HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-07-06; City Council; 8042; Sidewalk minimum requirementse 7 8 9 18 11 92 13 14 15 16 17 ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2f 29 2E ORDINANCE NO. 8042 The City Cotlncil cf the City nf Carlsbad does ordain FS '0 11 OWS : r8 A.S~ SECTION 1 . CCKTTCUOIJS SIDEYALKS. All sidewa L!cs shall be II C c nstalled coptiguovs to the curb unless tkg Citv Ecgineer, for go~d .ause sliotm, shall s19.0~~ its nlacement c=t another location, SECTIGN 2, STREET TQEE YELLS, cor good cause shoim, the idswnlks csf eight (8) fset or greater in width, SECTTON 3, APPEAL TO CCfINCiL, In the event oE il dispute begerding the City Engineer's decision regarzing the lccation cf he sidewalk or the placing of street tree wells as statcd, my 'eycolr! agrieverj. thereby may present the matter to the City Comcil fhich shall hear and finz-lly clecide the Fatter, -_._1- R31, SECTIPN 4. YINIVUR YIDTH: RA, ?IL, R2/and ?I3 ZCNES, Xn 8-A, L1I S-3 ZQE~S, sidewalks shall be at least five (5) feet n width, SECTION 5, !4INIPLT?I WIDTI-I: R-P and ri-T ZONES, In all RdP and - '-T zones, sidewalks shall be a.t least eight (8) feet in width, I SECTJCN 5, YXN1?4JM WIDTH: C, C-$4, and ??! ZO?YTES-* In, :-?f9 and zones, sidewalks shall ?se at least eight (8) feet in widtl ind shall extend from the property line to the curb line, SECTION 6, EFFECTIIVE i3,4TE, This ordinance shall tzke effect :nd be in Force on the thirty-first day from and after its zeaption, il- SECTION 6, PUBLICATION, The City Clerk of the City cf C;drlss )a.d is hereby directed to cause this ordinance to be published once .n the Carlsbad Journal, a newspacer published and of general circul; :ion in said City of Carlsbad, First read at a regulzr veeting af the City Council of the -1- 4 i t 21 2: 24 26 2: 2I :ity of Carlsbad held on the 15day of June 1965, and finally )assed, approved and adopted at a regular meeting held on the 6th~ay ,-E July , 1965, by the follattiing vote; to wit: AYES: Counci lmen Dunne, Atki nson, and Jardi ne NOES: Councilman Neiswender r ABSENT: Councilman Hughes J of the City of Carlsbad, Car lsbad, C dlif or nia 4 T TES T: