HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-07-18; City Council; 4005; Ord 4001 amend - Water supply and rates---- I----- 13.20 - - - - - 26.40 - - - - - - - .. - - - - 39.60 - - - .. 59e40 Fgr 6" meters - - For 811 meters I - - - - - - - - 98 a9 20 21 ' (b) The rates to be charged for water supplied in any month through meters are as follows For tne first 1,000 cu. ft, - .. - - - - - - 274 per LOO cu.ff, Fpr the next 2,000 CU. ft, - - - - - - - - -204 per 100 cu.f,. All water supplied in ss of the first -4a------e 22 3,000 CU. ft, - - - 23 SECTION 2: The first n ered Section d is hereby amended to read as 25 follows: 26 27 In addition to 28 29 30 31 any other charges and fees as herein contained, a monthly f 554 shall be paid to the City for each individual g unit contained in any duplex, flat, apartment, court or multiple dwelling, trailer operation, motor court, motel, i t. ~ -1- a 9 10 12 13 14 16 17 1E 19 2c 21 22 24 25 26 21 2e 29 3c 31 3% STUART C. WILSON ATTORNEY AT LAW 2906STATESTREET . CARLSBAD. CALIF. PHONE 729-5901 e (I! -otel or rooming house in which cooking is allowed, SECTION 3: The first numbered Section 21 of Ordinance No, 4801 is hereby renumbered Section 19, SECTION 4: The first numbered Section 22 of Ordinance No, 4001 is hereby renumbered Section 20, SECTION 5: Section 26 of Ordinance No. 4001 is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 26: i'ilontnly charge for units within a multiple In addition to any other charges and Eees as herein contained, a monthly fee of 554 shall be paid to the City for each five rooms in any hotel, rooming house, or motel, in which no cooking is allowed, SECTION 6: Section 29 of Ordinance No, 4001 is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 29: Procedure for restoring service after I delinquency period, If water service is cut off or discontinued for failure to pay delinquent bills, such service may again be established only in the event the consumer or the applicant for service at such place pays all delinquent bills, charges and penalties, and makes cash deposit as may be required by the water department , Nhen an owner or consumer has been del uent in his water bills twice in ession or three ti in any one calendar year, ne shall be required to deposit a sum equal to an average two months' water bill upon such premises and pays, in addition thereto, the sum f Eight and 25/100 dollars ($8,25) for turning on the water supply. Thereupon and not otherwise will water service agqin be made or established to the premises where the water bill has been delinquent. -2- e 0 SECTION 7: to read as follows: Section 35 of Ordinance No. 4001 is hereby amended SECTION 35: Applicants for installation of water meters shall pay to the City, ater meter installation charges according to the lowing schedule: WATER METER SIZE INSTALLATION CHARGE 5/8 inch meter $61,60 3/4 inch meter $86,13 1 inch meter $119090 1 1/2 inch meter $225.50 2 inch meter $327,80 Over 2 inch meter Subject to Council determination in each case b Section 41 B of Ordinance No, 4001 is hereby as follows: SECTION 41B: Applicants for installation of service connections shall pay to the City, service connection charges according to the lowing schedule: SERVICE CONNECTION SIZE INSTALLATION CHARGE 1 inch service $114.40 1 1/2 inch service $201,30 2 inch service Over 2 inch service determination in each case. The water department of the City shall not allow any credit for exchange of old services for new services nor elocation of a service, SECTION 9: Section 41 C of Ordinance No, 4001 is h amended to read as f SECTION 41C: a loan meter to any water service or se -3- 9 2 3 4 5 e 9 3.1. 1% 32 14 1s 127 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 0 ai application. A f $27.50 per m service location 1 be made for oan meters. The meter talled by the ees and it will the City Employee meter by the negligence or c whom a meter is loaned damage caused to the ess of any person to paid by such person to the , Water delivered through such a loan mete] 4001 is her amended to r off of water supply. hen requested by the consumer incident to,the opening of a new account. Section 45 of Ordinance No, 4001 is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 45: hydrant. Persons wishing to take a fire hydrant must make applicati for such service, The department w e the neces connections and install a meter payment of $27.50 service charge, Regulation of water supply from a fire SECTION 12; Ordinance No. 4003 and Sections 1, 2, Ordinance No. 4004, and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, SECTION 13: This ordinance shall take effect immedi because it is an ordinance for the i public peace, health and safety, in tha rates are inadequate to raise sufficient revenue to support, department, and therefore that department is relying on general and our bonds require tha preservation of a 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 .2 3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 to pay for water department expensesI SECTION 14: PUBLICATION. The CAty Clerk of the CAty of Carlsbad is hereby directed to cause this ordinance to be published once in the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and of general circulation in said City of Carlsbad, PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held on the 18th day of JU~Y , 2967, by the Eollowing vote, to wit: AYES : Cmn. Worthing, Neiswender, Atkinson, and Dunne. NOES : None. ABSENT: Cmn. Jardine. ATTEST: