HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-11-16; City Council; 1095; 18Jan66 special election & municipal improvement bond prop1/64-2 0 the object and purpose set forth in said resolubion and in said ballot proposition. Section 2. That the estimated cost of the municipal improveme escribed in said ballo tion is %he sum of The estimat.ed cost of said municlpal i f ollow$ng: (a) legal or other fee the authorization (b) the costs of printing the bonds and other castis and expenses incidental to or ected with the autkprizabian, ance and sale of *he bonds. Section 3, That the maximum rate of o be pald on sa9d indebtedness shall not excee rate permitted by av, $Q wit, six pen cent (6s) per annum, the actual rat or rates of interest on said bonds to be determined at prior to the time of th le or sales thereofo Said nterest shall be payabh semiannually except that interest for the first year may be made payable e end of said year. Section 40 That the polls for said electio sd at seven ofclock A.M, of the day af said shall remain open continuously from time 51 7:OO o fclock P,Mo of the same da polls shall b sed, except as prwided in of the Electf ode of the State of Callf'o Section 50 That on the ball pecial election, in addition to any other 2, e SectLon 6, That a cross (+) placed in the voting square after the word "ms" in the manner herein- before provided shall be counted fn favor of the adoptLon of the proposition. A cross (+) placed in the voting square after the word "NO" In the manner hereinbefore provided shall be counted agains'c the adoption of the propos it% on 0 Section 7. That if the pkposition For the incurring crf bonaed indebtedness so submit;ted receives the reqztistte number of votes, to wit; two-thirds of the votes of the qualified electors votlng on said propositAon, bonds of said city, in not exceedAng the p~bclpah amount stated In such proposition, be jtssued and sold abgect md purpose set'forth in said pmpos2t;ion. for the? 8. %“hat for th? urpose of holding sad election them by estabbfished five (5 1 consolidated voting precinct consisting of the ~eqgu%ar election p~scSklcta in said city of the naumbgrs efnafter atatad, as sed regular election pmcinots have been establ%.ahed by the a3?de Of SUPeWiSOX’S comty for the pu on8 md ex%& on the data is adopeed. he pslakiw places for the ctive voting e of holBilrdg sta%e p@acin@ta shall be the p9%@@s here3.nafter de gnated, md t;he persons hereinafter namedp beZwg competent and quali- fied electors ents of sa9d @fey and of their Pempective vot%ng pr” appointed officers of election fo cincta and Id mid election and m thereof in prsovMeg3 by LawI PmC” NO. 1 Shax2 cOnS%Bt Qf precincts Nosl, 8, 9 and 20 $n said city as now sstabll9shed fop the holding of &ate awad coznvaty slectioras: Buena Vista School 1330 Buena Vista Way EnSpeetOk: Grace E. Franklin Judge : Nettie C. Wilson Clerk 8 Deane D. Vorher CEerkx L oui s e W i 1 1 f ams 5.