HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-11-02; City Council; 5020A; Garbage/rubbish collection, transportation, disposal & rqd permitORDINANCE NO. 5020-fl
The City Council of the City of Ca-rlsbad does ordain as
f ollows :
SECTION 1. DEZTNITIONS. For the p.urpose of this Ordinance,
certain words and phrases shall be construed as hereinafter set forth,
unless it is apparent from the context that a different meaning is
(a) GaRBAGE. "Garbagen is a.ny and all refuse and waste material
derivied from the preparation, use and consumption of meaSs
and all &e-& W, e&ia&s- , m, fruits, vegetables, and any other
and food
noxlous or offensive matter or material usually and ordinarily re-
ferred to as garbage or market refuse.
(b) RUBBISH. UBubbishn is refuse matter, combustible and
non-combustible, including tin cans, bottles, papers, ashes, wire,
box strappings, packing materials, lawn trimmings, trees, plants and
other nursery stock, crockery, glass, brick, cement, motor vehicle
bodies and discarded mechanism, and a11 other material and matter
similar to that herein mentioned.
(c) SHALL AND HAY. "Shall" is mandatory and Itmay'$ is
(d) PUBLIC DUIXP. ttPublic duiip1# or "public dumping ground"
is any parcel or plot of ground on which garba.ge or combustible or
non-combustible rubbish not originating tnerein is deposited either
with or without permission of the owner of said parcel OF plot of
ground and with or without compensation being paid to said owner for
the privilege of depositing said material.
SZCTfOE 2. G.ABBAGE RECEPT:IC-LE RECUIDED. No person shall deposit,
keep or accumulate any garbage in or upon any lot or parcel of land,
or upon any public or private drive, alley or street, or in any house,
store or restaurant, or other place, mihess such garbage be encLosed
in a fly-proof, receptacle with close fitting cover and
handles, which shall be of a type and size approved by the Public
Works Director.
expense of the person producing or accumulating such garbage, and
shall be kept in the rear of the premises, except that such garbage re-
ceptacle may be placed in the street or alley where collection of
such garbage is made at the date and hours specified by the Public
Works Director.
provided with
Such receptacle shall be provided by and at the
allow grease or other decomposing material to accaulate on the ex-
terior of said receptacle.
shall permit said receptacle to remain uncovered or open, or in such
condition tnat flies or verlnin may obtain access thereto, except when
necessary to place garbage therein or remove garbage therefroril, ad
when the cover is removed therefrom for such purposes it shall be
imediately replaced.
other than the owner thereof, or an employee of the City, or a person
holding a contract with the City for the collection of garbage, shall
interfere in any manner with any such receptacle or the contents there-
of, or remove any such receptacle from the location where the same
was placed by the owner thereof, or remove the contents froa any such
receptacle. Mo person shall place in such receptacle any substance
other than garbage.
lu o person ,
SECTION 6, TKWSPORTINC GXRELAGE, IVo person shall carry, con-
vey or transport garbage through any street, alley or public place
in the City, un3ess such person is an enployee of the City in per-
formance of his duties, or enployee or perinittee of a person holding
a Certificate of Public Mecessity ad Convenience from the City for
such removal, or is the owner of the premises on which such garbage
was created.
kept entirely separate ad distinct from garbage and shall be kept in
receptacles or at locations on private premises in accordance with
the provisions of this Ordinance so as not to becone a health or
safety hazard, and in a manner satisfactory to the Chief of the Fire
Department, to the Chief of Police and to the Public viorks Director.
Such receptacle shall be provided by and at the expense of the person
producing such rubbish.
shall apply to the accwulatio_r and collection of rubbish:
(a) EOURS OF COLLECTIOTT. Trash and rubbish shall be placed
in the alley or street only on the day established for collection
thereof or not earlier than six ofclock P,M, of the preceding day.
At all other times, such trash and rubbish shall be kept upon private
premises In accordance with Section 7 of this Ordinance.
(b) SIZE !LAD WEIGHT. liubbish receptacles, when placed for
collection, shall have a capacity of not to exceed twelve cubic feet,
shall not weigh%& than 30 pounds, and shall be strong enough so
that the same vi11 not break when lifted, ~ and the combined Trleight of the
receptacle and contents shall not exceed sixty pomds.
(c) ASIBS. Ashes shall be placed in a separate container which
may be taken by the collector and the combined wight of the contain-
er and. contents shall not exceed sixty pounds.
(d) TEiEIE TRII4HINGS. 'Tree trimmings and shrub trimmings shall
be cut into lengths of not more than two feet and placed in a contain-
er or cut into lengLhs of not more than three feet and securely tied
in bundles of not to exceed twelve inches ia diaaeter.
(e) ROSE AND 3ERRY ViiES. Rose and berry vine clippings shall
be placed in containers to be taken by the collector.
.. *.
(T) C-RATIKG; Crating shall be broken and bundled into lengths
not exceeding three feet.
(g) P.APERS. Papers shall either be placed in a container or
tied in bmdles.
(h) MAXI?~FJ?~l AMOUNT, Each pickup from each place of service
shall not exceed two cubic yards, and the combined weight of rubbish
and receptacle shall not exceed seventy-five pounds. No rubbish in
excess of that above specified and no earth, dead animals or waste
materials resulting from building construction or repair OT mam-
faeturing processes shall be collected unless special arrangements
shall be izade for the col-lection thereof, ~hich arrangements shall
be a private contracDW made between the owner of such rubbish and
the person holding the Certificate of Necessity and Convenience for
the collection of rubbish from the City of' Carlsbad.
SECTIQE: 9. G!GiBkG%, 3lXGII:G OR BbXYTKG, Ho person shall burn,
bury or dispose of any garbage otherwise than by depositing the same
in said receptacle as above defined, dthout first obtaining a written
permit so to do fron the Public works Director, or in case of emer-
gency, from the Chief of Police, but this Section sliall not prohibit the
reduction of garbage to a 1j.qui.d condition and disposing of the same
as seugage, or the bwliipg of garbage i.n approved. nnanufactnred gas
blc;L.r:?e r s .
SZCTION 10. EAULLFiG GB3AGE kU.1 gailba-ge and. rubbish, after
collection, shall be removed and. disposed of 0utsid.e or" the corporate
lini-ts of the City, or' at sone location in the City which shall be
ap;osoved by the City Council. 30 person shall haul, carry or trans-
port any garbage through the City or along or over any public street
or public glace in the City except in iratertight covered wagocs,
motor vehicles or carts, and so that the contents thereof shall not
be offensfve; and said motor vehicles, wagons or carts shail be so
loaded a.nd operated that none of their contents shall fall or spill
therefrom, and every vehicle, wagon or cart used for such purposes
shall be kept In a clean and sanitary condi-t;ion.
SECTION 11. HAULING RUBBISH. No person shall ha
any rubbish, sand, gravel, manure or refuse of any kind
public streets or public places of the City, unless the
instrumentality used in transporting, hauling or carpyi
shall be so constructed or covered that none of the mat
ed in said vehicle or instrumentality will spill or fa1
maintain or operate a public dump without first obtaini
City Council a written permit so to do.
permits to operate a public dump shall be accompanied b
ing :
(a) A map or plat prepared by a registered civil
showing the boundaries of the proposed dumping ground,
a detailed description thereof.
(b) A title report or certificate of title, da.te
da.ys of the date of said application, issued by a respc
company, showing the record owner of the proposed dumpi
if said record the same person as the applicant
then a written consent from said record owner authorizi
said property for the purpose specified in the applicat
(c) An agreement in writing signed by the applic
owner of the propePty *hat they will cease and desist f
said dumping ground at any time the State, County or Ci
Officer, certifies to the City Council thst the continu
use of said dumping ground is or may become detrimental
health or safety and that, should they fail to so cease
upon orders of the City Council after such findings by
Officer, that they will. pay to the City all costs and e
cluding attorney fees should the City Council be conpel
to court Ection to enforce its order, providing such ac
in a judgment in favor of the City.
1 or carry
over the
vehicle or
g the same
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rson shall
g from the
cations for
the follow-
ogether with
within ten
sible title
g ground and,
or permit,
g the use of
nt and record
om operating
y Eiealth
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to the public
and desist
he Health
penses in-
ed to resort
ion results
(d) A bond approved by the City Council in the
for each acre of ground included in said duping area
thereof, to guarantee that all rubbish. and other mater
moved and the ground levelled off at any time said dum
zbandoned for said purpose or at aw time the State, C
Health Officer certifies that said dumping ground has
menta.1 to the public health or safety,
SBCTION 14. PEKfiIIT FEE. If the City Coumil s
said application for permit, applicant, before comme
tion of said dumping ground, shall pay to the City a
the sum of qZ00,OO for each acre of ground describe
ed to the application, payable in advance at the f;i
SECTION 15. PEllillIT, CONDITIONS. In the granting
to operate a public dump, the City Council may att
as in its judgment may be necessary to properly pr
health, safety, connf ort and general welfare and m
and quantity of materials to be deposited and the
of the same and may limit OF prohibit the burning
if in its judgment such burning will endanger or
surrounding property or the persons residing thereon.
may be assigned OT otherwise transferred by the p
obtaining the written consent of the City Council
assignment or transfer. If such consent is give
all. tne provisions of this Ordinance applicable to the pe
likewise be applicable to the assignee,
permit has been issued shall violate any of the provisio
Ordinance or State or Federal law pertaining to the subj
this Ordinance, the CLty Council may revoke such permit,
however, that no pemit shall. be revoked until after a
as hereinafter provided has been had by the said City C
matter of the revocation of said permit. Notice of sai
shall be given in writing and served upon the holder of 1 -6-
or on one of the persons to whom such permit is issued when the same
is issued in the nane of more than one person, or his or their agent
or manager, which notice shall state the ground of complaint against
the holder and shall state the time and place where and when such
heari-ng shall be had,
Such notice shall be deposited in the United States Post Office
in a sealed envelope, postage prepaid, addressed to the permittee at
the last known addpess of such person on file in the office of the
City Clerk or auflding Inspector.
Such notice shall be nailed as hereinabove provided at least
five days prior to such hearing. It shall be the responslbility of
the permittee to maintain his proper address on file with the City
Clerk or Building Inspector and no failure on the part of the per-
mittee to receive said notice shall operate as a bar to any proceeding
or affect its validity.
shall bring, ca.rry, transport or convey into the City from points
without said City a-oy rubbish or garbage, or place, deposit, leave,
dump, bury or burn the same upon any property within said City, not-
withstanding that the owner of such property consents thereto, unless
such person shall first have applzed for and received frorn the City
Council a permit in writing to do any or all of the acts in this
Section enumers-tea. Nothing herein contained shall prohibit the
transportation of rubbish to a public dump operating wit~-'%he City
pursuant to a written permit issued by the City Council,
shall convey any garbage or rubbish upon or along any street within
the City or deposit the same on any publlc or private property, unless
said property is lawfully maintained as a public dumping ground, with-
out first obtaining a written permit from the City Council so to do,
and in granting such permit the City Council may attach thereto such
terms and conditions as in its judgment the public health, safety and
general welfare may require. Subject to the provisions of any health
or fire control ordinance now in effect or hereafter adopted or any
state law requiring permits from the health department or Chief of
the Fire Department, no permit shall be required in any case in which
such rubbish originated and is buried or deposited and burned on the
premises owned or occupied by the person so burying, depositing or
burning the same.
to any persons in the employ of the City while on duty as such em-
ployee, or to any person with whom the City has entered into or mey
hereinafter enter into a contract for the collection, rexoval, dis-
posal and coaveyance of' garbage, marrket refuse or combustible or non-
combustible rubbish, or to any employee of such contractor durlng
the time such contract is in force.
The provisions of this Section shall not apply
No person shall deposit or place in any ditch, arroyo or strom drain,
or upon an;y street or park without first obtaining a perait therefor
from the City's Clerk, or upon any lot belonging to another without
written consent of the owner thereof approved by the City clerk, or
upon his or their own lot in such a manner that the same is or may
become a nuisance, any baling wire, tin cans, bru$h, tree trimmings,
ashes, earth, dirt, st;ones, paper, dead animals, mbbisli, refuse of
any kind, or other matter. r
Gd \k
otherwise provided in this Ordinance no person shall permit the
contents of any cesspool, septic tank, water closet, sewer or sewage
effluent, excrement, urine, slop water, butc'nei. shop offal, market
refuse, garbage, rubbish, cans or any dead animal, dead fowl or ~.ny
putrid or offensive animal or vegetable matter, to remain or be de-
posited or discharg&,upon the surface of the ground or on %k@ any
premises, lot, or in any building, basement, or in any public street,
OF into any standing water, stream or excavation or public place.
Eothing herein contained shall be deeined to prohibit the de-
positing of rubbish in any lawfully existlng public dump, or keeping
on the premises for no$ more than 30 days, in a substantial and ade-
quate container, any rubbish other than garbage and shop offal, or
depositing and keeping for not over seven days, in a tight receptacle
with close-fitting cover, garbage and butcher shop offal, or feeding
garbage and maket refuse to fowls or animals, providing the sane
does not constitute a nuisance or a menace to public health.
E.EQUIRED. Mo person shall engage in the business of providing
garbage and rubbish collection service within the City without having
obtained a Certificate of Puklic Necessity and Convenience in accord-
ance with the provisions of this Ordinance.
to obtain a certificate required by the preceding Section shail pay
a fee of $15.00 to the city clerk, 2nd shall make a verified applica-
tion for such Certificate to the City Council, which application shall
set forth:
(a) The name and business address of the applicant, together
with the names of all persons finzncialiy interested in the bvsiness
of the applicant.
(b) A complete schedule of rates to be charged, with such rates
4w being based upon a bi-weekly collection of garbage and rubbis'n.
(c) k description of equipment which applicant proposes to use.
(d) The proposed paintie or coloring of all equipment.
(e> Statemen-t of the applicant that he will rencler to all
persons so requesting garbage md rubbish collection at the rates set
forth in said application.
(f) Sj-tatement and offer from the a2plicant that he will pay
quarterly to the City of Carfsbad a sum of money equal to five percent
(5%) of the gross receipts of the applicant's business of collecting
garbage and rubbish within the City of Carlsbad,
(g) Statement of the applicant that he will subrnit to finger
'printing by the Chief of Police, and that he will fmther conform to
all statutes, laws and regulations pertaining to the operation of
motor vehicular equipment within the City of Carlsbad.
S3CTION 24. ;4%AtUNG ON tll3PLICATTON Upon receipt of any
application referred to in Section 23 above, the City Clerk shall set
a time not less than ten nor more than thirty days therezfter for the
heari'ng of said application before the City Council, and shall give -9-
notfce of the time so set at least five days before the date of said
hearing to the applicant, 'cy mail, at the address set out in such
application, and by publication ofmtice of such application and date
of hearing in a newspaper In the City on one day of publication. When
setting the hearing, the Clerk shall refex- the application to the
Chief of Police for investigation of facts contained therein; the
Chief shall fmnediately inquire into said facts and shall investigate
the character and moral backgrouna of applicant, and shall be prepared
to submit results of said investigation to the City Council when so
re quested.
SECTION 25. ISSUANCZ OF PEBiYIlT At the tirile set for the
hearing of such application, ,the City Council may examine the appli-
cant and all persons interested in the matter set forth in said appli-
cation, and shall determine whether or not tine public interest, con-
venience and necessity require the issuance of the certificate applied
for, and if it be found by the Council that the public interest,
convenience and necessity require the issuance of the certificate
applied fay, it shall d
certificate in sccoraance with said application. The certificate as
issued shall specify a term, adopt 'cy reference the terms of the applic-
ants application, and imposs such other terms and conditions 8.s the
City Council deems necessary and reasonable.
resobution order the City. Clerk to issue a i 1"
SECTION 26. GFiOUNuS FOR REVOCATIOM. -Any certificate or pemit
granted under tne provisions of this Ordinance may be revoked by the
City Council, after five (5) days notice to the certificate holdler,
requiring him to appear at a certain time and place to show cause why
said certificate should not be revoked for army of the following reasons:
That the consideration due and owing to the City of fJarLsba (a)
as tendered in the original application, has not been paia to the City
of Carlsbad.
(b) For failure to observe any of tne rules and regulations
and provisions set out in tnis Ordinance or in the certificate.
(c) For the violation of any of the laws of the Stzte OF
Ordinances of the City. - 10 -
(e) For imposi-% rates in excess of those set forth in the
For failure to aaintain satisfactory service to the public.
(f) Por aqy cause which in t’ne opinion of the City Council
makes it contrary to public interest, convenience and necessity for
the certificate to be continued.
event the certificate holder desires to change any of the matters
set forth in his original application he shall make application for
permission to do so from tne City Council, which permission shall be
granted, if in tile discretion of the City Council, public interest,
necessity and coavenience will be served by such change. In the
event the Certificate holder desires to sub-contract, sub-let or
permit any person other than himself to operate under the provisions
of the permit, application for such,condition shall be made to the
City Council as hereinbefore set forth; and if permission be granted,
such sub-contractor, stlb-lessor or permittee shall be subject to the
provisions of this Ordinance to the same extent W- the original as
certificate holder.
SECTION 28. CONSTITUTIONALITY. If any provision of this
Orainance, or t’ne application thereof to army person or circumstance
is held to be invalid, the remainder of this Ordinance or the appli-
cation of said provisions to other persons or circumtances shall
not be affected thereby.
SECTION 29. PEXALTY FOR VIOLATION. An27 person who shall,
violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance, or of any permit
issued by the City Council hereunder shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
and upon conviction thereof, be fined not more than Five Hundred
($500.00) Dollzrs or imppisoned in the jail provided by the City of
Carlsbad for not moTe than six (6) months, or both.
SECTION 30. BFPECTiT& DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect
and be in force on the thirty-first day from and after its final
SECTiON 31. PUBEICATIOK. The city brk of the City of Carls-
bad is hereby directed to cause this Ordinance to be published once in
the Carlsbzd Journal, ii newspaper published ad of general circulation
in said City of Carlsbad.
First read at a. regular meeting of' t9e City Council of said
City held on the 19th day of Octtober 9 1954, and
finally adopted and ordered published at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 2nd day of EJovember > 1954, by the
following vote :
AYZS : Comoilmemz Castomna, Ede Helton , byor %C2.ellaul.
jqayor of the City of
Carlsbad, California.
- 12 -