HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-10-20; City Council; 8033; Trailer parks and auto camps1 2 3 4 5 E 7 € s 1c 11 1; 11 l! It 1' 21 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 V ORDINANCE NO. 8033 AN ORDIElAEJCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REGUUTIBG TRAILER PARE3 Am AUTO CmPS The City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby ordain as followm XTIOt-4 1 DEFIBZTIUHS. The meaning af va terms as wed in thgs Or iall be as follows: Ao TRAILER COACH s used ia this Ordiuance, means any and saap ear, trailer or ether vehicle, with OX wi mstructed to travel oa the publie thoroughf rdance with th designated or used for human habitation. Be A BEPEHDENT TRAILER COACH, is One not: ipped with a toiht for sewage isp0saL C. An INDEPENDENT TRAILER COACH is one equipped with a toilet for s@wage ' isposal, *, "Aute and trailer park#, as used in this Ordins .nee means any area or tract of laad where space is rented or held out for rent ;o two or more owners or users of trailer coaches or tent campers futnishiag :heir om camping equiplaeat, @r *ere free camping is permitted owners or w~ra kf txqiler coaches or zeut camping equipment for the purpose of securing their :r& the phrase "auto and trailer camp" is ssed in this Ordinance, it WWto and trailer parb" d in this Ordinance means any portion of the use or occupancy of one trailex e~ack Fo CAMP SITE* pn auto and trail ~r camping party. Go AFPitOVED. %pproveda, when used in connection with any ma appliauee or construction, means meeting the r&uirearsnts and approval of the Building Department of the City of Carlsbad. H, BUILDING4 "Building$", as used in this chapter, means a tent, tenthouse, siwle and laultifasrily dwelling, public toilets, public baths and laundry rooms, or other structures, and a compartment containing a toilet or bath, or both, constructed for the exclusive use of a8 wcupant of a emp site. n 2 7l 8 3 4 5 6 I. LIQtBEFSEII) PETROLEUM GAS. "Liquefied petroleum gasw means petroleum hydrocarbons or mixtures thereof , in liquid or gaseous state, having B vapor pressure in excess of 26 psi at a temperature of 100 degrees E'. Mbenever the symbol WLPC" (LPG) is used, it shall mean liquefied petroleum gas. J. NUISANCE. In an auto aad trailer park, %uisancew includes any of the following: (1) by public nuisance known at corrmon law or in equity jurisprudence. (2) Whatever is dangerous to human life or is detrimental to health, (3) The overcrowding of arty room with occupants. (4) Inadequate or insanitary sewage plumbing facilities, 9 Ii 10 11 (5) Insufficient ventilation or illwntiaation of any roane (6) Whatever renders air, food, or drink unwholesme Qr detrimental to I/ 12 the health sf huaaaa beingscr 13 14 (7) Unnecessary naise* ERFOBCPIEMT. SECTSOH 2, The Chief of Police of the City of Carlsbad shall // enforce the provisions of Section 21* The Building Official shall enforce every 15 11 16 other provision of this Ordinance; provided, however, that the Health Officer 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 of the City of Carlsbad amy ernforee such of the provisions contained in this Ordinance as relate to or affect the public health, The Building Official, or agents of his department, or the City Health Off ieer may: A. Enter public or private property to determine whether there exists any auto camp or trailer park to which this Brdiaance applies. ) Be Enter and inspect a11 auto camps and trailer parks, wherever situated, and iwpecg all acemmodations, equipment or paraphernalia used in connection therewith, including the right to examine any registers Qf occupants maintained therein in order to secure the enforcement of the provisions of this OZdi3%8x%Ce, SECTION 3. trailer park sh or within such l~rrger period of time as may be allowed by the Building Official or Health Officer, after he has been gives written notice by the Building Official or Health Officer to remove the nuisancer tinre, the City Attorney of the City of Carlsbad, ABA'l'EMEBT OF NUISANCES: The owner or operater of aa auto and abate any nuisance in the court or park within Eive days, Xf he fails to do so within that 1. SECTION 4. PRUQF SUFFICIENT TO SuppoIlT JWI%EllT. In any action or proceediag 11 auto and trailer park: 5 // 6 A. Previous conviction of the owner or @parator of the auto and trailer park of a violation of this Ordierace which constitutes a nuisanceo I; B. Failure on the part of the owner or operator to correct the violatioa 8 9 after the conviction. 1 C. The violation is the basis for the proceeding. ll // SECTION 5. AUTHORZTY QF OFFICEBS AMD AGEMTS.p., For the purpose of s 11 enforcement of this Ordinance, the Building fnspectel; and his agents and the Health Officer and his agents shall have the authority of peaee officers, in- 12 13 11 eluding authority to make arrests, to serve any processor notice, and generally, 14 // such other authority of peaee officers as may be necessary to secure enforcement 3.5 16 // of this Ordinance, SECTIQB 60 the following unless he first makes application in writing Official and obtains a permit therefort NECESSITY FUR PERMIT." It is unlawful for any person to do any of 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 the Building A* Construct an auto and trailer park, Be Construct additional buildings Qr reconstract Or move existing buildings in an existing auto and trailer park. C. Operate, or rent, lease, sublease, let or hire out for occupaney any space in an aUtQ and trailer park or any building auto and trailer park that kar been constructed, reconstructed, or altered or mved without having obtained a permit as required herein, 25 26 11 27 P), Operate an auto and trailer park for which a fee of Twentywfive dollars 11 ($25.0@ has never beern paid either to construct or operater 28 SECTIOH-7* obtain a Conditional Use Permit from the Planning Ceaaission and a permit from the Building Offieid, SECTLQH 8, REQUISITES OF AP3%ZCA'EIQH:~ All new auto and/or trailer parks shall 29 30 31. CU€4DITIONAI, USE PERMIT PRcbcELmaE,:u Eack applicant for a trailer 32 i 93- .. . L 11 12 1: 14 1E 1E 17 13 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 fs 4) park sh,all first submit to the Planniwg Commission a plot plan, Such filing shall be made prior to the fiaal completion of surveys of streets and camp sites, and before grading or construction work within the proposed trailer park that might be affected in eke changes tn the plan. Canrmissioa not less than fourteen days prior ts the date of the Planning Commission meeting at which time such matter is to be considered+ shall contaia the following information: TQ assure the Planning Each plan A+ Hame aad address of owner, B+ Name and address of architect, surveyor, engineer, or land planner who prepared the plan. C, North point and scale. €3. Name, 10CatiQn and width of adjacent streets. E. Camp sites with the approximate dimensions of each site, F. Approximate location and width of water courses, areas subject to inundation by floods, and drainage plan of park. C. Location of structures, irrigation ditches and other permanent physical Eeatures, H. Approximate location of buildings and structures, I. Legal description of the exterior boundaries of the trailer park, J. Uidth and location of proposed streets, drives and walks, including Lngress and egress to public street. K. Width and location of existing or proposed public easements. Lo Proposed name of park. Me Proposed grading and landscaping. N, Identificatisn of city and county lines involvedr O4 Description of water supply and method of sewage disposal, In ease of a new autQ and trailer camp or a new combination aut@ and railer camp, the application to the Building Official shall be accompanied by: A, Plans and information which have been filed and approved by the Planning ommission for the Conditional Use Permit. B. A fee of $25&0. -: ii (z ase of an existing auto and 3 11 trailer camp, the application shall be’accomparaied by:: 2 3 4 campi- p~lrp~oes. A. A descriptioa of the grouRds upon which buildings are to be added or reconstructed, or to which buildings are to be mved or which is to be used for Be Plans and speeificatiens of the proposed addition,reconsfrtlcrion or I1 C..A description of the water supply, ground drainage and method of sewage 7 /I 8 disposal. 9 r the SECTION 11? INSPECTION MD ISSUANCE OF PERPpfT,” Within ten (10) days 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 application, descriptions, plans and specifications, and required fee, if any, are filed and paid, the Building Inspector shall inspect the grcmnds upon which the applicant proposes Eo do the work for which he seeks a penait.. ing Inspector shall issue a writtea permit to the applicant: if, in his opinican: The Build? A. The g~ou~ids are satisfactory for the work proposed. B. The descriptions azkd plans and speeificatiolas filed indicate that the work proposed will meet the requirements of this Ordimeace. SECTION 12*_ ANi%ML XHSYECTIOPr AND FEE THEREFOR:* OB the first day of July oE each year, the sum sf $2.150 per camp site shall be due as and for an annual inspeetion fee. I€ sukh fee is not paid by July 31, a 10% penalty shall ba addedc The Building Offieial shall inspect annually the auto and trailer park and inform the permitee of any violations of this chapter, aad require can- pliance with the provisions of this chapter, Additional inspections shall be made by the Building Official when he deems necessary. SECTION 13.. MOTICE OF CHANGE IN W4Ee OWNERSHIP OR POSSESS‘ION:. The Buildins Official shall be notified by the new owner or operator of any auto arid trai park of any crhaage in the -e of or the ownership or possessioa thereof+ Said’ notice shall be in written fora and shall be furnished within thirty (30 from and after any such change in name or transfer of ownexship or posse The notice shall be accompanied by a transfer fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00). 1, a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 fox construction or reconstruction of an auto and trailer park shall automaticall expire within two (2) months from the date of the issuance thereof in those cases where the construction or reconstruction has not been completed within said period; provided, however, that the Building Official may extend the expiration date of said permit for a reasonable time. SUSPENSION OF PERMIT: GROWDS,s~In the event that any person holding a permit issued by the Building Official under this Ordinance violates any of the provisions of the said permit or of this Ordimance, pemit may be subject to suspension 8s provided in this Ordinance. A. ISSUANCE ABDSERVZCE OF NOTICE BPW PWITEB The Building Official shall issue and serve upon the pemiter a notice setting’forth in what respeet the provisions of the perarit and/or this Ordinance have been vi lated, and shall notify him that unless these provisions have beeu complied with within thirty (30) days after the date of notice, the permit shall be subject to suspension. Be.- OF SERVICE OF HOTICEe.* The notice shall be sdrved by posting at least one copy in a conspicuous place on the premises described in the said permit, and by sending another copy by registered mail, postage prepaid, returu receipt requested, to the person to whom the permit was issued at the address therein given. C. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH MOTICE. SUSPEASIQH OF BERMIT,,n.If the requirements of the said notice have not been complied with OQ or bef thirty (30) days after the mailing and posting of the notice, the Building Official may suspend the permit. D, IUSINSTAT€%ENT OF PERMIT.*, Upou compliance by the permit& with the provisi the expiration of of this Ordinance and of said notice and subission of proof thereof to the Building Official, the Building Official shall reinstate the permit. SECTION 17. issued under the provisioas of this Ordinance shall be duly recorded with the offioe of the Recorder of San Diego County, and the time litnit governing the ex- piration of said permit shall be considered a covenant upon said property between the property owner and the City of Carlsbad, RECORDIMG OF CONl3lTTON& USE PEEuplfITSe Each Conditional Use Permit SECTION 18. PARKING IN AUTO ANI) TRAILER PARR OF CERTAZN TlQILER COAC€USePR(RfIBETE It shall be unlawful for any person in an auto and trailer park to use, or cause or pemit to be used, for occupancy: A. Any trailer coach from which any tire or wheel has been removed therefrom, r61 1 1 1 1 /I 1 1' 21 2: 2; 2; 2L 2: 26 2: 2E 3c 33 32 m except for t,e purpose of maAng temporary repairs or placing it in dead storage. B, Any trailer ooacb to which are attached any rigid water, gas or sewer pipes; provided, however, that metal tubing not to exceed oneehalf inch (1/2w) inside diameter utay be used for water and gas, C. Any trailer coach which is perraaaeatly attached with underpining or found datioa to the ground. Any trailer coach which does not conform to the requirements of the California State Vehicle Code goveming the use of the trailers on public h3ghv ways e E* Any trailer coach which does not earry B current yearly license issued by any state or foreign state motor vehiele department. F. Any trailer eoach in an unsanitary condition. GI Any trailer coach which is structurally its habitats against the elements, H. Any trailer coach to which there is attached or established less thaa six feet adjacent therete any awning, portable, demountable, or permanent Cabana, building or windbreak, unless constructed in conformity with the ru and regulations as provided by the California Administrative Code, Title 8, Chapter 9, Article 4, and any subsequent a"Anents thereto and be in conformance vith all applicable ordinances and regulatious thereto, and the Building Official is hereby empowered to enforce such rules and regulations. The provisions of Section 24 of this Ordinance shall not apply to any awning, Cabana, building or windbreak regulated by this subrsection. use shall SECTION 19- POSSESSIOM OB COWTROL OF OWHER, ETC,, OF PARX,- person to rent or hold out for rent any trailer coach in an quto and trailer park which is owned by car in the possession er control of the owner or opera- tor of the auto and trailer park or his agent. The rental paid for any such trailer coach shall also be deemed to be rental €or the space it occupies. SECTION 20. UBAUTHORIZED OGCilPATIop1 OF MP: TfPilfS LIMITATION.. It is unlawful for any person to use, occupy or maintain any trailer coach, tent or teat house upon any area or tract of land for a period of mre than seven (7) days during any one threewnth period of time without the written permission of the owner or person legally ia charge of the land* *?e SE€TIOW 21. OVERNIGHT OCCUPATSOM OF PUBLIC HIGHWAY. It is unlawful to camp 1 2 3 4 5 ovenaight or to park a trailer coach overnight upsn any public highway includr iag the right of way, This provision shall mot apply where a trafler coach is parked for the purpose of making emergency repairs* SETIOH 22*, LOCATION, Carlsbad for any person to park an aut-bile trailer, trailer coach or trailer It shall be umlawfwl within the litaits of the City of 6 7 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 a 9 10 SECTIOH 23.4- not less th distinctly marked: Each campwstte in aa auto and trailer park shall be feet, the comers of which shall be clearly and A. There shall be in addition to the camp site area an area of at least 10 feet by 20 feet for the parking of automobiles for each camp site; this autolnobile parking area shall be within the trailer park, but need not be adjacent to/or OR the trailer coach site. B. The Planning Commission glay approve camp sites of not less than 750 on the premises of any occupied dwelling or on any lot which is not a part of the premises of any occupied dwelling, which said lot or premises are situated outside of any authorized isutoreobile trailer park, excepting the parkirq of only he unoccupied trailer in aa accessory building, private garage or in a rear yard in any zoning district, is penaited, provided no living quarters shall 22 23 24 11 I/ be smintained or any business practiced in said trailer when such trailer is so oecupancy; such approval shall be conditioned by a time limit governin8 the continuous occupancy of a trailer or campiscar oa such site. Transient WCU- pancy herein referred to shall mean use by tourists or vacationists for a period 12 parked or stored. /I 21 square feet where such camp sites are to be used exclusively for transient /I 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 of time not to exeeed 90 days. SECTION 24. No trailer c feet from any building, awning or cabana atat on the camp site. SEeTZOR 25.” Each trailer closer than three 0) feet from a lot line* I 'J f 2 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 319 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 rd, SECTION 26. BUILDING AREA PER SITE.- The space occupied by trailers, awnings, cabanas, or any other structure shall not exceed 75% of the total site area. SECTIOTJ 270 CAMP SITES TO FRONT UPON DRIVEWAY: ACCESS TO..,mPLIC ,~OROUGHFA3E- Each camp site shall front upon a driveway of not less than twenty (20) feet ia width. All driveways shall have clear and unobstructed aceess to a public thoroughfare, SECTIOE 28. PAVUC OF STREETS,. All streets within the trailer park shall be paved with an asphaltic material or concrete, SECTIOH 29. ACCODATIOPI OF PARTIES Iff ABSWCE OF.SITES:* ).An auto and trailer park sbll not accommodate any camping parties for whom there are RO avaiteble sites in the camp, SECTIOM a. WIDTH OF STREETS REQUIRED. for collector streets: Streets shall be at least 305feet wide A. Minor streets and drives shall be subject to the following formula, In the case of varied based upon the angle sf parking ef trailer coaches. parking, the widest angle shall determine the width of the street: (1) 90° parking .C 25' (2) 600 parking 9 22' (3) 45O parking - 20' B* Lf parking is to be permitted OR one side of a street, said street shall be at least 22 feet wide; if parking 3s to be pemitted on both sides of a street, said street shall be at least 30 feet wide+ SE 31. PUBLIC TOILETS TO BE ACCESSIBLE TO TE;MANTS. public totlets shall be maintained readily accessible to all tenants at a11 times* SECTTOE4 32. MRKING WTER CLQSETS. closets for men shall be distinctly marked8 mFor Men"; and water-closets far women shall be distinctly marked: "For Women." waterrclosets shall be plainly SECTION 33, FLOORS OF WATER CLOSET CWAR-TS TO BE WATERPROOF. The flasr of every water-closet compartment shall be constructed and shall be maintained in a water proof condition by the use of cement, concrete or other approved waterproof material. The waterproof material shall be applied upward on the interior walls of the water-closet cmpartment, to a height of not less than twelve (12) inches above the floor. SECTION 34. any persons to use or permit the use of, any toilet ia any trailer coach located or ed within an auto and trailer park, unless such toilet wets the require- In every auto and trailer camp water- Sa addition the location of indioated by signs, USE OF TRAILER COACH TOILETS IM AUTO CM€€%. ,It is unlawful for *9* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ornia Administrative Code, Title 8, Chapter 9, Artic qwnt amendments and Buildi ficial is hereby empowered to enforce such rules and regulations. SECTIOH 35. BATHING Ai y auto and trailer park, shower ing water shall be in- baths or other bathing faciliti stalled in separate compartment fifteen (15) camp sites, for ea r, in no event shal than one shower for each sex, Every closing door. not be farther than two hundred (200 feet from each ers, and not farther than five hundred (500) feet fo B. FLOORS OF SHOWER BATH CWAR"TS TO BE I teen (15) or fractional artment shall be provided j All shower baths or other bathi facilities provided herein shall te for dependent trail endent trailers. ERPROOF. The floor of eve shower bath compartment shall be constructed and shall be maintained in a water- proof condition by the use of Cement, concrete erial. the compartment to a height of not less t or other approved waterproof The waterproof material shall be applied upward o the interior walls of six (6) feet above the floor. SECTION 36, COp4pARTpdENTS \ facilities shall be: I I A. Kept Clean. I I I Be Kept free from obnoxious odors, flies, mosquitoes, or other insects. C. Provided with one or more windows having an aggregate area of uot less than' I 1 I I 23 24 six (6) square feet, Bowever, if the row contains more than one termcloset, 1 bath or urinal, the total window area shall be equivalent to three (3) square 1 I 1 26 251i 27 28 29 30 31 32 feet for each water closet, bath QZ urinal, but need not exceed onemfourth (1/4) of the superficial floor area of the room. i i I D. Pindows shall be screened with not less than sixteen (16) mesh metal screen+ 1 ' SECTIOH 37. LAUNDRY COMPARTMENT. There shall be constructed in every trailer par i a laundry compartment with not less than two (2) laundry trays. I loors and at least twelve oastructed of approved masonry eons t ruc t ion, -1% I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2c 21 22 24 25 26 27 2e 29 3c 31 32 a Each lauudry compartment shall have wiadow area eqstal to (1/8) of the floor area, and ia ne ease shall it be less than nine (9) square feet, Ce LAU~Y TRAYS TO BE SUplpLIED WITH HOT AND COLD,.,JATER e laundry trays 11 be supplied with hot and cold water. fs8 FACILITIFS TO DRY CLQTHES. In every auto and trailer park there shall be see aside a space conveaient to the lauacirp facilities for the oocupants of the camp sites to dry clothes* SECTION 38. SLOP SINKS. There shall be insta d in every auto and trailer park one or more slop sinks, which shall be conveniently located within one huadred (100) feet of 'each trailer coach or SECTION 39, MuEtrBER OF LAVATORIES. There shall be not less than one (1) lavas. ea& sex installed in every buildiag in an auto and trailer park g * public toiletss and trailer park which affect its sanitary drainage system shall be installed and maintained a8 follows: A. Each plumbing fixture shall be connected to a saaitary drainage system and shall be provided with a water sealed trap. BI The trap shall be separately and effectively vented by mans of a cow- nection to a vent pipe exteading to the outer air above the roof e vent pipe shall be so installed and maintained that no drainag8 or sewage from any fixture may be deposited in or conveyed through. C. Phmbing vent pipes installed in any buildiag shall not terminate at a point adjacent to any window or other opening in the building intended or used for vent%latian purposes, D. Suitable and readily aecessfble cltauouts shall be placed at convenient points in the plumbing systm of every builditxg* E. Whenever any plumbing fixture becomes insanitary the enforcement agency may require its removal arid replaeetaent by a fixture eonforming to the provisions of this Ordinance -1 1s , 1 1 I 11 1: 12 14 1: 17 1E 1s 2c 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 E', If it is impracticable tQ connect the plumbing fixtures affecting the sanitary drainage systm with mni or waste way be discharged into a cesspool or in and maintained to the satisfaction of the enforcement agencies. a septic tad eonstmcted G. No sewage, waste water or amy e on the surface of the ground. SECTIOEB 41, WATJZR SUPPLY., adequate supply of pure water for all the requirements of the park. The rater shall be obtaiaable froan faucets installed within one hundred (100) feet of each part ef the park, There shall be in every auto aBd trailer park an Ae CWM DRIkING VESS'ELS PROHIBITED* 10 dipping vessels or cups for con" use are permissible in any auto and trailer parkr B, DEWKING MIuNTAINSe Drinking fountains shall be maintained in a sanitary condition and shall be af a type approved by the enforcement agency. SECTION 42. UAMCE OF PEREilIT. Upon appaicatim, the Bwilding Official and the Elealth Officer of the City of Carlsbad may issue a permit for the operation of an auto or trailer park which pemit may allow variations in specified respects from the requirements of this sectiQa, under the following conditions: A+ men the auto ~r trailer park is operated incidental to the operation of a fishing resort where boats are rented, and the auto or trailer park is not so located as to rely primarilf on tourist travel for patronage* B. Where such relaxation fa the requirements of this article as the Building Offfcial and Health Officer may pensit will not in fact endanger public health* SECTION 43. garbage cans with tight fitting covers, appropriately labeled, shalt be provided for every six (63, or fractional part of six (6) trailer coaches or camp sites within the park, SEeTIoM 44+ rubbish in every auto and trailer park shall be disposed of in the manner provided by Carlsbad Ordinance. SECTION 650 DISPOSAL OF LIQUID UTES FROM COACHES. ,It shall be aalawful to permit any waste water or material frcwa sinks or other plumbing fixtures in a W4GE CASQS. ,In every auto and trailer park, one or more metal DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE, WASTE AND RUBBISHe All garbage, waste and \ trailer coach to be deposited upon the surface of the grouad, and all such fixtures, when in use, must be connected to a sewer system or covered cesspool or septic tank, SECTIOW 46.. CARE OF LAM). trailer park is maintained shall bet The area or tract of land upon which an auto and A. Well drained and graded. B. Kept Eree from dust. G4 Kept clean and free from t: ion of refuse, ga or debris. G4 Kept clean and free from t: ion of refuse, ga or debris. SECTION 476 SPACE BENUTI43RAILER COACHES TO BE KEPT CLEAN. each trailer coach shall be kept clean and free from refuse, rubbish or The space beneath I other impediments. SECTION 48, LQCATION OF STORAGE AND UTILIZATION VESSELS AND REGULATORS OF B€QUIFI.ED PETROLEUM GASES. A. No cylinder 1 be located within a buildiq enolosed on four sides, nor within a trailer coach, nor within five (5) feet of a source of ignition; nor below ground, nor below ground level, (5) feet away from any building opening whioh is below the level of such outlet. The discharge from safety valves shall be vented fn such a manner as Po with the outlet less than five prevent any impiagemeent of escapiag Lfc upon the vessel and such discharge point shall be not less than five (5) feet, measured boriaoatally from any building opening which is below such discharge. I B. Each tank shall be located with respect to the nearest source of ignition or line of property adjoining, which may be built upon, in accord following table. Vessels and firs egulating equipaen .. I than twenty (20) psi pressure shall be located outside the buildings, or trailer coaches except as hereinafter provided. with respect to the nearest important building or group of buildings or line of property adjoining, which may be built upon, in ~CCQ table: Each individual vessel shall be located Voltametric esapacity of vessels (in W.S. Gallons) Mini" distance (I) lot more than 500 U.S. g8110ns CIm...-.C. 10 feet (2) 501 to 1,200 U,S. gallons .e..........t. 25 fees (3) Over lo201y U*S, gallons +0**IC..0.0*..4. 50 feet -13s CI Regulating or filling equipment on tanks filled en consumers* premises shall not be less than fifteen (15) feet from any opening into or under a building where such opening is below the level of the outlets of such reg@* lating or filling equipent. D, Readily ignitable material shall permitted within ten (1 of any vessel, regulator, or vaporizer+ shall be charged within ten (10) feet of any coach in an aut0 and trailer park. SECTION 509 HA1"NCE OF RECTXTER erson who oms or operate auto and trailer park shall keep a name and address of each guest who is the and the name and address of each aembe in an auto and trailer park; (b) th mobile and trailer if any, and the state in which such vehicle or vehieles is or are registered, and the gear of registration ister in which shall be entered (a) the r or operator of an automobile his party, for which sp e and license number .-. SECTION SI., IUWIPVATIOM n every auto and trailer par stalled and kept burning from sunset to sunrise sufficie adequately illuminate every building containing public toilets and public showers, and the area or tract of land Containing the auto and trailer park. eificial light to SECTION 52, In any auto and trailer park, elecrtrical wiring, fixtures and equipment shall be installed and main* tained under provisions of the California Adstinistrative Code, Title 8, Chapter 9 Article 5, and any subsequent amendmeats thereto. WDERGROWD WIRIMG. La new trailer parks, or when major rewiring such as would require a permit is to be done in existing trailer parks, all wiring, including electrical and telephone service to the camp site shall be under- ground, installed and mintained under provisions of California Administrative Code, Title 8, Chapter 9, Article 5. SECTIOBI 53*, WGS AHD BARNYARD MIMALS BOT TO RUN AT LAR@L_ Dogs, barnyard animals including poultry, shall not be pemitaed to run at large in any auto and trailer park. 0 This Ordinance does not apply to any supervised public park, public c ”. i. ‘v . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 or picnic ground OWKW~~ operated, 0r maintained by any one of the €allowing: A. The Federal Gave-nt. B. The State C. Any agency or political subdivision of the State‘ ~ECTION 55+ LANDSCAPING. Landscaping requirements shall have as a basic mini- mum a free standing fence, hedge, or wall which is subject to the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and is adequate for screening and decorative purposes, to be constructed and maintained around the boundaries of the park. 8 SECTIOM 56. FIRE HYDRANTS* Each trailer park shall have at least one collector il 9 10 11 12 street upon which is located a fire hydrant in a location to be determined by the Fire Department. This provision may be met with a hydrant located on a public street fronting the property providing that no trailer site is further than 500’ from said hydrant. ADDITIONAL SAFETY EQUIPMEEJT..,-The Fire Department of the”City of 16 17 14 Carlsbad my require additional safety equipment and high pressure water oatlets 11 SECTION 58. WATER CLOSETS, Ae NUMBER REQUIRED. For dependent trailers there shall not be less than one 15 1) to be located within the trailer park, 16 17 SECTION 58. WATER CLOSETS, Ae NUMBER REQUIRED. For dependent trailers there shall not be less than one 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 (1) water closet in a separate compartatent for each sex for the first ten (10) trailer sites or fractional part thereof not provided with a private water closet, There shall be oat (1) additional water closet for each sex in a separate cm- partxieat for every ten (10) additional trailer sites or fractional part thereof, In no event shall there be less than one (1) and trailer camp. The enforcemeat agency, when conditions warrant, may approve the installation and use of other types of toilet facities. trailers there shall not be less than one (1) water closet for each sex for every fifteen (15) trailer Sites 0r fractional part thereof, toilet for each sex in any auto For independent TOILET FACLLITIES. 1 toilet facilities for dependent trailers shall not be farther than two hundred (200) feet from each trailer site. 28 I/ 29 30 All toilet faeilities for independent trailers shall not be farther than five hundred (SQO) frm each trailer site* 31 11 C, USE OF TOILETS. Each toilet shall be for the exclusive use of the 32 occupants of the camp sites in the auto and trailer park, I1 P -151. i ! 20 21 22 23 24 25 +,. Every water=closet compartment in hall be at least thirty 0) inches in trailer, the sanitary coanectioa from the trajller to the sewer system and at connection to the w SECTION 600". c&"ly Title 8, Chapter 9, Article 1, and any subsequent amendments are hereby made ai , part; of this ordinanee the same as though specifically reenacted herein, as .< 2 28 29 30 3 4 construed as allowing a less restri than th which is allowed under t anaendmei;rts to said Act. ive use of land within 8 trailer park State Trailer Park Act: and any SEI 5 6 alear width' son to operate or maintain, ox cia or it to be operated or raaiataine to and trailer camp, unie re is a caretaker in the camp at all times. The caretaker shall enforce within isions of this chapter governing the operation and maintenance 10 wetaker and an alternate for each trailer park shal egis- e of the Building Official. The registration shall be 12 13 14 1-5 16 17 18 88 caretaker be responsible for the locating 3.11 SECTION 62. MISDE"0R CLAUSE. Every person iolatiag any p 2 3 Ordinaace who has been served with written notice of such violation as pre- scribed herein and who refuses to comply with such notice shall be guilty of a 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 mi sdeweatlar. SECTION 63* cation thereof, to any person or citizen is held invalid, such invalidity shall not effect any other provisions, or application thereof, which can be given SEVERABILITY. If any provisfoa of this Ordinance, or the appli- effect without the invalid portion or application, and to this and the pros visions of this Ordinance are declared to be SECTION 64. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect and be ia force on the 31st day from and after the date of its passage, SECTION 65, The City Clerk of the City of rlsbad is hereby directed to inance to be published once in Carlsbad Journal, blished and of general circulation in the said City of Carlsbad. First read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 6th , 1959, and finally adopted and ordered published day of October at a meeting of the City Council held on the 20th day of October ¶ 1959, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Grober, Sonneman, Ledgerwood and McPherson NOESt None ABSENT: None Carlsbad, California ATTEST: