HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-23; City Council; 1043; 1955-56 Tax rate setORDINANCE NO. 1045 2 3 4 5 qj as followsz AIT ORDIMANCE OF TRE CITY OF CARLSBD SETTING THE TAX RATE FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CARZSBD SMITARY MAIN=" DISTRICT ANI) TERRBMAR LIGHTIRG DISTRICT FOR TEE FISCAL YEAR 19% -56 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain 7 SECTfOR l, There shall be, and there hereby is levied 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 a property tax in the amount of seven 18 Eundred Dollars ($100.00) of property 3.9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 SECTION 3. There shall be a 27 28 29 30 31 32 a property tax in the amount of eighty ce s (8W on each One Hundred Dollars ~$lOO,OO) of property valuation of all taxable property within the City of Carlsbad, California, not exempt by law from tax as assessed by the County Assessor of the County of San Diego for the 1955-56 fiscal year, beginning July I, 1955 and ending June 30, 1956, and equalized by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego acting as the Board of Equalization of said county for the aforesaid fiscal year. SECTION 2, There shall be and there is hereby levied property within the Carlsbad Sanitary Maintenance District, within the City of Carlsbad, California, not exempt tax as assessed by the County Assessor of the County of San Diego for the 1955-56 fisca3 year, begi June 30, 1956, and equalized by the Board of Supervisors of the Coanty of San Diego acting as the Board of Pqua county for the aforesaid fiscal year. law from a property tax in the amount of three Hundred Dollars ($100.00) of property valu property within the Terramar Lightin of Carlsbad., Californfa, not exempt by law From tax as assessed by the County Assessor of the County of 6 fiscal year, beginning July 1, 1-95? and ending June 30, 1956 Dfego for the l.855-56 1 2 equalized by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego acting as the Board of Equalization of said county for the 3 aforesafd fiscal year. 4 SECTION 4, This Ordinance shall take effect on the 5 6 7 the State of California, 8 SECTION 5. The Cfty Clerk of the City of 9 is hereby directed and instructe 10 copies of this Ordinance to be t 11 of tly? County of San Diego, pursuant to Section 53533 of the 12 Government Code of the State of Californi 13 SECTION 6, The City Clerk o 14 is hereby directed to cause this ordinance to be published once 15 in the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and of' general 16 circulation fn the City of' Carlsbad, 17 18 the City of Carlsbad at an adjourned regular meeting heXd on 19 August 23, 1955, by the following vote, Do-wit: 20 Helton, Castorena, McCLaIlan, Sutton 21 MAYS: None 22 ABSEITT: Ede 23 date of its passage and adoption, pursuant to the provisions of sub-section (d) of Section 36,937 the Government Code of PASSED, APPBOVED AXD ADOPTED by the City Council, of 24 25 26