HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-09-06; City Council; 9187; Ord 9060 amend - Rezone R-A-10,000 to R-1-8000* - 6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & 5 IC 11 1: 1: 14 l! 11 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 E c 6 i : # e * \ ORDINANCE NO. 9187 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9660, CHANGING CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY FROM ZONE CITY OF CARLSBAD. -10,000 TO ZONE R-1-8,000 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as ,11 ows : lCTION 1. SECTION 302 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9060 AMENDED. Section 302 F Ordinance No. 9060 is hereby amended to provide that the follow- ~g lands described be changed in zone from Zone R-A-10,000 to ]ne R-1-8,000, said lands being situated in the City of Carlsbad, Dunty of San Diego, State of California, more particularly des- ribed as: Portion of Lot I Rancho Agua Hedionda, Map 823, in the City of Carlsbad; being portion of Parcel 10, Book 207, Page 100 of Assessor's Map of San Diego County; more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. ECTION 2. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT NO. 73 ADOPTED. The location and oundaries of said zone change, herein ordained, are to be shown n the zoning map amendment No. 73, which map is attached hereto nd made a part of the ordinance. ECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect and e in force on the thirty-first day from and after its final passag ECTION 4. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is ereby directed to cause this ordinance to be published once in the ,arlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and of general circulation PUBLICATION. n said City of Carlsbad. First read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on ;he 16th ipproved and day of Auqust 1966, and finally a-dopted at a regular meeting held on the passed, 6th day Of A c 4. n\ @ 1 2 z 4 F c c 'i € E ac 11 1; 12 11 l! It 1' 14 1' 2( 2: 2, 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 Sep tcm b e r 1966, by the following vote, Lo wit: AYES: Councilmen Neiswender, Atkinson, Dunne and Jardine. HOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAINED: Councilman Worthing. of the City of Carlsbad, Carlsbad, California ATTEST : (SEAL) -2- . T .- TEJCEL 1: zrichc Lgua Eedionda, Sai? Diego, State of czlifornia, zccord:ng to :b:zp thereof 120. 323, filed in the ofT:zs of :he Comty Zecorder of Szn Diego County, described a:: follovrs : t po=7';lcn 0," Lo. I of of C2-llsbzd, 3eginning at CarneT i'o. 15 of said Lot I, as shovrn on said i*l,p Xo. 323; ';hei,ce Sostheasterly along the fee?< to che nost Sc~thwescerly corne? of 'chac parcel of lad descrlaed 1: dzcd to ,302er'; I;. Ihipps , et ux, -;.e- corded October 29, 1558 wder Dgccnenc No. 179767 of Offici21 Records; ;'hence alar:; 'c'tie bowdary line of szid lxd as follo.;;~: ?;ax-th 25' 01' 15'' Zast (record :<or<h 22" 53' 50" Zzst): 597.82 fee: Yo :he trce po1n-c of bc?g2n>ing and ?oir,t .-, ; yhe-ce ca:-ikiccLcg ~long said 3oQFszry line SOU-;:-^ 35: 05'' Ekst 153.79 feet to the beg?riAicg of E tar:zc:-; cl;rvc c onc ilve Xar';ke?ly, havinG c~r'je, 375.92 Tee: throc.gS1: cn i?ns;le of' 63' 50' GO"; :herice 1- Lc;.,Lent c * n LO said cc;rve, i~~i-ltii 710 331 55" ~:zsi; 2nd a10r.g zhe Zzsterly prolongrtion of the Northerly bomdar; line of s?-ld land 306.5il feet thence Scuth 59' 29' 39 5ast 512.67 fee';; thence sOc;i;\? 32' 26' 2411 Ezst 1696.19 feet; tbsccc? 2Torth 3';" 10' 01" izs; 160.01 feet; thence ?;ortin 1'2 31' 24" ~;:t?st Sg5.'i5 feeT-. tkzuce :{orth 42' 581 11': st 283.35 feet; :<3r$h 78" 1st 37" Z2-t 3rj3.10 feet to yoint "3"; cc'r,ence si' the land describeE in cced 'GO Iiorace 13. Kelly, e'; ux, recorded .r.usust 6, 1951 ir, 300k 4192> page 5 of G2f-lcls.i decords; thence North 15 32' 12" 33st along ';he Westerly line of szLd la::d 989.54 fee-, to corner No. 8 of said Lot; -:bznce contLnrtiy; >;arch 18" 321 121' Ezst 31.08 feet co a paint in the ser.t-cz+geR.G of ckct cei-'Gain 7GO.OG foot rzdius curve canc~ve Northeas'Gerly in the cenLer line of County Road Su-vey -(D. 582, ~ccordlrg to plzt thereof filed in tF.2 c:.f2.~? ~i' ':he Co~in;;i S.-.?y~~yor; thence along ~o~.nt;r itcad, ~2:lnt'fi 41' 591 ,.r3s-: ~00.95 fect; ttici:~~ 7 /-3 202th 7qC 27'; -.;c;c L~;>.~J u[Lc.-Le ~ic~th 00 3'1' 37" !:rest 773.GG fee';; 'GO 2 p9fc:'; or. ;;he 22s.- ceriy line or' :he 1a-d desciLlibe6 In deed to Ccr-=loll 3. Ksl.1y, et ux, yecordaj ,'iuz;ust 17, 1-535 in aooic 2(27, szge 32-l of Official decords; thence- along- the boundary line of said land as follows : South 12O 4lI 13'' West i27.72 feet to an angle point therein; thence South 2O $8l 23" Vest 891.88. feet; thence South 20° 351 08" West 430.35 feet; thence South 85O 07l 24" West 481.72 feet to the Southwesterly comer of said land; thence along the Southerly pgolongation of the Xesterly line of said land South 3 47I 29" IhJest 580.40 feet to a point in a line which is parallel with and 5.00 feet Northwesterly measured at right angles from the Southeasteriy line of that certain 20.00 foot ease- ment described in deed to the Carlsbad MuLtual Water Company 2nd recorded in Book 1271, page 70 of i)ff&cial Records; thence along said parallel line South 47 01' 24" West 535.01 feet to an angle point thgrein; thence continu- ing along said parallel line South 70 13' 44" Xest 355.73 . feet to an angle point therein; thence North 83 Ogr 46" West 15ig76 feet to an zngle point therein; thence Horth 80 22' 35" West 75.21 Feet to an angle point therein; being also a point in the Northerly prolongation of T;he Westerly line of the land described in said deed to Phipps above described; thence along said prolongation South 2.5' 01' 15" West 217.40 feet to the true point of beginning. EXCEPTING therefrom that portion lying within Lot Z of said Rancho Agua Hedionda. ALSO an easement for ro<d and utillty purposes over a strip of laRd 30.00 feet in width, lying Southerly of and immediately adjoining the Southerly line of Parcel 1 arLd lying between said Points "A" and "B". Soutk,er1y line of szid ~ot 1, ~oci;h A -J 441 35:: $as- b 499.45 I :r . L radi~s of 355.00 feet; i-hence Lasterly ~locg s~id 1- - 780J, p 1 37'' _Z:ast 300.01 feec; tk,cnce con;lnuing nens t? :<Qryh .. __ - -:Tor+h 0 39 1 25'' T,]es-- 974.C; feet to the South~.~est~~ly corner 0 .? r:~" d ~ey,-,i-'-,>~-, Vu,rL~Ll.V .~fi~ i3 cr,d zlo;.;; 2~16 2cz';;er line of the u... $?,- . -?-- ?.> -'I>-J-. d-l-,-n,-. rC - - - - - - - _- ---3 ,-----*- - 8 I -1