HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-23; City Council; 7020; Sewer main extension install, payment & chargespredecessor in interest approved by the City of ad or any of its adninistra- . From and after the onstruction of said sewer main, for public inspection, When any person connects to a sewer main, and . e property that abuts 'Whenever a petition is filed with the City Council ension, and the cost thereof, the plans and specifications, advertise for bids, and enter incidental expensesB k shall be paid aut y declared to be no contributions d toward such construction less the petitioners can show ts the City Council that ship will be suffered by the petitioners without such wered to prepare entered into by 0 1 facilities of the City of Carlsbad, then such person shall pay to 2 the City of Carlsbad a %spital contribution charge" in the amount 3 of $SO,OO for each existing or proposed living unit that is to be 4 served by said connection. The capital contribution charge is 5 hereby fixed at $50,00 per living unit, 6 charges received by the City of Carlsbad shall be placed in the 7 appropriate bond redemption fund that financed the construction of 8 the sewage disposal facilities, In the event that such bonds have 9 been fully paid, and no redeaption fund exists, then such capital 10 contribution charges shall be placed into>the line cost revolving 11 fund, 12 13 the sewer facilities, to include both collection and disposal All capital contribution SECTION 9, The cost of maintenance, operation and repair of 14 facilities, shall be financed by the City of Carlsbad by creating 15 maintenance area that includes all property presently being served, 16 or potentially to be served by the sewer facilities of the City of 17 Carlsbad, 18 maintenance area for the purpose of such maint 19 20 lot size or shape that results in a disproportionate ine 21 hardship in either the application or administration of this 22 ordinance, then in such event the person claiming to be aggr 23 may make an appeal in the fomn of a written statement to the City 24 Council setting forth their basis for grievancer 25 may consider such appeal upon the merits of the individual case 26 and may take action by motion to give individual treatment to such 27 situation so as to create an equitable result, 28 Council taken upon such individual appeals shall not create a 29 precedenge that will bind the Council to like subsequent action, 30 except and unless such subsequent appeal be based upon 31 tially similar facts, 52 SECTION 11, EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the thirty-first day from and after its final The City Council shall make an annual tax levy in,said rice and operation, SECTION 10, In the case of unusual topography or unique The City Council The action of the pas sage I . LI 8 * 9-2.. ;*’ . ‘3 2 5 SECTION 12, PUBLICATION. The City Clerk of the City of 2 3 4 5 Q said City held on the 19th day of July, 1955, and finally adopted 7 and ordered published at a regular meeting o€ said Council held 8 on the 23rd day of Aupust * 1955, by the following 9 vote: 10 AY€S : Councilmen Helton, McClellan Sutton Acting Carlsbad is hereby directed to cause this ordinance to be published once in the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and of general circulation in said City of Carlsbad. First read at a regular meeting of the Gity Council of fl Mayor Cast orena. 11 NOES : None e 12 ABSENT: Mayor Ede. 13 14 15 16 3.7 18 ATTEST: Mayor pro tem of the City of Carlsbad, Carlsbad, California 19 74dL ga M, 0, EWALD, City Clerk 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 INFORMATION REGARDING USE OF PUBLIC SEWERAGE FACILITIES AB APPLICABLE TO CITY OF CARISBAD ORDINANCE NO. 7020 City Ordinance No. 7020, printed on the reverse side of this sheet, explains the method of extending sewem and payment for Construction of sewers and the sewage treatment plant. Section 3 outlines the “line costs” fee requirement. Presently, the fee is @.OO per front-foot for the cost of installing the sewer, and as of March 1,1957, the fee will be raised to $4.00 ‘per front4oot. The $50.00 “capital contribution charge”, set forth in Section 8, is for sharing the cost of constructing the new sewage treatment plant. There are, in addition to the charges required by Ordinance No. 7020 cited above, two more fees which the property owner will be responsible for. These are: (1) Cost 6f laying a sewer luted from the sewer in the street to the prfbperty line. By contract agreement, with the City of Carlsibad, Mr. Loo Williams makes all seweyal lateral instal. ~s. This cost varies with each jab since depth and length of trench and resurfacing of the pavement are ifivolved. Mr. Williams reports that the cost generally has ranged from $60.00 to $160.00. (2) Cost of hying; a hmse connection from the dwelling to the sewer lateral which ends at the property line, Installation cost wiYl vary depending upon depth and length of sewer trench. A range of $2.00 per linear €eet to $4.00 ‘per llinear feet for a “house connection” tb a dwelling has been reported. This work can be done by any plumber, Leo Williams, or the property mer himself. In the last case only, a permit costing $7.00 and payable to the City, is required. To summarize the costs outlined above, the following example of approximate charges for a property having a 75-foot street frontage and a %-foot setback is given: 1. “LfTlne Cbst“ @ $4.00 CRY $300.00 2. “Capita1 Cbntribution Charge” City 50.00 3. Sewer Eciteral Leo WilliAms 110.00 4. House Connection Plumber or Contracfor 60.00 Total (Baseti on Average Figures) $520.00‘ The property owner may pay the “line costs’ only for the present in event a connection is nOt needetl m. The total paytnent must, however, be made before a sewer connection caxf be ma&. Of particular importance now is the increase in “line-costs” per front-foot For all pmjects completed thus far under Ordinance No, 7020, property omers who have not yet paid their portion of $&e cost sh6uld avail themselves of the oBprtulrity to pay at the current fee of $3.00 per front-foot. Otherwise, zis of March l’, 1957, the feeg wtll be raised to $4.00 per front-foot, and all payments dtie will be Based on that revised rate. In event you have any questions regarding the Ordinance or this informational bulletin, our staff will be glad to review them in detail with you. City Hall 2960 Pi0 Pic0 Drive SAratoga 2-2182 Janu,ary 23, 1957 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CARLSBAD ORDINANCE NO. 7020 the amount of money that is property being connected to both collection and dispo‘al faci- AN ORDINANCE OF THE 01l-y fixed from time to time by the the sewer main shall totally lities, shall be financed by the OF CARLSBAD TO PROVIDE A City Council as being the cost contain the residence of the City of Carlsbad by crtating METHOD OF INSTALLING A per front foot for connection. owner, together with sufficient maintenance area that includes SEWER MA~JN EXTENSION, The monies SO charged by the side yard set-backs as required all property presently bei?g REQUIRING THE PAYMENT City of Carlsbad shall be termed by applicable zoning law. served or potentially to be OF THE COSTS BY THE BENE- as being the “line costs”, and (b) That sufficient area re- served by the sewer facilities of FIT~D PRO~ERTY OWNERS, shall be paid into “line cost re- main in the unconnected por- the City of Carlsbad. The aty AND FIXING THE SCHEDULE volving fund”. tion of the property in which Council shall make zin annual OF CHARGES TO BE IMPOSED SECTION 4. Whenever a peti- to construct one or more living tax levy in said maintenance FOX CONNECTIONS TO THE tion is filed with the City Coun- units in accordance with the area for the purpose of such SEWER SYSTEM. cil requesting Che installation applicable zoning laws. maintenance and operation. of a Sewer main extension, and SECTION 7. Sub-dividers shall SECTION 10. In the case of The City Council of the City the signers t Ute all be required to install Sewer line unusual topography or unique of Carlsbad does ordain as fol- or a part of of, the extensions to all property within lot rize or shape that results in lows: City &unci! may by resolution the sub-division in the event a disproportionate inequity and SECTION 1.Whenever any Per- auth0riz.e the City Manager to that septic tanks and/or cess- ”hardship in either the applica- son applies for a Connection to prepare plans and specifications, pools are not approved by the tion or administration of this or- a sewer main which shall have advertise for bids, and enter into health officers employed by the dinance, then in such event the been installed in any manner a contract to do all the work. All Cjtv of Carlsbad. When such person claiming to be aggrieved other than by public improve- incidental expenses, including sewer line extensions are con- may make an appeal in the form ment proceedings for which an engineering fees, and the cost of structed by the sub-divider, then of a written statement to the assessment has been levied, and work shall be paid out of the no refund contract shall be City Council setting forth then neither said person nor hiis $we- “line cost revolving fund”. It is Pvnila’ble to the sub-divider for basis for gTievance. The City decessors in interest has paid hereby declared to be the ex- any portion of the sewer line Council may consider such an the proportionate share of the press policy of the City of Carls- constructed within the limits of appeal upon the merits of the cost of said sewer main, with bad that no contributions will the sub-divtision or in streets that indhidual case and may take respect to the property served, be made by the City of Carlsbad are immediately adjacent to the action by motion to give indi- no application shall be acted toward such construction except external limits of such sub- vidual treatment to such situa- upon, allowed or approved by and unless the petitioners can division. The sub-dividers may tion so as to create an equitable the City of Carlsbad or any of show to the City Council that an wter into 2 refund contra& Mth result. The action of the Council its administrative em’ployees, undue hardship wiql be suffered the City of Carlsbad as outlined taken upon such individual ap- until said person shall have by the petitioners without such heretofore for such other portions peals sha’ll not create a Prece- paid to the Cvity of Carlsbad his contribution by the City, and of the sewer line that dent that will bind the Council proportionate share of the cost that the public health of the city required by the provis to like subsequent action, except of said Fewer main, according will be benefited by such sewer anv City ordinance. Sub-div?ders and Unless such subsequent ap- to the terms, schedules and con- line extenpion. shall be reauired to extend to peal be based upon sulbstan~ally ditions hereinafter set forth. SECTION 5. The City Manager the limits of the subdivision all Similar facts. SECTION 2. From and after is hereby empowered to prepare sewer lines placed on and about SX”V 11. EFFECTIVE the effective date of this ordi- for the Council’s consideration a the sub-division by the sub-- DATE. This ordinance shall take nance, wherl a sewer main has contract to be entered into by divider. effect and be in force on the been imtalled in any manner the person or persons who con- SlXl’’ION 8. Whenever any per- thirty:first day from and after other than by a public improve- tributed toward the construction son aaplies for a connection to its final passage. ment proceedings for which as- of such sewer line extension, and the sewer system of the City of SECTION 12. PUBLICATION. sessments are levied, and the the City of Carlsbad. Said con- Carlsbad, and the property of The City Clerk Of the city Of cost thereof $hall have been tract shall provide that the City such aoplicant lies outside the Carlsbad is hereby directed to paid by certain property owners of Carlsbad will refund to the territorial limits of a sewer dis- cause this ordinance to be pub- and/or the City of Carlsbad, it persons who paid for the cost of trict that has paid for the cost lished once in the Carlsbad shall be the duty of the Public said sewer line extension all line of construction of the sewage Journal, a newspaPer published Works Director to prepare a plat cost charges, less 25% collection dis~nsal facilities of the City of and of general Circulation in map and indicate on said plat cost. that may be thereafter re- Carlsbad. then such person shall said City of Carlsbad. map those certain parcels of ceived bv the City of Carlsbad Day to the City of Carlsbad a First read at a regular meet- land that have contrilmted their when other PToperty owners who “capital contribution charge?’ in ing of the City Council of said full share tow-ards the construc- abut upon said line connect to the amount of $50.00 for each City held on the 19th day of tion of said sewer maSn. Said said line. Said contract shall be existinq or proDosed living unit July, 1955, and finally adopted plat map is to be kept on file in limited to a 10 year period from that is to be served by said con- and ordered puablished at a regu- the office of the Public Works and after the date of SignhK nection. The cqpital contribution lar meeting of said Council held Director, and is to be available SECTION 6. Any person who charge is hereby fixed at $50.00 on the 23rd day of August, 1955, for public inspection. has not heretofore contributed per living unit. All capital con- by the following vote: SECTION 3. When any person toward the cost of comtruction tribution charges received by the connects to a sewer main, and of a sewer line, who devires to City of Carlsbad shall he placed Mc- such person or his predecessor connect to such sewer main shall in the appropriate bond redemp- Cle1lan, Acting Mayor in interest has not paid for his pay to the City a line cost for tion fund that financed the con- Castorma. proportionate share of the cost the entire front of their property stru,ction of the sewage disposal of said main as indicated on abutting upon the sewer line; fscilities. ‘In the event that such ABSENT: Mayor Ede. the plat map on file in the of- except when such person is the bonds have been fully paid, and MANUEL CASTORENA. Mayor pro tem fice of the Public Works Direc- owner of a large undeveloped no redemption fuqd exists, then tor, then such person shall pay frontage then in that event, the such capital contrilbution charges of the City of Carlsbad, Caflsbad, Californta to the City of Carlsbad an owner shall be required to pay shall be pla.ced into the line cost amount of money that is equal for a minimum frontage of 75 revolving fund. to the number of front feet of feet provided that all of the fol- SECTION 9. The cost of main- ATTEST: the property that abuts upon lowing conditions prevail: tcnance, operation and repair of M. 0 MUD, City Clerk said sewer main multiplied by (P.) That the portion of the the sewer facilities, to include Published September 1, 1955 Suttoni None.