HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-15; City Council; 1115; East Carlsbad annexation 2.9ORDINANCE NO. 1115 2 3 4 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF NATED "EAST CARLSBAD 'ANNEXATION NO. 2.9" CARLSBAD OF CERTAIN PROPERTY DESIG- The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as SECTION 1. That it does hereby find and declare that all re- 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3.5 16 17 18 19 quirements of law necessary to the adoption of this Ordinance pur- suant to California Government Code Section 35314 plied with. have been corn- SECTION 2. That it does hereby approve the annexation to the City of Carlsbad of that certain real property located in the County of San Diego, State of Calif rnia, more particularly des- cribed on Exhibit ''A" attached here orated herein, uhich said property is hereby designated "EAST CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 2.9". SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This 0 and be in force on the thirty-first day from and after its adoption. SECTION 4. PUBLICATION. The City Clerk of the City of I 20 Carlsbad is hereby directed to cause this Ordinance to be published once in the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and of general circulation in said City of Carlsbad. First read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 1st day of July, 1969, and finally passed, approved and adopted at a regular meeting held on the 15th day of July, 1969, by the follow- ing vote, to wit: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 il 311! ATTEST: of the City of Carlsbad, Carlsbad, California 2. Thence Southesterly alonz said boundaFg line of tke City of Carlsbad Seing Course ?io. 7 of Ezst Ca~lsSad Annsxztion KO. 2.7, South 25"2g'3Os1 "est, 290 feet; . - 3. Thence South 66O'36'03' East, 1260.00 feet; 4. Thence 2!orth 23*23'j2" Tast, 300.00 feet more or less, to the SoutIruesterly feet on either side of the centerline thereof; .line of County Boad Survey No. 682, said rod being 60 feet wide and lying 30 5. Thence Soutbeasterlr along the Soutkxesterly lin; of County Eod Survey Bo. 682, South 66°36f031f %st, 2330 feet, more or less, to an intersection wit3 the Southxesterly prolongation of that certzin ca-mse in the boundary of . land conveyed to Thoncs Z. p,tlr!ie, et al, by deed recordec! Awast 4, 1965, as Docmeat KO. 139037 of Official %cords, having 2 SearTng uld distazce of 6. 'Inenze Xortheasterly along said prolozgation and 5ounZzry or' sztd 3urk2's lad, North 29O58'57" East (Deed "South Z9"17'22" Vest'') 7304 feet, more or less, to a noint on the Szsterly line of Lot E of said E?z~cho A~JZ Hedionda, distant thereon ?lorth O02O'C0" Ezst, (Record North O0lO'52" 3:ast) l3a.58 feet from Corner 90. 1 of said Lot E; "south 29017~221~ iht, 1213.60 feettf; . - 7. Thezce Xortherly zlong tZle Fasterly line of said tot E, Northt.'Go20'SO" East, 464.67 feet to an xgle point in szid line; 8, Thence 3Tortherl.y along the Fasterly line of sald Cat 3, North O"12'22" Ezst, 1092.86 feet; to Corner Eo. 13 of szid Lot E; 9. Thence Tzster3.7 along the Sout'mrly lize of said.M: E, South 89°3C104'1 East, 100.00 feet; ? ,- .- 11. Thence along the boundary Map KO. 6616, South 5-lc4?'48I' .- .- -. c ,. .. L- -- . .. ,. .. . . .. . . .. . . ... 8 : of land shown East, 1165.45 an szid Record of Sur-vey feet; 12. Thence along said boundary, South 48°19'29'1 West, 404.15 feet; 13. Thenc8 along said boundary, South 65*14'32" West, 387.C5 feet; 14. Thenca along said boundary, North 77°4E3'20" Uast, 635.06 feet; 15, Thence alon5 said baundsry, South 6S042'27" Wast, 494.30 Fest; 16. Thoncs along said boundary, South 39°44'53r7 Usst, 339.77 feet'; 17, Thance along said boundary, South 3Oo4G'136" West,, 301 feet, mare ur Less, to tho Nartheastarly line of said County Road Survey No. 682; 'c 18. County Road, North 6G03G'08'i West, 706.85 fact, nore or less, to an angle point in said line; '19. Thehca Northeasterly alonSj the Southzasterly line of said County Rozd, Rorth 23°23'52" East 10.00 feat, to an angle point in said lino; 20. Thence Northgestsrly alcng tha Northsasterly line of said County Road, North 66°35103'' Lfest;, 249.35 feat to an angle point- 21. Thenca Narthuestarly along tha Northeastarly line cf said County Road, North G4a0110E3ff Was@, 53.11 feet to a line that bears North 25a58152!' Eost and passes thrsugh the paint of beginning; .22. Thence South 25°5D1.521r West, 50.00 feet to tha point of 'beginning. Thence Northdasterly along tha Northeasterly line of said . in said line; _. . -? Ex It I E3 ri- 1- .. .. 3