HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-07-06; City Council; 3071; Ord 3005 Amend - Peddlers, vendors, etc. vehicles unlawful parking. - I 3 3 1 a 1 1 1 2 2 21 2: 24 21 2t 2: 2€ 22 3c 31 32 may stand or park ~nly at the request of a bnnafide purchaser €or a period af time not to exceed ten min.t?tes at any one place The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to persons delivering suck articles upon order of, or by agreement with a custoner from a store or other fixed place of business or distribution, (h) parking lot, any lunch tqag~n, eating cart 01: vehicle, or push- cart from which tanales, peanuts, popcorn, candy or other astiGles of food are sold or offered for sale without first obtaining a written permit to do so Erorr, the legislative body which shall designate the specific location in which such cart shall stand. Nc person shall park OX- stand on any street, OF public 1) ORD I NANCE NO 3 0 7 f RFJ ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING LA!(!rWL PAF-KING OF VEHICLES Of: PEDDLERS, VENDORS #, ETC, SECTION 65 OF ORDINANCE NO, 3005 REGARDING UN- The City Council of the city of Carlsbad does ordain as follow SECTION 1: SECTIOW-65 OF QRDIMANCE NO, 3005 AFlfENDED, Section 65 of Ordinance No, 3005 is hereby amezzded to read as follows: "SECTZO?T 65. IJXLAWFUL PARKING OF VEHICLES OF PEDDLERS I VENDORt -- - ETC, - Cc) YQ person shall pzrk OF stand any vehicle, or wagon used 1 intended to be used in the transpcrtation of property for ??ire 011 any street, or public parking -1- 1st , while patronage I for stlch vehicle or ~agan without first obtaining a written I I I I ?!emit to d~ so from the legislative body which shall designat the specific location where such vehicle ma.>? stan6, (d) legistzti.~~? body may require, and shall be revocable at any Said written pemits shall be upon such conditions as the tirre Fv the legislative hadv at, Its sole discxetion,” SECTION 2: E?”ECTIVE DATE, This Ordinance shall take effec and be S.n force cm the tEirty-First day from a,nd r;.fter its Etdoption I__ SECTLCN 3: PUBLICATION: The City Clerk of the City aE -- Carlsbad is Fereby dirscted to cause this Ordinance to be published once in the CarZsbad .JouTII;;,~, i! a?.ewspaper published and of peneral. circulation in said City of Czrlsbzd, First re& at a regular meting af the City Council of the City of ~ar~sbad held cc the ;I5THc?ay of the 1L_ QTH day of June # 1965, and -,. - finally passed, ap~rovecf and zdopted at a regular meting held on Jul v’ , 1965, by the fallowing vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Hughes Councilmen Dunne, Neiswender, Atkinson, and Jardine ATTEST: I