HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-01-03; City Council; 8045; Structures - moving or wrecking._ b. 2 s 4 5 6 "7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I' I ~ 3. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REGARDING MOVING OR WRECKING OF STRUCTURES. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: No person shall cause any structure to be wrecked, or moved along any highway, without first obtaining building official of the City of Carlsbad a permit so to do. SECTION 2: The building official is authorized and directed to prepare an application form for permission to wreck or move structures which shall contain all questions regarding all aspects of the protection of the general health, safety, and welfare o the citizens of the City of Carlsbad in regard to such proposed wrecking or moving of structures. SECTION 3: Every person applying for a permit hereunder shall ORDINANCE NO. 8045 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 pay a permit fee of $10 at the time of such application. SECTION 4: The building official shall require as a condition of issuance of a permit hereunder that the applicant provide all necessary protections to the maintenance of the general health, safety, and welfare as required by his proposed wrecking or moving of structures. The building offic a1 may decline to issue such a permit if the general health, safety, and welfare so requires. SECTION 5: In the event the building official declines to issue a permit or the applicant is dissat fied with the conditions upon which -the permit is issued, applican may appeal the decision of the building official to the City Council of the City of Carlsbad by sending to the City of Carlsbad a written notice of appeal within 10 days following the decision of the building official. The City Council shall thereupon set a hearing date for the hearing of said appeal, shall so notify the building official and the 2 :3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 hearing may be continued, the City Council shall finally determine whether or not said permit shall be issued, and if so upon what conditions. The decision of the City Council shall be final. SECTION 6: By his application for a permit hereunder to wreck or move any structure, every per iving such a permit agrees that in the event all required conditions are not fulfilled within the time prescribed by the building official, or the City Council, -the City Council may at its sole option, at the owners expense, cause the same to be fulfilled, or to wreck and remove the structure at the owners expense. 14 18 19 20 15 16 circulation in said City of Carlsbad. First read at a regularmeeting of the City Council of the day Of December City of Carlsbad held on the 20 th SECTION 7: EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the thirty-first day from and after its adoption. SECTION 8: PUBLICATION. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby directed to cause this Ordinance to be published 1'7 once in the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and of general /I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 1966, and finally passed, approved and adopted at a regular I meeting held on the 3rd day of January , 1963 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Cmn. Worthing, Neiswender, Atkinson, Dunne and Jardine. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California 32 P ? . SECTION 1. SCOPE. No person shall move, salvage or :.!reek any build- ing or structure or cause the same to be done Without first obtaining and having then in eff'ect a valid relocazion or wrecking permit therefor fzr each.such building or structure except as outlined in this section. If a building or structure is being moved to a location into or within the City of Carlsbad, the person moving or causing the same to be done, snall make application for and obtain a building permit covering the required alteratiozs: repairs, and, foundations. A relocation permit will not be required for the division thereof and any governmental agency. re owned by the State of Calif.ornia, any political s~b- No periit shall be is after inspection and appro perrnit shall not be issued Teveals that the building structurally unsound, prov in the judgement of the Ch effective repair the permi sued to relocate any building or structure untfl Val by the Chief Building Inspector. A-relocation if said inspection by the Chief Buflding Inspector is so constructed or in such a condition as to be ided however, that if the condition of th2 structur? ief Building Inspector admits of practicable and t may be issued: EXCEPTIONS (I} No permit shall be required to salvage or wreck any building or structure less than two hundred (200) square feet in area if not more than fourteen (14) feet in heiabt. .. (2) A relocation peGmit shall not be required for a building or structure which is moved to a new location on a single parcel of land ;or contiguous parcels of land held under one ownership where such moving ,does not involve the use or crossing of any public street, public alley, public area, public right-of-way, or easement. No permit shall be required to move any building or structure less than one hundred (100) square feet in area if not more than fourteen (14) feet in height. t (3) I MOV or nstr ile ldin tai 1 cl ud 1 an pl an E EXAM into t uction a requ g Perm ed pla e: showin showi INATION AND FE he City, excep 'as outlined i est for a Move it with the Ch ns and specifi E. A ting n Sec Exam ief B catio Per n e w tion inat uild ns o son m build .4 , 0 ion t ing I f the ovin ings r ca oget nspe bui g any building or s tru ctu:res using the skme her with th'e a ctor. The japp lding to be mo or Of to ,,SECTION 2. s tru'ct u re wi t hi n ppefabricated co b/e done, shall f cation for a Bui shall furnish de said plans to in sizes. (7) Plot p (2) Floor (3) Founda (4) Elevat will be from the (5) Struct bu i 7 di nq. / pp? i lica - n t ved, g proposed loc ng room arrang of foundation showing what t ch side and th 1s of any addi ation ement '0 f s an build d siz ing. es , I and window I typ .nd es a tion ion fro ural plan views nt, ea detai to be he fi e rea tions vided ed ap proposed site. ance of the'bu ns b,eing mace , pro nish r. or at pear ildi a1 ter atio to The Chief Building Inspector and the City Planner shall examine the old and ne;! locations and structures and shall review the plans ar.d s?eciffcations after such examination. The applicant shall be notified by mail of the result:; of the Move Examination and the City's requirements, if any, in addition to those contained in the plans and specifications. If the applicant does r,ot apply for and obtain the Relocation ?ernit and Building Pernit>within ninety (90) days of such notice, be sha!l be required to request a Movel~E!-examinatio17 and pay the re-examination fee. each Kove Re-examination fee, shall be as follows: * . The non-refundable fee, payable in advance, for each Move Examination and (b) 'Old location inside of and new location outside of the City of Carl sbad. No Fc (c) Old location outside and new location inside the City of Carlsbad. - SECTIOPI 3. RELOCATION PERMIT .- FILING OF A??LICATIONS. The app? ic?.nt shall file an application for Relocation Permit dn a form furnished for that purpose. The applicant shall also complete the application for a bu-ilcing p2r- mit; filed at the time of the request for the Move Examination, and shal'l correct the plans and specifications. (a) Old location and new location within the City of Carlsbad. $ 1o.c: ... .. .. . .. .-- 0 A - .. . I -- .. .. . i * CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT HOUSE MOVING PERMIT <. ** 0 To the Chief Building Inspector 1 < 1 'i of the City of Carlsbad: Application is hereby made to the Chief Building Inspector, for a permit in ac- cordance with the description and for the purpose hereinafter set forth. This application is made subject to therules and regulations of the Building Depart- ment, as well as all pertinent Ordin- ances and Resolutions of the City of Carlsbad. The applicant further agrees to hold the City of Carlsbad, its offi- cers and employees, harmless from any and all costs, damages and liability in accordance with the stipulations of said Muyicipal Code. The applicant agrees to,(assume full liability €or all dam- ages to any surface or subsurface in- stallation resulting from the requested /work. The said applicant further agrees to re- niove a11 concrete, stone debris, and other loose, miscellaneous and abandoned material from said lot or parcel of ground, and will remove all weeds and rank growth therefrom, and that said ap- plicant will see that same are removed, and in the event that said weeds or mat- erial be not so removed within ten (10) days after notice from the City of Carls- bad, or any agent of the City or officer thereof, that said applicant will pay foi the removal of said weeds and materials by the said City according to Sections - of the Municipal Code, and ap- plicant warrants that he has read and is familiar with the provisions of of the Municipal Code and in particular . relating to warning lights and devices. .I ' the requirements of Section .. .. . .. 4ame of business address of' 3pplicant: - -louse to be moved is: From within City of Carlsbah From outside City of Carlsbad to within City of Carlsbad Throuqh City of Carlsbad orilyYe4 I!ty~l .- Pype and weight of structure: Pres e nt Io c at i o n ." Future location I Type and number of conveyaye Number of sections .- Time of movement I Time required I ' @ ..- - ... 1 ....".... oute to be ta!cen: i I k - I I uration of permit: Date: - I iame and address of surety ,company I furnishing bond: I_ imount of bond: Bond No. - - .nsurance carrier and amount: ($100,000.00 - $300,000.00 - $20,09Ci. Attach true copy of policy, ceztif-.. icate of insurance, or reference ~:.ITI- ber of certificate already on file) ipproval of Building Dept. , -... """.. __._... ch i e f Bu i 1 d i na , I n s DP c t: I:) :: Fee: --.-. Siqnature o€ applicant . .... ".= Approved : 13; ni e d : ,.-._ Y Date: _...... Chief of Police ..-- Denied: .I._ Approved : - Date: -.-.. Fire Chief .-- Y ORK COMPETED: Date -.-.--. -"-I. Chief Building inspeci.":: .-.-