ord 9005 amend - Billboards, signs & ads with SUP issuance.. a 0 ORDINANCE NO. 9031 C~ZNATJCZ NO. 9005, AND PROVIDING FOB THE PUCE- NENT OF BILL3OARDS, SIGNS AND OTER ADVERTISING STRUCTURES IN ANY ZOPJE: IN THZ CITY OF CARLSBAD UPOM THZ ISSUmCE OF A SPECIAL USE €'EMIT THERE% FORE. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. SECTION 4-(a)-8& OF OPdINANCE NO. 371 (N. S. )* AS &QXDED,OF THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, XHICII YAS ADOPTAD BY OXDINANCE NO. 9005 OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD &TENDED. Section b(aI-83 (N.S.) as amended of the County of San Diego, wBich was adopted by OrdinarLce No. 9005 of the City of Carlsbad is hereby amended to read as follows: "No billboard or other advertisfng sign, structure or device of any character shall be permited except and unless a conditional use permit therefore be obtained pursuant to the provisions of Section 9 of this section 4; provided further that signs bearing ' official notice, signs specified in Subdivision 7, above, or signs pertaini'ng only to the sale of products grown or produced on the property, or advertising only the lease, hire OF sale of the particular property upon which such signs are dis- played, shall require no conditional use permit.' SECTION 2. SECTION &-(a)+ OF ORDIMARCE NO. 371 (N.S.) AS &E3D3D OF THE CO~U" OF SAE DIEGO, VHICH YAS ADOPTED BY OIiDINANCE NO. 9005 OF TEE CITY OF CmLSBAD AMENDED. amended and added to to read as follows: Section 4-(a.)-9 is hereby "The following addi,ional uses, subject to ne issuance of a conditional use permit herefor as prescribed in Section 16: (a) Target ra-nges, (b) Racetracks and fair grounds, (c) Airports, (d) Freight and passenger terminals, (e) Billboard, signs and other advertising structures. SZCTION 3. SECTION 5-(2.)-8 OF ORDINANCE NO. 371 (N.S.) AS ANENDED OF THE COUNTY OF SAH DLEGO. WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 9005 OF THE CITY OF CARLSBaD ATJiEND233. Section 5-(a)-8 is hereby amended to read a.s follows: Signs not exceeding six (6) square feet in area pertaining only to the sale, lease or hire of only the particular building, property, or premises upon which displayed. SECTIOPa 4. SECTPIOM 5-(~)-9 OF ORDINANCE NO, 371 (NOS.) AS AHENDED OF TH4: COVNTY OF SAN DIEGO, WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY OXDIPIAIRCE NO, 9005 OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD MENDED. yead as follows: Section 5-(2)-9 is hereby amended to The following additional uses, subject to the issuance of conaitional use permits therefor, as prescribed in Section 16: (a) Churches, museums, libraries. (b) Schools, colleges, playgrounds. (c) Residential hotels. (d) Airplane landing fields (e) Wa.ter supply and pu.blic utility buildings (f) Cemeteries. (g) Public sta.bles. (h) Billboards, signs and.. other advertising structures. ' SECTION 5. I SECTION 6- (a) -13 OF ORDINANCE NO. 371 (N. S. ) AS ANENDED OF THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, IdHICH WAS BOPTED 3CV OBDIPSANCE NO. 9005 OF THE CITY OF CASLSBAD IU'IZNDZD. Section 6-(a)-13 is hereby amended -2- to read as follows: Signs not exceeding six (6) square feet fn area pertaining only to the sale, lease or hire of only the particular building, property, or premises upon which displayed. SECTION 6. SECTION 6-(a)-l4 OF ORDINANCE NO, 371 (NOS.) AS AMENDED OF THE COUNTY OF S-4.N DIEGO. WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY 0-SDINANCE NO, 9005 OF THE CITY OF CAXLSBAD AMEQXm. Section 6-(a)-14 is hereby amend-ed to read as follows: "The following additional uses, subject to the issuance of conditional permits therefor, as prescribed in Section 16. (a} Airplane landing fields. (b) Drilling for oil or gas. (c) Billboard, signs or other advertising structures. SECTION 7. SECTION 7-(A)-9 OF ORDINANCE NO. 371 (N.S.) AS APIENDZD OF THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO. WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 9005 OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APERDED. Section 7-(A)-9 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Signs not exceeding six (6) square feet in area pertaining only to the sale, lease OF hire of only the particular building, property or premises upon which displayed, SECTION 8. SECTION 7-(A)-10 OF OIWIiUNCE NO, 371 (N.S.) AS MfEhDED OF FHS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, mICH WAS ADOPTED 3Y OED' LNANCF: NO. 9005 OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AlilEItDED, Section 7-(A)-lO is hereby amended to read as follows: The following additional uses subject to the issuance 8 of conditional permits themfor pursuant to provisions of Section 16 hereof: (a) Churches (b) Fire and police stations (e) Schools, colleges, Flaygrounds (d) Resiaentia.1 hotels -3- Y ,. , , 7.I .l a 0 (e) Public utility buildings or structures pertaining (f) Cemeteries (g) Convalescent homes (h) Rest homes (I) Nursing homes (J) Billboards, signs and other advertising structures, thereto OF THS COUHTY OF SAN DIEGO. WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY ORDINNCE NO. 9005 OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ANENDED. Section lO-(A)-7 is hereby amended to read as follows: “The following additional uses subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit therefor pursuant to provisions of Section 16 of this Oydinance: (a) Storage garages (b) Motels CC) Auto Courts (d) Trailer coulats (e) Billboards, signs and other advertising structures. SECTION 10. SECTION 11-(A)-@-M ADDED TO ORDINANCE NO. 371 (N.S.) AS AMEXDED OF THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO. WRICH WAS ADOPTED 3Y ORDINANCE No. 9005 OF THE CITY O_F__CARLSBAD, Section ll-(A)-&-(m) is hereby added to the above referenced ordinance and shall read as follows: ‘*Billboards, signs and other advertising structures. ’ AS ANENDED OF THE COUMTY OF SAN DIEGO, WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY ORDIMAIGE NO, 9005 OF THE CITY OF CA(RLSBAJ3, Section 12-(8)-2-(h) is hereby added to the above referenced ordinance and shall read as follows: ttBillboards, signs and other advertising structures. SECTION 15j-(F) ADDED TO OEDINANCE NO, 371 (NOS.) - SECTION 12. AS AHENDED OF THE COu4JTY OF SAX DIEGO, ITdICH WAS ADOPTZD BY OFDINANCE NO. 9005 OF TEE CITY OP CAElLSBAD. Section 13-(F) is heyeby added to A . ,.. , , ?" . e the above referenced opdinance and shall read as follows: f'Billboards, signs and any other advertising of any character shall be permited upon the issuance of special use permit therefor, pursuant to the provisions of Section 16 hereof, ,SECTION 13' EFFECTIVE DATE. This'Ordisance shall take effect and be in force on the thirty-first day froa and after its final passage. SECTION 14, The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby directed to cause this Ordinance to be published once in the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and of general circulation in said City First read at a regular meeting of the City Council of said City hald on the 2nd da~r of February 9 1954, and finally adopted and opdered published at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 16th day of February , 1954, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Ede, Chase, Castorena, Mayor 1;icClella.n. NAYS: Councilman Sutton. ABSENT: Noxe. Mayor of the City of CarLsbad, . California ATTEST : I ~ -5 -