HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-04-02; City Council; 4008; Water Service - Amend Ordinance 4001a r 1 li 1E l'i ZE %C 22 25 26 27 28 29 39 31 32 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad do fo 1 lows : S,ECTION 1: amended to read as follows: SECT1011 35 of Ordinance No. 4001 is hereby "SECTION 35: Applicants for installation of water meters shall pay to the Cityp ;dater mete to thc following schedule: a 11 at i on cllar ~es YATER PETER SIZE 5/8 inch meter $61.60 3/4 inch meter $36,13 $225.50 $327.80 I NST AL 1,AT I GX Cii AR GE 1 inch meter $119.90 Subject to Council determination in each cas In the event a custoner already has 211 installed water z to exchange it for another size of meter, h o ;lay any charge for substituting a smaller meter for a one, but if he substitutes a larger meter for a smller one, pa.y the usual c?large sta SECTION 2: SECTT0f.J 24 o d above for the larger meter," nded to read as follows: TION 24: All water bills are due and :layable at the of Carlsbad upon ?resentation a aid by the end of tlle calendar rnont SECTJON 25 of Ordinance No, 4001 is hereb ''SECT1O;J 25: For convenience in the reading of meters nd 2re;iaration of water bills, the dei2artment is hereby ex2ressly uthorized to cliv the City into districts. These districts nay, -1- .' II 1 to tirce, be revised or chapzed I I as necessary or desirable,