HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-02-03; City Council; 3079; Adopt county dogs, kennels & vaccination code1
Tlie Ci.ty Comcil of the City of Carlsi-:ad does ordain as
f 0 1 1 Oh's :
SECTIPJ 1: Chapter 6 and Cha;?ter 7 of
ty Code of Pcgulatory
nnels, and vaccination, are hereby adopted
er the yrovisions thereof refer to a
itory, area, a~ency, official, e~plo
1 sean tlie correspondin2 City of Carlshad board, territory,
ency, official, enyloyee, or otherwise, and * there is no
;iontiin? ritv of Carlsbatl entity, it shall
County of San niego entity actinE in the same capacity on behalf
of tlie City of Carlsbad.
SECTIW 2: Any person who violates an
this prdinance sh211 be guilty of a nis
SECTION 3: ordinances 3015, 303 3040, 3046, 3047,
066 are hereby reFealed.
effect and' be in force on the thirty-first day from and after
its adoption,
TPN 5: Pl1RT,TC:ATICIN. The city Cle of the city of
Carlsllad is liereby directed to cause t
once in the (larlshad Journal, a ne
circulation in said City
nce to be published
]led and of ?en
Introduced at tlie City Council of the
City of Carlshad, California held
a rezular me
Counci 1 he Id , 1970, hy the
+pealed and
5-60 1
readopted by Ord. No. 2041 (N. S.)
62.601. For the purposes of this chapter the following ions shall apply:
1 -Pter Division.
:) dses wherein seven or more dogs four months of age or
-e kept or maintained foi? the purpose of breeding,
ig, boarding or raising for profit or pleasure.
3r is actually in control and operation of a kennel. Kennel operator" shall not include a veterinarian Lng a veterinary hospital.
SI dated, inscribed and numbered.
tlDOG" means a canine of' either sex, altered or un-
"DOG SHELTER SUPERINTENDENT" means the head of the
!'KENNEL" means any lot, building, structure, enclosure
d "KENNEL OPERATOR" means the person who is the legal
"LICENSE TAG" means a piece of metal or other durable
"OWNER" means any person who is the legal owner, harborer, possessor or the actual custodian of a dog.
e;) "RUNNING AT LARGE" means being on property other than
f the owner or possessor of the dog when such dog is not
bed by a substantial leash under the control of a person e of' controlling such dog. trained in the field under direct control of the owner or
P are not considered running at large.
h> "SHELTER" means a premise selected by the Dog Shelter atendent as a suitable facility for the requirements of
hapt er .
Won property not that of its owner in a state in which :ntrol or its ownership is in doubt or running at large.
?more persons, or the same person on two separate
Hunting dogs working or
"STRAY" means eithei4 being upon public propeyty or
"VICIOUS .DOG" means a dog which has bitten or attacked
while such person or persons are engaged In a lawful
act, or has or had the disposition or Propensity to bita .t-4 attack persons or other animals
Ord. No. 2041 (N. S.) Eff. 5-3-60] (Amended by Ord. !low
(N. S.) Eff. 10-26-61)
(Repealed and readoptec
(Repealed and rezdopted by Ord. No. 204% (N. S.) ET,*, 5-3-60)
See. 62,603. ESTABLISHMENT OF SHELTERS. The Li~es:~,~~ Inspector shall establish a Dog Shelter Division conslst;,c,g such personnel and equipment as are provided by the Boww g: Supervisors . The Livestock Inspector shall, with the apsz%B of the Board of Supervisors, establish as many shelters t:,~ out the County as he shall determine to be necessary for :F performance of his duties and the duties of his departner.: h?.
this Chapter.
The Livestock Inspector shall establish at the County opem:*? dog shelters a humane lethal chamber for the disposal of c
for humane destruction from their owner or possessor upus %'a due execution by such owner or possessor of an appropriate in which such owner or possessor sets forth the facts cor3 tuting such ownership and/or possession and an agreement tg hold the County and its agents and employees harmless fmz liability in connection with its acceptance and destruct:cfi ats. The owner or person requesting the disposal Of's? hall certify in a written statement that, to the best his knowledge, said cet has not bitten a human being with$?- the period established for isolation of biting animals, S:' animals or clinically suspected rabid animals and set fort-*- in rules and regulations adopted by t& State Department ela Public Health under the authority of the'Hkalth and Safety Code. (Repealed and readopted by Ord. No.' 2041 (N. so) 5::' 5-3-60) (Amended by Ord. No. 2854 (N. S.) Eff. 8-12-65)
See. 62.605. AGREEMENTS, For the purpose of execut2'*'
this chapter agreements may be negotiated with humane SQc:@~ cities and/or individual veterinarians. All such agreem'"
shall be referred to the Board of Supervisors for final
. cats. The Livestock Inspector may, at his option, accept
Livestock Inspector may extend the use of shelters ander "' '-a * control to such other Dets and domestic animals as in his opinion the health and- safety require,
2br Division shall (a) Enforce the provisions of this
:,=ion8 of this chapter and initiate prosecutions for =jzfons; (c) Receive and investigate reports of rabies ,
7ezted rabies or other dangerous health conditions of dogs.
(b) Receive reports of and investigate complaints of
(Repealed and YeadGpted by Ord. No. 2041 (N.S.) Eff. ,,+50) ..
155JJ. oaGu UUE~ ..-- _-_-__ lfcensea as provided in this Article.
3. Owner within the unincorporated territory of the County :I apply to and obtain a license from the County Tax - ---intendent or any of his _. -.
md for each calendar year ,".-.;:actor, the Dog Shelter auper. *sti:stants for each dog he owns i .egortion thereof d &+%corporated terrl
b$* tative 1-1-6 2 )
..,- 2 -1^ ,
b~. 2041 (N.S.) Eff.
luring wnic~i each dog is within such .tory. (Repealed and readopted by Ord.
5-3-60) (Amended by Ord. No. 2263 (N.S.)
Sec. 62.607. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. A separate appli- The application shall be on the form provided by the County Tax Collector or the
on shall be made for'each dog.
stock Inspector and shall be filed with the designated cer or'employee on or before January 31 of each year.
corporated territory of the County or reaches the age of months after January 1 of any year, the owner shall apply a license within 30 days thereafter. It is declared to
the County, except those accompanying visitors or tour
30 not stay within the County more than thirty days. A Eaving a license issued by another legislative authorit Provisions of which require vaccination and are similar 'z %mse of this County may, upon application of its owner, '* f3sued a transfer license good for the remainder of the
-rhdar year upon payment of a fee of 50 cents.
If P dog is acquired by the owner or is brought into the
intent of this section to apply to a11 dogs brought
See. 62.607.5. LENGTH OF LICENSE. LXcenses shall be
'4 for the calendar year beginning January 1 and ending Licenses may be d for two calendar years upon payment of double the fee
e Year. The fee for any license issued to the o
sf 01: dogs first becomfng subject to the licensing :sions of this Chapter after June 30 of any .calendar year
=adopted by Ord. No. 2041 (N.S.) Eff. 5-3-60) :*. No. 2263 (N.S.) Operative 1-1-62) zs91 (N.S.) Eff. 1-1-64)
er 31 upon payment of the proper fee.
be one-half the full fee for that year. (Repealed (Amended (Amended by Ord*
Sec. 62.608. FEE WITH APPLICATION. At the time QP . making the application the owner shall pay a fee of $3.03
annum. If the application is not made within the speciffc time, a penalty of $3.00 shall be added to the fee. and readopted by Ord. No. 2041 (N.S.) Eff. 5-3-60) (~r~~~~~
by Ord. No. 2263 (N.s.) Operative 1-1-62) (Amended by Ord,
Sec. 62.609. ISSUANCE OF LICENSE AND DOG TAG. A license shall be issued only when the application is accel panied by the proper fees as prescribed in Sec. 62.608 a certificate of vaccination valid for the period for hi^^*
the license is requested, as prescribed by Chapter 7 of tp.zt Division. Upon the receipt of a properly completed form Q: application accompanied by proof of vaccination and paymat of the prescribed fee, the County Tax Collector, the Dog
Shelter Superintendent or his assistants shall issue to tf..=. owner a license and a dog tag. The owner shall securely affix the dog tag to the dog and shall keep a properly iss;tz tag affixed to each of his dogs at all times except when confined withfn the owner's dwelling house or being exhibit& at a dog show. If a tag is lost or damaged, the owner nay . secure a duplicate by making application therefor to the County Tax Collector on the form provided by the Tax Collcr
and payment of a fee of $.50.
NO. 2591 (N.S.) Eff. 1-1-64)
stock and is used primarily for that purpose,
provisions of this Coze, but their owners shall be exempt from the license fee imposed by this chapter. (Amended by Orcl. No. 3334 (N.S.) Eff. 5-1-69)
(Repealed and readopted by Ord. No. 2041 (N.S.) Eff. ps 0 z
Sf -erson 5/ finding an unlicensed lost or stray dog may take
C*t 4nto his possessi'on and transport it to the nearest shelter
*:=,?in 24 hours The 'Dog Shelter Superintendent shall require person bringing a dog to the shelter to give his name and
the names and addresses of persons bringing animals
:s =f;e Dog Shelter may be inspected by interested members of public. A11 such dogs shall be held by the Dog Shelter rlntendent for a period of not less than three days and then, in the discretion of the Superintendent, be disposed In a humarie mahner, sold for cost's-of capture and'detention, ,?transferred to a humane society. If prior to the time of t:qosition by the Superintendent, the dog's owner shall apply
23 ?he Superintendent for its return, the Superintendent shall
WO",';.~ the dog to its owner upon payment by the owner of the :sz of capture, which is fixed at $3.00, plus the cost of ,::ensing including penalties, if any, and the cost of deten- ",m which is fixed at $l,OO per day. Cost of vaccination *-w:&.ll be added to these costs if the dog is unvaccinated. An . &fIcensed lost or stray dog shall be exempt from the County
"CCnSe fee if it is sold to an owner residing outside- the lccorporated arta of the County.
A-3hg a licensed lost or stray dog may take it into his
S.:js@SSion and transport it to the nearest shelter within 24 %~rs. The Dog Shelter Superintendent shall require any 33Qn bringing a dog to the shelter to give his name and
~:h?SS; the names and addresses of persons bringing animals .?=the dog shelter may be inspected by interested members of
public. All such aogs shall be held by the Dog Shelter
zz *
"Vrintendent for not less then seven days and may then, in
'GZeP, sold to any person other than the owner for not less discretion of the Superintendent , be destroyed in a humane
83.00 or transferred to a humane society. Any person
qUtng a lost or-stray licensed dog into his-possession must :**diately notify the Dog Shelter Superintendent of this
sa! ltc=* The Superintendent shall immediately upon the receipt "'such a dog at his shelter mail to the record owner at the
:L:2FSS given on the license application a written notice -he Whereabouts of the dog. If. the owner thereafter and other disposition of the dog by the Superintendent apply to the shelter and pay an impoundment fee in
*, 'e &".it of $2.00 and the cost of the dog's detention at rate- of $1.00 per day, the superintendent shall return Licensed & dog to its owner upon proper identification. - dogs handled by the animal shelter may not be sold for
62.612 8-e ;,
the purpose of medical research. Licensed dogs ori&ettr,r outside of the County may be held for a longer period, Fer,: notification of the owner, and then disposed of at the of the Dog Shelter Superintendent. (Repealed and readCc,tr_. Ord. No. 2041 (N.S.) Eff. 5-3-60) (Amended by Ord. NO. 2;:;
(N.S.) Eff. 10-26-61)
Sec. 62.613. EPIDEMICS. Either the Director of pu Health or the Livestock Inspector may determine and decla a rabies epidemic or other unusually dangerous health si:; exists among dogs in the unincorporated territory of the County or in any part thereof. Upon the making of such a , declaration the Director of Public Health shall prepare e+: promulgate, with the approval of the Board of Supervisors, rules and regulations as are necessary.for the conduct of 8,. persons within the area where the dangerous condition ex$g*,* . and the Livestock Inspector shall prepare and promulgate, the approval of the Board of Supervisors, such rules uld .h~p* lations as are necessary for the control of the dogs and e:*#,< animals within the area where the dangerous conditions exlt:t These rules and regulations of either the Director of Pub:** Health or of the Livestock Inspector may include, but arc limited to, quarantine, vaccination, and destruction of diseased or suspected diseased or stray dogs 5y humane ret, It shall be the duty of the Livestock Inspector, and part:
larly the Dog Shelter Division and the Dog Shelter Syper?:': to comply with all reasonable requests of the Director Of Public Health in the enforcement of such rules and regula The Livestock Inspector or his authorized deputy may destw 'by humane methods any diseased or injured dog not under 02% without waiting the time specified in this chapter, if sg* destruction is, in the opinion of the Livestock Inspector, necessary to alleviate undue suffering,
Sec. 62.614. RESTRAINT OF DOGS BY OWNER. (a) Restraint : Every owner shall exercise effective control over his dog to restrain said dog from:
i (1) without the permission of the owner or posSess~rg*
said property; or
(2) public use of public thoroughfarks; or
(3) Biting or harassing my person engaged I* '* act.
Running at large on private property not !2$ '*-
'; Denying the public access t6 OF interferisg"
(c) Restraint by Leash: Every owner shall exercise 9,B:tctive control over his dog, by means - of a substantial leash,
1. over or in any restrain said dog from running at ?ic property or place, including but not limited to public large or ,
g:xPCts, sidewalks, and parks. "::rblic property or place" includes those p flzeral public has the right to go or to be
*R * - a-e-h invite the presence of the general public for commercial 1 2r like purposes9 s*s.) Eff. 5-3-60)
For the purposes of this section,
(Repealed and readopted by Ord. No. (Amended by Ord. No. 2618 (N.S.) 11-14-63)
Sec. 62.615. HUNANE TREATMENT OF DOGS. No owner or any ' ':-"er Person shall treat a dog in a cruel, or inhumane manner
'7 uillingly or negligently cause or permi k'bf%r Unnecessary torture or pain.
'."%A1 abandon any dog on or along any public or private highway
GPOn any public or private property.
any dog to No owner or other person
Sec. 62.616. POSSESSION OF VICIOUS DOGS. The possession mY Vicious dog is unlawful unless such dog fs so restrained confined, or muzzled that it cannot bite or attack any
I."** or animal. Any vicious dog not so restrained, tfed,
"rintendent and disposed of in the manner provided for
"'<bed, or muzzled may be impounded by the Dog Shelter
a 0
$Ab . 62.618
"set. 62.618, COMPLAINTS. Upon receiving a corizplaint from an
,died resident of the unincorporated territory of the County alleging &m slolation of this chapter, giving the name and address of the owner of
~ dog if known, the -Dog Shelter Superintendent or one of his assistants
19 investigate to determine whether or not a violation of this chapter .s+t
aGst3, If investigation discloses a violation of this chapter or Chapter
p*zCt, Complaints sha)l be kept confidential by the Dog Shelter Superin-
.&&e nt . :'
2fr Dog Shelter Supermtendent may initiate prosecution against the
$Repealed and readopted by Ord. No. 2041 (N. S. ) Eff. 5-3-60)
~WSCL operator shall apply to and procure a kennel permit for each
,~:qzdar year or any portion thereof from the County Tax Collector, the
pgs kennel permit shall be made on the form provided by the County Tax
*+ic~t that no kennel shall be hereafter established unless the person
:q Shelter Superintendent or any of his assistants. Application for c
rtctor or the Dog Shelter Superintendent and on or before January 31,
sing to act as kennel operator shall first apply to and receive a
1 permit from the Tax Collector. The form shall show the name
wB address of the kennel operator, the location of the kennel whether
application is for an original permit or is a renewal of an existing
***k and such other data as are requested on said form.
*t permit good for the calendar year upon the filing with him by a
%' Lti..ual fee of $15.00 which shall be reduced in equal quarterly amounts
*E? application properly made subsequent to the end of any quarter '''>*?3
O-,-Tai kennel permit until the Planning Department has certified that
@afling regulations of the County permit the maintenance of a kennel
zt for its operation and until the Livestock Inspector has approved
The Tax Collector shall issue a
operator of a properly completed application and upon payment of
calendar year except that the Tax Collector shall not issue an
Proposed location or that the applicant has obtained the necessary u 4 ,*,
?fzY late application made will be subject to a penalty fee of $15.00.
Veterinarian may deny the application for an original kennel per-
" !Or the renewal of a kennel permit, or, having issued the permit,
'**'Oke the same if he shall determine that there has been a persist-
".'"ation of any of the provisions of Chapter 6 or Chapter 7 of this
A . ., .
....I. ...- .
division or of any of the rules and regulations established under *e
authority thereof, or that the conduct and location of such premises
which the permit is issued or is to- be issued has become a ~uis~sc.
a permit is denied or revoked, the permit shall be forthwith surre%
to the County Veterinarian. The County Veterinarian shall notifv ib
applicant in writing at the address set forth in the application that tt
permit has been denied or revoked, stating the reasons for his artuk.
(Added by Ord. No. 2943 (N. S. ) Eff. 4- 12-66)
within ten days after receipt of notice thereof appeal to the Board a$
Supervisors for a hearing thereon and the decision of the Board of !i--,.o
visors in this regard shall be final. If no appeal is taken within kcrs
the action of the County Veterinarian shall be final. (Added by Ord.
Any person whose kennel permit is denied or revoked mdr
2943 (N. S.) Eff. 4-12-66)
Sec. 62.622. MAINTENANCE OF KENNELS. The keranel oplrra!~
shall maintain the kennel at all times in a clean and sanitary conditkvu
The kennel operator shall provide all animals in the kennel with adc
shelter, feed and fresh water; all feed shall be storsd in covered TP,
containers protected against contamination, and meat shall be kept
safely confine the dogs therein.
All kennels shall be so constructed and operated'as to .
A kennel operator shall not be required to obtain the individual lir~~***
imposed by this chapter for each dog in his kennel for which the kesix:
license is obtained; however, each kennel operator shall have each
in his kennel vaccinated as required by Chapter 7 of this Division
certificate of vaccination for each dog must be available for inspeckm.
(Repealed and readopted by Ord. No. 2041 (N. S. ) Eff, 5-3-60]
(Amended by Ord.' No. 2263 (N. S,) Eff. 10-26-61)
Sic. 62.624. KENNEL INSPECTION. Each kennel for which 0
kennel permit has been issued shall be inspected by a veterinarin ai
County Livestock Department or by a member oi the Dog Control
ment at intervals determined by the Livestock &spector,
stock Inspector and his deputies, the Dog Shelter Superintendent anf '' *
staff, and any peace officer may enter upon privately owned fad to
investigate suspected cases of vicious dogs, rabies or other ConW?@'*
canine dis ea s e s .
Sec. 62.626. RULES AND REGULATIONS, The LivesgQCk BJRe
may, with the approval of the Board of Supervisors, make smch rtl!Ed &"'
regulations describing the location, construction, sanitation and ma
nance of dog kennels as he deems necessary. Such rules and repr I
c 0
&At not be effective until approved by the Board of Supervisors.
:$ereof shall be filed with the Office of the Clerk of the Board and with
TZ;B Livestock Inspector SQ that the regulations will be readily available
fst inspection by members of the interested public.
A copy
:+mit issued under the provisions of this chapter may be revoked by the
Sard of Supervisors on recommendation of the Livestock Inspector for
*:ohtion of any of the provisions of this chapter or any of the rules and
.asgdationa established under the authority thereof, or because the
:anduct and location of such premises for which the permit is issued has
.%come a nuisance, (Added by Ord. No. 2296 (NOS,) Eff. 12-28-61)
(Repealed and readopted by Ord. No. 2041 (NOS,) Eff. 5-3-60)
Sec. 62.701. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to have a Or her care, charge, custody, or possession any dog over four
4 anths old or to permit or allow any such dog to remain on his or her
' "*miSes or to go on the public streets or highways in any manner, or to
akd run at large in or upon any place within the unincorporated
of the County unless such dog has been vaccinated with a chick- 'tu
.fb *.brYo or modified live virus canine rabies vaccine or other vaccine . %'5 by the Director of Public Ht
62. 702
62. 702. CERTIFICATE OF YACGLIATION. Vaccinations may b" r-srmed by the Department, of Public Health, the Livestock
bspector shall arrange to have established vaccination centers
=f f i,ector, or any duly qualified aEd licexxsed veterharian.
-*,% ,*cooporated areas where vaccinations may be obtained at
,apsfit fees. The person vaccinating any dog shall issue a certificate
EA*echation on blanks approved Y by the Livestock Inspector. Such
_e -.%$ L shall contain the date of the vaccination, the type of vaccine used, -~ description of the animal vaccinated, and the signature of the
.$<tor of Public Health, of a licensed veterinarian, of the Veterinary.
The Live-
:;cat Association or its authorized agent, or other signature authorized
Livestock Inspector. This certificate of vaccinatioc must be
,*+qted with the application for license required ir- Chapter 6.
2r;5c tag issued shall be securelyfastened to the collar of the dog
c.;bcollar must be worn at all times by such dog. It shall be
-snr:'~l to attach a license tag to any dog unless that dog has been
. vaccinated as herein provided. A vaccination. certificate will be
.,$ for issuance of a license for a period of twenty-seven months
the date of vaccination. (Amended by (3rd. No. 2754 (N. S. Eff.
-+c 62. 702.5. EXEMPTION FROM VACCXXATION. Notwithstanding
..1 &er provisions of thls Code a dog need not be vaccinated for rabies
t.,X time vaccination would endanger the dog* s health because of its
ts Ldirmity, debility or other physiological corrsideration and such
i"iz5cate is presented .to the Livestock Inspector within thirty days of
examination and he concurs in the opicion of the veterinarian con-
d in such certificate and endorses on such certificate his approval,
21 the dog is kept in the house, or in a fenced yard adequate to
fie the animal at all times except that it may be off such premises
= 9 under the control of a competent persor, and restrained by a
Jntial leash, and the owner or person in charge or control of the
''9 ;rnishes the Tax Collector with his signed statement to that effect.
Collector is authorized to accept such er-dorsed certificate and
a licensed veterinarian has exzmined the dog and certified that at
rent in lieu of the proof of vaccination required by this chapter.
CqrtFficate of the veterinarian must bear the date of issuance and
'at@ that no vaccination was required may be issued.
renewed each year, A tag differing from the regular tag to
''s deputies, and every constable and his deputies, the Livestock
I every poundkeeper, and also any person employed for that
by the Board of supervisors must, and are hereby authorized
rc?owered to capture any dog not vaccinated, as required by this
f* and which is found going free or running at large in or upon
within the unincorporated territory of the County, or to kill - such dog as in the judgment of said officers might be
"rY to the preservation of health and safety.
62.704 J fr:
persons capturing a dog which is suspected of beingrlcnfected with
may separately confine such dog in some safe place, and report tb
capture to the Livestock Inspector and submit such dog to the eamia -
nation of the Livestock Inspector or his representative, and it
the duty of the Livestock Inspector, when called uponr to examine $bF
have examined such dog, and to ascertain whether or not such dog i$
infected with rabies.
. LIVESTOCK INSPECTOR. Wkenever the owner or person having rb
custody or possession of an animal shall observe or learn that eucb
animal shows symptoms cf rabies, at acts in a manner which would
a reasonable suspicion that it may have rabies, such owner,
s having the custody or possession of such animal. shzlll imWs
diately notify the Livestock Inspector or his representative.
See. 62.705.5. ANIMAL CONTACTS. Any animal af a specie4
subject to rabies which has been bitten by a known rabid or suapeczrt
rabid animal or has been in intimate contact with a rabid ox suspett~g
rabid animal shall be quarantined in a place and manner approved by
the Livestock Inspector, for a period of six months or destroyed, rsrb
the exception that the following alternatives are permitted in the cam
of dogs:
(a) If the dog has not been vaccinated against rabies within a pcP~cPc:
of two years with a vaccine defined in Sec. 62.701, the dog may be
administered antirabies hyperimmune serum, 2nd rabies vaccine is 3
manner prescribed by the Livestock Inspector and quarantined in a
place approved by the Livestock Inspector for a period of 90 dayr.
but not less than 30 days with a vaccine defined in Sec. 62.701, tb@ &e%
may be revaccinated in a manner prescribed by the Livestock Inspc~~
and quarantined in place and manner approved by the Livestock Ins**
tor for a period of 30 days.
(b) If the dog has been vaccinated against rabies within two year@
Sac. 62.706. QUARANTINE. Whenever it: is shown that any dog
has bitten any person, the owner or person hairing the custody Of
session thereof shall, upon order of the Director of Public Healtho*
the Livestock Inspector quarantine it and keep it tied up or confined $@@
such period of time as may be directed by the Director of Public Ha+’@
or the Livestock Inspector and shall allow the Health Officer or owr
official of the Health Department or Livestock hspector or hi8 reprr*
sentatives to make an inspection or examination thereof at any ta@
during said period.
62.707 *
set. 62.707. ISOLATION OF BITING ANIMALS. Whenever the Live
J is afflicted with rabies, or when an animal has bitten or other-
,xpoeed a person or animalsp he shall cause such animal to be
rrmd in'etrict confinement in a place and manner approved by the bgd Rpebf~ck lnspector or the Director of Public Health and observed for
least fourteen days after the day of the infliction of the bite or expo- &**, except that a dog may be released after confinemant of five days
a2skbspector or his deputies have reasonable cause to believe an
J ths dog Y 4%) was under continuous veterinary observation in a hospital and
@) has been vaccinated within two years, but not more recently
(c] has been certified by the observing veterinarian to show no
than thirty days, with chick embryo vaccine and
symptoms of rabies.
A dag over four months of age may not be released from quarantine
6il it has been vaccinated against rabies.
Stc. 62.708. REPORTING OF EXPOSED ANIMALS. Whenever any
&&mal or person shall be bitten by an animal having or suspected of
%awing rabies, the owner or person having custody or possession of the
adma1 80 bitten, or the person so bitten, shall immediately notify the
PSIrector of Public Health or the Livestock Inspector.
&:bg a dog into the County from any city or county which has been
bclared a rabies area, unless such dog has been property vaccinated
bt least thirty days and not more than two years prior to entry.
No person shall