HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-03-07; City Council; 4002; Ord 4001 amend - Water/loan meters services & rates1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 a4 15 26 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 29 30 31 32 0EiDIN.WCE NO. 4002 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CknLSBAD AMENDIiSG ORDINANCE I\IG. 4001, BY ADDING TO SAID C)F(DI!\I:QTCE REG%DSNG EXCHANGE QF X&TEP. METERS, EXCHANGE OF SERVICES, REL9CATION OF SERVICE AND LOAN FlrD'EFiS: Mil FWRTI-IER ,DROVIDI?.lrG A EXTENSION REQUIRING THE P.lik'MENa: OF THE COST EX THE BENEFITED PROPERTY (3JJNERS AND FIXING THE, CHARGES TO BE IMPOSED T C. THE Y!ATER SYSTEM kETHOD OF INSTALLING 24 VJ~TER M.UN The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as follow SECTION 1. ORDINANCE 1\30. 4001 AMENDED BY ADDING THmzO SECTfONS 4l-W, 4-14 AND 4L-C, by adding thereto the following sections to read as follows: Ordinance No, 4001 is hereby apended '"Section 4L-A, ~ Exchanse of Water Meters, changes a smaller meter for ii larger meter, the water department of the City sha3.1, give a credit of $25,QO for the smaller meter in co~i~pu-ting the cost o€ the Large.. meter, ?!ken a Larger meter is exchanged for a smaller Metert the City shall give the consune~ a credit equal to the then prevailing cost of 2 5$8 inch meter, SeC-tion 41-E, The water departnraen credit far an exchange of old services Sox mw services or re- lQCatiQn Of a Service, Section 41-C.. Loan APLetersB The water department of the City nay connect a Loan rneter to any water service or service pipe upon proper application, tion wiP1 be made for loan meters, by the City employees and it will. be rem Any damage caused to the ne'ces: by the negligence or carelessness of ~ 1 any person to whofn a meter is loaned must be\paid by sveh person to A charge r>f 925,OO per meter per service Ioca- The meter will be installed the City on demand, 5ECFZON 2, @RDZW.KGE ?!io* 4001 iWENDED SV ADDING ~ 8 9 ARTICE VI, 5ECTION5 1 TVEU 18 INCLLTrSIE, RELATING TQ VlATEFi MAIN EXTENSIONS. Ordinance No, 4QQl is hereby amende by adding &tick VIo Sections L thru 10, pertaining to water main sections shall read as follows: t*IpsITICLE VI, Section 11. Size of Water main extensions, All water nain extensism will. be installed in sizes best suited to the requirements and full development of the City water system as deter- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 said water main, according to the terms, schedules and. conditicns /I 25 11 hereinafter set forth, 26 27 28 29 30 31 Section 4* Preparation and filinq of plat map showinq contri- hutsrs tovmrd water main Construction cost, From and after the first day of April, 1961, when a water maisl has been installed in any manner other than by a public improvement proceeding for which assessments are levied, and the cost thereof shall have been paid by certain property owners andlor the City of Carlsbad, it shall 'i € 5 1c 11 1: 14 15 16 17 I!? 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 52 and indicate on said plat map those certain parcels of land that have contributed their full share towards the construction of said water maino the Water Department, and is to be available for public inspection, Payment of "pipeline fees"; When any person connect to a water main, and such person or his predecessor in interest has not paid for his proportionate shaze of the cost of said main as indicated on the plat map on file in the office of the lilater Depart ment, then such person shall. pay to the City of Carlsbad an amount of money that is equal to the number of front feet of the property that abuts upon said water nain multiplied by the amotlnt of money that is fixed from time to time by the City Council as being the Said plat map is to be Jcept o file in the office of Section 5, cost per front foot for connection, The nonies so charged by the City of Carlsbad shall be termed as being the tfpipeline feet?* Section 6, Petition requestinq extension; contributions by City* (1) When the Engineering Degastment determines that the water main extension must be in excess of the requirements of the petitioners for the continuity and full development of the water system, the City will contribute for the additional costs required to cons- truct the transrnission line in excess of eight (8) inches diameter, Section 7, Contract between City and contributor for repay- Bent of offsite improvement, to prepare a contract to be entered into by the pe,rson who constxvc'c Dffsite water rnain extension '-the City of Caxdsbad, Said con- tract shall provide that the City of Carlsbad will refund to the ?ersons who paid for the cost of said 14' The City Manager is hereby empowered 632 main extension all pipe- line c Lees, less 25% cslkectign costp 3y the City of CarLsbad when other property 3wners who abut upon said line connect to said. line, Sai - i - .. 1 2 3 4 i! 10 year period from and after the date of si~ni~g, shall. not be Liable to the Tjubdivider for such monies in the event that the co12ection of the charge Is prevemateed by judgment BT osder of courtp or in the event that such monies are i-~ot co-klected The CLty 5 6 due to inadvertence and/cr ne@.ect of the officers or ernplzyees of the City, 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Sectlor, 5, Extensions within subdivisions, Suhdividezs shall. be required to insta?!l water main extensions To all- property with- in the subdivision, r~eted by the subdivider, then no refund contract shall be avail- able to the subdfvider for any portion of the water aiain corrst- ructed within the limits s€ the subdivision or in streets that are immediately adjacent to the external limi-t;s of such subdivisisn with the followins exception: When such water nain extensions are ccmst- Hhen a subdivides is required to install a main ?xter,sion in excess of his requirements for continuity acd full development o€ the City water system as deter- mined by the Engineering Department, then the City will contribute for the additional costs required to construct 20 21 the water transmission Lines in excess of eight (8) inch tr an smi s si on 1 ine s , 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Subdividers shall be required to extend to the external limits of the subdivision all water mains placed h and about the subdivision by the subdivider, may enter into a refund contract with the City of Carlshad as outlined heretofore for such other off-site portions of the water main extensions they must install for the subdivision, Section 9, The subdividers Water extensions for lenqth of property frontaqe, A subdivider, contractor OT individual developer shall be required to install a water main extension to the external limit of his 52 property line along the entire front of his property abutting upon I >' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l6 l7 18 2.9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 38 the water main extension; except when such person is %he owner of a large undeveloped frontage, then in that event, the owner shall be required to install the water main extension for a minimum front age of 75 feet provided that all of the following conditions prevai (a> That the portion of the property being connected to the water main shall totall the owner, together with suffi as required by applicable zoning law. (b) That sufficient area remain in the unconnected portion of the property in which to construct one ox' more living units in accordance with the applicable zoning laws, SECTION 3. EFFECTIE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the 31st day from artd after its final passageg SESION 4, PUBLICATION, The Carlsbad is hereby directed to cau once in the Carlsbad JournzL, a newspaper pub circulation in said City of Carlsbad, First read at a regular meetin aRct of general City held on the :21st day of,FBb and ordered published at a regular neeting of said City Council. held on the th day of Marchb 1963. wit: AYES : Councilmen Guevara, Bier ABSEDJT: None _r-;rTEn : / -5 p. \-\. \+ J+ kh Ir'KLLk, Lat\l LLerk