HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-12-02; City Council; 2028; Uniform Fire Code (1967 edition).. *4 . , r 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 "The Chief of Police of the ritv ons of Section 21.28, The Fire Chief and Fire Department pr ovi s ions eFarding fi rotection. The shall enforce Building Offic s shall enf ce every ot provision of this er; provided, however, that the Health Officer of the City may enforce such of the provisions contained in this Chapter that ate to or affect public health." SECTTCN 2: Any person who shall violate any of the this Prdinance or of the Cocte adopted to comply therewith, or who shall violat ny Order made thereunder, or who shall build in viol etailed statement of specifications or plans subm ed thereunder, or any certificate or permit issued thereunder, 2nc ich no appeal has been taken, or who shall fail to c ch an order as affirrned or by a Court of competent jurisd in, shall severally for each a compliance respectively, be gu a fine of not less than Five I-iundred Dollars ($sOO.OO) or by iv- prisonnent of not less than six (6) months, and imprisonvent. The ir2osition of one pe shall not excuse the viola such Fersons shall be required to correct or remedv such violation or defects within a reason not -otherwise speci- fied, each ten (10) da:rs t ns are maintained shall constitute a se?arate o penalty shall not be held to pyevcnt the enforced rerro hibited conditions. meanor ~)unishahle by b\r both such fi pro11 ib i ti he application Page 4 -1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13