HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-06-15; City Council; 9274; Ord 9060 amend - Overnight campsites1 1 1, 1: 11 a! It 1' li 1< 2( 21 2: 2; 24 2: 26 27 2% 29 30 31 32 O. ORDINANCE NO. 9274 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING SECTION 1400, ARTICLE 14, CONDITIONAL USES, SUBSECTION 2, ITEM "h" OF ORDINANCE 9060, REGARDING OVERNIGHT CAMPSITES, The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as SECTION 1. CONDITIONAL USES, SECTION 1400, ARTICLE 14, SUBSECTION 2, ITEM "h" OF ORDINANCE NO. 9060. Section 1400, follov Arti c; 14, Subsection 2, fterfi "h" is hereby amended to read as follows: 'I (h) . Overnight Campsites. 'I "All overnight campsites shall comply with the following conditions: "(a) Any campsite shall be located in, adjacent to, or shall be directly associated with existing or planned parks and open space system and shall augment the City's General Plan. "(b) An overnight campsite shall comply with all federal, state and local laws. "c) Overall design for an overnight campsite shall be approved by a licensed architect or landscape architect. "(d) No person shall occupy any part of an overnight campsite for more than ninety(90) days, in the aggregate, during any given year. "(e) The design of an overnight campsite shall be subject to the following conditions: "1. Upon site review, a perimeter six-foot fence or wall may be required. Interior six-foot fencing shall be required to isolat. iajor trash collection and storage areas. Said fences or walls ;hall be of materials compatible with an approved architectural icheme for the total development. "2. Primary road surfaces, i .e., two-way throughways, shall )e blacktop, asphalt or equivalent road surfaces. One-way ;hroughways with sufficient natural drainage may be surfaced rith decomposed granite or equivalent, otherwise hard surface equal I , I 3. i to two-way requirements will be required. The remaining travel 2' 31 I' 5l 7l 8l i 41 I 6 9, 1.01 la j 12' 13 ~ 14' 151 I 17.' 18 19 1 I I I 2o I 211 22 I 23/ 24i z51 261 27 I I I I 28 1 29/ 301 31/ I surfaces (camp pads, footpaths, maintenance roads) will be covered with decomposed granite or equivalent material. "3. Associated signs, free-standing or attached to buildings shall be designed and constructed in accordance with City of Carlsbad ordinances. "4. Unit site densities will be computed from a slope analysis of the project area: 0-5 percent slope = Maximum 7 Units; 6-15 percent slope = Maximum 3 Units; 16 Plus percent slope = Permanent Open Space. "5. Sites within the campground shall be clearly marked and shall be not less than 2,500 square feet in area. "6. Sites uti 1 i zed by auto-truck campers, trai 1 ers, mobi 1 e coaches, shall front on a roadway not less than 15 feet wide and which affords access to a public road. "7. Said campground facility shall total not less than ten (10) acres, of which not less than 60 percent of the site shall be utilized for recreation activities, other than buildings, roadways, parking pads, trash or storage areas. "8. Camping spaces shall be placed at random throughout the project, so as not to reflect uniformity in appearance or design. "9. Exterior lighting shall be a type so as not to make visible a direct light source or cause glare outside the campground facility. Proposed light fixtures shall be subject to review to assure compatibility with the architectural scheme of the total development. "10. Landscaping and sprinkler system shall be constructed in conformance with a plan approved by a registered landscape architect and approved by the Planning Department prior to building permit issuance. The Sprinkler system shall he applied only to those areas that are not in extensive recreational use. I I I I ~ I ! l/ I I I I I 21 I 31' 5i I 4/ I 6 7 ! I I 81 i 9l lo ~ 11 I c I 27 ~ I 28 I 29 ' 31 1 ! I 30 ~ I I 32 i I I I I I the following minimum standards: (.a> The campground site shall be wi.th combinations f 1 owers , turf, shrubs , planted groundcovers, of and trees ; said plantings shall be distributed throughout the site to create a park-1 i ke effect. Trees shall be planted at a ratio of one (1) for each 1,000 square feet of gross land area. Ten(l0) percent of all trees shall be of specimen size, the remainder of which shall be equally divided among 15, 5 and 1-gallo sizes. Existing on-site trees may be utilized to fulfill tree requirements. architectural concept shall be adopted for the total "11. development. Plans for all structures and fences shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Department to assure harmony and compati bi 1 i ty of, all facilities within the campground. "12. Documents pertaining to the maintenance of all facilitie including landscaping, and designating those persons responsible for be submitted for staff approval prior to bui 1 ding shall same, permit issuance. "Other conditions may be imposed in connection with any Conditional Use Permit issued for a campsite, pursuant to Conditional Use Permit ordinance regulations then in effect." I SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the thirty-first day from and after its adoption. .I The City Clerk of the City of PUBLICATION. SECTION 3. Carl sbad is hereby directed to cause this ordinance to be i published once in the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and of general circulation in said City of Carlsbad. once in the Carlsbad Journal, a newspaper published and of general circulation in said City of Carlsbad. xx 0. 0. 11 'I First read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the 2 3 4 5 61 7/ 1 8' j 91 10 1 1 1 1 11 ' 12 1 I z 1 1 1 1 1 21 2: 2; 2: 2L 2: 2( 27 2E 29 3c 31 32 City of Carlsbad held on the 1st day of June, 1971, and finally adopted and ordered published at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 15th of June, 1971 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Cmn. Dunne, McComas, Jardine, Castro and Lewis. 1 ATTEST: