HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-02-16; City Council; 3084; Establish truck routes & driving trucks except specifically allowedI I 1' 2j 41 i 3; I 5 I 61 0 I 10 j I I 11 1 12 I 13 AN ORDIYANCE OF TI-iE CITY OF CARLSBAD ESTABLISEINC TRUCK RCGTE AND PROHIBITING THE DRIVIXG OF TRUCKS EXCEPT P.S SPEC1 FI CALLY P.LL01ED. I 15 \ 16 17 1 ~ , 18 I l9 i 2o i 21 j The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as follows: I. Trucks travelling through the City cf Carlsbad shall be driven either on Interstate tlighway 5 or Elm Avenue from Pi0 Pic0 to Carlsbad Goulevard, and on Carlsbad Boulevard from Elm Avenue to Palomar Airport Road, except for the puqoses of nak- ing deliveries off of said speci streets a*d ;lighways* unlawful for any person to drive a truck within the city limits of the City of Carlsbad other than ss allowed above. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shsll tske effect immediatsAy because it is for thr3 inmediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety in that 2resently there is no ordinance in the City of Carlsbad restricting the type of activity described in this ordinance, and it is necessary for thz protaction of the public health, safzty and welfare that this ordinance be SE- acted inm~uiatzly. ! 24 1 25 1 I PUBLICATION: The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hers by directed to cause this ordinance to be sublished onc2 in th3 Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and of gsneral cir- 26 27 j 28 j 29 I I 30 i I 31 j 321 I I 1 ! culation in said City of Carlsbad. I&TRODUCEU, PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meet - ing or' ths City Cguncil of the City of Carlsbad, held Februzry 16, 1371, by the following votel to wit: I I ----- -e--- ----- 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 32 12 14 15 1C 21 2; 2: 21 21 21 2' 2 2 3 3 3 AYES: astro and Lewis* Cmn. Dunne, McComas, Jardine, NOES : None. ABSENT: None. CERTIFICATION OF CITY CLERK STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) SS: CITY OF CAKLSMAD 1 I, ?4ARGARET E. ADANS, City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, do herzby certify the foregoing to be a true arid California, ~XZC~ COijy of Ordinancz No, 38f4 a?proved, and adopted by the City Council of said City on The data and by the vote therein racitsd, of said City, duly passed,