HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-10-18; City Council; 1026; Park, Rec., Beach & Tree Comm. chg to Park & Rec. Comm.1 OlRDINANCE NO, 1026 2 AN ORDINAIYCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO, 1025, PROVIDING FOR TIE CHANGE OF NAME OF THE PARK, RECREATION, BEACH R4D TREE COM- MISSION TO THE NAME OF PARK AND RECREATION COJiPKt ss I ON , 3 4 5 6 7 ordain as follows: T'ne City Council of the City of Carlsbad does hereby SECTION 1, Section 1 of Ordinance No, 1025 of the City of Carlsbad is hereby amended to r as 10 A Park and Recreation Commission for 11 the City of Carlsbad is hereby d." 12 SECTION 2, Wherever the words "Park, Recreatio 13 Tree Commissionf1 or "Park, Recreation, Beach and Tree C 14 appear id Ordinance No. 1025 of the City of Carlsbad, said words 15 shall hereafter be construed to read as "Park and Recreation 6 Commissiont', SECTION 3, This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 City held on the 4*h day of Q~f;ober 1955, and finally 25 on the thirty-first day from and after it's final passage, SECTION 4, The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby directed to cause this ordinance to be published once in the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and of general circu- lation in said City of Carlsbad. First read at a regular meeting of the City Council of said adopted and ordered published at a regular meeting of said Council