HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-12-04; City Council; 8007; Ord 8005 repeal - Uniform Building Code (1955 edition)1 BRBINAMX NO, 8007 2 AN ORDINANCE OF REGUUTING THE 3 ENLARGIVIENT, ALERAT REMOVAL, DWLITIQN 4 PANCY, EQUIPMENT, USE, EIGHT, AREA AND IVICal[NTENNE OF ALL BUILDINGS AND/OR 5 STl3UCm IN THE CITY OF CAREBAD; PRO-- VIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PIEWTS AND COUECTION OF FEES THE€EFOR; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE V3COUTfON THEREOF; DECLARING AM3 ESTABLISHING FIE ZONES; FEPEALING ORDINANCE NO, 8005 OF THE CITY OF CARLSBpJb AND ALL QmER QRDINANCES AND PARTS OF THE BRDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH, 6 7 8 9 10 11 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as 10 11 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as 12 follows: 13 14 15 Carlsbad, bei marked and designated as "Uniform Building Code'', 16 1955 Edition, published by Pacific Coast Building Officials 17 Conference, be and the same is hereby adopted as the building 18 code of the City of Carlsbad for regulating the erection, con- 19 sttzruction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, 20 demolition, co sion, occupancy, equipment, ses height, area, 21 22 Carlsbad; providing for issuance permits and collection of fees 23 therefor; providing penalties for violation of sukh code; declaring 24 and establishing fire zones; and each and a11 of the regulations, 25 provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of such "Uniform 26 3uilding CodesB, 1955 Edition, published by the cific Coast 27 28 Clerk are hereby referred to, adop 29 30 31 32 That a certain document, three (3) copies of which are on file in the office'of the City Clerk of the City of * and maintenance of all buildings and/or structures in the City of Building Officials Conference, on file in th office of the City if fully set out in this Ordinance, SECTION 2, That Ordinance No, 8005 of the City of Carlsbad entitled %'An Ordinance Establishing Building Regulation In TEe City of Carlsbad", and all other Ordinances r parts of *rdinances 1 in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. 2 SECTION 3, FIRE ZONE5 CREATED. That the entire incor- 3 porated area o the City of Carl 4 is hereby esta ish& as a fire 5 6 shall be known and designated as Fire Zones I, I1 and 1x1, and each such zone shall include such territory or portions o€ the ~ 7 8 City of Carlsbad as are illustrated, outlined and designated a certain map on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City 9 of Carlsbad, said map being .marked and designated **Fire Zones of 10 the City of Caslsbadt8, which is hereby adopted as the fire zoning 11 map of the City of Carlsbad for the application of the regulations 12 included in the ‘Wnif om Building Code”, 1955 Edition, published 13 by the Pacific Coast Building OfficiaLs Conference. 14 15 of the Zoning Qrdinaoces which have been or may be enacted by 16 the City Council, which provisions shall govern all matters in 17 which there may develop a conflict between them and the said 18 Building Code, 19 SECTION 5, Section 411 of the aaUniform Building Code” 20 1955 Edition, published by the Pacific Coast Building Officials 21 Conference, is hereby ad pted, and 22 %ection 411, Habitable laor area in a dwelling means rooms occupied by one or moie p 23 living, eat g and/or sleeping, but d include att 24 or terraces or rooms b w grade, On the first floor it shall be cons ed to mean a11 finished 25 floor area having a clear head room of seven and one=half feet or over, includ g stairwells; on 26 the second floor all finished r unfinished floor areas having a char head roo of Seven and one- 27 half feet or over for a minimum horizontal measurement of six.feet, with side walls not less 28 than five and one-half feet in height,*# 29 SECTION 6, Section 505(d) of the Wnifom Building Code”, 30 1955 Edition, published by the Pacific Coast Building Officials 31 Conference, is hereby adopted, and shall read as follows: SECIIQN 4, Said code is a$opted subject to the provisions hed or built-in garages, open porches -2- / 1 *%ection 505(d). No single family dwelling 2 floor area of 750 sq, feet*d, 3 4 This Ordinance shall .take effect and be in 5 force on the thirty-first day from and after its final passage. 6 SECTION 8, The City Clerk of the ity of Carlsbad is 7 hereby directed to cause this Qxdinance to be published once in 8 the Garlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and of general cir- 9 culation in id City of Caslsbad, shall be erected unless it has a habitable 10 11 said City held on the 20th day of l”ber 1956, and 12 finally adopted and ordered published a gular meeting of 13 said Council eld on the 4th da # 1956, First read at a regular meeting of the City Council of lowing vote: 15 AYES: Hayor Castorena Councilmen Helton, Bobinson, Baird, and Ledger 16 NQES: Eone 17 ABSENT: 18