HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-11-15; City Council; 1099; 1966 Library bonds issuance.. e a f Carlsbad option of the holder ifornia, Chkago, Xllinois, or in New York, of said balzds erk of said cfCy is to be impressed, Ced "1966 LIBRARY BONDS CONSTRUCTION FUND, " d the moneys in said fund shall'be applied exclus% r that purpose suffieien all olther taxes levied for es, and shaPI forthwith "1966 LIBRARY BONDS INTEREST am fully paid, ly the folfawlng 3/64 STATE OF CALIFORN upder and in .$he provisions of Article 1, Chapter Title 4 of the Government Code of the State of" Dfvisfon 4, theretoo, and in tion of the State rnia, and is a than tWo-th$rdS Of' City of' Carlsbad and legalxy called on the 18th day of January, 1966. ERTIFIED!, RECITED AND DECZpAREY) ditions and things required b law to exist, happen and be perfarmed psreoedent; e issuance of this bond have exist@ d been performed in due terne, fom and equlred by law, and tha the ~"t of er with all other ndebtedness of ot exceed any debt 19mit preserfbed stitution of the State sf Calffornta, 5. e e IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said City of Carlsbad has caused this bond to be signed by the Mayor and the City Treasurer of said city by their facsimile signatures, countersigned by the City Clerk of said city and sealed with %be corporate seal of said city, and the interest coupons hereto attached to be signed by the City Treasurer by his facsimile signature, and has caused this bqnd to be dated the first day of January, 1967. Carlsbad, California COUNTERSIGNED: 4%4&/ 8, - Deputy City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, California (COUPON FORM) On the first day of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, --Tz--- California, will pay to the bearer, at the office of the City Treasurer of said city, in said city,or, at the option of" the holder hereof', at the pay- ing agent of the city in Lox Angeles, California, Chicago, Illinois, or in New York, New York, Coupon No. $ the $urn of is lawful money of the United States of America, being the interest then due on its 1966 CfBRARY BOND No. DaCed January 1 9 19x Carlsbad, California 6. .. I PROVISIOIUS FOR TSEGISTRATION So long as this bond is registered, ne trans- fer hereof shall be valid for any purpose unless made by the registered owner and entered and noted as herefn provided, and the prfncipal. and my redemption premiiwm shall be payable only to the regfstered ome~~ or to hfs ssader. Interest on this bond, if. regfstered as to both prineipaP and fnterest, shall be payable to the pe~son whose name appears upon the rsegis'f;ry books as 'cered owner hereof at the close o the tenth day precedling the inteer date, or to his order, If thfs bond is registered as to both principal and interest and fts registra- tion is changed to regfstratfsn as to princfpal only, or if it is di arged from registration there shall be attac hereto coupons rpeproese fng interest hereon to become due thereafter t the date of maturity hereof, In Hfeu thereof, and upon surrender and came ation hePeOfo the City Treasurer may fssue fn exchange herefop a nd, with such ~sesgsns sz'etached, fdentLca1 his bond, exaept; for the plaevious nobatfans registration blank hereon, 8. Section 6 The bonds ring on or prior to January 1, 1981, shall no demption prior to maturity. The bonds matmipg on January 1, 1982, or any of them, may maturity and redeemed at the option of said city on date thereafter prior to maturity, at a redemption price for eaoh redeemable bond equal to the p thereof, plus interest to the date of r a premium equal to one-quarter of one p principal amount for each year or porti from the date of redemption to the matu ity Council of January 1, 1978, or on All or any of the bonds subject to c@l for redemption at any one time. bonds are redeemed at any one time, such bonds redeemed only in inverse o Lf less than all of the e highest numbered bond. The interest ich bonds which are called are to presented for redemption is hereinafter s the "redempt If Section 7 Notice of the intended shall be published by one (1) publication in a newspaper or journal of national circulation, p 10. and State of Mew York, said publisatfon t Least thirty (30) days bu% no% more than sixty (60) ays prior to the redemptfon date, The notfce of redemp- tion shall (a) state the redempteon 1 state the redemption plaice; (a) state the numbers and dates of maturfty of %he bonds to be red emed; provided, however, that whenever any call fncbudes aJ.1 Qf the bc”l of a maturity, the numbers o eed not be s ufre that such bonds coupons matur (except that no coup egfstered as to both principal and In Qrffc@ Qf toe Bity Treasurer of the Ci Carlsbad, California, option of the holder thereof, at the paying agent of es, California, Chicag Illinois, or in (e) requirs that bonds which at the tered so as to be payable ied by approp~fate sQGment duly ecasted in blank; and (f> fwther inter- If any of the bonds designated shall be registered so as to be payable bearer, the City Treasure the publfcatisn of said notice QF 31pe oakage p~epa.%d, to the respectfve reg%stered thereof a% the addresses appearing on the bond regist The ac.$lual rece%pt by the holder any b0Dd (herein- after referred t such redemption 0 0 t be a condition pereoedent to redemption, and fail- ure to recetve such notice shall not affect the validity of the proceed%ngs for %he redemption OS such bonds or the cessation of Snterest on the date fixed for redemp&fone Tkre notfce or notices required by thts section shall be g%ven by the City Treasurer. City Treaswer %hat notice of call and redemption has3 been A certificate by said ven’to holders of registered bonds as herein provided shall conclusivk as against all parties and no whose steered bond Pa ea bJect to the cess fixed by any cfafm or shosJeng that he f ceive such notice f call and redenaption. Seetiow 8 Pr%or to the time the City Council determines call redeem any of said be es%ablfshed in the t to be described QP kno FUND (hereinafter sometimes referred to as “Redemption Fundi’), a 3 E”S I3EDEMPTION * e of” a redemption 1 *. e e Any interest coupons due on or prior to %he redemption date shall be paid from the Interest and Redemption Fund proar%ded for herein upon presentatfon and surrender thereofo Any interest due on or prior to the redemption date upon bonds registered a8 to both principal and fnterest shall be paid frqom sa9d Interest F"da regfs%ered or registered as to attached thereto or presented therewith all interest coupons raa%twring after the redemption date, bonds have been redeemed and cancelled or paid and cancelled there are moneys remaining fn said Redemption Fund, said If" after all of the be transferred to the genera provided, however, that if said money ceeds of refunding b 59 'said mQneY8 to the fund created for the payment of principal of' and interest on such refunding bondse Section 9 e When notlee of redemp$%on has been given, subs%&ntiaPly as provided for herein, and when the mount necessary for the redemption of the bonds redsmp%$on (pr%ncfpal and premium) is puppose In %ha Redemption Fund, a bonds designated for redemption s on the date fixed for redemption thereof, and $a$$on and surrender of sald bonds and fexcep a become due and payabXe red %S %O both principal a terest) interest coupons matur%ng aftes the redemp specified in the notice of red bonds be registered, upon the appropriate assignment there- of in blank, such bonds shall be redeemed and paid date, at the place and, if %lay Of said 13. 4/64 bonds redeemed cancelled reissued, 0 + and all interest coupons thereof shall be forthwith by the City Treasurer and shall not be All interest coupons pertaining to any redeemed bonds, which coupons have matured on or prior to the time Fixed for redemption, shall continue to be payable to the respective holders thereof but without interest thereon, All unpaid interest payable at or prSor to the date fIxed for redemption upon bonds reglstered in such manner that the interest is payable only to the registered owner8 shall continue to be payable to the respective registered owners of such bonds, or their order, but without interest thereon, Section 10. Any of said bonds may be registered either as to principal only or as to both principal and interest, and the form of registration of any registered bond may be changed or any registered bond may be discharged from registration, in the manner and with the effect set forth in the provisions for registration contained in the form of bond set forth herein.