HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-11-20; City Council; 5031; Septic tank permits fees increaseThe City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as3 follows E S‘ECTIQN ~,. UBDINAMGE SO, ~596 ( New SepJes) S ECTIONS 31 AEP3 32 01VS;Y. OF TEE COuNn OF SAH DIEGO UOmD BY EPERENCE, Ordinance No. 1596 (New Series) Sectfons 31 and 32 only, of ’the County of Sari Diego adopted by the Board of Supervisors on the 23rd aay of October, 1956, is hereby geferred to and adopted, a copy of whkch ordinance Is attzched hereto and. inoorporated in this ordtnarrce of the City of Carlsbad as though fully set forth herein. i , EFFZCTNE DATE. This ordinance is herewith declared to be an urgenoy ordinance for the preservation of the publie health and safety, and. shall be ip full force ana effect from ma after the 23rd day of Moveraber, 1956 statement showing the urgency of suoh ordinance The following is a That the City of Carlsbad has entered into a ooatract wfth the County of San Diego for the Health Departraent of Sa9 Diego County to perform all septic tank inspections in the City of Carlsbaa, and that the City of Carlsbad has no other psrson who c~n perform such inspections; that the County of San Diego will not make septic tank inspections except and unless the ordinance of the City of CarLsbad conforms to the ordimace of the County of San Diego, and that unless this ordinance takes effect OM the 23ra day of Movember, 1956, no septict tank inspections would be available to the City of Carlsbad until some subsequent time, which would Jeopardize the health arzd safety of the oit2zens of the City of Carlsbadc PASSED, A?PROVED MID A330PTED at a regular meeting of the CZty Council of' the City of Carlsbad OM the 20th day of November, 1956, by the followfag vote: AYES2 Hayor Castorena, Councilrnen Helton, Bobinson, Baird, and Zedgerwood WOES z HWS ABSENT: Norre P ?. Carlsbad, California , Seetiion 4. This Ordinance sha take effect thirty (30) days after the date of its passage, and befoose the expirat5on of fifteen (15) daps ufter its passage 5t shall be published once, with the names of the members voting for and against the sane, in the Ssnn Mego Union, a amspaper of general ciroulation published in the Count3 of San Diego, PASSED, APPROVES AFID ADOPTED this 23rd day of October, 19%. R. B. JAMB, County clerk and ex officio Clerk of the bard of Superoisors