HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-11-20; City Council; 8025; Uniform Plumbing Code (1955 edition)z 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TEFE WGSTERE3 PLWBING OFFICLALS UNIFQN4 PLUNBING CODE, AN ORDIUNCE PROVIDING POX THB PRQTECTIQN OF TKE PUBLIC €ll3ALTH AND SDTY, AND TIIE lXX3NI- NATION BEGISWTION LICmSIHG OF BEESONS XNGAGED IN TEE BUSINESS OF PLUNBSNG, aR LABOR- ING AT THE TWE OF PGUMBING; IXEQUIRING h PEBHlT FOR T€B INSTALLATION OR ALTIBA.TIQN OF I?LUE;igIZG AND DRAIXAGZ SYSTEMS; CRFATIEG AN ADYCLNISTRATITd OFFICE AND PWSCRIBING T€BIR DUTIES; DEFINIMG CERTAIN TEENS ; ESTJU~LISHING IIINIl"' FGGUUTIQNS FOB TEE INSTALLATION, ALTIZiiATION OR XEPAIR OF PbUIMBIXC AHD DWXAGE SYSTENG AND TKE INSPZCTION TI€EBOF; PROVIDING PELXLTBS FOR ITS VIOUTIQN AED WFZffiING COKFLICTING OBDIM.&NCES. 10 11 follows: 12 SECTION 1. UNZFQRM COD2 ADOPTED.- The Uniform Plumbing 13 Code, 3.955 Edition, adopted by the 25th Annual Conference of the 14 Western Plumbing Officials in October of 1954, is herewith adopted 15 by the City of Carlsbad, and by referencing thereto is made a part 16 of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein; two copies of said 17 Uniform Plumbing Code being on file in the office of the City Clerk The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as 18 of the City of Carlsbad, which Uniform P1wnbing Code may be cited l9 and referred to as "this Code*', 20 SECTION 2 . 1 . ADMINISTUTIVE AU'I'ELQRITY ATP ASSISTANTS - 21 Whenever the term *$administrative authority" is used in this Code 22 it shall be construed to mean the Building Inspector. 23 SECTION 2.2, ASSISTmTS - Whenever the term nassistants'g 24 is used in this Code it shall be construed to mean any persan 25 performing duties under the authority of the City Council, City 26 Manager or Building Inspector of the City of Carlsbad. 27 SWTION 2.3. DEPARTPBKT HAVING JURISDICTIOX - Unless other- 28 wise provided for by law, the office of the Administrative Auth- 29 ority shall be a part of the building department. 31 The Administrative Authority shall maintain public office hours 30 SECTION 2.4. DUTIES OF THE .ADNINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY - 32 necessary to efficiently adninister the provisions of this Code J) 1 and amendments thereto and shall perform the following duties: 2 3 4 5 6 7 (1) Require submission of, examine and check plans and specifications, dravings, descriptions, and/or diagrams necessary to show clearly the character, kind and extent of plumbing work covered by applications for a permit and upon approval thereof shall issue the permit applied for. (2) Collect a11 fees for permits issued as provided by this Code, issue receipts therefor in duplicate, the duplicate copy of 9 10 11 12 which shall be maintained as a record of his office, (3) inspect all plumbing and drainage work authorized by any permit to assure compliance with provisions of this Code or amendments thereto, approving or condemning said work in whole or in part as conditions require. 14 15 work approved by him. 16 (4) Issue upon request a Certificate of Approval for any (5) Condemn and reject a13 work done or being done or 17 materials used or being used which do not in all respects comply 18 with the provisions of this Code and amendments theretoo 19 20 21 22 Code and issue such notices and orders as provided in Section 2.6, 23 (8) Keep a complete record of all the essential transactions 24 of his office, 25 26 27 (6) Order changes in workmanship and/or materials essential to obtain corapliance with all provisions of this Code. (7) Investigate any construction or work regulated by this (9) Transfer all fees collected by him to the proper authority provided by law to receive such funds. (LO) Maintain an official register of all persons, firms or 28 corporations lawfully entitled to carry on or engage in the busi- 29 ness of plumbing or to labor at the trade of plumbing to whom a 30 31 32 plumber's Certificate of Qualification has been issued in accord- ance with provisions of Part Three of this Code, SECTION 2.5, RIGHT OF EXTRY II The Administrative Authority Assistants shall carry proper credentials of his office, upon 2 exhibition of which they shall have the right of entry, during 3 usual business hours, to inspect any and all buildings and premises 4 in the performance of their duties. 5 SECTION 2.6. DANGEROUS AND INSNiITmY CONSTRUCTION - 6 Whenever bro 7 diction that any insanitary con 8 tion or work regulated by this 9 or a menace to life, health or to the attention of the departme having juris- erous, unsafe, insanitary is in violation of this the said department ma 11 Administrative Authority who 12 to be fact, shall order any person, firm or corporation using or l3 maintaining any such condition or responsible for the use or such information rnaintenance thereof to discontinue the use of or maintenance thereof 15 or to repair 16 consider nec alter, change, remove or demolish same as he may sary for the proper protection of life, health or ping or gas appliance may ''7 property and in the case of any gas 18 order any person, firm or corporation, s 19 or appliance to discontinue supplying ga 20 or appliance is made safe to life, health or property, 21 22 agent or person responsible for the premises in which such condition 23 exists and shall specify the date or time when such order shall be 24 complied with, which time shall allow a reasonable period in which 25 such order can be complied. with by the person, firm or corporation 26 receiving such order but shall never exceed the maximum period for 27 which such construction can be safeSy used or maintained in the 28 judgment of the Administrative Authority, 29 30 order sha be considered a violation of this Code. plying gas to such piping thereto until such piping Every such order shall be in writing, addressed to the owner, Refusal, failure or neglect to comply with any such notice or 31 SECTION 2.7, VIOUTIBXS AND PZNALTIES - by person, firm 32 or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Code s -3- 6. . I.., .r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 0 be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not to exceed $100.00 or by imprisonment in the Jail provided by the City of Carlsbad for not to exceed one (1) month, or by both such fine and imprisonment. day or any portion thereof during which any violation of this Code occurs or continues shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable as herein provided. The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans and specifications shall not be deemed or construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this Code. No permit presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this Code shall be valid, except insofar as the work or use which it authorizes is lawful. Each separate The issuance of a permit upon plans and specifications shall not prevent the Administrative Authority from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said plans and specifications or from preventing construction operations being carried on thereunder when in violation of this Code or of any other ordinance or from revoking any Certificate of Approval when issued in error. Xvery permit issued by the Administrative Authority under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void, if the work authorized by such permit is not com- menced within 60 days from the date of such permit, or if the work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 60 days. Before such work can be recommenced a new permit shall be first obtained so to do. SECTIOlq 2.8. PEWiIT R33QUImB - (a) It shall be unlawful for any person, whether acting 2s principal, servant, agent or employee, to do, or cause or permit to be done any plumbing or drainage work without first securing a permit from the Administrative Authority authorizing him so to do. -4- 3 (b) A separate permit shall be obtained for each building 2 or structure, 3 4 5 6 SECTION 2.9.- WORK NOT RBQUIRING PERMIT - No permit shall be required in the case of any repair work as follows: of leaks in drains, soil, waste or vent pipe, provided, however, that should any trap, drainpipe, soil, waste or vent pipe be or become defective and it becomes necessary to remove and replace The stopping 8 the same with new material in any part or parts, the sane shall 9 be considered as such new work and a permit shall be procured and 10 inspection made as hereinbefore provided. No permit shall be re- 11 12 quired for the clearing of stoppages, or the repairing of leaks in pipes, valves or fixtures, when such repairs do not involve or 11 12 quired for the clearing of stoppages, or the repairing of leaks in pipes, valves or fixtures, when such repairs do not involve or 13 14 fixtures. require the replacement or rearrangement of valves, pipes, or 15 SZCTIQM 2.10, TO W€iOI\II PERMITS MY BE ISSUED - 16 (a) No permit shall be issued to any person, to do, or 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 cause to b Code, except to a person, holding a valid, unexpired and unrevoked Plumber's Business License as required by Section 3.4 of this Code except when and as otherwise hereinafter provided in this Section. done any plumbing or drainage work regulated by this (bf Any permit required by this Cod ay be issued to any person to do any plumbing or drainage work regulated by this Code in a single family dwelling used exclusively for living purposes including the usual accessory buildings and with such buildings in the event that any such person is the bona fide owner of any such dwelling and accessory buildings and quarters, and that the same are occupied by or designed to be arters in connection 25 26 27 28 occupied by said owner, provided that said owner shall personally 29 30 connection t 31 or drainage work shall b mmenced in any 32 building or premises until a permit do such work shall e - 5- purchase all material and shall personally perform all. labor in .$ 3 been first obtained. 2 3 (d) Any permit required by this Code may be issued to any person to install any House Sewer or Private Sewage Disposal 4 5 6 7 System regulated by this Code, provided such person holds a valid, unexpired and unrevoked sewer contractors Business License as re- quired by Section 3.4 of this Code, SXTIQN 2.11. APPLICATION FOR PEWIT - Any person, legally entitled to apply for and receive a permit shaLl make such appli- cation on forms provided for that purpose. description of the character of the work proposed to be done and the location, ownership, occupancy and use of the premises in He shall give a 10 11 12 connection, therewith, The Administrative Authority may require 13 plans, specifications, or drawings and such other information as 14 he may deem necessary. 15 If the Administrative Authority determines that the plans, 16 17 18 19 inafter fixed. 28 SECTIQN 2.3.2, COST OF PEBMIT - Every applicant for a 21 22 23 specifications, drawings, descriptions or information furnished by the applicant is in compliance with this Code, he shall issue the permit applied for upon payment of the required fee as here- permit to install, add to, alter, relocate or replace a Plumbing or Drainage System, or part thereof, shall state in writing on the application fom provided for that purpose, the character of 24 work proposed to be done and the amount and kind in connection 25 therewith, together with such information pertinent thereto as 26 may be required, 27 Such applicant shall pay for each permit issued at the time 28 of issuance, a fee in accordance with the following schedule, and 29 30 at the rate provided for each classification shown therein, Any person who shall comience any plumbing work for which a perrait is required by this Code without first having obtained a permit therefor shall, if subsequently permitted to obtain a 32 -46- . 0 e 2. permit, pay d0ubJ.e the permit fee fixed by this section for such 2 work, provided, however, that this provision shall not apply to f4 emergency work when it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the 4 Adninistrative Authority that such work was urgently necessary and 5 that it was not practical to obtain a pemit therefor before the 6 commencenent of the work. In all such cases a permit must be obtained as oon as it is practical to do so, and if there be an unreasonable delay in obtaining such permit, a double fee as herein provided shall be charged. 10 11 For Issuing Each Permit . . . . . .......... *$s.oo In Addition 12 For each Plumbing Fixture or Tra set of Fixtures 1.00 13 For each Iiouse Sewer ................... 1.00 For each Cesspool .................... 2.00 3.4 For each Septic Tank aC Seepage Pit or Drainfield . . For each Water Heater and/or Vent .......... 15 For each Gas Piping System of 6 or more, per outlet 16 For installation, alteration or repair of water piping 2.7' For Vacuwn Breakers or backflow prot 18 installed subsequent to the instal tion of the 19 on one trap (including Water and Drainage Piping) ... For each Gas Piping System of 1 to 5 outlets For repair or alteration of Drainage or Vent Piping ... Overfive,each. . 20 .... ... . 20 1.00 1.00 piping or equipment served -- One to five ....... 1.00 and/or water treating equipment ............ tive device9 .................... - All Plumbing and ini s t rat ive Authority all the requirements of this Code, NOTIFICATIQN - It shall. be the duty of the o notify the at said work is shall be given not less to be inspected, the work authorized 29 by the pernit, to make s '30 prescribed elsewhere in this Code, before tand the tests ing the above noti- 32 -7- 1, SECTION 3.1. DZFINITION OF PLUMBERS - 2 3 a Plumber$ Contractors License from the State of California, (a) d Master Plumber is any person who has had issued to him 4 (b) A Journeyman Plumber is any person who has had issued to 5 6 7 him a valid Journey" Plumber's Certificate of Qualification from the County of San Diego. (c) An Apprentice Plumber is any person who has had issued ificate of Qualification to him a valid Apprentice Plumberts Ce from the County of San Piego, 10 SECTION 1.2. CLASSIFICATION OF PLlIKBa - 11 12 13 trade of plumbing, 14 15 of plumbing as an employee of a Master Plumber. 16 1'7 at the trade of plumbing as an employee of a Master plumber, under 18 the direct supervision and in the immediate presence of a Master l9 or Journeyman Plumber. (a) A Master Plumber is a person who may conduct, carry on or engage in the business of plumbing, or work or labor at the Journeyman Plumber is a person who works at the trade (6) An Apprentice Plumber is a person who works or labors 20 SECTIOM ?*3. GI3&%2UL PROVISIONS - 21 (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct, carry 22 on or engage in the business of plumbing or act in the capacity 23 of a Master Plumber, without first having had issued to him a 24 valid Plumber Contractors License by the State of California, 25 26 at the trade of plumbing in the capacity of a Journeyman Plumber 27 without first having had issued to him a valid Naster Plumber's 28 or Journeyman Plumber's Certificate of Qualification by the 29 County of an Diego. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to work or labor 30 (c> It shall be unlawful for any person to york or labor 31 at the trade of Plumbing in the capacity of an Apprentice Plumber 32 without first having had issued to him a valid Apprentice Plumb- -8- 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 35 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31 32 0 er's Certificate of Qualification by the County of San Diego. SETION 3.4. BUSIMESS LICENSE l?l.%JUI~B - (a)' Before any person, firm, partnership or corporation shall. carry on or engage in the business of Plumbing he or it shall. first procure a Business License and pay to the Department having jurisdiction, the annual license fee imposed on such business. (b) IYo Business License shall be issued to any person, to engage in the business of Plumbing, unless such person possesses Business License may be issued to any person, a valid Plumbers Contractors License, provided, however, that a firm, partnership or corporation who makes application for such license by or through a bona fide member or authorized agenu thereof, who possesses a valid Kaster Plumber Contractors License, (6) Whenever a Business License has been issued to any person, firn, partnership or corporation who applied for such license, to engage in the business of Plumbing by or through a bona fide member or authorized agent thereof, pursuant to the provisions of subsection (b) hereof, such member or authorized agent, or sone other member or authorized agent or employee possessing a valid Master Plumber Contractors License shall at all. times be in actual charge and control of all plumbing done or to be done by such person, firm, partnership or corporation, (d) Before any person, firm, partnership or corporation shall carry on, or engage in business as a Sewer Contractor, he or it shall first procure a Business License and pay to the Department having jurisdiction, the annual license fee imposed on such business. SECTION 3.5. REVOCATION OF BUSINESS LICB?SE - No person hold.ing a Business License shall lend or transfer such license to ,wy other person or allow any other person to do any plumbing or drainage work under any permit secured by such license, Z except Journeyman and Apprentice Plumbers in his employ possessing 8 a valid Certificate of Qualification. 3 A violation of this section shall be grounds for the revoca- 4 tion of such per 5 jurisdiction in addition to other penalties provided for by this 6 Code. 7 DISPLAY OF SIGN - 1% shal1 be unlawful for 8 my person not in legal possession of a valid Business License 9 to engage in, or carry on, or represent himself, itself, or n's Business License by the Departnent having 10 themselves as engaged in or carrying on the Business of plumbing 11 or to use the words Waster Plwaberrt, V1ubingttf or Vlumber!f, 12 in any advertising or to display or expose a sign having similar 13 import For the purpose of inplying the advertiser to be so engaged. 14 SECTION k. CF~.JUTC;ES &iD/OR AivfEXDKEXTS IN TB3 PiJ.t3LISIBD EDITION 15 OF TFE UXIFON4 PLDPBING CODE 1955 EDITION. - Changes in the Uniform 16 Plumbing 55 Edition are herewith made by the City Council of 17 the City sbad, with the sections hereinafter referenced to 18 read as hereinafter provided; 19 (a) Section k01(a) shall read as ws: 20 23. 22 23 24 25 26 27 (b) Section 1004(a) shall read as follows: 28 "Water pipe and fittings sliall be of brass, copper, cast 29 iron, galvanized wrought iron or steel, asbestos cenent 30 Mater piping or lead. 31 Sections lllL, 1112, 1213, 11x4, IUS, 1116, 1117 and 32 "Drainage pipe shall be cast iron, galvanized steel, galvanized wrought iron, lead, copper or brass except that no galvanized wrought iron or galvanized steel pipe and no copper tubing, except type *lLsr copper tubing shall. be used underground and shall be kept at least six (6") inches above ground. l-." 113-8 is herewith repealed and deLeted from the Uniform Plumbing Code 1955 Editipn--/ -LO- V 3. If any sect 2 phrase or portion of this Code i subsection, sentence s for any reason held , clause to be 25 invalid or unconstitutiongl by the decision of any court of * coapetent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions.of this Code, 6 SECTION 6. EFFECTFV3 DATE - This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the thirty-first day after the date of adoption, SECTION 7, The City Clerk of the City of CarLsbad is here- 9 lo by'directed to cause this Ordinance to be published once in the arlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and of general circula- l2 tion in said City of Carlsbad, 13 14 First read at a regular meeting of the City Cotuzcil of 15 said City held on the 7th day of %"her -9 1956, and 16 finally pa d, approved and adopted at a regular meeting of the 17 City Council held on the 20th day of Hove&er 7 1956, 18 by the following vote, to wit: 19 2Q AYES : ayor Castorsna, C and Ledgemod IWES t Eone 21 ABSZNTt None 22 23 24 25 26 ATTEST: Carlsbad, California 29 30 31 32 -11-