HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-11-02; City Council; 1005A; Financial demands against city paymentsORDINANCE NO. 1005-A AN ORDINAXCE OF THE CITY OF CULSBAD AMENDING ORDIXIIANCE KO. 1005, RELATING TO TEE MAE\SNER OF PAYMEEJT OF FINABCIAL DEWS AGAINST THE CITY OF CULSBAD. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as folEows: SECTION r, SECTION VI OF ORDINAXE NO. io05 OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD IS -&REBY AMENDED. Section VI of the Ordinance No. 1005 of the City of Carlsbad is hereby amended to read as follows: yrSECTION VI, FISCAL WTTERS. (a) The City Clerk shall prepare twice monthxy for the Auditing Committee a Register of Demands, which shall represent all financial demands made upon the City of Carlsbad From and after the date of the last Register so prepared by the City Clerk. payroll demasds approved by budgetary resolution of the City Cowlcil Demands other than shall before payment be duly certified: 3. By the department head for whom the work was performed, 2, By the City Clerk that such demands conform to the budgetary allowance set forti? by the City - Council. 3. By the auditing cormittee appointed by the Mayor. Payroll demands approved by the budgetary resolution by the City Counci.2. shall be included in a separate portion of the Register Demands by the City Clerk, The payroll demands as prepared by the City Clerk shall be approved by the Auditing Committee, All bills other than those approved by budgetary allowance shall be submitted separately from the Register of Demands and shall be approved by the City Clerk, the department head incurring such bills, and the Auditlfng Committee, (b) Certification of Accuracy and Availability of Funds. When all financial demands have been compiled for presentation to the City Council, the City Clerk shall attach thereto an affidavit certifying 4. . the accuracy of the demands '& the availability of funds for the pay- ment thereof. 1 (c) Submission to the City CounciS, when financial demands have been prepared in accordance with the foregoing, they shall be sub- mitted to the City Council for approval.or rejection, (d) Payment of Demands. After the City Council has authorized payment of a financial demand or approved a Register of Audited Demands, the City Clerk shall prepare warrants upon the funds of the City of Carlsbad and indicate on such warrant the fund from which such demands are to be paid and the purpose for which such warrant is given. City Clerk shall then transmit the prepared warrants to the City Treasurer and the Mayor for signature. The The signature of the Mayor may be affixed by a stamped facsimile of his signature, (e> Time Limit for Damage Claim. No claim for damages against the City shall ever be allowed or paid unless there has been first filed with the City Clerk and presented to the Council a elaim therefor within six (6) months after the occurrence from which the damages arose. All such claims for damages shall be first verified by the claimant before an officer authorized to administer oaths. Time and Scope of Inventory. 'At least once in each fiscal (f) year, and at such other times as by resolution the Council may direct, an inventory shall be made of such personal property and equipment belonging to the City as is of a permanent nature and classified as capital investment, SECTION 11. 1F;FFECTIKE DATE, This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the thirty-first (3lst) day after its adoption. SECTIOH 111. PUBLICATION. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby directed to cause this Ordinance to be published once in the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and of general circulation in the said City of Carlsbad, First read-at a regular meeting of the- City Council of said City held on the -day of ordered published at a meeting of said City Council held on the 2nd day of November 1954, by the following vote, to wits Ootober ‘7 199, and finally adopted and .AYES f Counoiben Castorem, Ede, Helton, Mayor HeCle1h.n. NAYS : ABSENT t ATTEST t California. -3-