HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-06-20; City Council; 1102; East Carlsbad annexation 2.7I - I) -. & c ORDINANCE NO. 1102 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OF CERTAIN PROPERTY DESIG- NATEDI'EAST CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 2.7: The City Council of the City of Carls SECTION 1. That it does hereby find and declare that all re- irements of law necessary to the adoption of this Ordinance pur- ant to California Government Code Section 35314, have been com- SECTION 2. That it does hereby approve the annexation to the ty of Carlsbad of that certain real property located in the Count San Diego, State of Cali forni a , more parti cul arly described on hibit ''A" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated here , which said property is hereby designat NEXATION NO. 2.7". SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall take effect nd be in force on the thirty-first day from and after its adoption. SECTION 4. PUBLICATION. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsb s hereby directed to cause this Ordinance to be published once in he Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper publish ion in said City of Carlsbad. First read at a regular meeting of t h day of June, 1967, and finally passe a regular meeting held on the 20th day o ing vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilmen \orthing, Neiswender, Atkinson, Dunne and Jardine I territory in the of San Diego; State of Califor:llz, being a or ti on of Lot I of the S'sncho Agua Hedionda, according to Pzrtition Kap thcreo€ P:o. 823, filed in thc Office ol" the County Recorder, Rovember 16, 1896 described as folloas : . 1. Beginning at a point in the boundary line of the City of Carls'oad, beirig also the line betscen Point No. 6 and Point No. 17 of said Lot I, said Point of Begiming being at the intersection of said line xith the Southerly line of County Road Survey No. 682, described in Ease::ent Deed to the County of San Diego in Book 53l, Page 230 of Official Flecords; . 2. thence Southaesterly alor,g said boundary line of t'ne City of Carlsbad and said line betreen Points 6 and 17, of said Lot I, 2053 feet core or less to a point in the Southerly line of khat certnin strip of land, 20.00 feet in width, a3 described in '5kseJlent Nura3er TKO" to the City of Carlsbad, recorded Kay 10, 1965 as Docurlent 80. 83317 of Official Records; 3. thence ?!orth 65" 27' 49" East alone; said last ner,tioned Southerly line znd its Iiortheasterly prolongatioK to an intersection aith the centci*line of said 20.00 foot strip cf land, described in said above nentioned Deed as having a bearing of South li3" 47' 06" Zzst arid 2 distance of 280.00 feet; .. 4. thencc Southeasterly from snid point of intersection along a straight line to the most !:'esterly corner of that certain parcel of land described in Deed to J. - Blair Pace, et ux, recorded Decexber 24, 1958 2s File Ho. 216747 of Official Records of said County; thence along the boundary line of said Pace's land, South ltl+O 27' 10" Xast 240.04 feet to an an,rle point therein ; 5. 6. thence continuing along said bounciary line, North 84' 42' 10" East r;og,59 feet to zin angle point therein; 7. thence cor,tinuing along said bouxdary line, North 25" 29' 30" East io4i feet rr.ore or less to a point in the Southerly lim of said a.bove nienti.o!ied Road Survey NO, 682; 80 thence in a 14orthassterl.y direction along said Southerly line of Road Survey KO. 682 to the Point of Beginning. EXH I B IT "A"