HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-10-19; City Council; 9025A; Tentative map issues & concernsORDIXlUCE NO, 9025-A AN ORDINAHCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSB-AD CHANGING CERTAIN ADMINISTMTIVE REQUmmNTS IN ORDIHAHCE NO, 9025 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as *' follows: SECTION I, SECTION IV-B-1 OF ORDINANCE NO, 9025 OF TED3 CITY OF CBRLSBD MNDED. City of Carlsbad is hereby amended to read as follows: lats of subdivisions shall submit Section IV-3-3, of Ordinance No, 9025 of the '(Property owners or subdividers desiring to record ten (LO P copies of the tentative map to the City Planning Comission." SECTION II, SECTION IV-B-3 OF OFDINANCE NO. 9025 OF THE CITY OF CARLSB,4D AMENDED. Section IV-B-3 of Ordinance No, 9025 of the City of Carlsbad is hereby amended to read as follows: "The City Planning Commission shall refer one (1) copy each of the tentative nap to each the Public Works Director, the Fire Chief and the Department of Public Health. The Public Works Director, the Fire Chief and the Department of Publie Health shall be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to submit written reports and recomendations to the City Planning ComissionStf SECTIOM 111. SECTION TV-B-QA OF ORDINAWCE NO. 9025 OF THE CIm OF CABLSBAD ADDED. City of Carlsbad is hereby added to Ordinance No, 9025 of the City of Carlsbad, This section shall be considered as a supplement and addendum to Ordinance No, 9025 of the City of Carlsbad. Section IV-B-6~ of Ordinance No, 9025 of the City of Carlsbad shall read Section IV-B-6A of Ordinance No. 9025 of the as follows: "The Department of Public Health shall set forth in writing recomendations concerning drainage, water supply, sewage and nuisanceOtt SECTION IV. SECTION IV-B-7 05' ORDINANCE NO. 9025 03' TBE of the City of Carlsbad is hereby amended to read as follows: "After receiving written recommendations from the Public Works Director, the Fire Chief and the Department of' Public Health, the City Planning Commission shall, withlvifteen (15) days, submit a copy of the tentative map to the City Council, together with the Conmissfonts recommendations attached thereto. SECTION V, SECTION IV-B-8 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9025 OF THE CITY OP CAriLSBBD AMENDED. Section iv-B-8 of Odinance No. 9023 of the City of Carlsbad is hereby amended to read as follows: #The Council shall approve or disapprove the tentative map by passage of a resolution. If the map is approved, a. resolution of approval shall state the nature and character of the improvements that will be required to be made by the subdivider, based upon the recommenda- tions of the Planning Comission, the Public Morks Director, the Fire Chief and the Depart- ment of Public Health, or as determined by the Council; provided, however, that in every case the resolution shall requfre the minimum h- provements required by Section VI1 of this Ordinance SECTION VI. SECTION V-C OF OKDINANCE NO, 9025 OF THE: CITY OF CliBLSBAD AMENDED. Section V-C of Ordinance No. 9025 of the City of' Carlsbad is hereby amended to read as follows: "After a19 improvements are constructed and grading completed, permanent monuments shall be set at the boundary corners of each sub- division and along the boundary lines at intervals of not more than 1,000 feet, and at all block corners. Such monuments shall con- sist of concrete posts or iron pipes. For the purpose of this Ordinance, permanent monments shall be not less substantial than the follow- ing: I. in diameter, not less than 2 feet in length, with the center point marked by a copper disk firmly set in the top; or 2, An iron pipe, centered with lead, with a 2-Inch outside diameter, not less than 2 feet in length, shall be shown upon such final map. Nonuments at all angles and points of curves of the street and alley property lines, at corners and angles of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision shall be not less substantial than steel pipe 3/4 inches in diameter, centered A cylinder of reinforced concrete, 6 inches -2- with lead or cement plug and tack, not less than 18 inches in length, and driven at least L8 inches into the ground, Lot corners shall be marked with a 2-lnch Cedar or Redwood stake 12 inches long, centered with a copper tack, driven at least 10 inches into the ground, or by a one-half inch steel rod or pfpe, 12 inches long, driven at least LO inches into the ground, SECTION VfI. SECTION VII-A-4 OF ORDII!TABCE NO, 9025 OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AM2EJDED. Section VII-A& of Ordinance Wo, 9025 of the City of Carlsbad is hereby amended to read as follows: Wonstruct sidewalks, curbs and gutters of the size and type specified by the Director of Public Works, except that sidewalks shall not be required fn R-1, R-U, R-lB and all. E zones." SECTIOM VIIZ. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the thirty-first day from and after its final passage. SECTION IX, The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby directed to cause this Ordinance to be published once in the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and of general circulation in said City of Carlsbad, an First read ai/&j-e& meeting of the City Council of said City held on the 29th day of September , 19%, and finally adopted and ordered published at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 19th day of Ostober 1954, by the following vote: AXES: CoaQcfben Casbrena, Eds, Suttan, Hayor HcClel3.a. C. D. McCLELLAN L Mayor of the City of Carlsbad, California ATTEST L MAX 0. EWALD, City Clerk w+.b, -3-