HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-04-21; City Council; 8052; Ord 8030 repeal - National Electrical Code (1968 edition)L .. ORDIVFYCE NO. 805.2 . . AN ORDINl\,slCE ADOPTIMC- AN&LTBICAL)CODE 1l.J TEE CITY OF CAPLSBAD NGULATIXG THE IYTSTFLLATICN , F-ZPWR, OPE WITIOV AND FIF.I>!TEMF~JC!: OF ALL ELECTRIC VJIRING PYD ELECTPICAL P-PFAP.ATUS OF AYY NF-TCTPE .WHATSOEVER KHETHFP. INSIDE OR OUTSIDE OF P??Y FL'ILDIMG AXE THE INSPECTION TEEREOF: FFOVIDINC- FOX T%E ISSLTPYCE OF PEFfi'ITS F?JD TRE COLLECTION OF FEES THFRFFOR: Pl?OVIDI--C PZYALTIES FOX TXE TiIOLATICN THEPEOF : AND PEPEALING 02DINANCE EO .&Id PND ALL 0PDIIJP.XCES AM?NDATORY THEPFOF A?JD ADOPTIPTG BY PXFERENCS THE 1968 EDITION OF THE NATIOXAL ELECTTICAL CODE OF TEE MF-TIOMAL FIPX PROTECTIC)i!J ASSOCIRTION: The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as follows: 9DOPTIOY OF ELECTF.ICAL CODE: There is hereby adopted by the City of Carlsbad for the purpose of >rescribing regulations governing the installation, repair, operation and naintenance of all electric wiring and electrical apparatus of any nature qhatsoever whether inside or outside of any building and issuance of permits md. providing for the inspection thereof tha.t certain code known as the National 3lectrical Code is published by the Matibnal Fire Protection Association being 3articularly the 1968 Edition thereof and the whole thereof szve such portions 1s are hereinafter modified or amended of which code not less than txree, (3) zopies have been and now are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City T Df Carlsbad and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set >ut at length herein and from the date on which this ordinance shall take effect -he provisions thereof shall be controlling within the limits of the City of 'arlsbad, California. "4ZPEALING OF PREVIOUS OI?DI?TP-NCZS : Section 9.1 thru 9.13 or Ordinance No. 8030 of the City of Carlshad are iereby repealed and all other ordina.nces or parts of ordinances in conflict, 5th or inconsistent with the' provisions of: this ord.inance are hereby repealed, $xcept that this repeal shall not affect or prevent the prosecution or punish- lent of any person for ally act clone or committed in violation of any ordinance ereby repealed prior to the effective date of this OrdL 1 nance. SP~ICATIOIJ AND SCOP'Z : The provisions of this Code shall apply to the installa.tion, repair, .peration and maintenance of all electric wiring and electrical apparatus of ny nature whatsoever whether inside or outside of any building within the -ity of Carlsbad except as provic'ed otherwise in this Code. .. . .. .. , P -- 'w ... .. ....... .... ....... .. ,.. ~ ... .. .. ... ..I . .. .. .. -. . _. .. ,: I. .. .. .. .. -2- 9.1 DUTIES OF DIRECTOR OF BUILDIYG AND HOUSING: It shall be the duty of the Director of Building and Housing to enforce the provisions of this code. He shall, upon appli'cation grant permits for the in- stallation or alteration of electrical wiring, devices, appliances, and equipment and shall make inspections of all new electrical installations and re-inspection of all electrical installations, a21 as provided in this Code. He shal3 keep complete records of alJ, permits issued, inspections, re-inspections made and other official work pe'rformed in accord.ance with the provisions 'of this. Code. ._ . . *. The Director of Building and Housing may delegate any of his powers or duties to any of his assistants. AUTHORITY OF DIRECTOR OF BUILDING AND HOUSING_: a. The Director of Building and Housing shall have the right during reasonable hours or at any time when extreme danger exists to enter any building in'the discha'rge of his official duties or for the purpose of making an inspection, re- inspection, or test of the installation of electrical wiring, devices, appliances and equipment contained therein. The Director of Building and Hqusing shall have 'the au-thority to. cut or. disconnect an'y wire in cases of emergen.cies where necessa .. .. to safety of oife or property or where such wire may interfere with the work of the Fire Department. The Director of Building and Housing is hereby authorized to disconnect or order discontinuance of electrical service to any electrical wiring, device, appliance, or equipment found to be dangerous to life or property because they are defective or defectively installed. b. INTERPRETATION: The language used in this Code and in the National Electrical Code, which is herein adopted by reference, is intended to convey the common and accepted meaning familiar to the electrical industry. The Director of Building and Housin is hereby authorized to determine the intent and meaning of any provisions of . .. this code. Such determination shall be.'made in writ.ing and a record kept which D ..... ... .. .. record shall 'be open to .the public. .. C. RESPONSIBILITY: 1 This Code shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsiblility of any party owning, operating, controlling, or installing 2nY electrical wiring, electrical device, or electrical materials for damage to DerSOn or property caused by any defect therein, nor shall the City of CarlSbaf3 -3- or any officer or employee * thereof enforcing this Code be held as assuming any such liability by reason of the inspections authorized herein, or certificate of inspection issued in accordance with the provisions of this Code. 9.2 PROHIBITIOBS: It is unlawful for any person either as owner, architect, contractor, artisan or otherwise to do or knowingly to cause or permit to be done any elect.ric wiring in such, manner that the same shall not, conform to all of the provisions of '.this' Code, .:, .. . *. .. .. .. 9.3 PERMITS REQUIRED: (a) No electric wiring, devices, appliances or equipment shall be in- stalled within or on any building, structure or premises nor shall any alteration or addition be made in any such existing wiring, devices, appliances or equipment t without first securing a permit therefor from the Department of Inspection except as stated in Section q,q . ... , '- (b) Permits' shall be obtained before or at the-.time work is started, k. , .' except in cases where energency or urgent necessity can be shown to exist provide a permit .is obtained within twenty-four 124) hours, exclusive of Saturdays, .. .. Sundays and holidays. .. .. . (c) A separate permit shall be required for each building or structure .. .which stands alone. .. . . (d) Permits for privately-owned conduits or. other materials in public .. .. places and in and across streets'and alleys may be issued only after approval has'been granted for the installation, by t.he City Engineer. be done in accordance with law and.specia1 regulations applicab1,e thereto. .. All work sfiail ., .. . .. (e) Except as provided in Sections 11 and 12 permits shall only be issued to contractors licensed by the State of California to engage in the business or a-ct in the capacity of a contractor, relating to electrical dnspection installation, and to persons holding a valid master electrician certificate of competency for work performed only on the property of his employer. 3.4. PERMITS - EXCEPTIONS: (a) No permit shall be required for m2nor repair work such as repairing flush or snap switches, replacing fuses, repairing lamp sockets and receptacles, when such work is done in accordance with the provisions of this code. (b) No permit shall be required for the replacement of lamps or the ... ....... .... , .. I , ... ... ............ .... I::: .. .(/ .) . : , , .. ........ .. .. .. ____ .- , ., ,. aonnection of po,rtable permanen t 1 y i ns t a 11 ed . .. .. .. .... ... ... .... .I .. J . 1 .. '.$.' , ... ,. > . . ,. . .I -4- appliances to suitable receptacles which have been IC). No permit shall be required for the installation, alteration or repair of wiring, devices, appliances or equipment for the op,eration o'f signals or the transmission of intelligence (not including the control of lighting or appliance circuits) where such wiring, devices, appliances or equipment operate a 'vol'tage not exceeing 25 volts between conductors and do not include generating " or transforming equipm'en't capaSle of supplying more than 100 watts of energy. (d) No permit shall be required for the installation, alteration or repair of electric wiring, devices, appliances and equuipment installed by or for a public service corporation in the operation of signals of the transmission or in tell i gence.. (el No permit shall be required for the installation of temporary - wiring for testing electrical apparatus or equipment. 9.5 .EXPIRATION OF PERMITS: * (a) If the work authorized by a permit is not commenced within a period of sixty (60) days after issuance or if the work authorized by a permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of sixty (60) days, the permit shall become void. (b) Permits shall expire one (1) year after the date of issuance unless the permit is issued for a longer period of time. . (c) Permits for a period longer than one (1) year must be requested at the time of application for the original permit. Said permits will be issue6 for a period of time determined by the Director of Building Inspection to be . reasocably necessary to complete the work for which a permit is requested. (d) An expired permit may be renewed upon payment of a fee to cover the unfinished work according to the fee schedule in Section 9.20 of this Ordinance. 9.6 ', INCOWPLETED INSTALLATIONS: .. Should any person to whom a permit has been issued quit an installation, cv/'flf;rL for any reason, he shall notify the Inspection Department438 hours and request ?in inspection of work installed. No person shall resune work on an unconpleted installation until such installation shall have been approved by the Inspection 3epartment and necessary permit obtained. 1. ..... .. ... .. .. .. ... ...... ... , .. , _. .... . ... .I _. .. . ,. ........ _. ;. . .. .. .. .$ ' .. . ., .:. . .. .._ .-5-. .. .. ... .I .. 9.7, .SCOPE OF PERMIT: * The permit when iss'ued shall be for such installation a's is described in the application and no deviation shall be made from the installation so described without the written approval of the Director of Building and Housing. 9.8 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT: Application for permit, describing the work to be done, shall be made in writing to the Director of Building and Housing. The application shall be accompanied by such plsns, specifications, and schedules as may be necessary to determine whether the installation as described will be in conformity wit3 the requirements of this Code. If it shall be found that the installation as' described will in general conform with the requirements of this Code, and if the applicant has complied with all the provisions of this Code, a permit for such installation shall be issued; provided however that the issuance of the permit shall not be taken as permission to violate any of the requirements of this Code. Applications for permits for electrical installations where the service capacity exceed two . hundred (2c)@) amperes shall be accompanied by two (2) sets of electrical line drawings and lo& distribution calcul'ations showing + service panel 'and branch panel capacities and locations service switch and branc-5 switch capaci ties, condui t and feeder sizes. 9.. 9 INSPECTION OF INSTALLATIONS: .... .! .. .. ._ .. .. .. Upon completion of'the work which has been authorized by issuance of any, permit, it shall be the duty of the perso'n inst.alling the,same to notify the Departmen't-, of Building Inspection who shall inspect 'the insta1,lation within 48 hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, of the .time of such notice 1s given or. as soon thereafter as practicable. ...... - .. -. 8 .. .. ,. .. .. .. .. .. ...... ... 3- 10 'DISAPPROVED' INST~ALLRTIOKS: . If 'Lpon.inspection the installation is not found to be fully ,In .. .. ... confornity'with the provisions of th3s Code the Director of Building and Housinc sha-11 at once notify the person making the insta.llation,. stating tie defects which have been found to exist. All defects shall be correc.ted within ter? (10) days after inspe,ction and notification, or 'within other reasonable time 'as .' ,- permitted by the Director. 9.11 CONCEALED WIiiING - INSFECTION: -- When any part of a wiring installation is to be hidden from view by the Dermanent placement of parts of the building, the person installing the wiring ...... , ., . .I ____"_ __-_____ ..... .-f-d---u .- I. ~ - - - . .i. . >. . . /. , . ... ... ...... . .I . .' . . ... ..... .... .. ... j. ....... .. ,) .. . .~ . .. .. .. - .. .. .. .. .. .. .- . .. -6- .. .. *, .. shall notify the Department of Building Inspection and such parts of the wiring instalration shall not be concealed until they have been inspected and approved by the Director, provided that on large installations, where the concealment of parts of the wiring proceeds and continuously the person installing the wiring shall give the Director due notice and inspections shall be made periodically during the progress of the work. The Director shall have the power to remove, or require the renovaZ,*of any obstruction that prevents proper inspection of a' any electrical equipment. .. I .. .. . .- .. go 12 VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES: A violation of any provision or the failure to comply with any of the requirements established by this Code shall constitute a misdemeanor. Any person convicted of such violation or such failure shall be punishable by a fine of not more than Five. hundred .. dollars ($500.) or by imprisonment ir? the County Jail of San Diego County for a geriod of not both fine and imprisonment. ore than six (6J!months or by '4 .. ns and renewals of 'existing .- 9.13 ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS: Additions or extensions to, and alterati installations shall be made in compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance. .- 9.14 SERVICE' CONNECTIONS: (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to make connections to the source of e-lectrical energy or to.suppIy electrical service to any electrical wiring, devices, appliances or equipment for which a permit is required unless such person shall have obtained satisfactory evidence that such wiring, devices, appliances or equipment are in all respects in conformity with all provisions of this Ordinance. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to make connections from the source .. of e 1 e c t ri ca 1, energy or to electric service to any electrical wiring, devices, appliances, or equipment which has been disconnected by the Director of Building and Housing or the use of which has been ordered by the Director of Building and Housing to be discontinued until approval has-been granted by him' authorizing the reconnection and use of such wiring, devices, appliances, or equipment. ........... ...................... ---- ...... ...................... ... ........ ... . Is ... ... ... .. , .. .:, ..; .. ....I.......__ .. I' ,. , . . .- ., ..( .,. . .. ,. ,s- ' . , :. , - .: . D 1 .. ..... ... ... ... .. ... .. I.. .... .... .... .. ._ .. .. _. . " . -. ' , , . ).: , :' . . . ._ .. .. .. .. .. ..I, . . .. .. .., .. , .,. .. ,. .- ., . .. -7- APPROVAL OF MATERIALS : .. k 9.15 Listing or labeling, as conformin9 to the Standards of the Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., or the United States Bureau of Vines, shall be prima facie 1 ! -i evidence of conformity with the approved standards for safety to life and property. A lighting fixture of the electric discharge type shall have a power factor of 0.90 or better and shall be so marked, when its rating exceeds 20 watts. MATERIALS : I 9.16 i (a) All electrical materials, devices, appliances and equipment installed or 1 i I be placed on all electrical materials, .devices, appliances and equipment used i or installed urrder this article. I g PREVIOUSLY USED YATEFIALS : 1 9.17 i 1 approval obtained in advance from. the Director of Euilding and Pousinq. i usedi shall be in conformity with the provisicrs of this ordinance and vith approved standards for safety to life and property. (b) The manufacturer!s,nane, trade-mark, or other identification symbol shall * E I Previously used materials shall not be re-used in any work without the written i TEYZOmRY WIRING : (a) Tenporary wiring as hereinafter proviC!ed, nay be installed for fairs, festivals, exhibitions, conventicns, construction or other temporary purposes. 9.18 I ! .. (b) Such wiring shall not be used for a longer period. than 'ninety (90) days however, when used for construction'. purposes, the Director of Build-ing and ' Housing may extend the ninety-day period.when such wiring .. is maintained as (c). All temporary wi'ring accessible to the public where installed ,on' sidewalk, scaffolds, barricades, shall be .placed in approved' netallic raceways. TEMPORARY 971F.IMG .FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES : Temporary wiring installations used for construction purposes. shall.conforn to the following regulations : capacity than the carrying capacity of the.wires. Feeders carried less than' eight (8) feet above the. floor or ororkinq platform. shall be installed in metal provided' in .this ordinance .. ....... .. - ...... .. .. ... . 9.19 ..... ., . . (a) Open wire feeders shall not be protected with fuses of greater conduit, armored cable or, approved heavy duty flexible cable and sball be .. properly supported . .. .. - .. (b) Feeders, sub-feeders and bran'ch circuits not exceeding 300 vo.lts be,tweer! conductors or 150 volts between any conductor and ground nay be run as o3en work, ,provided that the conductors are nok,less than eiqht (8) feet above the floor. .. lighting shall not exceed 150 volts and the nunber of receptacles on any circuit shall not exceed twelve (12). .. . (c) The .difference of potential between conductors of -any circuit .for ... .. ... .. ... ... ... .. ... .. .. .. .. .-_ (d) Series liihtinc; shall not he epployed. (e) Open wiring shall be properly and substantially' supported on non- combustible, non-absorptive insulators and be kept off the floor and free and I clear of contact with woodwork, metal pipes and netal portions of the builc?inq. (f) LampholZers used with open wiring shall be of the pigtail, molded, rubber or composition type. (9) Automatic cut-outs and switches shall be installed in metal cabinets and shall comply with the requirements for permanent installations. . .;..I ,:." * , .- :. . .. .I -... ..--__,. * . . .. .. .. . . . 1 ,A. , I . -. .- , . . , ... ... .... ,. .._ ~ ___.._C_______--. I .. ... . . -.-. -___ ceiiu;;k. .. (h) Protective devices shall be installed on each floor where tenForary lighting is used ani? shall apply to all liqhtinq circuits on the indiviclual floor only. This does not apply to vertical liqhting of stairs or shafts, or in buildings where only a lanpholder is installed on each floor landing. (i) Power cords for trailer or extension cords for light, portable mach- ines, such as &ills, harruners, floor scraping machines, etc., shall be approved .heavy-duty type . (j) All portable machines, as outliRed above, shall be grounded. . . .(k) Motors and wirinq for construction purposes shall be provided with the required overload and. low voltage protection. Where the conductors are ex- posed to nechanical injury, they shall be installed in aDproved metal receways. An externally operated switch or other approved control device shall be readily accessible to the operator. Frames of motors, controllers, switches, etc., . shall be grounded properly. (1) Permanent feeders nay be used for terporary light, heat or power if Temporary polarized lampholders may be connected to permanent branch circuit wiring pending the erection of the permanent fixtures. run in conduit from the source of supply directly to the distribution cent-, -vs. DIVISION 2 3IODIFICATICNS 9.20 USE AND IDEMTIFICFTIOM OF GROUNDED CONDUCT0F.S : Article 200-6 (c) of the National Electrical Code is hereby amende2 to read as follows: -. of one phase is grounded to su~ply lighting and sinilar loads, that pha.se conductor having the higher voltage to ?round. shall be permanently iikntified throughout the system by use of a yellow colored. conductor, and this'color alone or in combination with another color shzl1 not be used for any other purpose in general wirinq for power and light. Such conductors of ?To. 4 ant! larger shall be completely painted or taped to show a yellow color, in those locations in any system where it is possi3le for such conductors to be exposed to view. This requirement shall be a9plicable also to bus bars located in switch boards, busways and other similar locations. Where, on a 4-wire delta connectez seconsary, the mi2 point BdCH CIRCUITS: read as follows: Article 210-4 of the National Electrical Co$e is hereby amended to Article 210-4 Xultiwire Branch Circuits (a) Branch circuits recoanized by this article may be installed as rr.ulti- . wire circuits. (b) A 3-wire sinale phase branch circuit serving equipent - or devices operating at less than 150 volts shall be deemed to Se the equivalent of two 2-wire branch circuits. (c) Two (2) or more branch circuits, each of which operates at less than 150 volts shall not be inter- connected to service equipment or devices which operate at a voltaqe which exceeds 150 volts. (6; The requirenents of scb paragraphs (b) and (c) above shall not aFply to approved wiring or apgroved equipnent contained within one machine or similar apparatus. CO'W4ON NEL'TRqL FEEDTEI: Article 215-5 of the National Electrical Code is herebv amended to read as follows: A common neutral shall. not be employed for rore t5an one set of conductors. Each set of feec3er conductors shall have a potevtial difference between any two ungrounded conductors. .. *. :: ...................... ,;.:-,, .,:.,,., . .. ,I i ,:. . <. .:. , _I ,. , ...... ..i -_ .. -:. ....... -. ... I. . .... .... .......... ..... .. .,,,, -,e,,:'.&.'" '.-:.-.' '...i'. .......... . .. ....... ... ........ .... .. .. 1. ...7: y:.: ..' .. ..- - .. - .- ....... -- ........ E.: _. . .. ... --... ................. ... ... .. .. .... ...... .. .. ., .. ,. ,. .. I, .. .. . . -. _. ..... -9- BRANCH CIRCUITS REQUIFED: Article 220-3 of the National Electricel Code is hereby ar,ended by revising sub-section (b) and adding sub-section (c) to read as follows: For the small appliance load in kitchen, pantry, family room, dining room, breadfast room of dwelling occupancies, two or nore 20 ampere ap2liance 'branch circuits, in addition to the branch circuits specified in Section 220-3(a), shall be provided for all receptacle outlets in these rooms, and such circuits shall have no other outlets. R=ceptacle outlets suGplieci by at least two appliance jranch circuits shall be installed in the kitchen. Not snore thsln four (43 outlets shall be connected to a receptacle circuit installed for operati'nq small portable appliances in e kitchen, laundry, pantry and dining area. The receptaces outlets required by this section shall be in addition 1. That are part of any appliance, or'. 2. Located in cabinets or cupboards, or ... ..... .. .3. Located over 5'6" high, or : 4. Located under sinks, or .. .. .. to any receptacles; .. .. .: . ... .. .. .. .. ... .... ... .. .I .. . - 5.: Supplied by a branch circuit rated over 20 amperes. At least one 20 ampere branch circuit shall be provided for laundry receptacle (s) required in Section 210-22 (b) . Receptacle outlets installed solely for the support of and the+power supply for electric clocks may be installed on lighting branch circuits. (c) There shall be atleast one duplex receptacle outlet located in eslch bath room serving dwelling occupancies. (d) There shall be at least on2 duplex receptacle outlet located on the exterior in the front and in the rear of each single family residence. , .. .* . .. BRANCE CIRCUITS REQUIRED: ..... Gticie 220-3 .of the National Electrical Code' is hereby amended by adding sub paragraph (d) to read as follows: (d) .One (1) exterior receptacle outlet shall be provided at the roof line for each fifty (50) feet of roof perimeter on corcLm.ercial and industrial buildings unless waived by the aihinistrative authority.. A sing1e.circui.t shall supply a maximum of four (4) such.outlets. PROTECTION AGAINST DF2";nCX : .. ' -. .. .. .. '. Article. 230-32 (a) of the National E1ectricai:Code is hereby .amended ... .. .. to read as follows: .. .. (a) physical GROUND. Undersround services shall be protected against IN TEE damage by bein9 .. .... .. .. installed: ... . ._ .. ,. ,. metal conduit . ' ' nonmetallic conduit if installed in accordance with 347-2 and 347-3.- '. In duct In rigid In rigid Sections ". (4) Other approved means. -ERVICE ENTF@.P?CE COMDUCTORS : . Article 230-40 of the National Electrical Code is hereby amended to read s follows: Service entrance e insulated. - -. - entering buildings or other structures shall conductors .......... -- .pc .-- _- ~ -- --.- ..____. . , * __,_._ . -1 -- -_ -- \ INSTFLLFiTION OF SERVICE CONDUCTORS : .- . ..... .. . L- .. Article 230-44 of tlia Xational Electrical CcJe is hereby amended to read as follows: , (a) Service entrance conductors extending along the exterior, or -_ entering buildings shall be installed in rigid netal conduit,except for circuits not exceeding 600 volts, conductors xr.2~ be enclosed in electric qetallic tubing, wireways, auxiliary gutters, or .as busways. (b) Service entrance conductors not providec! with over-current protectien ;hall not. exceed twenty-five (25) feet measured from a point from where the zonductors first enter a building or structure. zompression or set screw twe. . (c) Fittings employed on electric metallic tubing shall be of the LNST_nJ;L.?.TIOM OF SERVICE ,EP!TFGXCE CONDUCTORS, NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE SECTIOEJS NOT APPLICABLE. Sub-sections 46,47,48,49,50, Article 230 of the National Electrical Code :hall not be applicable to theElectrica1 section of thecarlsbad City Code. ZERVICE DISCONXECTIONS 1IEANS : Article 230-70 of the Nations.1 Electrical Code is hereby anended by nodifying sub paragrqh (9) to read as follows: (g) A service switch shall be provided for each set of service entrance zonductors. It shall be located at the nearest readily accessible point to ,he entrance of the service entrance conductors. EXCEPTION: Service entrance conductors of less than 300 volts r:ay (1) All service switches shall be arouped at the nearest readily accessible (2) :upply more than one individual service switch provided: 4 3oint of entrance and shall be accessible at all times to all consumers. Not more than one service switch of this group is for the saie class 3f service for the sane consumer. (3) (6), 'the entire current shall be taken through one main fusible switch or circuit xeaker. Where the .number of service switches- at the sane location exceeds six .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. . ,.. , .. METAL CLAD CABLE: Article 334 of the National Electrical Code shall not be applicaSle to the 1 '. ' ... .. .. .. 3arlsbad City Code. ,. 'YPE NY OF. NE'C XOYMETALLIC SHEATSED CASLK: Article 336-3, sub paragraph (c) of the National E1e;ctrical Code is (c)' _.. .. .. .. lereby anended. to read as follows: USES NOT PEW4ITTED FOR EITHZF. TYPE >?PI OR YP.C, NOMPnETP-LLIC SHYATFED ... ... .. .. .. :ABLE: These types shall not he used: .. 1.. In commercial or industrial buil2inss, incluc'.inq hotels and. motels.. 2. Embedded in poured cement, concrete or aggregate. 3. .In multiple-occupancy dwellinqs exceeding two storks in height. .: . . 4. as feeders to sub 2anels in multiple occupancy dwellinqs. :: ... ... ... ._. , f- . ~. __ ... ........ .. .". ...... ::' . ._ ..................... .......... . ,.*'. . --.. .* -- : -.-. .. '-: " r- .. .. I. .. .. ,. .. .. .. .- .. .. . ,. I .. .. . .. ' .. . .. .. - 11 - .. .. .. * )PEN MIRING OR INSULATORS, P4.9TIONF.L ELECTRICAL CODE ARTICLE NOT A??LICP.RLE : Article 320 of the National Electrics.1 Code shall not be appliczble to the Carlshd City Code-, open wiring knob and tube. 30NDING JUMPEPS : Article 250-79 of the Fational Xlectrical Co?e is hereby amended by adding sub paragra2h (c) and (d) to read as follows: (c) All bonding jmpers No. 8 and larger, vrhen used in service equiprent Dperating at less than 600 volts, except free stand-in9 switchboards, and which have exposed live parts; shall be insulated for the voltages encountered. * (d) Bonding jumpers and grounding conductors, when installed in switchboards shall be adequately sup2orted or secured to prevent them from coming in contact gith exposed live parts. All supports shall be spaced not to exceed two (2) feet. .. .. .. ~ .. .. WMl3ER OF CONDUCTORS IN CONDUIT: , .. Article 346-6 Of the National Electrical Code is hereby amended by adding (c) Aluminum conductors installed in underground conduits for the purDose sub paragraphs (c) and (d) to read as follows: ~f grounding equipment shall be insulated. .. /. (d) Insulated conductors installed in conduits for the sole purpose of rounding equipment shall be counted with the circuit conductors when deternining zonduit fill in accordance with this section. .. v/and boK .. .. . XGID NONNETALLIC CONDUIT - USE PEWIITTED: - ~. .Article 347-2 of the National Electrical Code is hereby amended by' addinq zub para-graphs (g), (h), (i), (k) , and (1) 'and (m) , to reading as follows: Under concrete floors which are in contact with the earth and hated Tithin the walls of a building if installed at a depth not less than (6) inches .. (g) .. .. ... . Jeneath the bottom of the slab. .. lepth not less than twelve (12) inches beneath the slab. .. (h) Unde.r concrete slabs located outside buil2ings. when instal'led at a .. .. (i) Under public property when installed at a depth determined by the 5ty Engineer an2 not otherwise regulated by other agencies. (j) Galvanized heavy walled metal elbows shall be,used to turn up conduit Lbove ground level. . Approved fittings shall be used when connecting metal ccn2uif -0 nonmetallic conduits. :(k) Nonmetallic conduit joints which 'are factory made or machine made in t5e ield, need not be coated with a waterproofing cor.?ound before sleeve .couplinqs re made., ,.. , .. .. -. (1) Direct earth types of nonmetallic conduits or Zucts shall be installed n earth reasonably free of stones or debris which r?.ay cuase <anage. to sai6 onduits or ducts,unless suitable means are provided to protect them from dan-.ac;e. 'EES FOR PEPNITS AMD INSPECTIONS : 'EE SCHEDULE : (a) - .. *. The fees prescribed in this sectior? must be paid to the City of Yarlsbad for each electrical installation for which a permit is required my this section and r,ust be paid before any such pemit is issued., except as ereinafter provided. Whenever it shall be necessary to rake an extra inspection trip Secause he applicant for any permit aives an incorrect address or wronq 1ocation.in btaining a permit, required by this ?.rticI.e, a fee of two dollars ($2.) shall be aid for correctinu the alr?!ress of location qiver! in such 3em.it. (b) - I ~, , * , ,,,,..~"_.)_._I ,,,-_ .'..- ... -4.*.m. , ._. __. ._. _L ._.._ -..-._ L .,*_ ~ ---i-~-. -:----.-.._---.:--rx-I^i--.--. -~-b-*.--*-~'-...- -"I^-.-.-.--'-.---_.-LL. .. 0 (c) Reinspection Fees: E. reinsFection fee of $5.00 may be assesset! for each inspection or reinspection when each portion of work for which inspection is called is not complete. %when it is apparent that the inspector is being use2 to provide super- visior_ of work rather than for the performance of his proper inspection duties. Peinspection fees may be assessed c. - This section is not to be interpreted as requirina a. reinspection fee the first time a job is rejected for failure to comply wit6 requireF.ents of this code, but as controlling the practice of calling for inspections - before the job is ready for such inspection or reinspecticn. (d) There shall be a fee of two Ctoliars ($2.00) for each permit issued not refundable) in addition to the followina fc:ts: (e) For sinale faGily qvellinqs of new construction the followj-nq flak 3te shall apsly; this ai31 include service, all outlets, range, dryer and any ther appurtenance of circuit: __ - *. For each one hundred (100) square feet or fraction thereof Sl.10. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Lightin? fixtures includinq porcelain lam? holders each------ .I9 Festoon lighting, temporary liqhtinq for carnivals, fairs, etc., Christmas tree lots and sivilar locations------------- 5.00 Motors, generators, transforners, etc., including circuit wiring and controls thereto: (a) For each EP, 137, or XVA or fraction thereof per unit -50 Paximum fee to be paid for any piece of equipment shall not not Over five----------------------------------------------- (b) exceed twenty-five ($25.00) dollars. For the purpose of this section equipzent such 2s transforrers, capacitors, rectifiers, etc., v\ich are electrically interconnectei! and operate as one unit, shall be consiSere6 to Se a sincle unit. Inspection of equipment, Faterials exenFt from testinq laboratory 10.00 The fees for gas tube liqhting, neon and/or incandescent lam? sicns, shall be as follows: approval at applicant's rep,, net-----------------------------, .. I . . ..... - . -. . . b I- -.-- .. t F--- ..._.._., ....' :. . . . . . . . . i - 13 - - (a) Neon Signs.: t For not to exceed one(1) sign including two(2) transfomers For each aciditional transformer and/or flasher therefor------ 3.00 .50 1.50 and/or sign flasher--------------,,,,______ ----------__------ For each zdditional building -------------------------------- . (b) - Permit fees for gaseous tube outline licrhting, decorative lighting and/or famed for advertislpg purposes shall be based on the following: 3.00 .. .so - First two (2) transformers and flashers therefor ------------ First two additional transforners therefor------------------ For each sign requiring inspection before erection---------- 5.00 . (e) Incandescent lamp signs: For each incandescent lanp sip including €lashers---------- 2.00 1 to 10 lanp holders for each sign-------------------------- 26 to 50 lanp holzers for each sign------------------------- 51 to 100 lamp holders for each sisn------------------------ 101 to 200 lamp holders for each si?n--------------------:-- Over 200 larnp holders for each sign------------------------- 11 to 25 lamp holders for each siqn------- -------------_---- . 25 .so 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 7. on the followinq schedule: Fees for buseays, trolley ducts and simi1s.r equipment shall be based For each 20-foot section or major fraction therefor each busway or trolley duct operating at a maximum of 120-240 volts, sinrJle + .25 phase----- ____-___________________________________-------------- Each 20-foot section or major fraction of busway or trolley duct Each 20-foot section or major fraction of trolley duct or busway operating at a maximum of 600 volts, three phase--------------- 050 operating at a maximuii of 240 volts, three phase----- ---------- 1.50 -8. Fees .for service installations: - (a) 600 volts including one (1) electric meter, the fee shall be as follows: For each set of service entrance conductors not exceeding (I) -. Size of service entrance conductors (copper of equivalent aluminum) 9. . Fee for each feeder installed, replaced., relocated or reinstalled in any industrial or commercial prenises shall be as follows: . (a) Size of feeder conductor: 1.00 1.75 2.75 4.00 5.00 2.25 5.00 3.00 3.00 . (b) For the purpose of this section the term "feeder" shall be to mean any single set of electrical conductors exceeding ten (lo) feet in length and used to serve more than one set of fuses or circuit breakers. 10. Fee for installing, replacing, relocating or reinstalling a switchboard or for the addition to an existing switchboard shall.De as follows: " . (c) For the purpo'se of this section, a switchboard section shall rean any portion of a complete switchboard which is asser.bleZ or connected. together with an adjacent portion at the place of installation.. 11. 12 . 13 .. 14 . Fees for underfloor duct or cellular metal floor raceway shall be as follows: Each one hundred (100) sq. ft. of gross floor area or major fraction thereof--------------------------------------------- 025 Outlets added to existing circuits, each---------------------------- .15 In no case shall a permit fee be less than------------------.-------- 1.50 In addition to any other penalty provided in this code for violations thereof, any person who has done electrical work without s, permit as required by this section, or who has caused any such work to be Zone without a permit, nay be required to pay a fee of ten Zollars ($10.00) in addition to the regular permit fee for inspection of such work. .. '9.21 CIRCUIT CARDS : When requested by the administrative authority, 'a complete schedule of circuits showing t5e nurr).her, kin6 and capacity of each outlet on.each circuit shall be .. posted on each job prior to rough inspection. ' , .. 9.22 .DISTRIBUTION PASELS : .. . .. Each store in a store build.ing, each flat in a fiat building and. eacs' building used as a dwellinq shall be so wired that each store, apartnsnt, flat or d.wellinc shall have separate lighting and/or power distribution panels. Such'panels shall not 'serve other portions of the building. Hotels, notels, hotel apartments and. similar types of buildinqs may be wire2 from one or more distribution panels. INSTALLATION OF SIGN-ALT>JJG TIIAWSFORFFRS : .. .. -. .. .. .. 9.23 .. .. ,. . :(a) Transformers installed for the operation of door bells, chimes, .. annunciators and sikilar devices, when place6 in clothes closets of similar lqkations, shall be ?laced on t5e wall or ceilinu area inT.ed.iately 'over the door. They shall be located that' contact with corx5ustible Inaterials cannot be made. (bj be located within two (2) feet of the access .opening. . .. .. .. .. .. ,. -. .. Transforners insta'lled in an attic or beneath' a'building or structure shall ' ............. ............... ......... . .. .... .. ..? j ,I .. , , .. .. . ' .., .... I. ., . " I. @. ........ ~ ,.;:,.-. , , .. , , ' .: t., ..% .. .. '. _. + .,+ .............. :... ............ ... ... .... ...... .... I ,. .. , - 15 - * 9.25 LOW VOLTAGE PZEJOTE CONTROL WIRING SYSTEMS : .. sow voltage wiking used for remote control of lighting circuits shall conform with this section. (a) All low voltage wiring shall be installed in a worknanlike manner. Conductors shall not be run in exposed locations in such a manner that they will be subjected to mechanical injury. Conductors shall be securely fastened in a suitable manner at least every 4 1/2 feet and. within 12 inches of each outlet and sha!l be installed under the sape conditions as Frovi3ed in the National Electrical Code for nonmetallic wiring installations except where other requirements are specifically mentioned in the following rules. Low voltage conductors shall have insulation approved Cor not less than '300 volts unless such conductors are suppliec' Sy the manufacture of - the equipment to be installed. No conductor snaller than 18 AYC shall be used. (b) (c) In figuring the size of boxes required, each relay shall be figured as requiring a minimum of 3 cubic inches in additicn to the size neezed for the number of conductors In the box. If the relay is larger than 3 cubin inches, the size of the box shall be increased accordingly. (d) Low voltage switches used to operate the relays shall type and shall be secured to a plaster ring or in approved box other suitable means. (e) The relzys shall be azequately fastened to the outlet be of approved or by some box in which it is installed ant! in such a mariner that-it may readily be removed an2 reinstalled after the 'o.utlet box containing same is concealed without .rei,oving ?laster' or. the:-finish of the bui1din.g. Where. an approved assenbly consistin9 of. relay, transformer and converter and/or curren.t limiting transformer is used., it may be installed in an attic havinq not less than a minimum vertical clearance of 3 feet ant! z walkway is provided. Where the clearance is less than 3 feet, such assenb1.y and/or current limiting transformer shall be installed within one foot of scuttle. --.- .-- b .'Transformers of the non-current limitizg type and secondary fuses shall be located at the electric-service entrance' or in sbme other readily ... accessible location (not in attic space).' I . . '. .Relays shall not be installed in fluorescent fixtures or recessed fixt'ures unless such fixtures are axuzoved. by sore recognize6 testing laboratory, -- with relays installed. , Insulated staples shall be used place. to faster. low voltage conductors in WIRING I:? EXISTING OR RELOCATED F.LTILDI"JG OR ST9LTCTUFES : '(a) The provisions contained in this section shall apply to all existin? or relocated buildings when deepsd inadequate or unsafe by the adninistrative authori ti'. . (b) Relocated Buildings - All electric rs'irin?, electrical devices and equipment in relocated buildinq shall comply with all the provisions of this co2e for new installations. (c) Additions to or alterations in 016 virinq shall be rrade in compliance with the Frovisions of this section. (d) Outlets added to existing branch circuits, including existing outlets, shall be rated at not less than 1 1/2 amperes each. Circuits to which outlets have been ac?ded shall not contain outlets whose number orill exceed 20% of the branch circuit ratina. ... ............ ........ .. .... .. ...nL. *# !. ., ,- A .. 16 - -_ (e) Each room in a relocated dwelling shall he provided vith not 1~'~s than two conveniencs outlets equzlly s2aced. Receptacles which are a part of a fixture or switch outlet sf-,all not count. SPECIAL TEST FOX FIBER 03 ASBESTOS CELXENT CONDUIT: When deemed necessary by the ahinistrative authority, a test plug may be required to be drawn'through each run of conduit in the presence of an inspector. t 9.26 - 9.27 CON ST I TUT I OXPLI TY : If for any reason any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions zf this ordinance. The City Council of the City of CarlsbaZ hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance mi! each section, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declered unconstitutional. If any provision of this ordinance or a2plication thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or ap2lications of tSis ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or aFplication, and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. - EFFECTIVE DATE : - This ordinance shall be effective 30 days after its adoption and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within 15 days after its adopt ion. -. Introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Zarlsbad, California held April 7th , 1970, and thereafter PASSED, APPROVED.. A>?D ADOPTED at a regular meetin? of said City Council held April 21st , 1970, by the following vote, to hit: AYES: Mayor Dunne, Counci.lmen McComas; Neiswender, Jardine & Castro . NOES: None ABSENT: None 4TTEST: . A .. v: CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK GTATE OF CALIFORNIA) 30U3TY OF SAN DIEGC)) SS. :ITY. OF CARLSEAD ) ,'I., 'MARGARET E. P.DAYS, City Clerk of. the. City of. Carlsbzd, California, io hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and exact copy of Ordinance No. 85-2 os said City', duly passed, approved, and adopted by the.,City Council .. City on the' date and by the vote therein. recited, .. .. I' SEAL) I 'City # Carlsbad, California I