HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-10-18; City Council; 8018; Ord 8015 amend - Sewer lateral construction asbestos cement sewer pipec- a a e 1 OWINANCE NO. 8018 2 AN ORDINANCE aMENDING ORDINANCE 3 4 NO. 8015 BY PERMITTING THE USE OF ASBESTOS CEMENT BUILDING SEWER PIPE FOR SEWER LATERAL CONSTRUCTION, 5 6 7 as follows: The City Council of the City o€ Carlsbad does ordain 8 SECTION 1, The first paragraph of Section 54.1 of 9 PO 11 12 13 "Section 54.1, House sewers beginning not less than 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Officials Associations," 22 SECTION 2, EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall take 23 effect and be in force on the thirty-first day from and a€ter 24 its final passage. 25 SECTION 3, PUBLICATION. The City Clerk of the City of 26 Carlsbad is hereby directed to cause this ordinance to be pub- 27 lished once in the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and 28 of general circulation in said City of Carlsbad. 29 First read at il of 30 Ordinance No, 224 (NS) of the County of San Diego, as amended by Ordinance No. 1026 (NS) of the County o€ San Diego, as adopted by reference by Ordinance No, 8015 of the City of Carlsbad, is hereby amended to read as follows: three feet from any building or structure in the County of San Diego and extending inside the property lines to a cesspool os septic tank or public or private sewer connection shall be of cast iron pipe and fittings or of vitrified clay pipe and fittings or Asbestos Cement Building Sewer Pipe as approved in Bulletin No, WPOA-55 ACSP of the Western Plumbing said City held on the 1 2 adopted and ordered published at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 18th day of October, 1955, by the following 3 vote: 4 AYES: Robinson, Castorena, Ede, Sutton. Code Standard by the Western Plumbing Officials Association. Standard Specification For: ASBESTOS CEMENT BUILDING SEWER PIPE Western Plumbing Officials Associations P. 0. Box 11 - 10s Angeles 53, Calif. Creators of the Uniform Plumbing Code 65 ASBESTOS-CEMENT BUILDING SEWER PIPE SPECIFICATIONS 000 SECTION 1 - SCOPE: 1.1 GeneraZ: This specification designates the requirements for Asbestos-Cement Building Sewer Pipe manufactured for use in conveying domestic sewage from house or building to the street sewer or to a septic tank. SECTION 2 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 2.1 Sixes: Asbestos-Cement Building Sewer Pipe shall be manufactured with nominal inside diameters of 4,s and 6 inches. 2.2 Pipes: 2.21 Standard Lengths: The Standard nominal length for Asbestos-Cement Building Sewer Pipe shall be 10 feet. A maximum of 10 percent of the total footage of any one size for any one order may be furnished by the manufacturer in pipe lengths less than standard 10-foot lengths but not less than 7 feet. These short lengths shall be termed random lengths. 2.22 Half Lengths: Half lengths ordered for use in making rigid connections to fittings and structures shall not exceed 5 feet. A maximum of 10 percent of the footage of half lengths for any one size for any one order may be furnished in pipe lengths less than 5 feet but not less than 4 feet. These short lengths shall be termed random half lengths. 2.3 Couplings: One rubber ring type coupling shall be furnished with each standard, half, random, and random half length of pipe. It shall consist of an asbestos-cement sleeve with a rubber center ring plus two rubber sealing rings, suitable for the particular size of pipe for which it will be used. Sufficient Lubricant shall be furnished to effect assembly of joints. 2.4 Materials: 2.41 Pipe and Sleeve of Coupling: Asbestos-Cement Building Sewer Pipe and the sleeve of the Coupling shall be composed of an intimate mixture of cement and asbestos fiber with or without the addition of curing agents and shall be free from organic substances. 2.42 Rubber Rings: The rings shall consist of a molded and vulcanized rubber compound. 2.43 Lubricant: The lubricant shall be a modified soap of vegetable origin. SECTION 3 - DETAILED REQUIREMENTS: 3.1 Pipe: 3.11 Dimensions and Tolerances: Asbestos-Cement Building Sewer Pipe shall conform to the dimen- sions and tolerances given in Table I, following. SECTION 3 - DETAILED REQUIREMENTS (continued) : TABLE I Coupling Pipe Wall Pipe Groove Size, Thickness, O.D., I.D., Inches Inches Inches Inches 4 0.29 4.58 4.95 5 0.32 5.64 6.01 6 0.32 6.64 7.01 TOLERANCES IN INCHES COUPLING GROOVE PIPE Wall Thickness Outside Diameter Lengths Inside Diameter Size Tolerance Size Tolerance Size Tolerance Size Tolerance 4” -0.11 4” 10.030 4/‘ 11.00 4” F 0.02 5” -0.14 5”’ t0.030 5” t1.00 5” 20.02 6 I’ -0.14 6” 20.030 6‘’ tl.OO 6” kO.02 3.1 Pipe: (continued) 3.12 Flexural Strength: Each 10-foot length TABLE I1 - FLEXURAL STRENGTH of Asbestos-Cement Building Sewer Pipe in-all sizes shall have sufficient flexural strength to withstand, without failure, the total loads listed in Table 11 when applied at the third points of a 9-foot span in the manner specified in Section 4.12. 3.13 Crushing Strength: Asbestos - Cement Building Sewer Pipe shall have the crushing strength indicated in Table 111 when tested in accordance with the A.S.T.M. 3-Edge Bearing Method specified in Section 4.13. Pipe Size, Total Applied Load, Pounds Inches 4 560 5 900 6 1290 TABLE I11 - CRUSHING STRENGTH Pipe Crushing Strength Size, per Linear Foot, Inches Pounds 4 1740 5 1680 6 1420 3.2 Couplings: 3.21 Dimensions and Tolerances: All rubber ring type couplings shall conform to the dimensions and tolerances given in Table I. 3.3 Chemical Requirements: The maximum alkalinity of Asbestos-Cement Building Sewer Pipe and the sleeves of the rubber ring type couplings shall be calculated as 60 milligrams of KOH per gram of sample of material when tested in accordance with the Western Electric method, described in Section 4.14, SECTION 4 - INSPECTION, TESTS AND REJECTIONS: 4.1 Pipe: 4.11 4.12 4.13 Inspection: All material furnished under this specification shall be inspected and tested in a nor- mal air-dry condition prior to shipment for conformance to the requirements stated in previous sections. When requested on his order, the purchaser may witness inspection and test procedures at his own expense. In lieu of this, he may request on his order that the manufacturer submit a certificate certifying the produce meets the requirements of this specification. Flexural Test: Each standard length of pipe in sizes 4, 5 and 6 inches shall be flexurally tested by the manufacturer before shipment for compliance with the flexural requirements specified in Table 11, Section 3.12. The length of standard pipe shall be supported on a standard flexure testing machine with a clear span of 9 feet between supports. The total load shall be divided equally and applied at the third points of the 9-foot span. Crushing Test: Crushing tests shall be conducted, before shipment, by the manufacturer when requested by the purchaser on his order. When so requested, the tests shall be conducted at the purchaser’s expense and in the following manner. SECTION 4 - INSPECTION, TESTS AND REJECTIONS (continued) : 4.1 Pipe: (continued) From each 300 lengths of each size of pipe or iraction thereof, one specimen length of pipe shall be selected. From the specimen pipe there shall be cut one unmachined section of pipe six-inches long. The sample shall be tested in crushing by the A.S.T.M. 3-Edge Bearing Method and shall not fail until the total applied load exceeds half the tabular value given in Table 111 for the size of pipe being tested. Failure of this specimen to meet 75 percent of the crushing strength requirements specified in Section 3.13 shall be cause for rejection of the entire production of that size manufactured on the same day as the test specimen. If the specimen fails to meet the crushing strength requirements as specified in Section 3.13, but meets not less than 75 percent or more of these requirements, one specimen each of five ad- ditional pipe of the same size manufactured on the same day as that of the specimen which failed, shall be tested., Failure of two of these additional specimens to meet the crushing strength requirements shall be cause for rejection of the entire production of that size manufactured on the same day as the test specimen. In addition, failure of any one specimen to develop 75 percent of the re- quired crushing strength shall be cause for rejection of the entire production of that size man- ufactured on the same day as the test specimen. L 4.14 Alkalinity Test: The alkalinity test shall be conducted by the manufacturer when requested by the purchaser on his order. When so requested, the test shall be conducted at the purchaser’s expense and in the following manner. Representative samples of pipe or sleeves shall be selected and ground so that they completely pass a 20-mesh sieve. They shall be dried at 105 C for two hours in the absence of CO, and cooled in a desiccator. A one-gram sample shall then be placed in a 4-02. oil sample bottle with 100 cc of cold distilled water. The bottle shall then be shaken vigorously for five seconds at hourly intervals during an 8-hour working day and allowed to stand the remainder of 24 hours. The residue shall then be filtered and washed with 3 portions, 25 cc each, of cold distilled water. The filtrate and washings shall then be combined and titrated with N/10 HC1, using methyl orange indicator. A titration “blank shall be prepared for use as a control in measuring the end point. The net alkalinity shall be calculated as milligrams of KOH per gram of sample, and shall not be more than that specified in Section 3.3. 4.2 Couplings: 4.21 Inspection: Each rubber ring type coupling shall be inspected by the manufacturer, before ship- ment, for compliance with the dimension and tolerances specified in Section 3.21. SECTION 5 - MARKING: 5.1 Pipe: Each standard length, random length, half length and randoin half length of pipe shall be indelibly marked by the manufacturer with Vi’’ wide red bands approximately at 12” on centers, date of manufacture, nominal size, and the words “Building Sewer.” 5.2 Rubber ring type couplings: Each coupling shall be marked by the manufacturer with the initials “B.S.” and the nominal size of the pipe with which it shall be used. SECTION 6 - PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT: Asbestos-Cement Building Sewer Pipe and rubber ring type couplings shall be prepared for standard commercial shipment so as to assure acceptance by common or other carrier.